Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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What to Expect

This is a handbook meant to help you find out what it is that you should believe, which is the truth. By no means should anything written on the pages of this book be simply believed at face value.

No, this book is meant to challenge you and make you ask questions, the questions that will arise about almost everything, because when you realize that you were lied to about one thing of such epic proportions as whether the earth is flat or not, then you immediately begin to question the paradoxical reality of just how much else is there that you haven’t been told the real deal about.

For far too long we modern humans have been believing things with no comprehension of why we believe them other than for the fact that we were told to believe them and out of misguided trust and media rich subliminal programming, we did. Now upon soon reading the material of this book that will showcase questions and dilemmas of logic that mainstream entities like NASA simply can’t refute or explain away, you, the reader will be left in an unenviable circumstance. You will have to choose between maintaining belief in something that can’t prove its own positions of belief by issuing scientific rebuttals to questions raised or you will have to embark on a journey of personal discovery that could well have you become labeled a ‘Flatard’.

To some the Flat Earth phenomena may seem to be the height of foolishness, but to me it is a much worse reality that someone would continue to believe in a system of governance worldwide that has been proven to be far less than honest with those who they were tasked to be the loyal servants of, which in any society should always be, ‘We the People’.

Please do read this book with an open mind – visit the links I will include to other intrepid explorers of this modern exposure of what I believe to be one of the greatest cover-ups in all of human history.

The results of employing common sense and sound scientific procedures of method may just yield some surprising new possibilities for you to consider. You’re certainly not going to lose brain cells because you chose to employ some deductive reasoning and revisit the basic principles of geometry, science, and history.

For me it is a maturing process and one that certainly requires discernment because there really are crazy people on both sides of the divide just as there are those who wish to continue manipulating the narrative to steer people off course and away from the true reality of their amazing existence on this hunk of rock formed and pulled out of the deep by just the vibrancy of God’s spoken voice. Knee jerk reactions that limit you from turning the page and exploring the concepts of a differing perspective than the one you’ve always known is indeed a symptom of brain washing known as cognitive dissidence.

Life doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but for many they have chosen to live out their existences without ever questioning the reality of the many inconsistencies there are with the official story that we’ve all been taught as if it were a religion. A religion wherein it is considered the height of blasphemy to question even one small part of it, because the people in the know are so well educated and respectable that it’s just absurd to believe that so many of them could lie about something so big. As an author my answer to the question of the believability of such a grand cover-up scheme is to answer it with a story.

Once upon a time there was a World War and several decades later it was followed by another World War. In this later war there was to be a massive invasion of Axis Power controlled Europe by Allied forces based in Great Britain later to be known as operation D-Day.

It’s a true story folks.

It is also a regrettably true story that five weeks before the big invasion there was a practice rehearsal done meant to simulate real battle conditions titled Operation Tiger. The rehearsal was set to take place on a British beach in a mock war game exercise meant to prepare US soldiers for storming ashore at Utah Beach in Axis controlled Normandy. It was an unmitigated disaster.

The British opened with live fire on the US landing craft and when the day was done almost a thousand US soldiers were dead on the beach. In a twist of raw irony more soldiers died in this rehearsal, then later died in the actual invasion of Utah Beach in Normandy. These events are tragic just left as they are, but the story continues. None of the wounded soldiers were allowed to talk about what happened. The bodies of the dead were thrown into a mass grave and left there to rot until after the D-Day invasion took place on June 6, 1944.

The bodies were then secretly exhumed between July and August of that year and put on coffin trains where the bodies were presumably shipped back to the US and passed off as D-Day operation casualties. The secret of what took place 5 weeks before D-Day was kept under wraps for almost 40 years after the war and indeed most people reading this have probably never heard of this event and truly I’ve listed down the official narrative as it currently exists, but some sources claim that over 2,000 soldiers were killed that day, which if true would make it comparable in terms of loss to Pearl Harbor.

My point in relaying this true story is that this tragic military blunder was covered up at the highest level by Dwight D. Eisenhower, himself, a future president, and not a word was breathed of it for nearly 40 years. This is the same government that yearly issues 40 billion dollars in funding to an agency whose employees are publicly on record as stating that we no longer have the ability to go to the moon because the advanced tinfoil technology of the 1960’s has been mysteriously lost.



Its errors in believable logic such as this that should really dictate to those out there undecided about turning the page that you really…….. really need to turn the page. I dare you to. .