Introduction to Multisim Schematic Capture and SPICE Simulation by Janell Rodriguez and Erik Luther - HTML preview

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2.4. Exercise: Drawing A Schematic in National

Instruments Multisim*


Exercise: Drawing a Schematic in MultiSim

Approximate time to complete: 20 minutes.

This exercise provides a general introduction to Multisim’s schematic capture. You will build and wire a basic circuit in Multisim using a variety of means to access parts, experiment with the wiring and run a basic simulation.


  • Understand the difference between real, virtual, ideal, and interactive parts.
  • Build and wire a basic circuit (including virtual wiring).
  • Become familiar with and set wiring options.


1. Build your own version of circuit 40kFILTER1_Complete.ms9 as pictured below. Select the required components from the Master Database (Place/Component) and the In-Use List. Set component values as identified below. Note: Components R1, R2 and C2 are all virtual parts.


Figure 2.17.

Bandpass Filter

  1. To wire your circuit, point at a component terminal so that you see the cursor changes to crosshairs and left-click. Move the pointer (while dragging the wire) to the second component terminal and left-click to terminate.
  2. Using the Replace function by right clicking on the R2, choose Replace Component(s) and substitute the virtual resistor (R2) with a real resistor (Basic/Resistor) of your choice.
  3. Double-click on the virtual components to see how they can be used to set variable parameters.
  4. Rotate and move a component within the circuit to see how movement of components affects the wiring. Components can also be rotated while being placed from the database.
  5. Select the virtual capacitor from the In-Use List and place it between Points A and B in the circuit. Notice the how it is automatically connected, and has a capacitance of 270 pF.

