Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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This book is a small part of what I teach in my seminars, forums or on- line groups. I prefer personal contact where we can see and feel each other from small distance. In this way, I can share information with you more efficiently and you benefit more than by any other distance mean.

Have a look at the following picture which presents the structure of my teachings divided in seminars.


“Awakening your Awareness and Inner Power” is at the bottom of the tree, where the trunk grows from the roots. This seminar is the foundation of my teachings which means learning the most basic information. All the other seminar teachings are based on this foundation. In fact, the content of this book covers most of this basic seminar.

“Realizing dreams in daily reality” seminar includes explanation about how mind produces what senses perceive as physical reality. It has detailed technical explanation of visualization. There are practical examples, which we also exercises, of how to create different desired final goals. I also describe some examples of so-called miracles achieved by practicing visualization.

“Perfect health, self-healing” seminar includes basic understanding of factors creating man's health. It describes environmental factors and man's activities harmful to health. You can learn about mind and body tools supporting health and about efficient self-healing techniques.

“Revitalization, regeneration in nature” seminar occurs in especially chosen natural environment. It may be mountains with forest and river or a sea side. The teaching material includes information about performing fasting properly, practical usage of healing resources of nature and the means to communicate with nature's elements. The major part of this seminar is practice. The exercises help you to repair your psyche and body. Within the few days people feel their body revitalized.

“Enlightenment, reprogramming in nature” is an advanced seminar which I conduct in South America, for example Ecuador or Brazil. We use advanced natural techniques and ‘jungle + mountain’ plant medicine to efficiently remove psyche and body issues. After proper theoretical preparation, we perform South American shamanic healing techniques during day and night ceremonies. Most participants deeply experience their psychic world, which helps them to get rid of long lasting life problems or even get enlightened.

“Proper nourishment” seminar teaches about five ways of building and powering man's body. It explains in detail nine principles of proper nourishment. You will learn about many reasons why people eat. The powerful and efficient Conscious Eating method is explained and practiced too.

“Inedia, Non-Eating” seminar is designed for those who pursue living without food. It shall make you to understand the essential difference between fasting and non-eating or inedia. Discover when and how non- eating and inedia are possible. You can learn methods helpful in achieving non-eating or inedia.