Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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There were many civilizations on Earth before the present one. Every of these civilizations ended in self-destruction when it reached the top of its technological development.

The present civilization is not much different compared to the past ones, and as I can see it again, this civilization is also going to destroy itself.

The main reason why civilizations on Earth destroy themselves, when they reach the highest technology development stage is that with the development of technology, the mind powers of people degenerate.


This is a very important teaching from history, let me state it again: In any human civilization on Earth, the more is their technology developed, the weaker the mind powers of those people become.

Look at the diagram. At the beginning of a civilization, the mind powers of people are at the highest, but they have no technology. We consider those people “primitive”. They are primitive in technology but their mind powers are much higher compared to how people use their minds in present times.

If you would meet people from the beginning of a civilization, they would think that you are extremely primitive, and you would see them as people who can do miracles. For example, they would clearly know what you think and feel although you would be on the opposite side of the planet. Imagine, how primitive the most advanced mobile phone would look to them. They would wonder, why do you want to use such a harmful and limiting thing for communication.

With the flow of time, when people use technology more and more, their mind powers degenerate. This is a well known phenomenon that less and less used organs or abilities degenerate.

The more people rely on technology, the more their mind powers and their abilities degenerate. People move farther and farther from nature, build artificial habitats called cities which later change to hell on Earth. Technology, especially so-called “artificial intelligence” overtakes more and more human thinking. This causes inevitable disaster. Artificial intelligence, sooner or latter, will start to consider man as incompatible and unsuitable organism, so it will start planing how to extinct man.

It is not only AI which destroys man, there are several other factors which cause total destruction of civilization, for example weapons used during global war or water, air and soil poisoning or man made pandemics.

In fact, this also is a vast topic. Let us talk about it when we meet. For now I suggest, limit your usage of electronics and stay in nature.