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1.7 Other propagation topics

Communications in the VHF through microwave regions normally takes place on a ‘line-of-sight’ basis where the radio horizon defines the limit of sight. In practice, however, the situation is not so neat and simple. There is a transition region between the HF and VHF where long distance ionospheric ‘skip’ occurs only occasionally. This effect is seen above 25 MHz, and is quite pronounced in the 50 MHz region. Sometimes the region behaves like line-of-sight VHF, and at others like HF shortwave.

1.7.1 Scatter

There are a number of scatter modes of propagation. These modes can extend the radio horizon a considerable amount. Where the radio horizon might be a few tens of kilometres, underscatter modes permit very much longer propagation. For example, a local FM broadcaster at 100 MHz might have a service area of about 40 miles, and might be heard 180 miles away during the summer months when SporadicE propagation occurs. One summer, a television station in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was routinely viewable in Washington, DC in the United States during the early morning hours for nearly a week.

Sporadic-E is believed to occur when a small region of the atmosphere becomes differentially ionized, and thereby becomes a species of ‘radio mirror’. Ionospheric scatter propagation occurs when clouds of ions exist in the atmosphere. These clouds can exist in both the ionosphere and the troposphere, although the tropospheric model is more reliable for communications. A signal impinging this region may be scattered towards other terrestrial sites which may be a great distance away. The specific distance depends on the geometry of the scenario.

There are at least three different modes of scatter from ionized clouds: back scatter, side scatter,and forward scatter. The back scatter mode is a bit like radar, in that signal is returned back to the transmitter site, or in regions close to the transmitter. Forward scatter occurs when the reflected signal continues in the same azimuthal direction (with respect to the transmitter), but is redirected toward the Earth’s surface. Side scatter is similar to forward scatter, but the azimuthal direction might change.

Unfortunately, there are often multiple reflections from the ionized cloud, and these are shown as ‘multiple scatter’ in Figure 1.15.When these reflections are able to reach the receiving site, the result is a rapid, fluttery fading that can be of quite profound depths.

Meteor scatter is used for communication in high latitude regions. When a meteor enters the Earth’s atmosphere it leaves an ionized trail of air behind it. This trail might be thousands of kilometres long, but is very short lived. Radio signals impinging the tubular metre ion trail are reflected back towards Earth. If the density of meteors in the critical region is high, then more or less continuous communications can be achieved. This phenomenon is noted in the low VHF between 50 and about 150 MHz. It can easily be observed on the FM broadcast band if the receiver is tuned to distant stations that are barely audible. If the geometry of the scenario is right, abrupt but short-lived peaks in the signal strength will be noted.

Figure 1.15 Multiple scatter

1.7.2 Refraction modes

Refraction is the mechanism for most tropospheric propagation phenomena. The dielectric properties of the air, which are set mostly by the moisture content, are a primary factor in tropospheric refraction. Refraction occurs in both light or radio wave systems when the wave passes between mediums of differing density. Under that situation, the wave path will bend an amount proportional to the difference in density of the two regions.

The general situation is typically found at UHF and microwave frequencies. Because air density normally decreases with altitude, the top of a beam of radio waves typically travels slightly faster than the lower portion of the beam. As a result, those signals refract a small amount. Such propagation provides slightly longer surface distances than are normally expected from calculating the distance to the radio horizon. This phenomenon is called simple refraction, and is described by the K factor.

Super refraction

A special case of refraction called super refraction occurs in areas of the world where warmed land air flows out over a cooler sea (Figure 1.16). Examples of such areas are deserts that are adjacent to a large body of water: the Gulf of Aden, the southern Mediterranean, and the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja, California. Frequent VHF/UHF/microwave communications up to 200 miles are reported in such areas, and up to 600 miles have reportedly been observed.


Another form of refraction phenomenon is weather related. Called ducting, this form of propagation is actually a special case of super


Figure 1.16 An example of super refraction

refraction. Evaporation of sea water causes temperature inversion regions to form in the atmosphere. That is, layered air masses in which the air temperature is greater than in the layers below it (note: air temperature normally decreases with altitude, but at the boundary with an inversion region, it begins to increase). The inversion layer forms a ‘duct’ that acts similarly to a waveguide. Ducting allows long distance communications from lower VHF through microwave frequencies; with 50 MHz being a lower practical limit, and 10 GHz being an ill-defined upper limit. Airborne operators of radio, radar, and other electronic equipment can sometimes note ducting at even higher microwave frequencies.

Antenna placement is critical for ducting propagation. Both the receiving and transmitting antennas must be either: (a) physically inside the duct (as in airborne cases), or (b) able to propagate at an angle such that the signal gets trapped inside the duct. The latter is a function of antenna radiation angle. Distances up to 2500 miles or so are possible through ducting.

Certain paths, where frequent ducting occurs, have been identified: in the United States, the Great Lakes region to the southeastern Atlantic seaboard; Newfoundland to the Canary Islands; across the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Texas; Newfoundland to the Carolinas; California to Hawaii; and Ascension Island to Brazil.


Another refractive condition is noted in the polar regions, where colder air from the land mass flows out over warmer seas (Figure 1.17). Called subrefraction, this phenomena bends EM waves away from the Earth’s surface – thereby reducing the radio horizon by about 30 to 40%.

Figure 1.17 An example of subrefraction

All tropospheric propagation that depends upon air-mass temperatures and humidity shows diurnal (i.e. over the course of the day) variation caused by the local rising and setting of the sun. Distant signals may vary 20 dB in strength over a 24-hour period. These tropospheric phenomena explain how TV, FM broadcast, and other VHF signals can propagate great distances, especially along seacoast paths, sometimes weak and sometimes nonexistent.

1.7.3 Great circle paths

A great circle is the shortest line between two points on the surface of a sphere, such that it lays on a plane through the Earth’s centre and includes the two points. When translated to ‘radiospeak’, a great circle is the shortest path on the surface of the Earth between two points. Navigators and radio operators use the great circle for similar, but different, reasons. Navigators use it in order to get from here to there, and radio operators use it to get a transmission path from here to there.

The heading of a directional antenna is normally aimed at the receiving station along its great circle path. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the concept well enough, for they typically aim the antenna in the wrong direction. For example, Washington, DC in the USA is on approximately the same latitude as Lisbon, Portugal. If you fly due east, you will have dinner in Lisbon, right? Wrong. If you head due east from Washington, DC, across the Atlantic, the first landfall would be West Africa, somewhere between Ghana and Angola. Why? Because the great circle bearing 90 degrees takes us far south. The geometry of spheres, not flat planes, governs the case.

Long path versus short path

The Earth is a sphere (or, more precisely, an ‘oblique spheroid’), so from any given point to any other point there are two great circle paths: the long path (major arc) and the short path (minor arc). In general, the best reception occurs along the short path. In addition, short path propagation is more nearly ‘textbook’, compared with long path reception. However, there are times when long path is better, or is the only path that will deliver a signal to a specific location from the geographic location in question.

Grey line propagation

The Grey line is the twilight zone between the night and daytime halves of the earth. This zone is also called the planetary terminator. It varies up to +23 degrees either side of the north–south longitudinal lines, depending on the season of the year (it runs directly north–south only at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes). The D-layer of the ionosphere absorbs signals in the HF region. This layer disappears almost completely at night, but it builds up during the day. Along the grey line, the D-layer is rapidly decaying west of the line, and has not quite built up east of the line.

Brief periods of abnormal propagation occur along the grey line. Stations on either side of the line can be heard from regions, and at distances, that would otherwise be impossible on any given frequency. For this reason, radio operators often prefer to listen at dawn and dusk for this effect.

1.7.4 Scatter propagation modes Auroral propagation

The auroral effect produces a luminescence in the upper atmosphere resulting from bursts of particles released from the sun 18 to 48 hours earlier. The light emitted is called the northern lights and the southern lights. The ionized regions of the atmosphere that create the lights form a radio reflection shield, especially at VHF and above, although 15 to 20 MHz effects are known. Auroral propagation effects are normally seen in the higher latitudes, although listeners in the southern tier of states in the USA and Europe are often treated to the reception of signals from the north being reflected from auroral clouds. Similar effects exist in the southern hemisphere.

Non-reciprocal direction

If you listen to the 40 metre (7–7.3 MHz) amateur radio band receiver on the East Coast of the United States, you will sometimes hear European stations – especially in the late afternoon. But when the US amateur tries to work those European stations there is no reply whatsoever. The Europeans are unable to hear the US stations. This propagation anomaly causes the radio wave to travel different paths dependent on which direction it travels, i.e. an east–west signal is not necessarily the reciprocal of a west–east signal. This anomaly can occur when a radio signal travels through a heavily ionized medium in the presence of a magnetic field, which is exactly the situation when the signal travels through the ionosphere in the presence of the Earth’s magnetic field.