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20.2 Audio instruments

20.2.1 Output power meters

Those for radio applications measure RMS audio power and are usually calibrated in watts and dBW or dBm. They usually contain a dummy load resistor of adjustable impedance as a substitute for the receiver loudspeaker when in use.

20.2.2 Distortion factor and Sinad meters

These may be separate instruments or combined, and may also be incorporated within an audio output power meter. Both operate on the same principle. An audio input amplifier, with automatic gain control to give a fixed reference level at its output, applies the output from the unit under test, first to a notch filter to remove the test frequency of 1000 Hz, then to an AC voltmeter. The voltmeter is calibrated in percentage distortion or dB Sinad.

In testing a receiver Sinad ratio, the instrument is connected across the loudspeaker or equivalent dummy load. An RF signal generator connected to the antenna socket is adjusted to apply a moderately high level signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone – which must be pure and match the notch filter in the Sinad meter – at 60% of the system peak modulation. To be correct, the receiver volume control is adjusted to give the rated audio output but if only Sinad sensitivity is being measured a lower level is acceptable. The Sinad meter will now display the combined level of all the frequencies except 1000 Hz present in the receiver’s output. These are the noise and distortion products. With the high level input applied these will be low and the meter deflection will be small indicating a high Sinad ratio. The RF input level is now reduced until the meter reads 12 dB (the standard reference) and the RF level, µV or dBm, is the Sinad sensitivity for the receiver.

The oscillator to produce the test tone may be included in the meter and filters may be provided to comply with various weightings.

20.2.3 Audio signal generators

The instrument provides an output for synchronizing to an external standard and a TTL compatible output. A high power version capable of delivering 3 watts into a 3 load in the audio band is available.