10 Erotic Short Stories Vol.1 by Goran Radanovic - HTML preview

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I Never Wanted to Participate in an Orgy



Friday night arrived. The last thing on my mind was going to a club after my appointment with the doctor. When I declined her invitation, my BFF said it would help me take my mind off things. I went against better judgement.

On the way to the club, the taxi driver switched the conversation about the best clubs to visit to tell us that he knows a place if we want to participate in an orgy. I looked at my BFF and frowned. She grabbed my hand, and her facial expression screamed that she was as creeped out as I was. I told the driver to stop.

We stood on the side of the road and waited for the next taxi. When we got in, I told him that we wanted silence. I knew going to the club was a bad idea. Should've stayed at home.

After we bought drinks, it didn't take two minutes for a guy to approach my BFF. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the dance floor. I wasn't surprised that nobody came up to me since my glum facial expression told them to stay away.

A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a man with black hair and a tan. His teeth sparkled, and the gel sleeked his hair back.

"Hello, pretty lady," he said. "I've never seen anybody as beautiful as you."

That wasn't the first time I heard that line, and it wasn't enough for me to crack a smile. I wasn't surprised that he glanced at my chest. Most men who met me couldn't prevent their eyes from slipping down to my D-cup breasts. A smile appeared on my face when he said, "I saw you from across the floor, and I could see that you're beautiful, but something about you told me that you're also smart."

That was a compliment I hadn't heard often. The BFF had often called me a dumb blonde. She said it jokingly, but I knew that she meant it.

"I'm Fabrizio," he said and stuck out his hand.

"Dolly. Nice to meet you," I said.

"I love how the tips of your curly, blonde hair cascade off your shoulders."

I smiled, but I knew that he used my hair as an excuse to get another glimpse at my chest. When he put his hand on my waist, I flinched. He saw that I felt uncomfortable and pulled back. I appreciated that he respected my space. His smile was contagious, and it didn't hurt that he offered me a drink. I accepted but stopped after the third one. His intention of getting me drunk and bedding me was clear, but I wasn't that dumb.

"I've got a nice place on the beach. I'd love for you to visit," said Fabrizio.

"That's nice of you, but I don't know you."

After he showed me the pictures of his mansion on the phone, I was curious about the place. The two-storey house was painted white, and the main bedroom had a balcony so close to palm trees that it looked like they were within an arm's reach.

"I've got a lot of friends in the entertainment industry, and meeting them could be a good opportunity for you to network," he said. I always thought about being an actress. After all, who wouldn't want to see my firm breasts on the big screen? "The party is going to be a debauch."

I didn't understand what that meant, but it sounded fun. Since my BFF abandoned me to dance with a guy, I didn't bother asking Fabrizio if she could tag along. He handed me his card and told me to call him before coming over because he wanted to send a limo to my place. That was the nicest thing any man had done for me.


The butler looked me up and down after he opened the door before complimenting my appearance. The white dress exposed my tits, and a slit ran down my leg, revealing my thighs.

"Mr Fabrizio is expecting you in his office," said the butler.

I heard people mingling in the lounge. A few couples were making out against the wall as I followed the butler. I was surprised to see how touchy they were with each other, but I was shocked when one guy grabbed my bum while a girl kissed his neck. She didn't seem upset, so I let it go after attributing his disrespect to alcohol. Another guy did a full turn when I passed him, despite holding a girl's hand.

I flinched when a guy who walked past me ran his hand down my arm. What the hell is going on here? A beautiful woman sitting on a guy's lap licked her lips and smiled at me. I didn't mind that. Actually, I found it to be quite a turn-on. When you can attract a heterosexual person of your gender, then you know you're hot.

The butler opened the office door. Fabrizio smiled and stood up, then pecked my cheek and said, "Hope the ride here was comfortable."

"It was magnificent. That was my first time in a limo."

"Really?" I nodded. "Well, that's just the beginning. I'll show you a lifestyle that's reserved for princesses."

I smiled after realising that he compared me to a princess. As he handed me a drink, I put my purse on the table and took it from him. He told me that he made his money in the entertainment industry but didn't mention specifics. I looked at the paintings on the wall and noticed that most of them were naked women. I thought that was odd but interesting.

"Everybody here seems to be very touchy," I said.

"They're friendly."

"A bit too friendly."

"Let me introduce you to everyone. They're looking forward to meeting you."

"Oh. You told them about me?" I asked.

"Of course. You're the guest of honour."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the lounge. A few couples were kissing on the couch, and one guy was sucking a girl's breast. When I looked at Fabrizio, he was looking at the pool. I was surprised that he wasn't staring at the guy with a tit in his mouth. He went out onto the patio and invited the guests who were mingling by the pool. Most of us hovered around the bar, and some couples continued their physicality on the couches.

Fabrizio tapped the champagne glass with a spoon. "May I please have everyone's attention? It's a great privilege for me to introduce my very good friend and the guest of honour, Dolly."

Everybody clapped and smiled. Almost all of the guests came up to me and complimented me. Some said that they were looking forward to getting to know me on a more personal basis. I wondered what they meant. When I was talking to a couple, I looked over my shoulder and saw Fabrizio walk back to his office.

The butler dimmed the lights. A guy came up to me and ran his hands down my back, then squeezed my bum. I turned around and smacked his hand, and he bit his lip and raised his eyebrows. I saw that he was thirsty for my pussy. A woman came up to me and looked at my tits before stroking them. I frowned.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just getting friendly," she said.

When I turned around, I saw that almost everyone was naked. What kind of a party is this? Three couples started having sex on the couch.

The woman who stroked my breasts slipped down my dress straps and kissed my shoulder. The guy who squeezed my bum was holding his dick. I saw couples swap partners, then realised that I was at an orgy.

"Are you joining us?" asked a man who was getting a blowjob.


"But Fabrizio said you would."

I figured that he was lying to get me to participate. There was no way I would have sex with strangers. Besides, it wouldn't have ended well for them. As I saw a guy walk towards me, I scuttled towards the corridor. Before I got to the front door, I remembered leaving my purse in the office.

I went to the office and saw the ajar door, then peeped in and saw Fabrizio talking to a man.

"Go have fun with that blonde bimbo," he said. "She looks like she can give a mean blowjob with those puffy lips."

"She seems a bit freaked out. Does she know what's going on here?"

"Probably not. She's so stupid that she didn't even understand when I told her that it was going to be a night filled with debauch."

Besides being insulted about my intelligence, I hated being tricked. Okay. If they want to have sex with me so badly, I'll give them what they want.

I went to the lounge and slipped out of my dress before tapping a girl to get off the guy. I sat on top and rode him until I saw him grimace. When I got off, he stood up and came on the back of a woman's head.

I moved on to the next target. He licked my pussy before getting on top of me and ramming me with my legs over my shoulders. He smiled as I motorboated his face between my breasts.

The next guy gave it to me in my ass. My anus wasn't tight since my cheating ex loved anal sex. I hated that bastard for what he did to me.

After I had sex with all of the guys in the room, Fabrizio walked in. I unzipped his pants and said, "Bend me over the bar."

I have to admit that he gave it to me good in the doggy style. He grimaced at the climax and said, "Get on your knees." I knew he wanted to cum on my face, so I slapped, then kicked him in the balls. He bent over and grabbed his groin. Most of the people stopped having sex and looked at us. "What was that for?" he asked.

"That was for trying to trick me into having sex with everybody here. I heard what you said to your friend in the office."

He burst out laughing. "So, you heard my plan, and you do it anyway?" He looked at the guests. "How stupid can a dumb blonde be?" All of them burst into laughter.

"Congratulations. I guess your plan worked out," I said. He shook his head and smiled. I turned towards the door before spinning back to face him. "Oh, just one more thing. Another congratulations are in order."

"For what?"

"You and your friends have HIV."