How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker by William P. Sheridan - HTML preview

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The word which is a pronoun.  When used as a question, it asks for an indication of a specific decision or choice.  Which one do you want? implies that no matter how many alternatives there are, the expectation is that you will designate the one you have in mind. The underlying parameter runs from qualifying (for inclusion) to restricting (for exclusion) – either you raise your standards, or narrow the field.  Hence, the parameter which runs from qualify to restrict.


The intention of the question?  Either the time, or the situation is appropriate for the choice or decision to be made – no more stalling, debating, pondering or calculating.  The question puts you on the spot, psychologically speaking – make up your mind, and if you have done so, let us in on it.  This question is the antidote to vacillation, or even worse, procrastination.  Those still reluctant may reply with “You decide (or choose).”


When you see no other feasible alternatives but one, or your preferences are unequivocal, it may be straightforward to say which one gets the nod.  But circumstances in general, or your situation in particular, may confer advantage on keeping your options open.  Both organizations and projects are often managed with the principle of corrigibility these days, on the premise that flexibility is a hedge against any subsequent need for change. So you can be “damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”  Go figure!


A world traveller I recently heard speak claimed he enjoyed visiting the American South because at least the people there really had opinions – not the pap the passes for public opinion in sophisticated places!  The decisions or choices you either have made, or are about to make, could very possibly shock a great many people UNTIL you warn them they are about to be shocked – then they will slough off the whole thing and that’s it.

