Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

The Bible – Ultimate Flat Earth Proof

This is a chapter about letting the Word of God do all the talking. All translations are taken from the Holman Translation of the Bible. My points of interest for particular verses will follow after the verse(s) which will be italicized, while my points of interest will not be italicized.

The points of interest I may raise are entirely my opinion based off of my interpretation of what is being said in regards to the passage of the Bible being spoken of. As such, they are my opinion.

Feel free to formulate your own opinions and disagree with my conclusions, but do it out of a spirit of seeking the truth and nothing but the truth and not out of a protectivisim mode that doesn’t allow any new insight to dent the walled construct of what religious Christian dogma has come to be that believes, says, and mandates many things that are not found within the pages of the Bible.

Note: Something to know about me. I am a Bible Literalist. Meaning, I believe everything written within the pages of the Bible as actual fact whether my understanding can grasp a hold of it or not.

God spoke it and that makes it real. I don’t exist on any plane of existence where the Words of God can be evaluated as acceptable or not.

Simply put, I only exist in Time because God’s words spoke me into existence. While I have the God given ability and desire to understand and replicate the amazing processes on display all around me, I do not fall into the mindset that I control anything else in the existence of everything other than for the personal choice given to me by my Creator.

I am not the Creator and yet I seek to be like Him, because my desire is to be near Him and, if He chooses to, even be involved in the work that He is doing. I don’t look at passages of the Bible as a secular person or sadly, many modern Bible scholars might with the intention of taking what they like and disregarding what is not viewed conveniently acceptable to the current church culture or society in general.

I go where my God leads me and the Words of God are tested, tried, and true and even as it is impossible for my God to lie, because He bound Himself from doing so by His own spoken word I know that from a study of all His available words that the Earth is indeed not round, but most likely flat.

This is my belief based off the passages of the Bible to be listed subsequently. May the Holy Spirit of God guide you into paths of truth and righteousness, even as She has me and yes, I just referred to the Holy Spirit in the feminine tense, because quite simply put the Hebrew word, Ruach Hakodesh is listed as a feminine noun even as other Bible authors most notably King Solomon referred to Wisdom (the Holy Spirit) as a ‘she’.

So you see quite clearly that I am indeed, a Bible Literalist. I don’t care if my beliefs counter the mainstream viewpoints so much as I care about knowing that what I believe is the truth and when you find the truth, well, as the Bible says, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 HCSB


Scriptural Proof #1 Matthew 4:8

“Again, the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.”

Personal Observation: On a flat earth the limit to seeing to the literal ends of it are entirely a matter of the limitations of human eyesight. In much the same way a ship that has supposedly fallen over the horizon can be brought back into full view by lifting a pair of binoculars to your eyes. So while fully human, Jesus, none the less was shown all the kingdoms of the world by a nonhuman entity. It is very clear from the passage that the Devil supplied the amplification to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth, even as it can be suggested that the Devil teleported Jesus somewhere on earth to a ‘very high mountain’ as Jesus had been previously wondering in the wilderness and not on a mountain. The question for Bible believing Christians is that what is stated in this passage as occurring is impossible on a planetary shape other than that of a flattish fixed terrain that on a high enough mountain you could see entirely across with enough amplification.

P.S. Incidentally, did you know the word ‘Sahara’ is a Hebrew word meaning, “The Wilderness”. Now why would the Egyptians allow the Hebrews to name the big expanse of desert to the west of the Nile River and not do it themselves, especially as Bible historians have the Hebrews holed up in the land of Goshen located east of the Nile River during their 400 year captivity period in Egypt?

A question better left to be speculated about in another upcoming fictional book, The Untold Story: The Adventures of Zacharya Givens. Look for it to be available sometime in 2018


Scriptural Proof #2 Isaiah 40:22

“God is enthroned above the circle of the earth;

its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like thin cloth

and spreads them out like a tent to live in.”

Personal Observation: A circle is not a ball. There is no error in the Hebrew translations either. The words for ‘circle’ and not that of ‘ball’ are definitely made use of by the original transcribers of the Bible. The view portrayed in the passage is very much that of a domed enclosure.


Scriptural Proof #3 Joshua 10:13

“And the sun stood still

and the moon stopped

until the nation took vengeance on its enemies.

Isn’t this written in the Book of Jashar?

So the sun stopped

in the middle of the sky

and delayed its setting

almost a full day.”

Personal Observation: Again the Word of God speaks. It says the sun stood still and the moon stopped. It says nothing about the earth grinding to a halt in its 1,000 mile per hour planetary rotation on its invisible axis nor of its 67,000 mile per hour rotation around the sun, which the verse clearly refers to as a moving object in terms of general operating procedure in order for it to hold still and even if it did hold still and the earth stopped what about the 515,000 mile per hour path of our solar system through the Milky Way Galaxy?

Imagining that the inertia of all the speeds mentioned are occurring every day without our noticing them is one thing to believe as fantasy, but to then suddenly bring all those great speeds to a halt for the duration of almost a whole day and then start them all back up instantly is sheer lunacy. Being thrown back into the seat when you ease off the clutch is one thing, but to crank it up to 515,000 miles per hour???

Yeah, Baby!!!

While NASA’s objection to the incongruity of this dilemma may be passed off as, “It’s just an old Bible story. It didn’t really happen like that.” which leaves the Christian believer in a quandary of, “Do I take the road of faith or live in the reality of what science says?’ often resulting in a mashup of the two beliefs within the individual.

Sort of a personal differentiation of there being a division between church and state occurs within the individual and satan couldn’t be happier with the results. While this separation of church and state may work for some to me it spells out the literal interpretation of what a lukewarm believer is.

You either believe the Word of God above everything else or you don’t and if you don’t then you don’t have any part in the resurrection promised to “Believers” in Jesus Christ. You can’t believe in something that the Word says isn’t up for extraneous interpretation that denies what is being said and denies Jesus at the same time, because Jesus is the Word, the Word made flesh even as Jesus and God are One.

So much of the issue though is one slighted out of deceptive means to make the situation appear more black and white than it actually is. NASA/Modern Governments are portrayed as the ones with all the science to back them up, but both are recent short lived constructs that have no past history to be drawn upon, while on the opposite hand, there is evidence within the records of the royal Chinese observatory of a night that lasted the length of almost an entire day.

A non-Biblical source that corresponds with a Biblical occurrence unlike any other. Now if that isn’t evidence, then what is?

If this ancient Chinese evidence is true what is NASA’s counter argument? - A venerable gathering of royal observers fabricated a fantastical lie about the occurrence of a night that lasted almost a whole day in order to validate the most substantiated work of literature in human history, the Bible, that wasn’t going to be in any widely available written form to a civilization located several thousand miles away that existed in isolation from most parts of the world for large sections of its history, not to mention miraculously coinciding this farce of a tale to predate the Biblical transcribers that wouldn’t actually transcribe the event down into written from until years after the event of the actual day long night listed by a group of venerated Chinese court officials honor bound to be as meticulous as possible so their heads didn’t roll into the street?

How terrifying do you think a day that is as dark as night would be to a civilization? Kind of something you would indeed expect them to write down and make note of, especially when it’s been their practice for thousands of years to notate every celestial happening of import that they see occur so that it might be interpreted as to whether it had any deeper meaning of things to come in concern to their flat earth believing culture.


Scriptural Proof #4 Genesis 1:6

“Then God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters, separating water from water."

Personal Observation: This is speaking of the firmament dome as well as a body of water beyond it.


Scriptural Proof #5 Genesis 1:14

“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years.”

Personal Observation: How as a Christian, can you listen to God speaking in first person perspective only to disregard what He’s saying by accepting a viewpoint that the stars are these huge massive bodies of burning gas located great distances from earth, when God’s intention for them was to serve the earth and be a light to it? The next verse clearly illustrates the fallacy of common thought about stars.


Scriptural Proof #6 Matthew 24:29

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days:

The sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not shed its light;

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the celestial powers will be shaken.”

Personal Observation: So just for reference sake NASA says that our local sun alone is 109 times larger than earth. So the question to be asked is what is going to be left of earth if just the sun crashes into it?

For decades now we have received a steady indoctrination of the ill effects of global warming, now, regardless of whether the earth is getting hotter or colder how many of us have heard the statement of, “If the earth gets just a few degrees closer or farther away from the sun life on earth would be impossible.

That’s one thing to consider, but imagine it crashing into us. Wouldn’t we be vaporized long before the impact and the Bible says it’s not just one star crashing to earth, but all of them.

Overkill much?

Not if the stars are much much much smaller orbs of light than we’ve been told of them to be in size. Even the sun might not be a death sentence if it truly is according to flat earth calculations much smaller in size and only about thirty miles away in the sky.

Some of the other things to be noted in this verse, though is that the sun seems to be separated away from the other stars in distinction in that it’s only darkened and doesn’t come crashing down and the moon will not give ‘its” light. That’s right, “its light”. Not reflected sunlight, but rather its own light. As mentioned previously moonlight is the opposite of sunlight in terms of heating up potential. It is translucent, while the sun is radiant. It all boils down to whether you take the Word of God at face value in what is actually said and interpret the world and what you see through God’s lens or you go elsewhere and put your faith in somebody else’s story.


Scriptural Proof #7 Job 9:8

“He alone stretches out the heavens

and treads on the waves of the sea..”

Personal Observation: Not evolution. Not by random accident. No, God administers all of creation intentionally. To believe otherwise is to go against what the Word of God says.


Scriptural Proof #8 Job 37:18

“can you help God spread out the skies

as hard as a cast metal mirror?”

Personal Observation: The firmament is a very hard surface and yet there is evidence that it has cracked. I know that you have been raised with the programming that when you look up that you are looking into vast reaches of space and that nothing much smaller in scale seems fathomable. When you look into the night sky you do feel small and it is easy to believe that everything must be much bigger simply out of how small you appear to be, but the reality isn’t much different as when you go to a planetarium show, which immerses you in an experience (that takes place in a dome shaped room, hmmm….) that shows you everything in smaller detail and yet you feel still feel mesmerized by it all even though your bodily proportions are much greater in proportion to it.

In the same way the sky above you isn’t as massive as you’ve been told and what you see in regards to what’s termed as the Milky Way galaxy is indeed in many cultures such as the Navajo and aboriginal Australians a great crack in the firmament dome.

A crack that once opened up and drowned the world with flood waters. Many ancient cultures stared with great concern at what they considered a barely healed rift in the heavens always dreading the day that it might fail and open up again and let flood waters pour back in.

If you poke around enough in flat earth videos on YouTube you may run across an episode of Family Guy that shows this very thing happening in an episode when Homer hits a baseball through the sky above a stadium causing a hole to open and let water pour in.

You ever wonder where the term ‘glass ceiling’ came from? I mean, how many structures do you commonly know where you walk in and the entire ceiling is made of glass other than a greenhouse?

So why the emphasis on breaking through it, as being popularized currently in the feminist movement in terms of doing everything men can do? Do we really need to have a female prototype of Nimrod to begin constructing a second tower of Babel to prove all is equal between men and women on the outright rebellious end of the spectrum of humanity?

Again the flat earth concept is not relegated to just me and a few others, but every ancient civilization from the Navajo and Cherokees to the Greeks and the Egyptians believed in their own version of a flat stationary earth.


Scriptural Proof #9 Psalms 19:1

“The heavens declare the glory of God,

and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.”

Personal Observation: NASA’s view of the heavens doesn’t give the credit to God for anything. In fact everything is based on explaining everything away that’s come to be by some other means other than the existence of an all powerful Creator. So why do Christians believe them over God? As the Bible says, “You can’t serve two masters unless you learn to hate the one and love the other.”


Scriptural Proof #10 Psalms 102:25

“Long ago You established the earth,

and the heavens are the work of Your hands.”

Personal Observation: When God repeats things, it’s very important and notice should be taken of it.


Scriptural Proof #11 Psalms 104:2

“He wraps Himself in light as if it were a robe,

spreading out the sky like a canopy.”

Personal Observation:Like a canopy.” Not a limitless expanse of space that the Hubble telescope is peering into. You know so many questions would be answered about the shape of the earth if they would just turn the Hubble Telescope around and snap a few photos of the earth, but they have no intentions of ever doing that. Maybe because it doesn’t exist. What do you think?


Scriptural Proof #12 Isaiah 44:24

“This is what the Lord, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb, says:

I am Yahweh, who made everything;

who stretched out the heavens by Myself;

who alone spread out the earth..”

Personal Observation: It doesn’t get more definitive than that. He spread out the heavens. He spread out the earth. The last time I checked a ball is made by clumping things together and not by being spread out on a surface.


Scriptural Proof #13 Isaiah 45:12

“I made the earth,

and created man on it.

It was My hands that stretched out the heavens,

and I commanded all their host.”

Personal Observation: Every time, as a Christian, that you disregard a passage like this and participate with the world in the celebration of nature being an aspect of evolution or chance happenstance you are engaging in heresy. Don’t do it. God says that He would rather have you hot or cold than be lukewarm. There’s hope for the other two, but what hope is there for the individual trying to have a little bit of every pie in town and yet not fully committing to any one of them. Such an endeavor of straddling the fences in order to keep all your bases covered is indeed a commitment and it’s not one for God.


Scriptural Proof #14 Isaiah 48:12

“My own hand founded the earth,

and My right hand spread out the heavens;

when I summoned them,

they stood up together”

Personal Observation: Creation knows its Master. Do you?


Scriptural Proof #15 Jeremiah 10:12

“He made the earth by His power,

established the world by His wisdom,

and spread out the heavens by His understanding.”

Personal Observation: It’s not a mystery how things came to be. The Bible tells exactly how, it’s just in both our innate curiosity and in some cases arrogance that we insist we need to know all the particulars of the actual process right here and now and reject the truth of anything that we can’t fully comprehend or take on faith. That’s why the only way to come to God is as a little child, because a little child really doesn’t understand much. He just knows that Mommy and Daddy love him and when he wakes up, he’ll have food to eat. In the same way so should we come to God to have our questions answered or, as the case may be, not answered. Either way we need to trust what the Father says as being the truth, whether we understand it or not.


Scriptural Proof #16 Zechariah 12:1

“The word of the Lord concerning Israel.

A declaration of the Lord,

who stretched out the heavens,

laid the foundation of the earth,

and formed the spirit of man within him..”

Personal Observation: Some people may think I’m being repetitive with these last several verses, but I’m not. God is being repetitive. Using multiple authors over wide ranging sections of time to keep repeating the same thing. The thing that every Christian needs to accept and proclaim as a point of fact and that is that God made everything. A good teacher repeats himself enough times until the student learns the truth and God is the best Teacher of all.


Scriptural Proof#17Deuteronomy 10:14

“The heavens, indeed the highest heavens, belong to the Lord your God, as does the earth and everything in it.”

Personal Observation: You really need to pay attention to the implied intents of phraseology. God didn’t say everything on a ball earth belonged to Him. He said that everything “in” earth belongs to Him. To be “in” something says to be enclosed by something. If you were in a ball, then you wouldn’t be located on it, but if you’re in an enclosed firmament domed earth, well that fits a lot better doesn’t it.


Scriptural Proof #18 Psalms 148:4

“Praise Him, highest heavens,

and you waters above the heavens.”

Personal Observation:waters above the heavens” Now that’s a mysterious sounding thing to be sure. Maybe there really is something to the fear the Navajos and native occupants of Australia had for the imagery of the Milky Way Galaxy in the heavens being a barely healed giant rift in the dome ceiling. As a Bible believing Christian I believe in Noah’s flood completely and when it tells me during the passages of Scripture pertaining to the Flood that the windows of heaven were opened and water poured down I believe it and maybe the Milk Way Galaxy is very much that scar in the dome shield left to us today to witness to the single greatest wiping out of almost all humanity to that date in time.

If this seems to be too incredible for you to believe, then what is your opinion of the cultures who have these ancient handed down traditions detailing such things as having happened in the past?

Do you think there stupid?

I would hope not.

But if they're not stupid then why have you completely disregarded what they have to say? Because NASA says, “It ain’t so Joe.”?

Which narrative aligns with the Bible better? Always go with the Word.

You might be the only one left in the room, but that’s better than being in the hell that exists outside the room.


Scriptural Proof #19 2 Peter 3:5

“They willfully ignore this: Long ago the heavens and the earth were brought about from water and through water by the Word of God. “

Personal Observation: There is far too much willful ignorance going on out there. No matter how many facts, scientifically backed studies, documentaries, reproducible experiments that I and others come up to prove a flat earth, there will always be those who will remain shut off to sound instruction. In flat earth circles they’re most commonly represented as the lurking trolls whose comments range the gamut of profanity’s offerings and can be summed up best in regards to flat earthers as, “You’re stupid”. Oh well, you can’t please everyone, besides they’ll be weeded out eventually.


Scriptural Proof #20 Revelation 4:6

“Something like a sea of glass, similar to crystal, was also before the throne. Four living creatures covered with eyes in front and in back were in the middle and around the throne. “

Personal Observation: In the Hebrew Flat Earth model the very top of the Firmament Dome is able to be opened and is called the Gate of Heaven and offers direct access into the throne room of God. So if you were in the throne room of heaven, what would you expect to see smack dab in front of you on the floor based off of this verse?


Scriptural Proof #21 Revelation 15:2

“I also saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, and those who had won the victory over the beast, his image, and the number of his name, were standing on the sea of glass with harps from God.“

Personal Observation: There was a series of high altitude nuclear tests performed in the 1960’s, which reversely is why all humans today are slightly radioactive because of the several pounds of plutonium spewed all over the atmosphere by these tests going wrong, ironically the name of the event was called Operation Fishbowl.

I’m not making this stuff up. Get out there and start doing your own research.