How to be the Earth Leader for Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainable Development by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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The Geo Spirit meets are preferably held in the pristine natural surroundings. However, as per the demand, they could be held in various other spaces with least disturbance.

There will be a ‘lead’ to conduct every Geo Spirit Meet. The person is called ‘Geo Spirit Lead.’ The lead is the person whose achievements and acts might have inspired or impacted thousands of people.

The lead may be supported by thematic experts in initiating the contemplation process to the participants.

It is not about how much knowledge the lead or the experts have – trying to deliver the subject details or knowledge is not the purpose - learning is a continuous process and in limited time some awareness and sensitisation can be created, and knowledge can be imparted to some extent. The presumption is that in the present world, Knowledge is everywhere and one can easily gain it, but one getting sensitised on the aspects is the most difficult thing to achieve.

It is about how each one could stimulate the thought process and inspire for setting up bigger common goals.

The sitting arrangement during the meets is mostly circular which empowers everyone equally.

In the nights the participants sit around a fire created using the twigs and other wood locally available. The fire energises and sanctifies any place. The dancing yellow flames are good for focusing on the discussions and contemplation. The warmth from flames gives comfort from the chilly nights. Preferably electricity lights and loudspeakers are not used in the meets.


Energy in biomass manifested by flames

Duration of the Geo Spirit meets

Most commonly Geo Spirit meets start on Saturday afternoon and end by Sunday forenoon. There is no sleeping time given to the participants if the participants continue the discussions none of them sleeps till the end. The participants usually have a power nap for about 2 to 4 hours in between, as they need to get up by sun raise time.

Some shorter Geo Spirit meets, which are also popular and last 3 to 4 hours. Initially, the lead will make a presentation on the purpose of the meet and create some nature sensitisation exercises. For the people who have a natural surrounding, this session would be most useful. One hour presentation and 2 to 3 hours exercises in the field.

Geo Spirit Retreats last longer, say 5 to 7 days. Where each earth leader spends time in the wilderness. A lead facilitates the retreat process. Each earth leader requires to be part of at least one retreat every two years.