Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

What Was Learned.

In these next few chapters I want to share some all in one knowledge I picked up on my way.

The struggle becomes a real life situation when building your own business. When we get started most of us get educated in the learning process shifting the mindset ATTACKING the goals that were said we can never do. You out there who have people in your lives saying just keep your job is a good thing but if its not what you see the future as then start a side hustle.

When the journey began I had a lot to soak in, prior learning a little from YouTube watching motivation videos. The millionaires and billionaires say focus on one thing at a time. The time came on making the investment in myself. Working a job and studying real estate investing and online business with just videos and no mentors on the side. Filling the brain with a wealth of knowledge but not applying, whats the point!

If you have noticed how people created buildings off of visions. Im not talking about just buildings, I mean cars, electronics etc. If any of you youngsters ever watch the movies of Terminator you will see how far we have come. The point is we as humans can grow. I read a lot of books. I like the ones of people who were born into poverty Gutter types and saw that they did not want their future to be reruns of their past.

I know a lot of people hate reading, the reason for books that I have become addicted to books and yes I said it ADDICTED and I dont mean any offense to anyone. Books opened my mind to the brains of others because we all come from different backgrounds in life. The path begins when you let your old self go and become a new you.

Wondering what makes these people tick! The first book I read was “think and grow rich” in a part of the book he talks about Henry Ford and how he beat the competition in the automotive industry while others were selling higher priced vehicles he built and sold cars building a strong company that is still here till this day.

We all have something in us that