Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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In this chapter, I describe some very beneficial mind exercises, they are: WSW self-analyses, visualization, contemplation of passiveness and removing layers blocking Inner Joy.


Did you ever regret your decision when it was too late because you were under the resulting circumstances? You probably said to yourself something like: “If I knew, I would never have made this decision”.

I guess that you did, like me and others.

There is a way to find out in advance what it really is that makes you to want to take a specific decision. Often, when you find out the primary reason of your decision, you give up to decide. This is because you become more aware whether it is worth to make a decision and what possible outcome it may cause.

There is an efficient technique which you can use to find out more about the primary reason of any decision you intend to make. In fact, this technique is a deep psychological self-analyses which you do to yourself by using one of these two questions:


So What?”

This is why I call this techniques ‘WSW self-analyses’.

Sometimes you do not know what decision to take. It may be that you are afraid about the possible outcome. You may ask yourself questions like these:

“Do I really have to do this or that?” “What if I choose like this or that?” “I am not sure what to do or whether I have to do something about that.”

It is not always that you have to take a decision and follow it. In many circumstances you can do nothing, just give up. WSW self-analyses allows you to find out the primary reason of any decision you want to make; then you can evaluate whether it would be more beneficial for you to give up or to follow.

Here it is how you practically proceed with WSW self-analyses. First, take a large sheet of paper, rather not smaller than A2.

1. Write your decision on that paper.

2. Ask: “Why … ?” Q1

1. Write down the answers. It may be only one or more answers. Write down all of them. Let’s imagine that you have four answers: A1, A2, A3, A4.

3. Ask: “Why … ?” to every of these answer, thus Q11, Q21, Q31, Q41.

1. Write down the answers, same as you did above.

Continue this procedure. You will come to a point when asking a “Why

… ?” question becomes impossible, illogical or strange. In this case, ask “So what?”. This is the crucial point of the self-analyses.

Do not answer the “So what?” question, because it is asked to your instinct. Whenever you ask a question to your instinct, you need to focus on what you feel. Do not think how to answer, because this would come from your intellect.

“Why … ?” is a question to intellect, then you need to think about the answer. “So what?” is a question to instinct, then you need to feel without any thinking.


Proceed with your self-analyses until you have no more “Why … ?” questions. The more answers you give to the “Why … ?” questions, the more you learn about things related to your decision. You will discover things which initially you were not aware of.

There more you feel the reaction of your instinct to “So what?” questions, the deeper you learn about yourself and about things that you were not aware of. You may wonder at what comes out from your subconsciousness.

According to feedback received from my students, majority of people who made WSW self-analyses, give up taking the decision which they initially intended to. They also reported how wonderful lesson about themselves this analyses was. They call it “advanced psychological self- analyses and self-healing technique”. Indeed, WSW self-analyses really is a powerful tool on a path of your conscious self-development.

Look at the example below, how WSW self-analyses can be done. It is only a part of the entire sheet, which is several times larger, however this can give you an idea to follow, if you need it.

In fact, the author of this self-analyses gave up her decision to “lose weight”. One of the most important things she realized was that she suffered insufficient self-esteem due to education she had received from her society. From that self-analyses, she draw a conclusion that it would be more beneficial to focus on Loving herself. In fact, as the result of her growing self-awareness, later she did lost weight naturally.

WSW self-analyses is designed as an exercise that you perform on yourself. Sometimes you can use this technique with others, especially with a close relative or good friend. You ask them, they answer and write the answers. This is how sometimes you may help others to solve their problems.

I HAVE DECIDED TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT     Why have I decided this?


thread for answer 1:

A1 So that people like me more.

Q11 Why do I want people to like me more?

A12 When people let me know that they like me, I feel better.

Q12 Why do I expect someone's favorable opinion about myself?

A13 People's judgment of me determines how I feel.

Q13 Why does my mood depend on someone's judgment?

A14 My self-esteem is not strong enough.

Q14 Why do I have such a low self esteem?

... and so on.

thread for answer 2:

A2 So that X will see me as more attractive and he will like me.

Q21 Why do I care if X likes me?

A22 Because I love him.

Q22 So what?


thread for answer 3:

A3 So that my body fitness improves.

Q31 Why do I want my body fitness to improve?

A32 Because then I feel better and am more attractive.

Q32 Why do I want to be more attractive?

A33 Because then people will like me more.

Q33 Why do I want others to like me more?

A34 I care more about X, if he feels more attracted to me.

Q34 Why do I care about X?

… and so on.


thread for answer 4:

A4 So that I can save money on food.

Q41 Why do I want to save money on food?

A42 I think I have too little money.

Q42 Why do I want to have more money?

A43 It makes me feel more secure.

Q43 Why do I feel financially insecure?

A44 I am afraid that I will have no money for living.

Q44 Why are you afraid to have no money for living?

A45 Then I will live in poverty?

Q45 So what?



I guess that you have heard this term many times and you probably also practiced something which could be called visualization. In fact, people have given this technique many different names. There are many different teachings under these names, including books, videos and seminars.


People who practiced visualization techniques complain that their practice did not produce the expected results, in other words, it did not work as advertised. I can understand why many visualization techniques do not give expected results – they miss something, I mean, they are not sufficiently elaborated or not fully described techniques.

Around the end of the twentieth century, I decided to travel through eleven countries in Asia. In that time, I did not have money to realize my project but I did visualize it done successfully. To make a long story short, a year later I was back home having visited eleven countries, and I had brought amount of money bigger then fourteen years of my work.

Without visualizing during my Asian traveling, I would not had achieved such a miracle result.

I also used visualization later in my life, for example, to buy a new car and a house when I had only 10% of the needed money. I also used this technique to heal my body within a dozen of minutes. I have achieved a lot by using visualization, things that people would call miracles. When you sufficiently understand how the mind works, you do not believe in miracles, because you can design techniques like visualization.

This table summarizes the key points of successful visualization. It is a description which I have elaborated based on my knowledge. I know that this works and gives me the final goal which I visualize.


I am, now and here, a powerful lion !

For visualization to really give you the expected result, so-called ‘final goal’, you need to perform the mind work properly. There are five points which have to be fulfilled. If you perform all of these points properly, you will have your final goal of visualization realized.

First of all, be aware that visualization works, this means that if you do visualize properly, you will experience the final goal. Why it is important to be aware of? Having realized your final goal, you may discover that it is accompanied by unexpected associated circumstances. What if you do not like these circumstances? Well, you may regret but it will be too late. I suggest, think twice or more times and make sure that you really are ready to experience the final goal of your visualization and all the associated circumstances.

I suggest that you meditate on the following description of all five points of visualization, so that you can perform them properly. Only when you perform all the point properly, visualization will produce the final goal.

If you perform some of these points not properly, the final goal my differ from what you visualized, or it may be realized later, or it may not appear at all.

re. 1

You have to be sure exactly what is your final goal. This does not mean that you have to envision all the details. Imagine only those features of your final goal which are important to you, leave the other things because they will be automatically adjusted to fit well.

For example, if your final goal is to have a new luxury car, you may not really care about its color, then do not imagine it. If the brand is important to you, imagine it clearly.

Your image of the final goal should never change, that is why you have to really make sure exactly what you want, before you start visualizing.

Very important – all your senses have to be engaged in your visualization. What it means? Well, you imagine not only the appearance of the final goal, you also imagine how your senses function in the circumstances of your final goal. Let us continue using this luxury car as an example.

  1. Eyes – you see yourself driving this car and your family members sitting in it. You notice their happy faces. Look, what you see on the way while driving.
  2. Ears – when you switch the engine on, you hear it. You also hear your family talking “Very comfortable seats and the car moves so softly!”. “You really did it, I still cannot believe, it must be a coincidence.”
  3. Touch You feel the temperature inside the car. You experience nice feeling of holding the steering wheel and also touching the smooth surface of the car interior.
  4. Smell – You imagine the smell of the freshens while sitting in your car. You can smell that behind you your mother eats a fruit.
  5. Taste – Imagine how you kiss the steering wheel and even lick it, all because you are so happy. How does it taste? – your child asks.

The more realistic are all of these sensations, the closer it becomes to realizing your final goal. Put an effort in engaging your senses as much as you can.

Make sure that your image is as vivid as your reality. In fact, this image should be a film running in your imagination, not a static picture. Make this film so realistic, with all your senses fully engaged, so that when you close your eyes you see it as something real in your life.

re. 2

While you are producing this realistic film, all must be occurring now and here, in the present. If you imagine it in future, it will never occur. Future does not exist in reality. Future exists only as imagination. You are never in future, therefore if your goal is realized in future, you will not get it, because you are always now and here, in the present.

“Now, here, I am driving my new luxury car.” … continue.

re. 3

Imagine realistically that the final goal of your visualization already has been achieved. In your present reality. Now you already are the owner of your car and drive it. All of that already have been realized.

re. 4

People ask me: “How can I ‘know’ that it is my present reality if I know that it is not?” and “Shall I cheat myself?” I answer, yes, you must cheat yourself. In fact, it is not you, it is your instinct that has to be cheated. To be precise, instinct is not cheated, it is programmed to produce and to display the modified reality.

How do you know? I mean, how does it happen that you get to know something?

It is all about your senses. Data perceived by your senses create your reality. When your senses inform you about something, you get to know it. If you see, hear, touch and smell a car, you do not believe that the car is in your reality, you know it, therefore the car becomes a fact for you.

This is the key in point 4. This is also the reason why I insisted in point 1. that you intensively engage all your senses. Once all the senses are sufficiently engaged, your instinct will be programmed to sustain this modified reality. Then instinct will run it automatically. When your instinct runs reality automatically, without your intervention, all your senses perceive this reality as true.

Remind yourself what I told you about the mind, especially instinct. All of the matter, including your body, is an image in your mind. In other words, your mind produces what your senses perceive as your daily reality.

re. 5

The four above points were about the image. Point 5 emphasizes the need for life energy. To produce reality, according to physics, an image (a program) and energy are needed. Therefore, in order to make your final goal come true, you need to saturate your image with your life energy.

Practically this means that when your image is ready, in other words, when all four points are fully realized, you need to produce more life energy and combine it with this image. How do you do that. Well, there are two approaches.

In the first approach. At the beginning of your visualization, make yourself very emotional. The more emotional circumstances you can produce for you to experience, the more life energy will be emanating throughout your body.

Make sure that this emotional excitation is caused by joy or Love. If you used anger, you may not be able to control the image. If you cannot control your image, it may badly affect the final goal and produce undesired side effects.

When you are under the strong emotion, maybe crying under the influence of joy and Love, bring your realistic image and focus on it.

The second approach is the opposite of the above one. You first produce the realistic image, then make yourself very emotional in order to combine the image with energy.

I suggest that you exercise both approaches and maybe later choose the one which works more efficiently for you.

For the highest efficiency and for the shortest time to achieve the final goal, visualization should be done from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep. What I mainly mean is that the image and thinking about the final goal should be kept unchanged in your intellect.

Some people do a serious mistake when they visualize only during special time dedicated for visualizing. After that time, the image of the final goal is often changed. For example: Joe is visualizing that his body is in perfect health; but when others ask him about his health, Joe complains and describes his health problems. This is how Joe is acting against his own visualization, damaging what he achieved during the visualization time.

Keep the image of the final goal all the time. Even if others ask you, describe them the final goal as it is done in your visualization. If you do not want them to feel that you lie to them, say that you are visualizing and you do not want to impact your vision negatively.

By the way, when you are joking, do not change the image of your final goal. Instinct does not think, so it cannot distinguish whether you are talking seriously or joking.

I suggest, generally, whenever you are communicating with people, let it be spoken conversations, Internet chat or discussion forum, never state negative images about yourself. Your instinct really cannot think, so it cannot judge or distinguish whether you are serious or joking. Also, there more emotional your communication is, the more it impacts/programs your instinct.

Some people, while joking, would say sentences like: “… I am stupid … ”, “… I look old/ugly … ”, “… this is all my fault … ”, “… you can blame me … “, etc. Even if you are not serious in your expressions, and others understand that you are not really thinking like that, your instinct will be programmed according to your expression. Be aware of this fact.

On the contrary, I advice you, use positive expressions about you, even if you do not believe them. Tell others that you are “very smart”, “the best”, “beautiful”, “young”, “very healthy”, “Loved by people”, etc. This will be so-called positive programming of your instinct.


I suppose that you have heard this word many times. People have given this word several meanings. Here is my definition:

> Enlightenment is a state of the mind in which intellect, being transparent and passive, can access information directly from intuition. < Enlightenment can be switch on or off, this is an ability of the mind, which people are born with.

As you may remember from the chapter about mind functions, intuition is like a storage of knowledge, in other words, you(IAM) know everything. Normally, being busy with its processes, intellect cannot access intuition, so it does not know more than it is stored in memory.

When you are born, your intellect is quite passive because it has little processing power. This means that there is almost no thinking occurring in intellect. Your intellect is not busy with thoughts, it is transparent, so it can see the knowledge in intuition.

Let me tell you a story. Imagine that you are in completely dark place, it is so dark that you cannot see your nose. You want to go home but in this complete darkness you do not see the way. You may believe that going this or that way will direct you home, so you start walking. Then you tumble due to an invisible hole or object, maybe hurting yourself. “Well, wrong way. Maybe here?”… You try and try but there is a little chance that you will find the way home.

Then you realize that you have a solution, there is an electric torch in your pocket. You take it out and switch on, light appears. “There is light now, so I can see the way clearly. I can walk safely. I know the way home.”

In this story, the darkness symbolizes ‘believing’, and the light symbolizes ‘knowing’. Indeed, it is like that in life, when you follow what you believe, you can easily tumble and hurt yourself. When you follow your knowledge, you are safe on your way.

It is worth to remember these symbols, you can find them in ancient books and paintings.


Let us analyze the word ‘enlightenment’ => en – light – en – ment :

en = in (from Greek) or place,

light = light (root word), ment = mind (from Latin);

therefore: in – light – in – mind

which can be written:




Also, enlighten is an archaic form of lighten = ‘to make light’.

To summarize, the exact translation of enlightenment could be:

‘light in mind’, ‘mind in light’, ‘place of light in mind’, ‘to make light in mind’, or ‘to make light in a place in mind’. Whatever the exact translation is, ‘enlightenment’ emphasizes a relation between light and mind.

By the way, the word ‘enlightened’ means “freed from ignorance and misinformation” (Merriam-Webster dictionary); so we can say that where there is light, there is no ignorance or misinformation. Of course, light = knowledge which deletes ignorance.

Hence the symbol of knowledge is light, therefore, a sun, a light bulb or a source of light can symbolically represent knowledge on drawings.

Look at the following picture “enlightened mind”. I drew many suns in intuition, they symbolize knowledge.


You see, intellect is empty, it is not occupied with any intellectual  activity. There are no thoughts, intellect is passive, therefore it can clearly see the light emanated from intuition. The meaning of “see light” is ‘to know’. The picture represent a state of the mind in which intellect knows. This state of the mind is called ‘enlightenment’.

When man is born on Earth, their mind looks like that – man is born with the mind in the sate of enlightenment. You see, to have the mind enlightened is natural for man. Why adults are not enlightened? What happens after the birth that causes the lost of enlightenment? Well, this happens due to education.


Yes, the education that people undergo from the moment of birth, gradually changes the sate of intellect. First, the parents take care of the child, of course. They talk to, hug, kiss, feed, etc. the child – all of that makes the child to pay more and more attention to information from outside of their passive intellect. All of this information is delivered by the senses.

With the flow of time, while the child grows, their intellect becomes more and more active, therefore more and more thinking appears in the mind. Statistically, around the age of one, the child can intellectually interact with the parents quite much, the talking ability also develops. This means that the child’s intellect is significantly more active compared to how it was just after the birth.

The child grows, they think and talk more and more because their intellectual abilities develop quickly. Statistically, around the age of three, the child is thinking and talking almost without stopping. This means that the child’s intellect is not passive any more, it is now very busy. Very busy intellect is full of thoughts, it is focused on many activities. This means that intellect is not enlightened any more, enlightenment is lost.

The picture “enlightenment is lost” symbolically presents the mind where intellect is full of thoughts. The light cannot pass freely thorough intellect, in other words, intellect is not enlightened. This is the mind of a common adult, statistically.


Now, when you know what is enlightenment and what is the difference between the mind of a baby and an adult, you may like the idea to bring back your inborn enlightenment. Sure, this can be done by mind exercises. You can also practice to switch enlightenment on and off.

When we compare two above pictures, we see that the only difference is the content of intellect which consists of thinking, imagining, attention and perceiving data from senses. Thinking visually, it should be enough to remove this content, to make intellect passive again.

Contemplation of passiveness is one of many mind exercises that can be practiced to make intellect transparent and passive again, thus to switch enlightenment on. Here it is how to practice the contemplation of passiveness.

Find a place where your senses are not disturbed and you can sit comfortably. You can lie down but this posture may make you fall asleep quickly. Do not focus on any part or function of your body; the less you feel it, the easier it is to perform this exercise.

Take your preferred posture and relax the body. Deepen the relaxation to make sure that none of the senses is calling your attention.

Once relaxed, become aware of your intellectual activity. Detach your attention from any thought. Your goal is to make your intellect thoughtless and passive, but not to fall asleep.

You may notice that despite your effort to keep detached from thinking, you are following thoughts. No problem, just detach your attention from a thought and let it go free. Some thoughts or disturbances coming from senses may persist for longer time. Do not force yourself to stop them, just let them go without feeling any emotion or attachment.

Keep repeating this procedure – that is all you need to do to eventually succeed in making your intellect passive.

With the practice, you will notice that there are fewer and fewer thoughts in your intellect, and you pay less and less attention to senses. Continue the procedure in order to keep your intellect passive for longer and longer portions of time.

Sooner or later, you will notice that you can stay passive for extended portion of time. While your intellect is more and more passive, you may notice something similar to sudden flashes of light. You may have visions of longer lasting bright lights, colors, shapes and also hear sounds. These are signs that you are progressing well and thus your intellect starts to perceive information from your intuition.

Staying with passive intellect for longer time, may make you fall asleep. That is all right, no worries, you will overcome this obstacle. It may feel like a challenge for your mind, to keep intellect passive and stay awake, therefore you may need to practice this ability longer.

What happens next is that your intellect perceives information from intuition. This also my feel like a challenge because intuition is not bound by time or space but intellect is. At first it feels almost impossible, so difficult for the intellect to function without reference to time or space.

So, you have a situation, where intellect perceive information from intuition instantly, in zero time, but intellect needs time to analyze it in order to understand.

What you do in this situation is simple, just pay attention to whatever information suddenly appears in your passive intellect. While you practice, you will learn to translate information coming from intuition in zero time to long messages understood by intellect. For example, there was a flash and then, as if it was not intended by you, thoughts and visions develop by themselves.

Just continue practicing, this process will become more and more fluent, your intellect will be able to understand any data coming from intuition. Later, whenever you will receive information from intuition in so-called zero time, you will be able to talk a long story or