Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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This chapter is only for those who decided to reprogram their instinct in order to free themselves from manipulation. If you prefer to stay with your beliefs, skip this chapter. If you decided to get rid of your beliefs, you can do two exercises described below.


I feel like giving you this warning. The more you free yourself from beliefs, the more incompatible you become to the social system and its rulers. Besides that, lots of people may not like you any longer because you will become so-called “black sheep”. This is because majority of people do not want to know the truth, they prefer to live according to their belief and even defend their status. This is partially caused by their inner fear of changes.

How do you get rid of your beliefs? The first step is to make yourself aware that you have beliefs. Probably, there are many beliefs that you are not aware of, because you think that they are your knowledge. Majority of people are not aware that almost everything that they think they know, is actually what they believe. Therefore, at the beginning of this freeing process, you pay attention to yourself and to others, in order to become aware of your beliefs. Usually it is easier to point out beliefs of other people. Let us do it now.

Exercise 1

It may be easier for you to exercise with your family members or friends. Listen carefully to the statements they make while talking. At any time when they make a statement, ask them this question:

“Is that what you believe or you know it?” or

“Is that your knowledge or your belief?”

If they answer that it is what the know, then ask them:

“How do you know?” or “How did you get/build that knowledge?”

Now listen how they explain that it is their knowledge, how did they get to know it. Many people will say that they have read about it in a book or Internet, saw it on TV, somebody trust-able told them or that they logically concluded. Then you will know, that it is what they believe, not what they know.

Be aware that when you keep asking people, whether they know or believe something, you may drive them crazy. I suggest that you do not put yourself in troubles by asking this question to your teachers because some teachers hate students who ask wise questions. Besides that, consider deeply before you ask this question to authorities – they do not like to be perceived as not knowledgeable people.

You can also exercise by asking this question on social media, some Internet forums or chats, especially ask those who are preaching.

However, if they ban you quickly, do not wonder, for what reason you were kicked out.

Teachers, authorities, masters, priests, politicians, gurus and other people with followers do not like to be questioned like that because it exposes their lack of knowledge. They are the main people spreading beliefs and confusion on this planet. Most of time, they talk/teach according to their beliefs, not knowledge, in other words, they do not know what they talk/teach about.

Belief Exercise 2

Pay close attention to your own thinking and talking. While building a sentence, insert into it one, two or all three of these words: ‘information’, ‘belief’/’doubt’, ‘know’. Usually, when we talk, we would not use any of those three words. You may feel strange and it may be unclear where to insert them into your sentences; it is OK, just practice. Conscious talking like this will make you aware of what you believe or doubt and what you really know.

Here are some exercise example sentences.

“Having information from weather forecast, I believe that it will be raining this evening.”

“I know that drinking coffee in the morning makes me sleepy afternoon.” “According to information from science books, I doubt that people on Earth are the only intelligent beings in the universe.”

“I do not know what I know but I doubt that it is enough to take proper care of my life, so I believe some information which resonates with me.” “I believe that having read this book I will remember most information.”

These two exercises, if you practice them, will make you see people and information sources very differently compared to what you have been perceiving. It also will make you more aware that almost nothing is sure and if you choose to rely on something, it better be your knowledge, not what others preach to you and want you to believe.