Dear Devil: Confessions of A Christian Sex Addict by Christian Jacob - HTML preview

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You do not have a spiritual husband/wife! What’s that anyway? Stop accusing your aunties and your uncles or your grandmothers and grandfathers for cursing your love life. There is no demon that is strong enough to hinder you from having the relationship of your dreams! Not an aunt or a grand daddy out there has powers strong enough to stop you from having a healthy and fulfilling relationship. You are powerful enough to overcome whatever challenge that you face in your life if you put your mind to it. The bible in Luke 10:19 says,   “Look, I have given you authority over ALL the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and CRUSH them.

NOTHING will injure you.” Mark 16:17-18 says, 

“And these signs shall follow them that BELIEVE; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” You have all the power within you to be victorious over all the schemes of the enemy.   

If you stop looking for a miracle, or a prophecy, or somebody to lay hands on you and start working on your relationship with God, your love life will definitely become a testimony that God wants people to be happy in love. If you stop looking for anointed towels or anointing oil and start learning on how to create a healthy relationship, this day next year you will have the relationship of your dreams. Am I prophesying right now?  Anyway, this is the kind of prophecy you will never understand if you are used to being told that there are people out there, who got nothing productive to do with their lives, who have made it their business to ruin your love life. You want a healthy relationship? There are conscious decisions that you have to make, practical changes that you have to take and new healthy habits to learn and detrimental old ones to unlearn. You have to better your communication skills. You have to start setting healthy boundaries. You have to start working on your attitude, priorities and insecurities. Why pray for a happy relationship when you have bad communication skills? Why cry for it, when you are short tempered, impatient and you lack self-control? What’s going to sustain that relationship? What’s the point of starving yourself fasting for a fulfilling relationship when you have misplaced priorities, unhealthy boundaries and insecurities that rise up to the heavens? Who is going to make that relationship healthy? Jesus! You must be smoking!    

A romantic relationship is created and maintained by good communication skills, honesty, commitment, good attitude and faithfulness not anointing oil or anointed towels. You might pray and fast all you want but as long as you lack these, you will always find it hard to create any lasting relationship.

Aren’t you tired of shouting every service at church that “I receive my marriage?” It has now become a religion of “I receive my marriage.” When are you going to possess it? God wants you to be happy in love. His plan for your life is that you find that one person who will love you, cherish you and make you feel special. However, God doesn’t want someone to perform miracles in your life. He wants you to perform miracles in your life. It is not God’s intention that you ‘date’ prophets. He wants you to be prophet of your own life.  Stop praying and start learning. Stop starving yourself all in the name of fasting and start making wise choices in your dating life. The bible says, my people perish for lack of knowledge. The reason why your love life is in shambles is because you haven’t committed yourself to learn all there is to know about relationships. You believe so much in that “love has no formulae” hogwash that you have left your love life to chance. Love has a formula and that formula is there in plain sight in the word of God. Believe you me, it is there. I have seen it and I know it works. It has worked in my life and in the lives of the few who commit to study the word of God. So what are you waiting for? Make a decision today to study the word of God and I can guarantee you with 100% surety that you will find it. And if you apply it, your love will definitely become healthy and fulfilling. Just a hint. The love formula starts with a relationship with God. If you want to have a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a human being, start by creating a healthy and fulfilling relationship with God. Your relationship with God will determine the quality of the person that you will attract!