Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

Do You Believe?

Do you believe everything you hear and are you being conditioned to react in a knee-jerk fashion as opposed to employing logical thought and deductive reasoning? Consider the theory of evolution for a moment.

It’s taught as a law, but just one of many facts proving it wrong should mean that it should never be referenced scientifically ever again, because just one fact, proving it wrong is enough to ensure it can never be considered as a law. This is the basic scientific method of observation and analysis.

Of the many verifiable facts and experiments that have been listed to support a flat earth or at least something other than the popular globe model what substantive evidence can a globe believing individual present for a ball earth or a lopsided spheroid shaped earth?

I’ve listed the incredible spin ratios NASA tells us that are going on constantly in terms of Earth’s own axial rotation, its rotation around the sun, and the galaxy's rotation through the cosmos. What evidence does anyone believing in the ball earth theory of planetary motion have available to submit that they are actually able to prove in terms of what they believe without relying on a practice of theory that has already been scientifically proven wrong and is more of a belief system than anything else, and space agencies directly funded by governments that supposedly have in their employ the brightest minds that walk the earth?

Simply put, there are none. Everything to do with the ball earth has everything to do with a governmental series of agencies and other governmental authorities telling you this is the way that it is and you must believe it.

The belief that the earth is round and that earth is this tiny, insignificant spec lost in a great ocean of endless galaxies is nothing more than a belief system that has been pressed down upon you until it has become your religion. All your life growing up all you’ve seen are the pictures that they wanted you to see.

Pictures that are Photoshopped.

International space stations made of aluminum, with green screens, cable rigged zero gravity harnesses, along with women with too much hairspray in their hair to even begin to look like something natural was occurring as their hair remains ramrod straight up in the air.

You see what they were counting on was that you would look over these superficial errors and not dig too deeply. Once the lie has been sold though and the condition of the entities at play is such that their outlooks are always immoral in terms of abhorring the ways of God the only way forward is to keep lying.

To admit that the space landing and everything that goes with it, but most especially the huge reckoning over the budget that NASA has received through the years along with all the other agencies involved not to mention satellite programs is just too big of a mountain for a government to present to its people and ask for forgiveness over. This is what happens when there is a division made between church and state.

If the right people bring a strong moral compass to the job there is the greatest chance that the right thing will be done even if it’s the hardest thing to be done. When the very people most qualified to make the hard decisions are the very ones excluded from the process, then the outcome can only be expected to be absolutely uncontained in terms of its excesses and disgusting lack of regard for its level of deception of those who were relying on it to speak the truth and nothing but the truth.

There have been enough Hollywood movies made where government officials whether it be the president or some CIA operative kills or allows to die a vast amount or even just a small amount of innocent people for the sake of some greater good. Tell me if you’ve ever watched a movie where there is this backhanded justification for why it is appropriate to do a lesser evil, to avoid a greater evil, has it ever left you satisfied.

Does it leave you at peace feeling like your best interests are being taken care of by those in power? No, it makes you feel like there’s somebody out there with too much power only too willing to pull the trigger and shoot you if it’s for the greater good of somebody’s portfolio assets.

The stark reality of our times is this though. The mindset behind governments the world around now is to consider themselves godless and they are working hard, very hard to achieve this.

Long gone is the notion of a government for the people and run by the people. This utopia of self-rule only works as long as the moral focus of those making the decisions are rooted in a higher faith outside of their own base desires that if left unchecked will become the new moral focus so that everything is permissible as long as it justifies what is important to those who are in power.

The thing about power is that those who gain it often have no wish to lose it. Once power is gained there is then the struggle to retain it.

Everything that is not of immediate use to you quickly becomes your enemy so the very people who put you in this position of power are plotted against. They have to be because they are the number one threat to you losing your power.

On the one hand, you have to represent them and on the other you have to lie to them, but it’s even more complicated than that. You have to recognize that one day they may see through all the lies.

Lies spoken so that you could retain the power and the privileges that you desire above all else. It is therefore then a race, a race to usurp enough power and resources that you can mobilize a system of governmental restriction that can incapacitate the average person from being able to even see or think straight until all of their reactions are easily monitored and altered remotely by any dozen of a handful of communication devices.

The one true error in this fallacy of believing that one can keep people to remain slaves for forever is the arrogance to underestimate the reality of purpose that differentiates humans from every other living breathing organism on the face of the earth.

People are not simply the top of the food chain. It’s no random accident that we have subjugated our environments to suit our needs.

It was spoken by God over us for it to be so and so it has become so. This is the same God who spoke life into the first man and made the first woman out of that man.

A part of God remains locked forever within the domain of all men and women who are truly human. It is this divine spark that will not accept the status quo of monsters and thieves who wish to continue playing a game of forever living in luxury while the masses starve, and die slowly as they stumble about in confusion.

People ask why is this flat earth debate so important? So many Christians are yelling at other Christians for being so divisive minded and why it would just be best not to talk about it and just to go on like nothing has happened.

The reason why this debate is so important is because it is the single most direct evidential link to understanding the purpose of what it is to be truly human. Hollywood has everyone so conditioned to believe that there are any number of different species out there in the galaxies waiting to come cohabitate right alongside us or try to destroy us piecemeal.

There is the utter lie perpetrated that earth is a throwaway planet. We’ll use it up and go find another one.

People have no idea about even the one we’re living on let alone even the need or really the lack of need of needing anything else. Humans have been sold a lie and in this lie the most basic intrinsic part of its deception is this - that there is nothing truly exceptional about you.

The reality though is so incredibly different!

There is no other you anywhere!

There is nothing more important to the earth and its future than for you to be you!

This then brings out the question of what exactly is it that you are supposed to be doing on earth. The answer to that can only be found through becoming aware of a relationship with the One who made you to do whatever it is you were meant to do and you can only do that higher calling once you know to seek it.

Herein lies the need for a great deception.

Tell the people that they're meaningless happenstance accidents of a freak gene soup mistake, then convince them that they're nothing more than the carnal nature that lives within their flesh, and above all, do not let them know that they are living at the center of the universe and being directly gazed down upon by the Creator of everything. Because if people knew the reality of their created existence and how everything each of us does is being recorded in the ultimate Truman Show reality of consciousness, then how much would be different in terms of how we would treat our fellow humankind.

Would crime, even exist? Most definitely, but how much less of it, would there be, if there was the understanding in the minds of everyone that what you do actually does matter because you’re locked away within a time matrix located within a fiery glass walled shielded dome and you quite simply put are not in existence to serve your own version of your best interests and desires.

You were created with a purpose and those few people who do find their purpose in life are completely changed forever and they would never go back to what they were before. All of this is facilitated greatly when you know the truth about the very ground that you’re standing upon.

The problems with human nature begin to expand when you simply believe that no one is looking at you. That there is no higher power that is directly observing you.

That you’re just one of a number of random and insignificant individuals and it really doesn’t matter really whatever you do because there’s really nothing special about you so why not just do whatever you want to do and forget about everything else.

That operating procedure works really well when you believe that there is an endless expanse beyond the bright lights you see in the night sky. It doesn’t work well at all when you know how contained you are within a fixed point of existence that is a directly administered by a divine hand that can crush and wipe away His own creation without a moment’s notice whenever He sees fit and be entirely justified to do it just as a scientist in the lab can wipe the slate clean and start over a new experiment whenever he wants to.

It is this arrogance of human nature that wishes to rebel against this divine oversight of authority over the whole sphere of human habitation that led to the Tower of Babel and to every insurrection of rebellion against God ever since. Quite simply put the ancient world knew who God was.

That’s why all the peoples of the lands were petrified of the Hebrews coming up out of Egypt. Because they knew that these were God’s very own people.

They knew they didn’t stand a chance and because they knew this they never had a chance in any battle they engaged in. The number one success of the demonic realm, in the current era, that is hell-bent on enslaving as many human souls as it can before time runs out is the complete twisting of reality within everyone’s consciousness to believe that God doesn’t exist.

And even if He does exist, then there is a scientific way of dealing with Him. A way of going on without Him.

A way for everyone to be their own god. When you have a limitless universe out there to explore and subjugate therein lies the arrogance of believing that you can do whatever you want to do with no consequences for it.

The problem is that in order to achieve these results most people have to be blind and not only blind, but easily manipulated to throw their weight to whatever new endeavor of scheme the plan forward calls for.

There is a very few and finite number of individuals at the top of this hellish hierarchal place of governments and they have no wish to be joined there by those they arrogantly see as beneath them and will forever remain so, because they themselves left the realms of glory far behind and yet they are dependent on the masses of humanity to achieve their goals and thus the lies roll out one after the other and they will be believed one after the other for however long people are willing to live, die, and starve within a confused paradigm of being a working slave with promised to liberties that do nothing to sweeten the outcome of life.

This system of governance is a well-entrenched one within the minds of the common folk. We quite simply have all been conditioned to be slaves, to not go against the status quo, and especially not speak up against the conditioned mood of the crowd.

The problem though is that people are no longer getting what they need to be happy with what little they have. They’re not getting by like they used to at all.

And more and more and more people want to know why exactly that is. And so more and more and more questions and accountability is required by them.

And when that is done, then more and more and more lies are spoken and engineered in order to satisfy them to keep them happily producing away for the benefit of the greater plan by the few in charge.

The problem with a lie though, is that it gets harder and harder and harder to prop up with life support to make it seem like it’s the living breathing truth. Until in this modern era, when everyone is walking around with a cellular device that has more computing potential than the original NASA moon landing craft did, that we all begin to ask questions and wonder why it is that we keep working and working and working and yet we’re not getting where we want to be.

Why is it that we try and try and try just like our founding fathers before us did and yet where they had success in being independent and seizing a life for themselves we on the other hand end up empty handed and taxed into poverty.

There are two results to come out of this. There are the people who simply give up and just try to hold on to what they have, along with the ones who take shorter routes out of life via drugs and other abusive substances and then there are those like me who say enough is enough.

I’m not happy with the fact that I know I’ve been lied to. Why have I been lied to?

What is the end goal? How does it affect my future, indeed more importantly the future of my children, which at present looks even bleaker than my own?

How can I just keep doing what I’m doing and not ask questions when that’s not going to serve my children the best in the long run. How can I in good conscience remain quiet and just go on and let the future become even more degenerately worse than it is in the present?

Am I a coward or am I a man of purpose created to do amazing things by an all-powerful Creator, who gave me an eternal spirit and a promise that stretches beyond every bound of time.

If this is you then you will know it. If it’s not you then quite simply close your eyes and go back to sleep and keep doing whatever it is you’re doing for tomorrow you will die without ever knowing what it is to be truly alive.

A few good people can really change things and that is precisely the Achilles’ heel presented by those in positions of power that do not wish to ever relinquish it. Despite generations of breeding down humanity, with diseases and chronic issues in which a mindset of belief is installed that is entirely predictable and controllable, there are a few individuals who as humans with God-given abilities and talents can and will completely overturn the whole system on its head and expose it for what it is.

These are the people who are driven to continually release more info - find more proofs - do whatever it takes to wake people up, when in reality they don’t owe it to anyone. They do it out of love.

They do it out of anger.

They do it most importantly in the hope that one day people will be able to live freely to do as they were created to do and not be like mice caught in a laboratory experiment that are the subject to the whims of whatever the scientist in charge wants to do with them.

Some might refer to the reality of being on an enclosed flat earth directly managed by God Himself as being the same situation of that of the helpless lab rat, but it’s not because God gave humans a choice that mice in a laboratory never got.

God doesn’t make anybody do anything and yet God died in the form of His Son Jesus for everyone. What scientist in a lab coat have you ever known to die on behalf of the mice he was experimenting upon?

The situation of our existence on this flat earth underneath the vaulted dome above, with all the glory of the throne room of God resting above is no simple experiment carried out in a cold sterile environment. No, God surrounded us with the most beautiful, habitable land that can only be defined as good when viewed across all of its many extremes of environment and texture.

This reality we’re faced with isn’t a pretty cage. This existence within a word bound construct of time and prophecy is a chance to excel in simply well in doing small things in order to one day inherit the ability to go on further and do even larger things and not just for a short time but forever and ever and ever.

God isn’t limiting how many people can join Him at the table, which is not the case at all with those seeking to limit the awareness of humans on earth as to what the deception is like that controls almost everyone. The doors are flung back wide to everyone who wants to enter into the truth and live accordingly and yet few will choose to do that.

Some of this is out of choice, but how much of it is simply due to pure ignorance brought on by the deceptions of a few who wish to remain in the control of short term positions of power they have which is all they will ever know.

This I hate!

I hate the ability of a few to destroy the lives of many for no other purpose other than to satisfy themselves with their ill-gotten gains in terms of lifestyle and privilege. This is why it is worth public scorn even ridicule in the labeling of being a ‘flatard’ to try and educate the few of you, who, like me, lived in ignorance for many years and yet have always been looking for a way out, but didn’t know there was one.

This is your chance. I sincerely hope you take it.

There is a bigger and far grander future than anything that you’ve ever been told before exists and it starts with realizing that you live on a flat earth and not just one made in a random fluke of a big bang moment, but one artfully crafted by the hand of God to sustain human life in its first creation of it, made into form after the image of the Almighty Himself.

You are special and you deserve to know the truth. What you do with the truth gained is entirely up to you and entirely upon your head.

I am satisfied if just only a few of you realize the truth and are set free, even as Jesus rejoiced over one new believer out of a crowd even so I have learned to see and experience joy in the same. It’s never about how many won’t listen, rather it’s about how through your efforts you were able to help one or more gain a new perspective that will result in new life and hope for a better future in that person’s life.

This is survival of the truth. This is righteousness in action. This is finding your purpose to do what you were made to do.