Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Look around you, observe the world, pay attention to human technology – what do you conclude? Is all of that perfect?

Well, you may have a different opinion, because it depends. Let me describe like this.

When you look at human life on Earth, you can see that civilizations arise, develop, fall and self-destruct. The present human civilization is on similar way. I can clearly see that it is going to self-destruction. Why?

Technology and cities built by people destroy nature which sustains human life on Earth. The more people develop their civilization, the more and quicker they destroy their own life on Earth.

I guess that I do not need to give you any example, I believe that you are intelligent enough to see what I mention here.

Why human technology on Earth destroys life to the point of self- destruction of civilization?

The main reason is that people do not have sufficient knowledge, in other words, people do not know how to access knowledge from their intuition. When people create something without knowing enough, they do that based on their beliefs. A belief is the lack of knowledge. This kind of human activity is called ‘doing without knowing’; therefore, instead of:


people proceed:


In fact, this is a large topic, a thick book can be written about the process of producing results with or without knowledge.