Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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Have you heard the word “mantra”? Have you ever recited any mantra? Many people whom I asked this question, answered “yes”.

Then I asked them again:

“What is mantra ?”

“Why do you recite that mantra?”

“What effect does reciting that mantra have on you?”

I realized that people became surprised when I asked these questions. They did not know what to answer. Some said that they were praying like that because that was a religious teaching they followed. Others said that they did not know the meaning of the recited mantra because it was in language that they did not understand.

Then I asked:

“Why are you practicing something that you do not know? Why do you recite a sentence which meaning you do not know? Do you know whether this mantra is harmful or beneficial to you?”

How about you? What are your answers?

I hope that you remember what the mind is, what it consists of and how the parts of the mind work? If you do not remember, I suggest that you go back now and reread the chapter about the mind, especially instinct. You need to know that in order to understand about mantra.

Mantra is a programming technique where intellect programs instinct, so that some of the instinct functions can be changed. In this technique, a specially constructed sentence is repeated many times. You can say the sentence, sing it or listen to it. If mantra is repeated sufficient number of times, people fall in a state similar to a self-hypnoses or a trance. In this state, intellect is bored, so it does not fully control what is programmed into instinct. Instinct is under stronger influence of the repeated sentence, therefore the result of the mantra is built into the mind.

For your safety and benefit, I suggest that you ask three main questions before practicing a mantra:

  1. What is the exact meaning of this mantra?
  2. What is the result of practicing this mantra?
  3. Is the change done by this mantra to your mind beneficial or harmful?

If you know the answers and you decide to make the change in your instinct, then the mantra technique could be useful.


Earlier in this book, you have seen two sentences of the most powerful mantra.

Let us answer these three main questions before practicing this mantra:

a. 1.

The exact meanings of the key words used in this mantra: “Master Creator”, “Life”, “allow”, “Inner Joy”, “Love” and “Light” are explained in the preceding text of this book. If you do not remember, I suggest that you go back to study again. This may be necessary for you to really understand what the meaning of the mantra is.

a. 2.

This mantra programs your instinct in a way that makes you feel more powerful in creating your life in your daily living circumstances. It makes you to know that you are the one who have created your life as it is now being experienced by you. The mantra also makes you aware that you master the process of creating your own life.

Then the second part of the mantra programs your intellect and instinct to naturally pass more life energy into your body, so that you continuously experience the high state of life energy.

a. 3.

Of course, the result of practicing this mantra is beneficial. In fact there are many benefits for programming your intellect and instinct by this mantra. What exactly are the benefits, will depend on what you want to achieve in your life. Some common benefits include, just to mention a few, health, prosperity, joy, happiness and longevity.
