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Definition: FFT

(Fast Fourier Transform) An efficient computational algorithm for computing the





absolutely integrable, Stable vs. Unstable

alias , Aliasing

aliasing , The sampling theorem, Aliasing

all the bands contain the same information but at different frequencies , The sampling theorem

alphabet, Symbolic Signals, Symbolic-valued Signals

amplitude response, THE AMPLITUDE RESPONSE

analog, Discrete-Time Signals

analog-to-digital converters , Sampling of continuous-time signals

antialiasing prefilter , Aliasing

argument, Complex Numbers

autocorrelation, Autocorrelation Function, Glossary


bandlimited, Sampling Period/Rate

bi-quad, Introduction

bilateral z-transform, Basic Definition of the Z-Transform

binary encoding , Sampling of continuous-time signals

bounded input-bounded output (bibo), Stable vs. Unstable

boxcar filter, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Examples for Systems in the Time


buffering, Efficiency of Frequency-Domain Filtering

butterfly, Deriving the FFT


causal, Causal vs. Noncausal, Pole/Zero Plots and the Region of Convergence

characteristic polynomial, Homogeneous Solution, Homogeneous Solution

circulant matrix, Understanding Conditions on Matrix for Shift Invariance

circular convolution, Compute IDFT of Y[k]

complex exponential sequence, Complex Exponentials, Complex Exponentials

complex exponentials, Introduction

complexity, FFT and the DFT

composite, Conclusion

computational advantage, Deriving the FFT

computational algorithm, The FFT Algorithm, Glossary

conjugate, Complex Numbers

continuous system, Continuous vs. Discrete

continuous time fourier transform, Introduction

continuous-time fourier transform, Introduction

control theory, Examples of Pole/Zero Plots

correlation of two signals measure the degree of their similarity., DIGITAL CORRELATION

countably infinite, Filtering in the Frequency Domain


decimation, Decimation in time FFT

delayed, Systems in the Time-Domain

difference equation, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Systems in the Time-Domain,

Introduction, Summary, Glossary

direct method, Solving a LCCDE, Solving a LCCDE

discrete fourier transform (dft), Sampling DTFT

discrete system, Continuous vs. Discrete

discrete time fourier transform, Introduction

discrete-time fourier transform, Introduction

discrete-time sinc function, DTFT Examples, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)


ecg, DTFT and Convolution

electrocardiogram, Glossary

envelop delay, WHY LINEAR-PHASE: MORE


fast fourier transform, Fast fourier transform (FFT)

fft, The FFT Algorithm, Glossary

fir, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Examples for Systems in the Time Domain

form, Deriving the FFT

fourier series, Equations, Equations

fourier transform, Basic Definition of the Z-Transform

frames, Spectrograms

frequency characteristic , FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF LTI (LSI) SYSTEMS

frequency domain, Properties of CTFT


functional, Introduction to Systems


geometric series, DTFT Examples, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)



hanning window, Spectrograms

homogeneous solution, Direct Method, Direct Method


iir, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Examples for Systems in the Time Domain,


impulse response, Understanding Conditions on Matrix for Shift Invariance, Summary: LSI

Systems and Imuplse Response

in order the samples represent correctly the analog signal, the sampling frequency must be greater

than twice the maximum frequency of the analog signal:, The sampling theorem

indirect method, Solving a LCCDE, Solving a LCCDE

infinite impulse-response, Introduction

initial conditions, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Difference Equation


linear, Linear vs. Nonlinear

linear discrete-time systems, Systems in the Time-Domain

linear shift invariant system, LSI/LTI Systems, Glossary

linear time-invariant, Introduction

live, Illustrations

lti, Introduction


method of sequence (vector),, Cross-correlation and auto-correlation

modulus, Complex Numbers


narrow-band spectrogram, Short Time Fourier Transform

noise removal, Efficiency of Frequency-Domain Filtering, FIR Filter Example

nonanticipative, Causal vs. Noncausal

noncausal, Causal vs. Noncausal

nonlinear, Linear vs. Nonlinear

not, Speed Comparison

nyquist interval , The sampling theorem

nyquist rate , The sampling theorem


optimal, L-∞ Optimal Lowpass Filter Design Lemma

order, Difference Equation


particular solution, Direct Method, Direct Method

phase delay, WHY LINEAR-PHASE?

pitch (fundamental frequency) , Correlation of periodic signals

pole-zero cancellation, Examples of Pole/Zero Plots

poles, Introduction to Poles and Zeros of the Z-Transform, Glossary

postfilter , Aliasing

power series, Region of Convergence

properties, Properties of CTFT

proportional , FFT and the DFT


quantization , Sampling of continuous-time signals


roc, Region of Convergence



sampling frequency , Sampling of continuous-time signals

sampling interval, Sampling of continuous-time signals

sampling is just a multiplication of the analog signal x(t) with a sampling signal (or function)

s(t):, Sampling of continuous-time signals

sampling period , Sampling of continuous-time signals

shift-invariant, Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain, Systems in the Time-Domain

signal, Signals Represent Information

slide (shift) – multiply – add. , Cross-correlation and auto-correlation

solution , Cross-correlation and auto-correlation, Auto-correlation, Correlation and data

communication, Aliasing, Associativity, Impulse response for causal system and signal, System

identification , From the DTFT to the DFT, Frequency response, FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF

LTI (LSI) SYSTEMS, Eigen-function and eigen-value in DSP systems , Frequency response in

terms of filter coefficients

spectrogram, Short Time Fourier Transform

stable, Stable vs. Unstable, Pole/Zero Plots and the Region of Convergence

symmetries, How does the FFT work?

system identification , System identification


the stagecoach effect, Sampling too slowly

time domain, Properties of CTFT

time index , Sampling of continuous-time signals

time invariant, Time Invariant vs. Time Variant

time variant, Time Invariant vs. Time Variant

time-reversed impulse response, Understanding Conditions on Matrix for Shift Invariance

time-varying behavior, Note

toeplitz matrices, Understanding Conditions on Matrix for Shift Invariance

transfer function, Conversion to Z-Transform, Conversion to Laplace-Transform

twiddle factor, Summary of FFT algorithms

twiddle factors, How does the FFT work?


uncountably infinite, Filtering in the Frequency Domain

uniform sampling , Sampling of continuous-time signals

unilateral z-transform, Basic Definition of the Z-Transform

unit sample, Unit Sample, Unit Step, Unit Sample

unit-sample response, Filtering in the Frequency Domain

unstable, Stable vs. Unstable


wide-band spectrogram, Short Time Fourier Transform

window, Spectrograms


z-plane, The Complex Plane

z-transform, Basic Definition of the Z-Transform

z-transforms, Table of Common z-Transforms

zero-pad, Filtering in the Frequency Domain

zeros, Introduction to Poles and Zeros of the Z-Transform, Glossary


Collection: ECE 454 and ECE 554 Supplemental reading

Edited by: Thad Welch