Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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There are many ways you can take care of your body to make sure that it functions properly. I am going to talk about revitalization and regeneration, a breathing exercise, vibrating by resonant sound, physical activity, body environment, energizing exercises, Conscious Eating.


This topic by itself is enough to write a book. I want to mention shortly only some essentials about bringing your body back to normal state which is known as perfect health. Your body may need revitalization and regeneration, which can be achieved by staying sufficiently in nature.

When I say ‘nature’, I mean the real thing, the unspoiled green organism of Earth; I do not mean a grass field, a park or a forest in a city.

Nature is the largest and the strongest organism on Earth. It was here before any humans arrived and it will be here after all people go away, regardless of their behavior. People will die much earlier than they will be able to destroy the entire nature.

By the way, some people believe and say that “we have to save Earth” – quite ridiculous statement, in my opinion, because it is the opposite. Just look at this civilization, it is us that may need to be saved, not Earth.

There were many civilization on this planet, they all developed and then destroyed themselves, disappeared, were wiped off. Nature always remained alive surviving many wired behaviors of man destroying it. We people come and go but nature is always there.

First of all, be aware that your body is built from Earth elements therefore its life is sustained by nature. The human body is a part of nature, it is fully compatible with nature and cannot survive without it. The natural habitat for the humans is nature. Every other place, which is not the original, so-called unspoiled nature, is less than perfect for your body. Nature in its original state is the only place where the human body can fully revitalize and regenerate, and its life can be continuously sustained at high energy level.

If you live in nature, you understand what I mean. If you were born in a city and rarely go to nature, you probably do not feel the value of nature. Nevertheless, I suggest that you bring your body to its natural habitat and stay there as often and as long as possible for you. This becomes especially important if your body becomes weaker. Sleep in a forest on the soil, swim in natural waters, drink from streams, walk barefoot, etc., all in order to revitalize your entire body.

Nature has a very important feature, it restores your body programming. When you live in a city, especially if you stay in a place full of electromagnetic emanations, eat genetically modified food, take chemicals called “medicine”, destroy the immune system with vaccines and weaken your body with other environmental harmful factors, your body programming is distorted, it may become seriously harmed.

Nature is the strongest organism on Earth. When you are inside it for sufficiently long time, nature automatically restores your original body programming. In other words, nature restores the original state of the body, thus revitalizes and regenerates it. You do not have to do anything, just stay in a forest, walk through it, eat from it, relax and sleep there. If you do, nature will naturally reprogram you.

Did you know that there are two mutually contrasting living spaces on Earth? One is called “paradise”, the other is called “hell”. The “paradise” is nature, the “hell” is city.

Shocked? Well, it is true.

Do not you believe me? Research for yourself, feel and then meditate this information. Compare how you feel in a crowded city and how in nature.


There are many breath exercises; some of them are beneficial, some harmful to man. I suggest that you do not blindly exercise whatever breath exercise you learn about. Before you practice one, first make sure that you understand how it affects your body.

Look at the following picture, it is an example of a simple breath practice which you can perform whenever you want to energize your nerve system to increase its efficiency.


Step 1.

Exhale as much air as you can, force little more, until the last air maolecule. Hold your breath till you feel little suffocated. When you cannot hold any longer, start breathing normally. Let your lungs rest while breathing normally several times. Repeat this step several times.

In step 1, by holding your breath, your decrease the amount of oxygen, while increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. This condition irritates your nerve system forcing it to sharp its attention.

Step 2.

Inhale as much air as you can, force little more, as if your lungs were a balloon. Hold your breath till you feel little suffocated. When you cannot hold any longer, breathe normally several times.

Repeat this step several times.

In step 2, by holding your breath, your decrease the amount of carbon dioxide, while increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood. This action refreshes the nerve system, preparing it to focus better on a subject.

Performing this breath exercise may make you dizzy. Be careful, when you feel dizzy, stop, sit or lie down and breathe normally. You can rest longer, until you feel all right.

This breath exercise helps you to sharpen your attention by increasing the efficiency of the nerve system. You can do it whenever you feel sleepy or lose your attention while passively watching a lecture. See how it works for you in the morning, straight after you wake up.


Stand freely with your feet rather close but not touching. Rise on your toes as high as you can, then suddenly let your body fall freely on your heels. When your heels hit the ground, the entire body will be shaken, you may feel little shocked in your head.


While doing this ‘rise and fall on your heels’, make sure that your jaws muscles are completely relaxed. If they are relaxed well, then, when your body falls on the heels, you will feel your teeth clicking against each other. This produces piezoelectricity which – in simple explanation – energizes nerves in the entire skull.

Additional advantage of this exercise is that it shakes the veins. This helps their inner walls to be cleaned from sediment.

Repeat the rise and fall several times, but rather not more than fifteen times. If you feel dizzy, stop.


When a physical object, for example air, vibrates in specific range of frequencies, your ears can hear a sound. Although human ears can hear very narrow range of frequencies, the body is influenced by much wider range, what is called infrasound and ultrasound. You can use sounds to harm or benefit your body. Music can be used for this purpose. You probably also heard about so-called sound therapy.

Man can emit sounds at different frequencies. This ability can be used for energizing a region of the body, whenever you feel that it became weaker. You can use sound to energize the entire body too. This is how to proceed with this exercise.

Stand freely in a relaxed posture. The most beneficial is to stand barefoot on soil in forest. Focus on which region of the body you want to energize. Keep emitting a sound from within yourself until you find the resonant frequency. Then emit sound at only this frequency until you feel enough.

What is very important in this exercise is to find the resonant sound frequency of the chosen region. While emitting the sound, focus on feeling how the chosen body region vibrates. While staying focused on it, change the frequency and timbre of the emitted sound.

Start from the lowest frequency that your throat can emit. Then slowly rise it going to the highest which is still comfortable for you, then go back down till the lowest. Repeat as many times as you need in order to find the resonant frequency of the chosen region. While emitting the sound, keep focused on how the chosen body region reacts. At the resonant frequency, you will feel the strongest vibration in that region.

I suggest that you first exercise to change frequency and timbre of the emitted sound. While increasing or decreasing the frequency, change the timbre by changing the shape of your mouth and position and shape of the tongue. This may require some practice. Make sure that the emitted sound is loud, but do not shout, it will be easier to practice.

Keep focused on feeling the chosen region, while changing the frequency and timbre of the emitted sound. At the resonant frequency you will notice a significant increase of vibration in that region.


Taking an alternate temperature shower gives the body a nice refreshment and builds resistance to temperature changes. It strengthens the immune system and helps your body to get rid of some skin diseases. This exercise is so easy that you can practice it starting from today. I suggest that you make alternate shower your normal daily practice.

Start your shower, then increase the water temperature to the highest that you can stand without burning your skin. It will be somewhere between 40 and 48oC. Do not burn your skin, there is no need to do that.

Let this hot water flow onto your entire body for 15 to 30 seconds. Then suddenly change the water temperature to as cold as possible. The most beneficial temperature is somewhere between 15 and 4oC. Let this cold water flow onto your entire body for 10 do 20 seconds. Then repeat this hot-cold procedure at least two more times.

Remember to finish your showering with cold water. Cold water will close the skin pores and make your body keep its warmth within itself.


Very low water temperature is not often found in showers. In such a case, I suggest that you arrange two bathtubs; one with hot water, the other with water containing pieces of ice. Instead of showering, you alternately enter and lie down in the bathtubs. Enter the hot tub for 15 to 30 seconds, then enter the cold one for 10 to 20 seconds, and so on alternately, at least 3 times. Finish, of course, in the cold tub.

Do not use any soap, shampoo, etc. under the alternate shower. Instead, you can use hard brush to clean the entire skin. Hot water opens pores of your skin, cold water closes them. The brushing and repetitive change of water temperature falling on the skin, cleans the pores of dirt and sebum.

The hair-like blood veins just under the skin sometimes get clogged up with sediment, then the blood flow is obstructed. For that reason, many old people suffer skin problems. Have you seen the color of their skin in lower leg regions? With alternative hot and cold water temperature, the veins expand and contracts. This mechanical action helps to remove some sediment, thus helps to open the diameter of the veins.


The human body is an electrical device, so it needs to be powered with electricity to function properly. Sun and Earth are also electric bodies, they provide power to all organisms living on this planet. When you walk or lie down on the soil or rocks, Earth electricity can flows through your body. Sun charges air with electric particles, these particles also reach your body. Other cosmic emanations also reach your body. All of these three sources power your electric body.

How do you feel having stayed in a place where your body is isolated from the natural surface of Earth, or even worse, Sun emanations do not reach you? Do you feel fresh and energized? Probably not.

Then, go outside to a forest, let you body bath in the sunshine and walk barefoot. How do you feel now? Definitely better, I guess.

People who do not stay sufficiently in nature, may have their body under- powered. Underpowered body, especially if that state lasts for too long, is weaker and cannot function properly. The immune system do not have enough self-defense power, so the body may get illness.

In order to power your body properly, you may need to do some energizing exercises. In this type of exercises, you focus more on energy directed to your body than on physical movements. There are many different energizing exercises, for example the well known in China Qì Gōng and Tài Jǐ.

You can follow different schools and masters who teach energizing exercises or you can do them yourself. There is a simple and quite suitable energizing exercise for majority of people, which I teach in my seminars. Here it is how to do it.

Find the most beneficial place for you practice. The most beneficial environment is in nature, among trees and rocks, at the sea side. Of course, practicing energizing exercises in any other place brings more health benefit than no exercise.

Stand in a free and relaxed posture. Fully close your eyes if you feel stable, if not, half close them. Focus on how your body feels so-called energy flow. In fact, it is electrical activity of the body that makes you feel even the most subtle sensations. You need to focus on these subtle body sensations.

While you stay focused on them, you may also discover that some part of the body is not fully comfortable and it feels to you as if that part wanted to move. Do follow that feeling and allow the muscles in that area to move. This may require you to move a finger, hand, leg, head, belly or even entire body.

The most essential in this exercise is your full focus on how your body feels the energy flow. While focused on that, you discover so-called energy blocks. Then you are able to release that blocks by moving the corresponding muscles. Remember not to focus on the muscle movement, you focus only on the energy flow and then let the muscles to move by themselves.

This is the most basic energizing exercise. The more you practice it, the better you will feel your body energy and also the energy of the surrounding environment. Many energizing techniques were developed out of this basic exercise. They were given different names and developed into schools or systems of energizing practices.

Majority of people, who follow the teachings of those schools, are not aware that the essence of energizing exercises is not the movements they perform, it is the feeling and manipulation of life energy movement in the body.


I discovered ‘tree exercise’ while learning from trees, especially when looking at their auras. Trees are the kind of beings which is much more spiritual than material, also they are wonderful good teachers. Some of them can be over a hundred meters high, with their crown larger than a four story building. Can you imagine how large must be the root structure of these trees? Indeed, it is because it has to support such a big standing structure.

Having in mind such a big tree, imagine that its root draws life energy from Earth and its crown absorbs life energy from Sun. If you are curious, take a voltmeter, connect its electrodes apart on the tree trunk, to see a potential difference. Electricity flows through trees.

Trees in unspoiled nature can live over ten thousand years. During their entire life they support life of many beings, for example, worms, insects, birds and monkeys.

Look at the following picture to understand the tree exercise.

Stand naturally straight and relaxed, so that you feel very stable. Focus for a while on feeling your body weight center which is inside the belly, little under the navel. Put your feet separated approximately as your hips. The placement of your hands is not important, you can leave them in natural position.


The key in this exercise is your imagination and breathing. While imagining a stream of energy, hold your breath. Keep the image as long as you can effortlessly hold your breath. Stop the image when you start breathing.

First learn separately stage one, then stage two, finally the entire exercise. Later, when you can easily master the entire exercise, you do not need to do stages one and two.

Stage one.

Inhale a little more air than you comfortable can hold. Inhale … hold. At the moment when you start holding the breath, start the imagination.

Imagine a stream of energy flowing from Earth, entering your feet, going inside the legs till the center of the body weight. This point is also so- called DānTián, it serves as a battery for the body. You can imagine that you are charging your battery.

When you cannot comfortably hold your breath any more, stop the imagination and then continue breathing normally. Breathe normally several times, so that you prepare yourself for the next inhale and hold. Then repeat the entire procedure of holding your breath and imagining. Repeat this stage several times, then rest for a minute or two, just breathe normally and enjoy.

Stage two.

The procedure is exactly the same with one significant difference. The stream of energy flows from Sun or sky, enters your head, goes inside the body until DānTián. Repeat this stage several times, until you feel comfortable loaded with the Sun/sky energy.

Stage three.

In stage three you combine both flows. While holding your breath, imagine both streams at the same time. One stream flowing from Earth, the other stream flowing from Sun. Both streams meet in DānTián.

Repeat this exercise until you feel well energized. Do not exercise too much because it may make you dizzy or cause other body sensations.

When both streams meet in DānTián, they naturally swirl and create a vortex. I suggest that you do not imagine that vortex, to not disturb its natural creation; just let it happen by itself.

As I mentioned, the position of your hands is not important, however, some people find it easier when they hold or slowly move their hands in some way. If you feel the need to do that, feel free to experiment. Some people feel a growing ball of energy expanding from DānTián, so they place their hands as if they were holding this ball. If the hands disturb your imagination, forget about them.

There is no need to imagine the color of the stream because it is not important. However, while practicing, you can see the colors; no need to pay attention to them.

Remember to stand barefoot on the natural soil. The most beneficial place to practice the tree exercise is nature, of course. You can do this exercises also in any other place, even on the flying air plane, because the key is your imagination. Anyway, I suggest, whenever possible, go to nature to exercise.


The human body needs electricity to function properly. The body muscles can produce electricity, this happens when the muscle alternatively tenses and relaxes. When muscles are not moving for too long time, they become weak. This is why if you are not active physically for too long, you feel tired, sleepy, under-powered., etc. Then, it is enough to exercise for a few minutes, to feel energized again.

Be aware that the body needs some minimum amount of muscle movement regularly. If your muscles do not have this minimum muscle activity, there is no way for the immune system to work at its full efficiency.

People who daily perform physical work, may not need to exercise. Those who have so-called sitting or standing job, may need to do some physical exercises to keep the body in good shape and health. Everybody has their individual needs.

I suggest that you elaborate a set of simple exercises suitable for your body needs and do practice regularly. It does not have to be much exercising. For most people who do not work physically, it would be enough to exercises 3 to 5 times a day, every session 3 to 5 minutes, which sums 9 to 25 minutes a day.

In fact, even if you exercise only once a day for 5 minutes, it really makes a big difference towards your benefit, compared to no physical activity.

Swimming in natural water, especially in ocean, is the most beneficial physical exercise. Almost all muscles of the human body are working during swimming. The content of ocean water is quite similar to the content of human blood. When your body is inside ocean, the skin can suck in elements needed by the body. It is especially beneficial to swim in ocean during sunny weather.

Be aware that there is no way to keep your body in perfect shape and health if it does not have sufficient muscle activities. Some chronically ill people recover quickly after they start to exercise regularly. The conclusion is that you should exercise your body even if it is ill. Of course, do not exaggerate.


There is time for body muscles to work but there is also time when they should be deeply relaxed. Obviously, when you are taking a rest, especially while lying down, your body muscles should be deeply relaxed. Also, when you sit, not all body muscles have to be tensed. What I mean is that sometimes people keep some of their muscles unnecessary tensed.

If a muscle is unnecessarily tensed, it may develop pain. It also may press a nerve, blood vessel or joint for too long time, causing pain or chronic disease. One of reasons of chronic diseases is unnecessarily tensed muscles for too long. Interesting, most people are not aware that they are unnecessarily tensing some muscles, especially when they are emotionally excited.


In order to take good care of your body muscles, sometimes you need to make them work and sometimes relax them deeply. There is a simple full body relaxation exercise which you can practice while taking a rest and before falling asleep.

Lie down on your back, on a flat surface which is not too hard and not too soft. If your bed is too soft, your body never can rest well because it lies in unnatural position. When you lie down on your back, the body should be naturally straight, it should not take the form of an arc.

While lying down, close your eyes and focus on the top of your head. Feel whether there is a tension in that area; if yes, fully release it. Go lower, to your forehead, then relax it deeply. Then move your attention to your ears and face, again do the same, deeply relax all of that areas.

Continue, move down to your neck, release any tension, make sure all the neck is deeply relaxed. Move further down, focus on your shoulders, go deeper into their muscles, feel, feel. Make sure that they are really, deeply relaxed.

Continue this procedure consequently, muscle by muscle, until you reach your toes, to fully relax them.

This was one pass, from the top of your head until the toes. Now, go the opposite way, this will be the second pass which will deepen the relaxed state of all your muscles.

You should feel deeply relaxed. You may fall asleep while doing this exercise – that is all right, you will have a sound sleep.

When you do the full body relaxation exercise for the first time, it may take you a dozen or more minutes for one pass. The deeper you relax every individual muscle, the longer it will take but will give your body refreshing, healthy relax.

While you are performing this exercise, you may notice pain in some places. Pain usually means that there is a health issue in that place. It should be easy to remove it, just remain in that region, deepen the relaxation further. When you feel that the place is deeply relaxed, imagine warmth and energy manifesting in there, until the pain disappears. This is an easy and efficient method to cure some of muscle and joint health issues.


Obviously, eating is one of the most important activities that people engage in. Eating is one of ways to provide your body with substances that it needs. There are many diets and recommendations about eating, what, when and how to eat in order to nourish the body properly. All of them which I know, are harmful.

Think for a while about this, the human body needs thousands of substances to function properly. Your body needs to consume specific substances in right amount and time. To take the best care of your body, you have to know at what time and in what amount of any specific substance your body needs.

To make it even more sophisticated, be aware that your body is continuously changing, therefore its needs are also changing. At this moment your body may need 103 mg of NaHCO3 but tomorrow at this time, it may be too much or too little. For this reason eating at so-called meal times cause more harm than benefit to the body.

Imagine that your body needs water. You have access to the most wonderful water, one that can bring dead man back to life; it is called ‘water of life’. While drinking it, at some point, you feel that your thirst was satiated. You should stop now. If you continue to drink, your body treats this water as excess. Any substance introduced in excess becomes a poison that has to be removed. You see, even when drinking the most wonderful water, you can poison your body.

Now, tell me. How do you know what substance, how much and at what time your body needs? This knowledge is essential to take the best care of your body nourishing. If you follow a diet, you obviously harm your body, as you can conclude from above explanation about body needs of substances.

Be aware that even nutritional science does not give satisfying advises.

If you could clearly feel, what, how much and when your body requires to consume, the problem would be solved. Well, this kind of ability is very natural for humans. In fact, man is born with the ability to feel what substance, in what amount and when their body needs to consume.

However, when we are babies, our parents feed us. Parents usually feed their baby according to what they believe that their baby should eat.

Some parents force their children to eat what is on the table, not what their children’s body really needs. Obviously, under such education, the natural ability to feel the real body needs cannot be developed, on the contrary, it is suppressed and forgotten.

The Conscious Eating method develops your inborn ability to feel the real nutritional needs of your body. You can practice CE whenever you feel hungry or thirsty, just follow these steps.

Step 1.

When you feel hungry, never eat! This may sound strange to you, however it is an important step in starting your Conscious Eating practice. You cannot practice CE when you are satiated.


Whenever you feel hungry or thirsty, stop, sit down for a few seconds, relax and breathe freely. Ask yourself “What is this?” Do not answer this question because it is not directed to your intellect. You are asking your instinct because it is responsible for all the programs related to nourishing the body.

Relax yourself, close your eyes and ask “What is this?” Then, just feel. Feel the answer. Do not imagine or expect anything, just stay relaxed and feel your body. I repeat, feel your body.

Staying focused on feeling your body all the time during the entire CE practice is the essential key to do it properly. Remember, continuously stay focused on feeling your body. Do not change your focus even for a second. Whenever you change or lose your focus, you actually stop CE.

What happens in this step, after you asked “What is this?” Quite often, within just a few seconds, your hunger disappears. This means that your body was not asking for food. There was another reason why you felt hungry. Maybe the next time you will receive an answer from instinct.

The next time, when you feel hungry, start CE. Of course, you do not rush for food, you stop, sit, relax and ask: “What is this?” Wait … you must first focus on what your body feels.

Imagine that your hunger does not disappear this time. Remain relaxed and fully focused on what your body feels. Your body is messaging to you, you have to learn to perceive the message. Remember that the message is not intellectual, it comes from your instinct.

While remaining focused on what your body feels, you may suddenly have a vision, a perturbing thought, a feeling or an emotion may unexpectedly appear. Something like this is the message from instinct. Focus on it, what is the meaning. Dedicate sufficient time to fully develop and solve it. What just happened? Look at the following diagram.

Sometimes, when you feel hungry, it is because your instinct is sending a message to your intellect. As you remember, instinct consists of programs and data. It has also some