Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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When increased amount of life energy is passed from the mind into the body, you feel joy for no reason, as if it were coming from nowhere.

Then, when you turn your attention to what your body sensation is, you feel Love and may see Light. The practice of Inner Joy exercise develops this natural skills of enjoying Love and Light.

Inner Joy exercise can be practiced by using passive or dynamic methods. I suggest to practice both whenever your circumstances allow. If you allow your Inner Joy to emanate by using both the passive and dynamic methods, you will achieve the desired results much sooner.

Passive Practice of Inner Joy

For most people the most suitable place to do this exercise can be found in nature. Make sure that all your senses can relax; this means that the place should not be too warm or cold, too wet or dry, not to windy, with no disturbing sound or smell, and you should be able to sit comfortably. Of course, if you do not will to move to nature, you can do this exercise in any other place. Make sure that your body senses are not disturbed.

Most people find that sitting in a relaxed posture with a support for the back is most suitable. When you lie down you might fall asleep, which is still OK but then you will not finish this exercise.

On the other hand, I suggest that you practice Inner Joy every time when you wake up. When waking up, your body and intellect are still in half- sleep and half-awake state. This state is the best for practicing the passive Inner Joy method, especially in the morning because it will make you get up joyful and energized.


Whatever place or posture you choose, first deeply relax your body. You may need to spend a minute or so to properly release tension of all the muscles, which do not need to be tensed to keep your body posture.

Detach your attention from your senses. If you feel uneasy somewhere in your body, because it is disturbed by impulses from any of your senses, you may need to modify your body posture or find another place.

Detach your attention from your thoughts, relax your intellect and make it passive. As long as you are engaged in creating or following thoughts, you may not be able to do Inner Joy exercise properly. You do not have to struggle against thoughts appearing in your intellect, just let them be there but do not pay any attention to them. The more passive is the intellect, the easier it is to practice this exercise.

When the intellect is relaxed, when no sense is disturbing you, go deeper within yourself. This does not mean that your focus literally sinks into the body. What you need to achieve is deeper detachment from the physical reality. It would be ideal to feel yourself as if you were suspended in no time and space realm. Then, simply, allow Inner Joy to manifest and emanate freely. Here, the meaning of ‘allow’ is about doing nothing actively, just being open and passive to whatever appears.

Allow and expect joy to appear. Remember, do not create joy, just allow and expect passively. Your intellect must remain in the passive state which means that you do not create thoughts or images. Fully relax and allow, let it be, let joy appear by itself.

If you imagined joy, it would appear but that would not be the source of your body life. That would be a different exercise, an active energizing one.

In this fully relaxed state, when your senses and intellect are passive, you will sooner or later notice things which you were never aware of before. One of this things is the source of your body life. If you do not create any joy, if you stay in fully relaxed state and only expect, sooner or later you will begin to experience joy. This might feel strange for you because that joy will suddenly appear without any reason, as if it was from nowhere. This is Inner Joy, the source of your body life.

When Inner Joy appears, still do nothing, do not activate your intellect, stay passive and allow Inner Joy freely manifests itself more and more, let it develop naturally. Passively just enjoy the joy.

While Inner Joy is emerging and growing, at any time you can turn your attention to what you body feels. There will be a very uplifting, pleasant feeling – Love and probably also Light. These Love and Light are by- products of the process where your body is powered by life energy passed from IAM through your mind, as I described it earlier. Life is being created and sustained.

Dynamic Practice of Inner Joy

Find a place where you can safely dance while singing and sing loudly. It does not matter how you dance or sing because, in fact, that does not have to be strictly dancing with singing. What you do is emotional, energetic movements while loudly singing a mantra. That may make you look like crazy – it is OK, some efficient exercises are of such a type.


While moving in this crazy dance, sing as loudly as you can, this mantra:

That is all – so simple. Most people find this exercise easy. Even at the first time, when they perform it, they feel energetic body sensations that make them joyful and happy. They smile and laugh during and after the exercise.

I suggest, whenever possible, practice Inner Joy regularly. Most people, and this is normal, when they start practicing Inner Joy, feel nothing special. I suggest, do not give up, just continue because if you do, sooner or later joy, Love and Light will appear.

You may notice that the experience of Inner Joy and the resulting Love and Light expands with the practice. When you experience that for the first time, it may be just something thin, but you will recognize, that’s it! Continue practicing, it shall amplify, later the experience will be stronger and more pleasurable than the best orgasm you ever had.

Mastering Inner Joy allows man to keep their body in perfect health eternally. When you allow the source of life to emanate sufficiently, you are joyful and happy. In this highly energized state, you can kill or heal others just by touching them. While being so energized, your body does not need to consume anything to function perfectly. It is a fact that Inner Joy exercise is a key to become an immortal inediate. Besides that, you can perform some so-called miracles.