Rise From the Bottom to Profits by Leonard Sotelo - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Start Up Mode.

When it all started I was working at this company and the weird thing is it seemed like every time I start a new job it seems to be barely holding on in other words a sinking ship. I started as a temp to hire depending on my performance. The company was going under causing the employees to be highly stressed.

The layoffs started. They got rid of people that had been there at the company 15, 25 years and it was sad to see these men and women cry. I caught on quickly and learned this is what happens in the corporate world. It does not matter if people have mortgages, family etc. its business things like this happen all the time, but most are never prepared for it when it hits hard.

My attitude was there is nothing I can do about at that time I didnt have the right knowledge. I had the consumer mind the W-2 mindset. Its just another job, the company was empty, there were only a few others and me.

Prior I had an idea to build my own T-shirt Company with images I have in my mind. I remember I was lingering around and talking to the engineer smart guy this guy built some impressive equipment for this Company. He told me Leo , why do you still decide to come to work at this job? At first I was like wow thats messed up. What kind of question is that?

One of the maintenance guys asked me the same question a week later, obviously they saw something at that time that I didnt. They knew I was educated in forensic, criminal law, I knew how to build muscle cars, They knew I had a talent that I was not using. That job eventually came to an end, not pretty, but it was time to go. As I exited the premises I looked at our American flag and asked myself what I was doing wrong.

Pondering my next move for advancement continuing reading all the books I can, when I got tired of reading I would listen. Many books talk about the mindset and what shifting is like, but most do not go into details, maybe it was just me, not being able to comprehend it well.

As I pondered for the lo