Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Turn your Instagram Followers into Customers.

Every businessman always craves to increase their sales and stay ahead of their competitors. A business that has a great advertising strategy should expect robust earnings at the end of the day. Traditional online advertisements are long gone, and according to a research by hub spot, 64% of individuals who use ad blockers tend to find ads annoying.

Thus its important to find alternative methods to advertise your brand and stay in the latest marketing trend to deliver the brand message. Ephemeral content!, even though this kind of content disappears after 24 hours, it has proved to be a very powerful marketing strategy.

A lot of social media platforms such as Snap chat, Instagram and Facebook provide an opportunity to share temporary content. However, Instagram is the most common platform where users like posting stories, lives streaming and other kinds of brief content. Instagram transient content has become very popular, and has gained 250 million daily active users within just a year of its launch and still growing, surpassing the snap chat version.

Keep in mind that 75% of users take various actions such as searching a shop, visiting a website after watching a post, 72% of users have made purchases especially fashion, beauty and style products and 70% of campaigns showed significant increases for online conversions.

If you wonder why investing time and money in content that lasts for a brief period of time is worth giving it a try, then here is a list of benefits that ephemeral content offers businesses. One benefit is that it helps beat the Instagram algorithm.

Instagram decided to change their algorithm in March 2016 and continues to do so, from the previous chronological order model. Instagram helps users view content that they find interesting to them. It's also estimated that 10% of your audience actually views your posts and although that creates trouble for marketers, ephemeral marketing will help your brand get seen in a different app feed and thus does not get buried in the news feed.

Transient content also lasts for 24 hours thus providing a FOMO (fear of missing out) effect to users. A lot of individuals watch instagram stories and live streams because they dont want to miss out on something im