DUBINA 2021 by Anton Dubina - HTML preview

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What does the car of the future cost us build

Car production requires premises, special equipment, materials. For this, it is necessary to attract funds from investors. Attracting investments will be in the form of selling a fixed number of tokens to investors. A token is a noncryptocurrency unit of account designed to represent the digital balance in an asset. The cost of the token is determined by the formula: Tn = 10—9C. Where Tn is the cost of the n-th token; C is the capital of the company. The cost of the token depends on the capital of the company. The more the company’s capital, the higher the value of the token. The token owner can sell his token. When a token is sold, the value of the token decreases, and when it is purchased, it increases. In total, there will be 1 billion tokens in circulation. Company capital will be linked to a bank account, to which the company’s profits will be transferred. After a successful ICO, the company will organize an engineering team of seven people. 1 robotics engineer, 2 software engineers, 2 process engineers, 2 design engineers. This a group of engineers will be engaged in the development and improvement of the car, conduct research and establish production.
