Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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IAM emerged from The Consciousness and produced the mind, then the mind produced a game titled “Life”.

In other words.

The game titled “Life” is run in the mind which is a tool built within IAM which emerged from The Consciousness.

Commonly, when we say “you”, “I”, “he”, “she”, “it”, we mean the respective ‘body+intellect’ structure. The ‘body+intellect’ structure is the character in the game titled “Life”.

For example:

you = your body + your intellect;

she = her body + her intellect;

In order to avoid a misunderstanding, I introduce a new term ‘you(IAM)’ which means ‘your IAM’. I will use you(IAM) when I want to emphasize that I am referring to your IAM, not to you which is your ‘body+intellect’ structure.

Life is a game run in the mind. Although this statement may sound strange or shocking to you, you(IAM) are, simply, playing a game. The title of this game is “Life”. Your body is the main figure / character in this game. In your(IAM) game the world turns around you. Got it?

Do you know, why IAM plays a game? There is a simple answer for intellect to grasp the idea – IAM has nothing to do, so it enjoys a game called “Life”. IAM enjoys the illusion created by this game.

In this case, IAM can be compared to a man who has nothing to do, so he is bored. This man has built a very sophisticated and advanced computer which displays a very vivid multidimensional virtual reality, so that this man can enjoy the illusion.

The illusion of this game is so unbelievable realistic that this man forgot about himself, he forgets that he is not the game character that he is playing. He, simply, has focused so deeply on the character, so strongly identified himself with it, that he forgot what he really is, so now he thinks that the character in the game is the real he. He forgot the fact, the truth that he is IAM which lost itself in the very realistic illusion of the game.


Unbelievable, so realistic, it makes me forget myself !

When you play a game, you may become engaged emotionally so much that you forget about yourself, you forget that all of that is not real, that you are just playing. Only when somebody tells you “Hello!, wake up and cool down, this is just a game, it is not true.” – you awaken from the game, exit or just switch it off.

IAM does that, it engrosses a game which is called “Life”. IAM has deliberately forgotten about that fact and thus is now engaged in the virtual realistic illusion, something which does not exist beyond its mind.

At some point in Life, IAM may somehow realize that it is just playing a game in its mind. This moment is often called “enlightenment” or “awakening”. In this moment IAM becomes aware about the truth. The truth is that IAM is not the body or the mind in the game.

Many people want to become enlightened or awakened. They strive on their own spiritual self-growth or self-development path in order to achieve enlightenment. Interesting, when I ask them why they want to be enlightened, they do not know or they answer something that reflects their belief. Then I often tell them something like this.

I warn you, do not blindly pursue enlightenment because if you succeed, you probably will regret it. You do not know what enlightenment causes to man and what may be your first reaction in the moment of enlightenment. You may become really disappointed and sad or angry.

Once you become enlightened, which means that you(IAM) wake up from the game, you become aware of the truth, then you may discover the senseless of everything. You may say “What? This is just a game? Just a senseless playing? Then, nothing is important any more. Why should I continue to care?”

Next, you may become aware of the truth even deeper. You become aware that Life has no sense, your life has no sense.

Yes, you heard me well, the truth is, that like any other game, Life has no sense. What sense playing a game may have besides you enjoying it?

Shocking? It might be shocking and painful for you or it may be releasing you from pain of believing that your life has a sense and that you have to develop yourself in that direction. This is what people blindly following a religion belief.

No, my dear, cool down and become aware of the following fact. Whatever you create or achieve in your life, whomever you become, after you die, you and everything that you ever have done will be forgotten and disappear.

Of course, I do not want you to believe anything that I wrote in this book. Also, I do not want you to become enlightened. I wish you to fully enjoy your game which means, stay asleep, entirely unaware. ☺

When you become bored enough, then you might feel that something is not right, then you may research yourself and find the following truth. You are already perfect. You do not have to do any thing, however, you can choose to do every thing, because you are the Master Creator of your life.

Although Life has no sense or purpose and there is no goal to achieve, just enjoyment, still, you are the Master Creator of your life. This means that you can decide that your life has a sense, you can give it a purpose and set goals. You can also give yourself a mission in your Life, so that playing becomes more exciting.

Why not? If you like it, go ahead, enjoy the illusion of Life. If you do not enjoy Life, what are you going to do? Feel bored? Create a different illusion? Will you tell me?

I suggest, stop reading this book now. Put it away and think again whether you really want to read further. Further on in this book, there might be things even more shocking, so you may become angry and sad because your beliefs will be shaken.

If you are so-called open-minded man, then the opposite may happen. You will build your knowledge, learn how to get out from this illusion, how to switch enlightenment on/off and discover the truth.

Then you will no longer be following like a blind sheep and also others will not be able to manipulate you, thus your slavery might end. You will become a free man – very dangerous and forbidden state of man living in a society. Put this book away now and reconsider again.

This is important to remember.

Life is run in the mind. All of the matter is in Life, therefore the body is in the matter.

As you can see in the following picture, Life is an image in the mind, therefore all of the matter also is an image in the mind. To make it clearer, your body is an image in your mind. In fact, not only your body, all of the matter, which includes the universe, is an image in your mind.

This picture shows one mind created by IAM. However, IAM can create many minds. One mind can create many games, that is many Lives. To make it even more fun, IAM is not bound by time, so it can create Lives which are in different times, considering it from the viewpoint of intellect. This means that you(IAM) can experience more than one Life in parallel.

In order to make this explanation simpler and clearer, I show only one mind creating one Life, in the following picture.