How to Think Like a Knowledge Worker by William P. Sheridan - HTML preview

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The word why is an adverb.  When used as a question, it asks for an explanation or justification of something.  Why did this happen? is looking for a way to make sense of some sequence of events.  Why is this so? seeks to understand the disposition of things. Why did you…? is a search for motivation.  Why are you…? enquires into your identity or state of being.  Such questions are thought of as deeper.  Hence, the parameter why runs from rationalize to explain.


The intention of the question?  Not just a description, but some deeper insight is the intention of the query.  The problem with this question is that it can lead to that famous infinite regress of asking and re-asking WHY? ad infinitum.  When used in this way, this is the ultimate question, to which there are only interim answers – beyond a few repetitions, such questioning itself stops making sense.


Why would anyone keep asking WHY?  It’s a way of avoiding decisions or choices or actions.  As long as the person on the receiving end is willing to grant the interlocutor the presumption of “good faith” then time must be devoted to trying to answer the question. That is the time that would otherwise be spent in (a) trying to decide or choose, (b) telling the decision or choice that was made, or (c) acting out the designated option.  Stalling.


Questions are only meaningful, especially this question, if answers that make sense are actually available and acceptable.  Even in the most generous of circumstances (during Root Cause Analysis), the WHY question is limited to six rounds.  Normally a limit of half that number should be sufficient.  The aim of questioning (and the philosophy behind it) is to solicit information – otherwise you are wasting somebody’s time and patience.

