Humanity Fundamental Teachings by Joachim M Werdin - HTML preview

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The human body is built and powered in five different ways. I am going to describe them shortly. Look at the following picture.



This seems to be obvious; man inserts physical matter called food into their body, where it is processed physically and chemically. Some products of this processes are used to build the cells of the human body and to warm it, and the rest is removed.

By the way, do you know how many percent of what you consume is excreted? Hundred percent; yes, that is 100%. In other words, all of what you consumed is excreted by your body as feces, urine, gases, sweat, blood, water, sebum, dead cells etc. A grown adult consumes more than a dozen tons of things during their life, but their body weight remains about the same. Even when man becomes the world record fattest body, it is much, much lighter compared to how much they have eaten.

If the human body excretes 100% of what they eat, then why do we eat? In fact, it is not exactly 100%, what remains in the body is the energy of the consumed things, which warms and powers the body. The processes of consuming, digestion and excreting, in fact, are much more sophisticated. There is no need to go into details here. Just be aware of one thing, that the best food is found in nature and eaten without any processing.

The human body is fully compatible with nature. This implies that nature provides man with food which is perfect. Something which is perfect cannot be made better because the meaning of ‘perfect’ implies ‘the best’. This means that you cannot improve the food from nature by processing it or what is called ‘cooking’. Any processing will make the food less perfect, which means worse for the body.

When you eat something from nature, whether it is a mineral, plant or animal, make sure that it is alive because ‘alive’ implies the freshest and without processing. The utmost important for the human body is to consume food which is alive because the body absorbs life energy. All the eaten matter, after processing inside the body, will be excreted, but the life energy of the eaten plant or animal will be absorbed. Be aware, your body is design to function perfectly when it consumes living matter.

When man consumes dead matter, which is processed food, their body cannot absorb any life energy from it. On the contrary, the body has to use its own life energy to process that eaten food. This is one of main reasons why man’s body is under-powered. Under-powered body is prone to illness and ages quicker.

In some circumstances, eating can be dropped because it becomes redundant. There are people who do not eat or drink – in spite of that their body functions perfectly – they are called inediates. Inediates are in inedia. Inedia is a state of mind where body functions perfectly although it never asks for food or drink. Inedia and non-eating are another large topic. You can read about inedia and non-eating in my other book titled “Inedia, Non-Eating, Fasting”, edition 2, 2018. Free to download.


The lungs are the body devices designed for eating air. Air is used by human body to produce protein. The human or animal body uses oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and hydrogen present in the inhaled air to synthesizes proteins from which the body cells are built.

I guess that you did not know about this function of the body. Indeed, air is food for breatharians. You, like the other people and animals, are a breatharian because you must breathe air to build the body.

The most beneficial place for man to live is a forest, the worst is a city without the greens. During the day, when man works, they need energy. To provide this energy, the body burns its own carbon. To burn carbon efficiently, oxygen is needed. So, during the day you need to be in a place full of oxygen, then you have enough energy to do your work. The forest produces a lot of oxygen during the day, especially a sunny day.

During the night, when the body is resting, it regenerates itself. The main regenerative function is to build cells. The cells are built from protein which is synthesized from air. For better building efficiency, air used for building proteins must contain more carbon dioxide. At night, in the forest, the plants produce more carbon dioxide. This is why the forest is ideal place for sleeping at night.


Obviously, your eyes are light sensitive devices, but did you know that also your skin is? The sunlight is solar food and the device which eats that is the skin. The skin synthesizes chemicals without which the body cannot function. The sunlight provides so-called ‘food of high frequency vibration’ and your skin is built to properly utilize it.

Be aware that sunlight is of utmost importance to human life. Without the sunlight, the human body cannot survive long. The main reason is emaciation which means not enough nutrients. The skin is a sophisticated factory which provides the body with necessary nutrients which are not provided by the digestive tract.

For this reason it is important for your entire body skin to be exposed to sunlight every day for sufficient period of time. If you do not expose your skin to sunshine sufficiently, you should not wonder that your immune system is not efficient enough. Besides that, lack of sunlight is one of main reasons of skin illness.


By the way, do not make the silly mistake of using so-called sunscreen on your skin. Most of these lotions and creams are loaded with poisons.

Whatever liquid or gas gets in contact with your skin, it enters in your blood within a few seconds. Why would you choose to introduce chemical poisoning into your blood to circulate in your entire body?

I would suggest that you better do not believe in advertising which promotes skin protection against cancer by using sunscreens. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. Chemicals contained in many sunscreens promote skin cancer. It is the sun light, especially the ultraviolet emanation, which destroys skin cancer cells and also cures the skin from many diseases.

Of course, like in case of any food, do not allow your body to absorb too much sun light. Do not expose your skin to sun light for too long. If you do, you may burn your skin, which may be dangerous for your health.

To daily expose your skin to sun light is a very healthy practice, but do this by systematically increasing the expose time. If your skin is light, start from only 10 minutes in the first day. In the next day, expose your entire body to the sun light for 13 minutes. The following day let it be 15 minutes. Then, in every next day add 3 to 5 minutes more.

You can do it slower or slightly quicker but be very cautious. It is better to increase the expose time slower instead of risking even slight skin burns. One hour of daily sun exposure for the entire skin should be enough to keep your skin and immune system in health.


Here is my warning in one sentence: never use sunglasses unless it is so bright that you cannot see. Why not to use sunglasses? Well, your body is perfect, it is design to live in nature. If your body needed sunglasses, you would be born with them. Have you eve seen any baby being born with sunglasses? Have you ever seen any animal with sunglasses?

Your eyes need sun light almost as much as the fish needs water. Sun light is essential for proper functioning of your body. Your eyes are designed to absorb sun light. This is because sun light, through your eyes, controls biological rhythms of your body.

When sun light falls on the retina, electrical signals are conducted from it, through nerves, into your brain. These electrical signals impact the pineal and pituitary glands in your brain. How important that is? Well, if you are interested in so-called anatomy of spiritually self-developing man, you probably know of the utmost importance of your pineal gland. To make a long story short, pineal gland is kind of a gate between the material and spiritual words. Without the pineal gland you would be just like an advanced artificial intelligence machine.

The pituitary gland – again, to make a long story short – is sometimes called “the master gland” because it influences many body functions. It can be said that this gland regulates the chemistry of your entire body.

When you put sunglasses on, you block the essential solar food for your body, which can be delivered through your eyes. If you do that regularly, you cannot expect your body to be entirely healthy. Your endocrine system will not function properly, what may result in so-called chronic disease.

It is advisable to use sunglasses in some circumstances, for example, when sun shines strongly and you are on a white sand beach or a snowy place. Also, when you are driving against the sun and cannot see the road clearly, obviously it would be wiser to use sunglasses.


Earlier, while describing “body tools”, I explained about physical and energizing exercises. These kinds of muscle movements power the body, which is essential to sustain its proper functioning. Obviously, when the movement of the body stops for too long, it ends its life.


Do you remember that your body is an image in your mind? This implies that your body is shaped according to images you keep focusing on. Have you noticed the statistical correlation which proves that joyful people live significantly longer than the pessimistic ones? All people older than 90, whom I met, were joyful. On the other hand, it is a statistical fact that angry people die earlier. Statistically, sorrows make people to experience more diseases.

Inner Joy and visualizations are two mind tools that you can use to shape your body for healthy and longer life. For your visualization, create a realistic film in which you see yourself as always joyful and healthy man. Be aware how you talk about yourself to other people.

There is one primary factor by which you decide how long you body will live. It is your will of life. How much do you will to live? How much sense do you see in continuation of your life? To what degree are you excited to experience your life? Have you any purpose or goals in your life?

Some people say: “I do not care because I do not see any sense of living any longer.” or “All of this is just useless, senseless, so why would I want to continue living.” or “It is enough for me, I am already fed up with my life.”

These or similar images kept in mind, indicate the low will of life. Man who keeps this kind of thinking, shorten their life. Many people focused on this kind of images suffer diseases which bring them closer and earlier to death.

With strong will of life, you are excited to live. You really enjoy life even if it brings sorrows. You definitely would not think about dying even in the most challenging moments of life. You have plans and visions to realize. You believe that you have a mission, important goals to achieve, etc. If you do all of these, your will of life is strong and you have a high chance to live long.