4.3. Exercise: Instrumenting Simulated Circuits in
National Instruments Multisim*
Approximate time to complete: 20 minutes
This exercise will demonstrate the interactive simulator, and virtual instruments. By the end of this exercise, users will be familiar with placing instruments, opening their front panels, and configuring various options.
1. Attach an oscilloscope to monitor the input and output voltages.Double-click on the oscilloscope icon to adjust its settings as follows:
1. The color of the wire segment connected to an instrument controls the color of the trace on the instrument display. Make sure that the wires from the output of the op-amp are blue. If they are not, then right-click on a wire segment and choose “Wire Color” to change the setting. Now, simulate and observe the output.
2. Change the value of the Potentiometer (R3) by pressing “A” to increase the resistance and “Shift-A” to decrease the resistance during simulation. Observe the response on the oscilloscope. Note: The Bode Plot response will be updated only after you re-simulate the circuit.
Figure 4.21.
1. While the simulation is still running, use the “Measurement Probe” to view the voltage levels in the circuit. It is found at the end of the instrument panel.