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⎝ ⎠ ⎥


and corresponding plots for r=1÷6 are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 8 presents variability of Ωα versus α in the range 0.01 ≤ α ≤ 0.1. The relationship

Ωα=f(α) in an analytical form is needed to calculate quickly the optimal width of the

measurement window d for a given output and its pass band frequency fp according to (51).

The approximation of this relation can be evaluated using (51) and (47). The courses in the

given range were approximated by an exponential function:


Ωα apr

= S ⋅ α


with very good fitting using the regression method. The results: the values of the coefficients

S and P as well as correlation coefficients R are shown in Table 2. The mean value of the

exponent Pm is equal to 0.197 and was accepted as constant. The new values of coefficients

Sm for Pm are also presented in Table 2. For Sm and r the quadratic dependence was found as

it is shown in Figure 9.

Fig. 7. The spectrum of the corrected Nuttall window of 1st to 6th order versus Ω.




New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

Fig. 8. The normalised frequency Ω versus the accuracy α of transmission of the useful



1 2 3 4 5 6

S 4.9755 4.5838 4.1065 3.6324 3.0745 2.4184

P 0.1991 0.2006 0.1971 0.1982 0.1961 0.1882

R 0.9997 0.9997 0.9996 0.9997 0.9998 0.9995

Sm 4.941 4.529 4.105 3.618 3.083 2.49

Table 2. Parameters of the approximate exponential function to the order r of the

measurement window.

Fig. 9. Variability of Sm versus r.

The result approximate relation, who determines the variability of Ωα versus r, is as follows:





Ωα apr

= (− 024



⋅ r + 66



⋅ r + .

1 86) ⋅ α


The correlation coefficients between the data, which was obtained on the basis of the

corrected window spectrum and the other calculated on the basis of the above mentioned

Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics of Systems Based on the Active Experiment 147

Equation (53), are still close to unity. The needed width of the measurement window can be

expressed in seconds, using (54) and measurement step relating to:

( 0

− .024 ⋅ r2 + 0 66

. ⋅ r + 1 86

. )




⋅ α

dopt =



(4 ⋅ f ⋅ step)


3. Identification of non-linear system dynamics

3.1 Parametric identification

The proposed procedure, the averaged differentiation operation with correction, can be

applied to evaluation of the parameters of the model of the system dynamics if the model

structure is known and corresponds in general to the differential equations of the kind:

y(n)(t) = F(y,y(1) ,


, y(n−1),x,x(1)



, x(n),A0 ...

, ,B0 ,


, D)


which can be written down as the following equation:



y(n)(t) = ∑A F

j ⋅ jx (y,Ky(n 1) , x,Kx(n) )⋅ x( j) − ∑B ⋅ F


jy (y,Ky(n 1) , x,Kx(n) )⋅ y( j) + D (57)



Taking into account all the measured data samples N, to which the model with the

parameters Aj, Bj and D must be fitted we can present the system in the matrix form:

⎡ A0 ⎤

⎢ ... ⎥



⎢ A ⎥




Yn = XY ⋅ PAR









⎢ B0 ⎥



⎢ ... ⎥


⎣ N ⎦


⎢ D ⎥

⎡ F

0x,1 x1

... Fnx,1 x(n) F0y,1 y1 ... Fny,1 y(n 1) 1



⎢ F

⋅ x

... F

⋅ x(n) F

⋅ y

... F

⋅ y(n−1) 1⎥




















⋅ x

... F

⋅ x(n) F

⋅ y

... F

⋅ y(n−1) 1⎥

⎣ 0x,N N







The system (58) with respect to some or all parameters Aj, Bj and D can be non-linear or

quite linear. In case of nonlinearity, non-linear optimisation has to be applied, for instance

by the simplex search method. An initial estimation of the parameters can be carried out

either by omitting nonlinearities, if this is possible, or by using another estimation

procedure. It is advisable to try several sets of starting values to make sure that the solution

gives relatively consistent results. The obtained result for a given optimal averaging width

dopt of the measurement window g(v) does not have to be an optimum. The verification of

the result of the identification, the model parameters, can be done through the


New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

determination of the mean square deviation between the output signal y and the model

response obtained through the simulation ys for the assigned parameters:




J = ∑(ys − y) = ys − y .



Both signals y and ys must be averaged and corrected. The minimum of criteria J proves the

result of non-linear optimisation and correctness of the choice of dopt.

3.2 Nonparametric identification of nonlinear dynamics of 1st order of systems based

on the active experiment (Boćkowska & Żuchowski, 2007)

Despite the fact that the presented method is nonparametric, its usefulness is limited to

systems dynamics with structure described by the following differential equation:

y(1) ⋅ (

ϕ x,y) + y ⋅ f(x,y) = x .


Thanks to the fact that the measured window is an even function, the method of the

averaged differentiation does not introduce any time shift between signals: the signals

measured for example y(1)(t0) and those who were averaged y(1)(t0)g. The corrected signals

are not shifted in relation to the measured signals, because the correction procedure is also


An active experiment ensures that a rich spectrum signal is fed into the system input. A rich

spectrum can be achieved when a periodic signal with a modulated amplitude and

frequency is applied, for example:


x t) = A(t) ⋅ sin(t ⋅ (

ω t) + φ0) .


Averaged and corrected courses of signals x(t), y(t) and y(1)(t) should be obtained and the

plots of these courses created. The time moments for which y(1)(t)=0 can be easily obtained

and correspond to the points of the static characteristics of the examined object:

y ⋅ f(x,y) = x .


Next, the values of the second unknown function ϕ(t) can be defined using all the values of

both averaged and corrected signals.

The goal of the presented method is not the determination of the static characteristic, but

that of the function f(x,y). These two can produce the same or similar graphs, but they are

not always the same mathematically. It means that the structure of the function f(x,y) can

not be concluded from the relation y(x) without additional assumptions. The functions f and

ϕ can be the functions only of x or y or of both signals together. Hence, various models can

be created and some of them differ from the true model. The regression method should be

used in order to determine the functions f and ϕ on the basis of the plots of the following



x − y ⋅ f(x,y)

f(x,y) = z1 =



ϕ x,y) = z2 =





in the co-ordinate system x, y, z1 and x, y, z2. An input with a rich spectrum enables to

obtain a big collection of different points x, y, z1, z2.

Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics of Systems Based on the Active Experiment 149

The examined object can have the dynamics of an order higher than one. In this case the

obtained static characteristic is different from the real one and the change of the form of the

signal x(t) leads to other results. Hence, it is a good control test of the correctness of the

dynamics order.

The identified model should be obviously verified using numerical simulation.

A comparison between simulation results and measured data should also be carried out.

3.3 Nonparametric identification of nonlinear dynamics of 2nd order of systems

The consideration relates to the models of system dynamics with the following structure:

y(2) ⋅F2 (x,y,y(1))+ y(1) ⋅F1(x,y,y(1))+ F0 (x,y,y(1))= x .


The averaged corrected values of signals x, y, y(1) and y(2) are used. At first the relation

corresponding to static characteristics should be determined – a steady state, when y(1)(t)=0,

y(2)(t)=0 and x(t)=x=const.:

F0(x,y 0

, ) = x .


Usually the function F0(x,y) is independent at y(1)(t), hence the substitute relation can be


y = (

φ x) .


Next, the values of x, y corresponding to the extreme values of the first derivative should be

chosen, for which:

y(2)(t) = 0.


The knowledge of the function F0(x,y), which was determined in the first step and multiple

chosen values of y(1)ex in the second step allow us to evaluate the structure of the function


x − F x, y


F (


x, y,y )

0 (






y ex

In a particular case, if F1(x,y,y(1)) is the function only of the output, the relation (68) is

obtained uniquely:

x − F x, y


F (y)

0 (






y ex

In different cases the additional conditions should be assumed a priori.

The finding of the values of x, y and y(2) for y(1)(t)=0 allows us to choose the structure of the

last function:

x − F x,y


F (y)

0 (







The result of non-parametric identification is unique if the model of system dynamics can be

described by the following differential equation:


New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

y(2) ⋅F2 (y)+ y(1) ⋅F1(y)+ F0(y) = x .


The accuracy of this process is defined by the accuracy of the operation of averaged

differentiation with correction.

3.4 Nonparametric identification of nonlinear dynamics of order higher than 2nd

For the systems, which model has the analogue structure to (71) but is the higher order the

parametric identification is necessary. Let us now consider:

y(3) ⋅F3(y)+ y(2) ⋅F2 (y)+ y(1) ⋅F1(y)+ F0(y)= x .


After the determination of the static characteristics and definition of the relation:

F0(y)= x


the values of x, y corresponding to the extreme values of the first or second derivative

should be chosen, because both of these conditions are fulfilled very rarely. Supposing that

y(3)(t)=0 we obtain:

y(2)ex ⋅F2 (y)+ y(1) ⋅F1(y) = x − F0(y).


The structure of the functions F2 and F1 can be assumed as follows:




F (y) = ∑a ⋅ i

i y




(y)= ∑b ⋅ i

i y (75)



and obtained using the regression. However if y(2)(t)=0 we obtain:

y(3)ex ⋅F3(y)+ y(1) ⋅F1(y)= x − F0(y)


and the function F1 can be treated as determined. Consequently, the form of the function F3

can be found. In case of models of a higher order the procedure can be analogous.

3.5 An optimal degree of complexity of a model

In all the cases described above the analytical form of the functions F0, F1, … Fk is evaluated

using the appropriate set of data, supporting the base functions:



F (y) = ∑c ⋅i if(y)



and regression method remembering that the variables x and y are known with the certain

accuracy Δx and Δy. If the measured accuracy of variables can be obtained the optimal

degree of complexity of the model can be determined. Assuming that the model with the

degree of complexity n in the form:



F (y) = ∑c ⋅ i

i y (78)


Nonparametric Identification of Nonlinear Dynamics of Systems Based on the Active Experiment 151

was determined by regression based on the minimisation of the error:




D2 (ci ) = F

∫⎨ (y)− ∑c yi

⋅ ⎬ ⋅dy




y ⎩


hence the following equations are satisfied for i=0,1,…,n:



i )


= 0 = 2

− ⋅ F

∫⎨ (y)− ∑ci yi

⋅ ⎬⋅yi ⋅dy .



∂ i

y ⎩


If the values of y are known with the accuracy Δy=const or Δ1=Δy/y=const then the

application of the model (78) is connected with the additional error, for the small Δy defined

by the relation:


dF y


F (y + Δy) = n

F (y)

n ( )

+ Δy ⋅

= n

F (y)+ Δy ⋅ ∑


i ⋅ c ⋅


i y






dF y


F (y + Δy) = n

F (y)

n ( )

+ Δy ⋅

= n

F (y)+ Δ ⋅

1 ∑i ⋅ c ⋅ i

i y . (82)



The square error is as follows:



⎧ n


D ( n) = ( y

Δ ) ∫{


c y − ⋅ dy or D 2(n)


= Δ ∫⎨∑c yi

⋅ ⎬ ⋅dy ,














y i

⎩ =0

A total model error:

D2 (n) = D

2 (


n)+ D 2 (

a n) ,


depends on its degree of complexity n. If for the supported Δy or Δ1 as a result of the

calculations one gets D2(n+1) ≥ D2(n), then the degree of model complexity n is optimal.

4. Conclusion

The presented method can be useful in identification of the structure of a model of nonlinear

dynamics of 1st and higher orders. The advantage of the proposed solution is its simplicity

and possibility of evaluation of its accuracy. The application of the averaged differentiation

with correction ensures one to evaluate an averaged signal and its derivatives close to their

real values. A novelty is the proposed procedure of the correction of the averaged

differentiation. The method allows to obtain a structure of the model of the nonlinear

dynamics of 1st or 2nd order. The advantage of this identification is the fact that it can be

used even if the measured signals are disturbed and the dynamics is nonlinear. In case of


New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

dynamics of a higher order the application of parametric identification to define a part of

model structure is the solution.

5. References

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Group Judgement with Ties.

Distance-Based Methods

Hanna Bury and Dariusz Wagner

Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences


1. Introduction

Problems of determining group judgement h