Apart from entertainment broadcasting and mobile telephony, most VHF and UHF systems use vertical polarization and a dipole – or to prevent noise from rain static, the folded dipole – with the conductors mounted vertically is a frequently used antenna for VHF and UHF base station installations. Unfortunately it is often mounted on the side of the support structure in a manner which seriously affects its omnidirectional radiation pattern. Where practical, there should be a minimum spacing of one wavelength between the structure and the rearmost element of the antenna.
To obtain a good omni-directional pattern either an end-fed dipole (Figure 4.9) or a unipole antenna (Figure 4.10) protruding from the top of the mast or tower is the best option. A unipole is a variation of the vertical quarter-wave radiator and provides a low angle of radiation.
To reduce the likelihood of co-channel interference directional antennas are often necessary. The simplest of these is the combination of a λ/2 dipole and reflector shown in Figure 4.11. The reflector is slightly longer than the dipole and spaced one quarter-wavelength from it. The portion of the signal radiated by the dipole in the direction of the reflector is received and re-transmitted by the reflector, with a 180æ phase change occurring in the process. The signal re-transmitted
to the rear of the antenna – the direction of the reflector – cancels the signal from the dipole, that towards the front of the antenna adds to the signal from the dipole giving the radiation pattern shown. The power gain of a dipole and reflector, a two-element array, is 3dBd.
Directivity can be increased by adding directors forward of the dipole, the result is a Yagi–Uda array. The limit to the number of radiators is set by physical constraints and the reduction of bandwidth produced by their addition. At low VHF, a 3-element array is about the practical maximum, while at 1500 MHz, 12-element arrays are commonplace. As a rule of thumb, doubling the number of elements in an array increases the forward gain by 3 dB. Where the maximum front-to-back ratio is essential the single rod reflector can be replaced by a corner reflector screen.
Co-linear antennas provide omni-directional characteristics and power gain in the H plane. A co-linear consists of a number of dipoles stacked vertically and, in the normal configuration, fed so that they radiate in phase and the maximum power is radiated horizontally. Figure 4.12 shows alternative feeding arrangements. One advantage of the co-linear is that the horizontal angle of radiation can be tilted to about 15æ downwards by changing the phasing of the elements. The gain of a co-linear is limited, because of the physical lengths involved and losses in the feeding arrangements to 3 dBd at VHF and 6 dBd at UHF.
Driven element l 4Support boom
l 2
Cables are passed down the centre
of antenna
Figure 4.13 shows a slot antenna cut into a flat metal sheet. Current (I) injected at the centre of the slot flows around the edge and creates a vertical electric field. The radiated field pattern is like a dipole.
The type of slot antenna typically used for mobile telephony base stations is a cylindrical waveguide with slots cut width-wise. Current flowing along the waveguide creates an electric field along the length of the cylinder. The radiation pattern produced by a slot antenna cut into a cylinder is directional, with the main beam perpendicular to the slot. Using two slot antennas side by side provides radio coverage over a 120æ sector. Three pairs of slot antennas placed around a mast gives three sectors that can operate at different frequencies.
l/4 l/4A wide-band alternative to the log-periodic is the conical (discone) antenna (Figure 4.14). It provides unity gain, is omni-directional and has a bandwidth of approximately 3:1, depending on the designed frequency range. In practice there has been a tendency to expect these antennas to perform outside their specified bandwidths with unsatisfactory results.
A method of increasing an antenna’s directivity is to mount two or more antennas vertically above one another (stacking) or side-by-side (baying), and to feed them so that they radiate in phase. Stacking two dipoles vertically increases the directivity in the E plane and baying them increases the directivity in the H plane, approximately halving the beamwidth in each case.
An array of two stacked plus two bayed antennas approximately halves the beamwidth in both planes.The aerial is the least expensive, and most abused, component of a mobile radio installation. Frequently installed in a manner which does not produce optimum performance it can have a profound effect on the performance of the whole installation.
Most mobile antennas consist of a metal rod forming a quarterwavelength radiator. The ideal mounting position is the centre of aPolar diagram E plane 3 V 2.5 Key S
100 to 470 MHz
• Type 7277
225 to 400 MHz
• Type 7477
80 to 200 MHz
metallic roof, and as the area of the ground plane is reduced the radiation pattern changes and more of the energy is radiated upwards (not always a bad thing in inner city areas); also, the impedance rises.
The effect of the mounting position on the H plane radiation can be dramatic, resulting in ragged radiation patterns and, in some directions, negligible radiation. Advice on the installation of mobile antennas and the polar diagrams produced by typical installations are illustrated in MPT 1362, Code of Practice for Installation of Mobile Radio Equipment in Land Based Vehicles.
As the installation moves away from the ideal and the antenna impedance rises a mismatch is introduced between the antenna and the feeder with the consequent production of standing waves on the feeder. Under high VSWR conditions the cable is subject to higher voltage stresses and it also behaves as an aerial radiating some of the reflected power. This spurious radiation adds to the radiation from the antenna in some directions but subtracts from it in others giving rise to jagged radiation patterns or deep nulls in radiated signal.
Mobile antennas providing a small amount of gain, typically 3 dB and obtained by narrowing the radiation lobes, are on the market. These have a length of 5/8 wavelength and, because the extra length makes the impedance capacitive at the operational frequency, a loading coil is inserted at the lower end of the element to cancel the capacitive reactance. An adjustable metallic disk towards the base of the whip is often provided for tuning purposes. Note that gain figures quoted for mobile antennas are usually with reference to a quarter-wave whip.
Low profile antennas are available for use at UHF. They have a builtin ground plane approximately 150 mm in diameter and a height of some 30 mm and have obvious applications for use on high vehicles and, although not strictly covert, where a less obtrusive antenna is required. They are fitted with a tuning screw and when adjusted to resonance a VSWR of better than 1.2:1 is quoted by one maker and a bandwidth of 10 MHz at a VSWR of 2:1. Figure 4.15 shows the radiation pattern for one type.
The installations of antennas on motor cycles poses problems because of the absence of a satisfactory ground plane. One frequently used method is to employ a 5/8 wavelength whip and loading coil. Another
AVSWR at resonance ............ < 1.2:1 Typical radiation pattern
(460 MHz)
Antenna mounted on a 40 cm × 40 cm aluminium plate
Figure 4.15 Low profile UHF antenna (by kind permission of Panorama Antennas Ltd)
Again, because of the lack of a ground plane high performance antennas are difficult to provide for hand-portables, particularly at VHF. Body-worn sets may have an antenna incorporated in the microphone lead but the high current portion of the antenna must then be at a low height and in some directions the radiation must pass through the body, which is highly absorbent, to reach the base station. Helical antennas are frequently used on hand-held sets to reduce the physical length. Useful operating tips are to face the base station when using the radio in low signal areas, while placing the set on a nearby car roof effectively increases the performance of the antenna.
There are two safety aspects to consider when installing mobile antennas: physical and electrical. The physical considerations are that the antenna must be incapable of inflicting injury when it is in its correct position, and also when it has been bent or damaged. Rear wing mounted antennas need particular care in their positioning; a Band 111 aerial tip is just about eye height when bending over an open boot lid. The same considerations apply to hand-portables, helical antennas being perhaps safer than whips because they are thicker and thus more easily seen. They also have rounded tips.
The electrical dangers are from radiation affecting the body either directly – radiation from a hand-portable helical into the eye is a possible example – or indirectly by affecting electronic equipment. The danger of radiation affecting equipment in the vehicle is increased when the VSWR is high because of increased radiation from the feeder. Advice should be sought from the Radiological Protection Board.