FInite Element Analysis Guide Through ANSYS Wb v.16.2 by Syllignakis Stefanos, Petr Vosynek - HTML preview

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The presented material was created within the Erasmus+ project of the student Stefanos Syllignakis under the leadership of Petr Vosynek. It is basically support material for the subject 6KP and its English version 6KP-A (basics of computational modeling using finite element method) taught in the Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology.

Computer labs of 6KP and 6KP-A are composed of active exercises under the current interpretation of the fundamentals associated with the type of elements and also from a separate project for a group of students. The texts were made in two versions, for the computing open_source system Salome_Meca (C_A) and for computing system ANSYS Workbench v16.2.