Flat Earth: Evidence To Consider If You Dare by Guy Stanton III - HTML preview

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Chapter One

Planes: Eye in the Sky

Evidence for a Flat Earth = Planes……yep. Some of the best Flat Earth proofs for a Flat Earth are found in the seat of an airplane. I especially like these proofs because not everyone is going to go out and try to recreate all the experiments there are to prove the many points brought up by this book, but most people in the modern swing of things at some point are going to sit in the seat of a plane or already have done so quite frequently.

Before we get to planes though, let’s first ponder some of the officially accepted facts that NASA and other scientific sources say define the oblate spheroidal shape that they say the Earth resembles. These accepted ‘facts’ to define the substance of your daily existence of contact with tera firma are theirs and not mine.

Here they are:

1) Earth has a diameter of 7,918 miles
2) Earth has a circumference of 24,902 miles at the equator.
3) Earth is located 93 million miles from the sun
4) It takes light from the sun 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach earth.
5) The earth spins approximately 1,000 miles per an hour at the equator.
6) The sun is 109 times larger in diameter than the earth.
7) The moon is only one quarter the size of the earth’s diameter.
8) The moon’s shine is light from the sun that is being reflected off of its surface, which in turn makes it visible on earth. It produces no light of its own.
9) The earth rotates around the sun at 67,000 miles per an hour, which breaks down to about 18.5 miles per a second.
10) An approximation of the weight of all the water in the earth’s oceans/seas is 1.45 Quintillion tons (18 zeros).
11) Earth exists in a solar system with 8 or 9 other planets and is traveling through space around the Milky Way Galaxy at 515,000 miles per an hour.
12) Given the dimensions of earth as provided by NASA the following in terms of curvature to determine the fall off from a straight line of sight can be represented mathematically in the following distance comparisons.
1 mile =.67 feet of fall over the horizon (otherwise known as the vanishing point)
5 miles = 16.67 feet of fall over the horizon
10 miles = 66.69 feet of fall over the horizon
20 miles = 266.75 feet of fall over the horizon
50 miles = 1,667.17 feet of fall over the horizon
100 miles = 6,668.14 feet of fall over the horizon
1,000 miles = 663,337.65 feet of fall over the horizon.
13) The Milky Way Galaxy is traveling through the cosmos at 1.43 million miles per an hour.


I could go on, but let’s keep it at these commonly recognized and current scientific community supported facts as taught in modern academia and which form the basis for the belief of what the majority of everyone in the current age is being told to believe as the quite literal body of facts that define their existence on earth.

I can’t help but ask the potentially skeptical reader of this book this hypothetical question: If an individual was raised apart in modern society without any knowledge of NASA or space flight and so on and had this list defining the earth set before them what do you think their reaction would be?

For instance, how could they prove any of what they’d been told? In actuality how many items on the list are you able to personally prove? My guess is none.

So if you’re reading this book coming from a perspective of having always believed in a ‘ball earth’ then please take a moment and consider with some levity that you believe what you do about the earth being round (oblate spheroid) as a matter of faith. Having faith is perfectly fine, even commendable, but believing the earth is round based off what NASA and others have said is still just a belief, a belief, in that everything they’ve been telling you for the last 70 years or so is true.

The exception to this would be if you could personally prove that the earth is round. I cannot prove the earth is round.

I can, however prove that it is not. In truth, I do not have all the answers, but the ones I do tell me that a lot of people’s faith has been placed entirely in the wrong place and it’s high time that people pursued the truth as ardently as they once did and still can if they keep an open mind and apply some critical thinking skills.


Evidence to Consider #1

Plane: Ball Earth -Taking off at the Equator



Plane: Flat Earth -Taking off at the Equator

(Quick Reference Note: A Flat Earth does not move.)

Plane travels at 500 mph in a forward direction and lands safely at destination.


Evidence to Consider #2

Plane: Ball Earth vs. Flat Earth – Baby on the way


Situation (True Story): An airplane flight takes off from Bali in route for Los Angeles, USA. A pregnant woman on board has her water break and the plane’s pilot is directed to make an emergency landing at the closest airport, which, if you're flying over the Pacific coming from Bali would be Hawaii right? Think again. The plane landed in Alaska. A true occurrence that makes no sense on a ball earth, but a flat earth? Yeah, what do you know, Alaska is closer than Hawaii by a landslide on a flat earth map. Chances are you have a globe on hand to look at but if you’re struggling to find a flat earth map for easy reference then just look up the UN flag. A bit simplistic, but an actual flat earth map indeed, with only one exclusion from it in that the continent of Antarctica is not shown on the UN Flag.


Evidence to Consider #3

Plane: Absurd Plane Routes on a Ball Earth

Situation: There are many instances of flight paths that make absolutely no sense on a ball earth, but I will limit myself to just outlining one such occurrence, although I encourage you, the reader to explore the many inconsistencies of modern day flight planning in evident display on this earth. The flight plan in question: Johannesburg, South Africa to Perth, Australia. A no brainer really. It measures out to approximately 10 hours of flight time in a direct flight across the Indian Ocean. Just look at your science book approved map. The only problem is that in reality it is not a simple, direct flight over the Indian Ocean with no layovers. To get to Australia from South Africa you have to fly up the entire width of Africa to land in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in the Middle East. After a layover you then get to fly to Australia and when it’s all said and done, you’ve been in the air for more than 20 hours. Say what???? Why on earth would they torture people like this and spend all that extra money on fuel? Literally makes no sense on a ball earth, but on a flat earth (see below)….. Oh, now that does make sense.



Evidence to Consider #4

Plane: Hot Spots

Situation: Flying in a plane up above a thick cloud bank you observe a hot spot of the sun’s reflection being cast onto a small area (hot spot) of the cloud bank you’re flying over. Why such a focused and densely tight parametered spot on the back of the clouds from a sun 93 million miles away? While you’re looking out the window at the hotspot you might also ask why the horizon as far as you can see is perfectly flat versus the intensely curved imagery as exhibited in the Felix Baumgartner jump from space that was arrived at through a fish-eye camera lens (warps the imagery) that portrayed the state of New Mexico being the entirety of the whole earth in terms of its epic size. The proportions are almost as bad off as NASA’s official photographs of earth from space through the years that show the United States ranging in size to be so large that there’s no room left over for South America to a later mini-scaled down version. The photoshopped imagery of earth by NASA in their official photo releases is well documented and I invite you to take a look at the mountains of evidence along with the admissions by government hired individuals as having had a hand in photoshopping the imagery of the earth. Why can’t they just take a picture of it from any old satellite any old day of the week? Why indeed. Quote by Robert Simon – Data Visualizer and Information Designer aka Mr. Blue Marble, employee of Goddard Space Flight Center, “It is photoshopped but it has to be.”




Evidence to Consider #5

Plane: Google’s Armada

Situation: Did you know that the imagery of Google Earth is derived at least partially from a flight squadron of planes that Google pays to film for them nonstop? You might ask why on earth would Google pay to do that, when there’s how many thousands of supposed satellites up there bumping into each other? Well the reason they say is because they can get higher quality imagery of the earth in order to build 3D views of earth with planes than they can with satellites. Yep, that’s right, apparently all the Hollywood movie programming over the past several decades about satellites being so accurate as to be able to tell what brand of cigarette you might be smoking was all a hoax. Satellites are so over the hill anyway. Just imagine them orbiting like clockwork, completely unmanned and not burning any fuel and you will see why we need a fleet of fuel burning piloted planes in the air at all times. It’s the next step in evolution after all, at least that’s what Google would like you to believe. Sounds to me like we’ve suffered a debilitating loss of technology as a culture that almost equals the official statements by members of NASA that state that we can no longer have manned flights to the moon because the advanced technology of the 1960’s has been mysteriously lost. I kid you not. Don’t believe me? Then look it up for yourself. Just know that your internet search via googling it will be monitored by the namesake company even as they are now apparently viewing you in your backyard sunbathing with the latest military grade equipment involving none else but the old, tried, and tested airplane now reinvented to be more accurate than a satellite.