Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Miscellaneous Hard Hitting Facts and Considerations

Evidence to Consider #22

Architecture: Building’s don’t lie.

Situation: In the modern realms of construction an ancient tool, the plumbob, used for finding and accurately setting the vertical plane of a building has been replaced with bubble and laser levels that you can pick up at any hardware store. You can make a plumbob for yourself though if you need one. You simply tie something chunky and heavy to one end of a rope and let the weight hang free. Ta DA! You have a perfectly vertical line to measure off of curtsy of the string and with a right angle tool lined up with the string you can also find the horizontal level plane as well. Now a ball earth enthusiast will explain this simple method of finding the vertical axis as a result of the heavily magnetic earth’s core exerting an intense gravitational pull on the heavy object. Sounds like a plausible idea, but like many round madly spinning earth beliefs, it completely falls apart when put into action. How, you ask? Allow me to construct the following scenario. The dimensions of a New York City block vary a good bit, but an average size of one is 264 feet by 900 feet. There are also quite a few buildings in New York City that take up an entire city block as well. So let’s say we’re constructing one of these big buildings. I’ve got contractors setting steel I-beam supports on either end of this eventual 900 foot wide by 20 stories tall modern monolith. The foreman on each side is using a level held in the vertical position placed on the I-beam because this is going to be a big building and everything had better be leveled and that means it needs to be checked, checked again and triple checked. Neither foreman is happy until their beams are exactly level in all four cardinal directions in terms of their upright beam being centered on the vertical axis. Satisfied they build the rest of the building and join it all together and when complete it stands an impressive 20 stories tall in the air. Now if the earth was round, or spheroid for the purists out there, imagine the complete consternation of those two foreman as they are standing back and viewing a structure that is significantly wider at its top floor then it is at the ground plane or street level floor. What on earth happened? First off I should ask, “Have you ever seen a building shaped like this?” No, I haven’t either and it’s because the earth is flat. In a building of this size, although really the effects would be seen in any building, the curvature of the earth in the course of that 900 foot width is significant. There would be a difference of several inches of curvature over that span. If each foreman had been holding a string with a plumbob attached to it, instead of a level, imagine the straight line vector traveling down to the very center of the planet’s magnetic center and also its continuation upward out into space. Those two dead level plum I-beams are actually pointing slightly away from each other as over 900 feet, they’ve already begun falling over the edge of the horizon from one another. Now the difference in the trajectories is only a difference of several inches on the ground plane, but the next story up you go as those vertical beam lines continue to angle away from each other as they gain altitude adds a few more inches of separation and then the floor above that has a difference of over a foot and so on and so on. By the time you reach the twentieth floor you have what looks like an upside down step pyramid. This is true reality folks. Just because I know some people will ask – no – there is no curvature formula that high-rise architects down to your local residential house builder uses to account for earth curvature gains across every foot in elevation traveled. The true reality of construction on earth is that if your structure’s supports are level (plum) on the ground plain and you carry them upwards in height in the same fashion the supports for the roof corners of your building are not going to be any wider apart from end to end than the same supports located below them in the basement. The basement is where every notion of a round earth paradigm should be sent to. This flat earth proof, just described completely does away with any notion of the earth being round. This proof relies on a common sense reality of the observable facts and yes I know the truth is staggering and the desire is strong to hold on to old beliefs so you’re not one of those people put to shame at the Thanksgiving table for being way out there, but the simple reality is that some lies are simply huge and they persist like self-replicating organisms until enough people say enough is enough and tackle the thing by the horns and kick the thing out of their square-right angled and entirely plummed level constructed dwelling and say. ‘No more of this foolishness under my roof!’ will there come a change where the majority of people at the Thanksgiving table are all remising about how they actually once believed that the earth was round, but not now and with many slaps on the back the crowd turns and picks another favorite to follow.


Evidence to Consider #23

Architecture: The Buildings of Old

Situation: We have endless documentaries available that are actually acceptable to the broadstream scientific community of how so many of the ancient structures of the world from the pyramids in Egypt and pyramids everywhere else for that matter (Siberia, China, Bosnia, South America, and Alaska) to Stonehenge and even down to the Nazca lines in South America are all perfectly aligned with star constellations to a degree of perfection that we would be hard pressed to adhere to in modern building practices if we could equal it at all. The question you have to ask yourself about all the ancient people groups of known history: Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Chinese, Mayans, Celts – is - were they stupid? We revere their architecture, their art, in some cases their treatises on law and societal order and the list goes on. So apparently modern academia doesn’t believe they were entirely stupid or else why would there be so many studies devoted to such ancient histories/customs in gatherings of higher education circles. So if they weren’t stupid and in actuality were quite brilliant and able to construct marvels of engineering that have lasted to the present day, whose secrets are still being revealed, then why has all modern academia completely thrown out the reality that every one of these cultures is a flat earth believing culture within their own myths of origins? All these past cultures feature a sun that moves around a flat stationary earth that has a domed ceiling. These ancients who placed the wonders that have persisted over into today long after any modern skyscraper would be a moldering pile of rust and mold weren’t using earth curvature calculations to discern distances or building mechanisms/locations based off of distant star constellations because at the core of their belief system was a flat earth. Don’t believe me then look it up and educate yourself. Every past culture from the Old Testament believing Hebrews wandering in the desert with Moses to the records of the royal Chinese observatory scribes which have left us detailed records of thousands of years of past celestial events that spans the lengths of multiple Chinese dynasties, all witness to a belief in an earth that doesn’t move and a sun and a moon that do. So if the positions of these ancient structures are perfectly located as they truly are and is attested to by modern archeologists then how was this confirmation by modern academia arrived at if modern researchers are hampered in their efforts by the need to have to factor in earth curvature and earth spin and so forth, when the ancients being studied did none of this in their calculations, which leads to the question of how then can their measurements be justified by earth curvature believing researchers of the modern era as being entirely correct to an almost perfect degree in most cases? Any archeologists or professors reading this – have you ever applied earth curvature formulas in your interpretations of how past cultures came up with 2+2 = 4? Seriously, think about the gap in logic occurring here. Modern academia acknowledges the Egyptians were a flat earth believing culture and yet they credit them profusely with the flawless placement of the pyramids based off of celestial mathematical alignment calculations, flat earth based calculations at that. Now how does modern math with so many NASA added in integers still add up to 4? That’s because the math has never changed. We can verify that the pyramids are perfectly placed mathematically because it’s the same math, but in a modern global world that simply shouldn’t be the case. Why are archeologists, civil engineers, and university researchers still lost in the paradigm that every ship navigational map both past and current is a flat earth map? The math should have changed to reflect curvature. It had to, but it didn’t. Someone is lying. A lot of someone’s too. Ancient people weren’t stupid. Their architecture will easily outlast our own. Their yearly calendar in the case of the Mayans was more exact than our current Julian model by far. I could go on and on. To put it simply everything you think you know about past peoples of the earth needs to be revisited and looked at with new awareness of perception. Take the Nazca Lines in South America for instance. Never mind the incongruity of how ancient culture supposedly bound to the ground plane (Because through modern judicial prejudice we think they were too stupid as to have mastered flight and to this day we advanced modern human are unable to accurately know if dinosaurs had feathers let alone what they may have sounded like or how T-Rexs could ever have possibly mated with each other.) could even begin to see or interpret the perspective of the line creations that go on for miles across the Atacama desert. This desert is one of the driest on earth and to a western culture viewing audience it must look like sheer lunacy from the seats of our armchair recliners that an ancient people would go to so much trouble to scratch rocks a part in the representational symmetry of creatures such as monkeys, spiders and so on that scroll across the desert over miles and miles of some of the worst desert terrain on earth. Am I right? Have you had that armchair quarterback consternation in regards to why people would go to so much trouble to create something so fanciful looking with no immediate perceivable benefit? I admit that I did once. The reality of, “Man, go find some water and stop raking up piles of rocks in the hot sun!” is a common reality of observation that goes no further than the surface and that attributes no shared genius to the people who came before us who were most likely more intelligent than we are today. The true reality of those scratched out lines in one of the harshest deserts on earth, as it turns out, were literally their best effort to find water. How so you might ask? Well modern seismic imaging equipment has just recently in the past several years discovered that wherever that trail of raked out rocks goes across the desert is exactly where the ancient underground water aquifers are at their closest position to the surface of the land and thus most easily accessible by a culture desperate for every drop of water that they could lay their hands on. Not such a bad idea now is it to rake out grid lines all across your homeland to let your countrymen know where water is to be had with the least amount of digging. Lines that are now thousands of years old and have well outlasted the culture that depended on them. In America we have sections of interstate highways that are bypassed for better routes and within fifty years you would not be able to even tell there had once been a 4 lane paved highway in existence there and yet these lines in the desert are kept clean of all debris by the desert winds because in addition to being water markers they are also energy ley lines and the accumulation of debris upon them is actually repelled from doing so somehow. We still don’t really know why these lines don’t get covered up by sand storms and like occurrences, but such is the case. Is our lack of knowledge as to how the ancients engineered this self-cleaning trick an indication that those same ancients were obviously just stupid? I don’t think so. What do you think? It kind of says the opposite doesn’t it. These ancients had technologies and perceptual awareness’s that we today with all our high tech gadgetry still don’t know how to make sense of. Who’s the more advanced of the two?


Evidence to Consider #24

Everyday Ordinary: The Treadmill

Situation: I have a treadmill that lets you raise or lower the incline of the slope aspect. In other words, if I want to burn myself out I can raise it up to an incline of 20+ percent if I so desire. Now another case for a flat earth or perhaps better put, an understandable context of proof occurred to me. Imagine instead of punishing myself with an incline of the slope I instead keep the treadmill leveled off at 0 percent and jog/walk for five miles. The treadmill is perfectly level. The built in pedometer is keeping track of my real-time pace, which will determine how soon I reach the deadline of having traveled a distance of 5 miles. If I stop walking it stops. I start up again, it starts up again. Following me? Now imagine a 5 mile stretch of road located in Kansas next to a corn field. The terrain is flatter than a pancake so to speak. If you’ve ever been to Kansas you know what I mean. You can literally see a ground hog stand up on his back legs at a thousand yards. Oh, wait – that’s probably impossible according to NASA to see that. Anyway, imagine walking that 5 mile stretch of road with your pedometer clicking away at your side. What are the differences in the two scenarios? On the treadmill you didn’t go anywhere, so earth’s curvature wasn’t an issue. But out on the blacktop over a span of five miles you’ve fallen over the horizon a distance of 16.67 feet according to NASA. Your path of journey is not a straight vector line, but actually an arching one and yet the pedometer on your hip tells you when you’ve reached your quota of a 5 mile hike. On a round earth you are now faced with a quandary. Your pedometer measures your actual distance traveled and it says you’ve gone five miles. The pedometer only measures the distance traveled and not the route chosen. But NASA says you’ve been dropping over the horizon by over 16’ feet. So is 5 miles on a tread mill a longer distance than 5 miles on a flat country road in Kansas that has to account for curvature incurred that was not experienced on the level planed treadmill? If you say no then the reality is that you have to draw a straight line that cuts through the surface of the earth in order to connect your departure point with your destination point in order to say your journey outside is equal in distance traveled to your five mile journey at 0 percent slope aspect on your treadmill at home. Now if you draw this line through the surface of the globe your left with another incongruity – all the extra territory covered in your traveled arch from Point A to Point B measured in height above the straight line trajectory equal to the path traveled on the treadmill. Now the argument becomes, ‘Is your actual distance walking in a straight line outdoors more than if you’d just jogged inside your house on a machine that never approaches any closer to the horizon.?’ How many of you out there who regularly jog outdoors have been told, “Oh don’t worry about getting your whole 5 miles in today. Four and a half miles jogged outside is the same as 5 miles traveled on a treadmill anyway.’?????????? Someone really needs to tell all the marathon runners out there that the finish line should be several miles closer than it is because they’ve jogged 24 miles in distances before they’ve gotten to mile marker 19 in the marathon. Who knew the actual distance of a marathon is more like 30 miles traveled or so than the distance of 24 miles that they’ve always told us that it was. Okay, I’m being sarcastic, but do you see how easily everything you’ve been told falls apart with some simple observational analysis. It’s laughable that the lies that we have been told are able to persist as long as they have when I can use a treadmill to poke a gaping hole in everything being sold as the gospel truth by the governments and scientists of the world as the truth and nothing but the truth.


Evidence to Consider #25

Land Improvements: Suez Canal

Situation: The Suez Canal divides Africa from the Middle East and stretches an amazing 120 miles and perhaps its most amazing feature is that it has no locks or dams of any kind throughout its entire length. Picture it. Before this canal was dug the water from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, which reversely are connected to their own greater outlying oceans had never mixed before at the point that they now do. Now that a canal connects them the distance of this man made corridor is host to an expanse of perfectly flat water. It’s an impossible achievement on a globe. As previously mentioned, it is simply impossible to measure the curvature of the earth based off of any body of water, because there simply is none. There have been very few bridges in the world that I know of that were actually constructed with the curvature of the earth in mind (primarily the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York) and the hilarious thing is that if you google pictures of it and get one with the right perspective in terms of viewing the bridge flat with the horizon you will notice that while the bridge does indeed climb up in the middle the water beneath it is flat as a pancake and shows no curvature whatsoever. Words can be lies, but your eyes see the truth, which is why the eyes are the windows of the soul and not your ears.


Evidence to Consider #26

Distances: Speaking of Pancakes

Situation: Did you know it was proven by scientists that the state of Kansas is truly flatter over its entire distance from East to West than a pancake. I kid you not. Look the study up. Explain how earth curvature is on display in the state of Kansas. It simply isn’t an example of anything, but a flat earth.


Evidence to Consider #27

Nature: The Bolivian Salt Flats

Situation: Truly a place I would like to visit one day. Seriously, look up pictures of this amazing 4,000 square mile large salt flat that is so flat that with just a tiny bit of rain creates an optical mirror of the sky above that looks simply unearthly to behold as it appears as if you were striding among the clouds walking on air. It is simply breathe taking and a glory to my Creator’s artistry of design. With just a tiny bit of rain the effect you see in the photos if you google pictures of this place creates all the illusion of striding in the clouds and somehow the majority of the earth’s population seeing this gorgeous natural phenomena don’t ask the question of how such a small amount of standing water could be possible over such a vast amount of area if the earth was indeed curving over the horizon. Notice too in the photos that the horizon is flat and I mean really flat. Well, basically just as flat as it is everywhere, but there you can really get an appreciation for it. As the law of perspectives go if you were to raise up in elevation over that salt flat in something like a hot air balloon that straight horizon line would rise with you because the horizon rises according to the perspective of the viewer just as when you look out a plane window and see a flat horizon line. This is the reality of what you see, but if the earth was round and you kept going up in elevation in that hot air balloon you should start seeing the edges of the horizon tailing off as earth curves, but as many high altitude balloon tests review the farther up you go the straight horizon line goes along with it and there is no curvature of earth to be detected whatsoever. Again the Baumgartner stunt was manipulated entirely by the use of a fisheye camera lens. The proofs of everything I bring up are in ready supply to be verified within the flat earth community. All that is missing from the equation is you.


Evidence to Consider #28

Science: Test Studies

Situation: Do you know that there has never been a test study done that has proven planetary motion. There have been attempts, but never one that actually proved it and as the case may be the study results actually showed no movement at all. Those results were of course rejected as everyone knows that the earth is spinning and quite quickly according to NASA’s configurations. I see an amazing accomplishment by NASA in this. Imagine it, just like the mysterious force of gravity that also has never been seen or measured or even able to be quantified in any laboratory setting, these intrepid explorers of space still managed to hop off of a spinning rock and make it to a spinning moon, when they couldn’t even know from the outset how fast their base point was moving to start with. Kind of amazing how you could plot a course to a moving target off of a likewise moving home base when you didn’t know the speeds of either. I mean they say they do and all, but well…… they’ve never shown the public how they do. Kind of like those Hubble Telescope technicians measuring the vast outer reaches of space, even though they self admittedly have no ability to do that, but they’re measuring it anyway.


Evidence to Consider #29

Basic Physics: Trains –They Exist

Situation: Growing up I had the opportunity to be on a lot of trains curtsy of my father’s obsession with them. Admittedly the model train set that took up half the basement was kind of fun, even if every vacation we took seemingly had to have at least one train ride fit into it somehow. So I am a bit of an expert in that I can say quantifiably that trains do indeed exist on this earth because I have multiple firsthand experiences on a wide assortment of riding upon them from steam powered to heavy commercial diesel and electric engines. Trains exist. Every day they move across the earth and to this day they move more cargo about in a more efficient manner than any other method known to man. This is reality. The reality, though on earth as NASA would have you to believe that the earth exists as means, though at the most basic of levels that no railway system in the world could exist and much less function as it does. Why is this? Well, train wheels don’t come with tread on them. They're smooth. The ability of a train to go up grades in elevation has much to do with the initial inertia of weight in motion before arriving at an uphill grade. Train tracks in general are kept on the level as much as possible because there is simply no way for them to function with heavy cargo payloads on too steep of a grade. That’s why the tunnels are blasted through the mountains and the train trestle bridges rise up high over the valleys and rivers below where possible. NASA’s basic earth curvature calculations arrive at gradients of steepness that basic cargo trains that on average measure 6,600 (over a mile) feet long could never begin to even think of accomplishing, and that’s just on the level areas, which what is level on a ball earth anyway. To add even more dimensions to this the distance of some freight trains can be 4 times longer than the distance mentioned with the use of additional engines being employed. The incongruity of a spinning ball in comparison to the existence of trains operating as they do is a very well-known reality that people in the train industry have known about for a very long time and have spoken out about, but seemingly no one cares for the simple truth of the reality of the physics involved in terms of what a train can do and not do. The reason for this is probably quite best summed up by the power of media propaganda, best illustrated by the Nazi’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Here are three quotes by him in terms of media propaganda.

First Quote - “The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative.

Second Quote - “Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things from what I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths. Those are found in other circumstances, I find them when thinking at my desk, but not in the meeting hall.”

Third Quote - “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”

These quotes pretty much say everything don’t they, when it comes to the intents of modern media or for that matter advertising at large. You can keep believing that there’s a weight loss pill that will shred the fat off your body, but chances are the only thing it will shred is your liver and kidneys and without them well – you’re dead, but what does the company care about that? After all, they did succeed in getting you to buy their product and their financially motivated bottom line is quite simply what their moral status of being in business is focused on. Now with damaged organs you will need further medical assistance and more pills just to maintain being alive and chances are in the large corporate scheme of things you never left buying from the company that made you sick in the first place. The way out of the cycle of being fat is to realize that it’s you who is responsible for what you put in your body and how well you take care of it. Just as it is your responsibility to eat right so it is with what you feed your mind with and believe in your soul. You can take the pill that everyone is claiming amazing results from ingesting or you can make your diet be the raw, naturally derived food God put on this earth for you to consume and be made well from. The choice is yours. There are no shortcuts to achieving good health and so it is with wisdom. One positive thing builds on another and reversely one negative choice leads to another.


Evidence to Consider #30

Architecture: Flat Bridges

Situation: I’m only going to give two examples of bridges, but rest assured that there is a world of examples to pick from just as there are lighthouses everywhere to pick from, some of which can be seen by ships at sea from as many as 40 miles away, as in the case of the light house on the Isle of Wight, which isn’t even nearly the tallest as light houses go and yet it should be hundreds of feet out of view buried beneath the horizon if NASA was to be believed, instead of being visible to ships at 40 miles out.

First Bridge: The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana, USA. A very ordinary concrete causeway of concrete pillars that supports a narrow concrete bridge not that far above the water that travels 23.87 miles in distance. It’s not a suspension bridge or anything fancy. Nope, it’s just a level hunk of poured concrete that if NASA was right about the earth’s shape should have a curvature gradient of approximately 380 feet configured into it. The reality though is that the bridge is level as measured off of sea level, which is also level. I mean really what kind of space funky earth bending levels, and survey equipment does NASA use that the rest of the general public, for all the years of human building practices upon earth, not know about? We’d really like to hear and see what they are, because they simply defy every aspect of the known reality that everyone experiences daily.

Second Bridge: Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge, China. The longest bridge in the world at 102.4 miles long. Expected earth curvature over this distance of territory….. are you ready for it? Here you go: 6,990.50 feet of elevation change. There really comes to be a time when it just isn’t funny at how badly the reality of being lied to actually takes on shape. I hope you’ve reached that point before now, but if not, then somehow get it working with this fact alone. Let’s just stay in China for a moment. Take the 3 Gorges Dam complex they’ve built for themselves. A modern marvel. Now I’m not going to do any research, but I’m going to make a wild speculation (hey, if NASA can do it so can I) that the concrete form boards of this dam complex were good and level during construction of a project that if it should ever catastrophically fail would kill untold millions of people. Seeing as to what the stakes involved are I bet that if I went there and put a level on that sucker that I wouldn’t be disappointed in seeing a level bubble reading across the entire width of a dam that space agency think tanks are even on the record as stating their fears that the backed up water behind the dams could throw the rotation of the earth several degrees off of its rotational axis. They’re worried about this trivial amount of backed up water in comparison to the miles and miles of ocean water that comprises 70 percent of the surface of earth, which is mystically held glued in place by gravity?

Knock! Knock! Anybody home?


Evidence to Consider #31

Relativity of Location: Coriolis Effect

Situation: The Coriolis Effect is the one thing I have seen global planetary believing individuals use the most in terms of a mathematical proof for a ball earth that has nothing to do with NASA. I don’t really see it that way because the assumptions made in regards to this effect are all measured off of NASA’s view of the earth and there believed rotation