Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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There are several types of what people call “love” but only one term is used for all of them. Some of these loves are listed here:

  • parents love their children or vice verse;
  • god loves people or vice-versa;
  • boyfriend loves his girlfriend;
  • man loves a place or country;
  • man loves to eat something;
  • man loves to do something.

I want to talk about a different type of love which is none of the above listed ones. To distinguish it from other loves, I use the capital letter ‘L’, so I write ‘Love’.

This Love appears as a by-product of powering the body of a being with life energy. Powering a body with life energy makes it more alive, that is why this process is called revitalizing. When the revitalizing is very strong, its feeling can be compared to being born again. To define simply, it can be said that Love is a by-product of life creation process for a being.

When life energy appears in your body, you experience joy for no reason. While experiencing this joy, you focus on what your body feels, you may say: “I feel Love and I see Light, even with my eyes closed.” Indeed, this very pleasurable feeling is called Love. You feel Love and see Light when your body is powered with life energy.

When the process of creating life for your body occurs, you first feel joy; this is often described as ‘joy for no reason and coming from nowhere’. This joy is the first indicator of increasing life energy in your body.


If you do not pay attention to your body while this process happens, you feel joy only. The moment you become aware of your body, you experience a very nice feeling – Love. If you are sensitive enough, you will also see Light, with open or closed eyes.

These two pictures visualize what happens when life of a being is created or when a being’s body is powered by life energy.



When people refer to Love, they sometimes say “unconditional love”, “God’s love”, “universal love” or even “pure love”. According to the explanation above, Love is a feeling that man experiences while his body is powered with life energy. It is quite different compared to what lovers express when they say “I love you.”. Also, parent’s love for children is different compared to Love explained above.



Do you know why a yellow sun is the symbol of Love? Take the example of the Sun in our solar system; what does it do?

It gives birth to the solar system, it sustains life of all the beings by providing warmth and light.

The Sun does not want anything in return for continuously keeping all the beings alive. You can express any feeling towards the Sun, you can love or hate it, you can behave in all possible emotional ways – it does not matter, the Sun always Loves you, regardless of your actions, feelings or behavior. There is no condition that makes the Sun to change its Love to you. Unconditionally, the Sun always sends life energy to you, as it does to all the beings in the solar system and anyone approaching it.

A yellow sun is used for the symbol of Love because sun has similar characteristic features:

  • creating and sustaining life of beings;
  • unconditionally emanating light and warmth;
  • spiritual nature;
  • peaceful;
  • stable.


A red heart is used as the symbol of love because your physical heart really can be engaged in love. When you “fall in love”, you can experience physical and psychical glowing – this is why red color is used for this symbol.

Some characteristic features of love are:

  • conditional emotional attraction, attachment and affection;
  • drawing your life energy;
  • aiming for physical experience;
  • changing.

Look at the two following sentences. There is a huge difference between them, although when spoken, they sound the same.


I hope that from now on, while using social media software on the Internet, you will choose img33.pnglove or   Love symbols depending on what you want to express.


“Love yourself.” – I guess that you have heard this sentence many times. Most people do not understand its real meaning; do you? Some people even say that Loving yourself is egoistic and not moral. Many people, who are lost in their faith, even say that Loving yourself is a sin because you must Love others and help them first.

I advice you this.

In the first place, fully Love yourself and be egoistic, that is, take the best care of yourself in whatever possible way you can. Place yourself in the most important position, be the priority before any other being.

The fact is that you are the most important being in your life. From birth, you are with you all the time, even when you sleep. It is also you who takes care of your body and of your living circumstances. Every your decision influences your life. You have also so-called “free will” which means that at any moment you can choose what to think, say and do. All of this, in summary, means that you master your life.

Look, your life is the result of you managing it. If you have so-called problems, they are created by you. If you fully enjoy and experience happiness, that is also the result of how you care about yourself. If you think that your problems are caused by others, or if you blame others for anything in your life, it means that you simply do not understand how you create your life by thinking, taking and acting based on your decisions.

What is the real meaning of “Love yourself”? I hope that by now you understand the difference between ‘love’ and ‘Love’. You also understand that Love is about life energy which powers the body. Thus, “Love yourself” means give your body life energy.

If you sufficiently provide your body with life energy, in other words, you Love yourself sufficiently, your body functions perfectly. Perfectly functioning body can be used as long as Earth lives. In common language, it means that you become physically immortal. When Earth

stops supporting biological life, also your body will die.

Most people never met a man who sufficiently Loves themself, so they cannot imagine a state of such a man. People ask me, how to recognize whether someone Loves themself?

These are a few characteristic features of man who sufficiently Loves themself:

  • that man is always joyful even if they does not smile or express happiness;
  • people around that man feel Love from them, some people feel it so intensively that they cannot stop tears;
  • people who stay close to that man feel cure effect on themselves;
  • sensitive people see subtle light emanating around that man;
  • majority of people who meet that man, like or even love them.

Indeed, people around man who sufficiently Loves themself, feel Love from them. That man may not even know or see those people, but they feel that man’s Love. In fact, that man does not Love them. That man is egoistic, therefore they takes the best care of themself in the first place. So, how is it possible that people who meet that man, feel that man’s Love?

“In the first place, Love yourself, not the others.” – this is what people do not understand in my teaching. In order to explain what I mean, I use the following two illustrations.

Look at the next two pictures: “insufficiently Loving yourself while Loving others” and “sufficiently Loving yourself”.

These two pictures use symbols which are essential to understand.


flowing water your life energy

tap → your mind

bottle → your body

glass → other man (usually)

It is your mind that controls life energy for your body – this is obvious because your body is an image in your mind. The amount of life energy supplied to your body depends on what you think and image about yourself and others.

In both pictures, you see water flowing from a tap into a bottle. The difference is that in the first picture this water flows partially into yourself and partially to others, while in the other picture all the water is directed to yourself. You probably understand what that means.

In the first picture, you Love others more than yourself, so you choose to direct more life energy to them. This means that the bottle will never be full. Since your body continuously uses life energy, it will be always under-powered. You may need to direct more of the flow to yourself.

Those glasses may mean your family members, friends and all other people whom you dedicate your attention which implies your life energy. They may not be satisfied and even will complain saying that you do not take sufficient care of them.

Many relationship between parents and children can be represented by this picture. The parents do all they can to take good care of their children who are still unsatisfied, unhappy and even complain to their parents.

Parents feel hurt or sad but their children do not become better, sometimes they become even rude and demanding.

Many relationships between couples, other family members or friends can be described by this picture, where one party is mainly offering and the other is only taking and demanding.

This kind of relationship is sick and harmful, unless one party enjoys sacrificing themself and the other enjoys sucking them.


In the second picture, all the water flows into the bottle. That bottle represents your body, it means that you focus first on yourself because you fully Love yourself. When you are full of life energy, a miracle happens – others feel your Love, so they naturally Love you, prize and admire you.

Of course, this is not a miracle, all of this follows the physics and psychology of man, in other words, this is how man is programmed.

Be egoistic, I mean, in the first place, Love yourself because you are the most important one. Make sure that your bottle is always full and even overflowed. If you Love yourself sufficiently, also the others will benefit. When people see you Loving yourself, they may follow your example, they will Love themselves. Then they will naturally stop sucking others because they will become self-sufficient.

By the way, have you noticed that majority of,people like small children very much? Look at those children, they are “so sweet”. Obviously those children Love themselves, therefore, when you are near them, you can feel Love.

Later, when the children are grown up, having been spoiled by the society education (harmful programming), they are not so sweet any more. Why not? The main reason is that they have accepted a lot of self-judgment, which made them to block the natural function of Loving themselves.

Loving yourself is one of natural mind functions that you are born with. Depending on how people in your nearest environment educated (programmed) you, sooner or later you block this natural ability.