Her Desire by Anthony Monroe - HTML preview

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We Share Everything

Chapter One:

Things was already going better than expect for Andre that morning, and as he pulled up to the house around 11 that morning he found it teeming with students from the nearby campus, and judging by the way the young co-eds gazed at his direction as they strolled by he had a feeling that this summer study session was going to be better than he had even imagined.

He double-checked to make sure that the address had ample parking, not that he was planning to stay in one place long enough to get a parking ticket; he stared up the short sidewalk and saw a middle-aged woman staring back at him from the porch, she had a broad welcoming smile and as he returned her smile the older man on the porch next door waved at him as well and together they made him feel right at home in this upscale neighborhood.

Andre had put off working this summer, but when he got an offer to complete an internship and get a jump on his fall classes the opportunity was too good to pass up, even if it meant that he had less than a week to find a place to live.  When he saw the ad, he for this place he jumped on it immediately, the proximity to the college, often meant rooms were never that affordable but with classes been done for the summer that was no longer the case.

He had spoken to a guy named Jeffery who said lived there with his wife Anne, he told Andre to come by to meet her and if she approved, he could move in the next day.

The woman was still smiling as he made his way to the door, "May I help you?” she said cordially while studying his closely.

“I'm here to rent the room for your husband posted," Andre said as a tall lean-framed white guy around the same age as the woman appeared next to the woman at the door.

"Hey man, I'm Jeffery, thanks for coming!" the guy said as he moved around the woman and held the door for him to enter.

"Cool," Andre said as he went inside and saw that there were the three other guys, all white who had also been there asking about the room.

Andre’s heart sank as he filled out the application while looking over the four other young men in the room; his spirits lifted quickly when Jeffery asked if he was okay with them having access to his room when he wasn’t there, and when Andre replied that he didn’t mind the other men was suddenly ushered from the living room and then it was just the three of them shooting the shit after a while until the man stood and showed Andre the room, the rest of the house, but what was most to his liking besides being relatively cheap was that it came with its own bathroom, too.

"What's this neighborhood like?" Andre asked suddenly aware that he was the only person of color in sight, "Is it always this quiet?"

"Well…,” Jeffery began saying, “…half houses like this are empty nesters taking in students, and half just is filled with regular families," as he offered him the second beer he was holding.

He pointed to the large two-toned house just visible in the side window.

"There’s an older couple that lives there, they're both half deaf, but that only helps them because  he watches porn at full volume" Jeffery was saying as the woman entered the room and laughed, "so it's no big deal if we play music a little loud or have parties and stuff, as long as we keep it mainly inside."

Anne pointed to the other side of the house. "There's another couple that just moved in next door like four months ago," she told Andre. "Pete and Kelly, they just got married and you can tell too.”

That brought a smile to Jeff’s face, he leaned closer to Andre and whispered “that dude is close to my age” he paused and looked over at his wife who was in the bathroom at the moment, “…and to be honest it’s pretty hot too when they go at it, that man must be packing meat!”

“Oh, so is that the reason, you’re always sin the mood her lately?” Anne asked as she made her way over to where they stood and playfully punched Jeff in arm.

“I’m just saying,” Jeff laughed in mock defense, “I think it’s pretty hot hearing the way Kelly moans when they are having sex, and as loud as she’s screaming, he must have one helluva cock."

"Yeah, and I’m pretty sure his cock must be huge!" Anne chimed in as she took a sip of her wine and gazed shyly at Andre.

"If you’re moving in, you'll have a chance to see her out running in her little shorts and sports bra, just about every night followed soon after by them two having sex," Jeffery said to Andre but his eyes were on Anne.

"Nice!" Andre said ignoring the looks the couple was giving him, “I can’t wait to see her...”

"Those houses across the street, it's student houses," Jeffery continued, "Those are frat guys over there, they’re cool, but I guess we’re too old to hang out with or anything like that, besides they’re gone for the summer I think."

"You guys party a lot here?" Andre asked looking over at the couple.

"Sometimes…,” she said sizing him up, “are you cool with that?"

"Yeah, sure," Andre said looking away as he noticed her checking him out once more.

“how about we have a welcome to the neighborhood party,” Jeffery said putting his arm around his wife, “we’ll invite our new neighbors and anyone else who’s available.”

His plan had been trying to focus on preparing the coursework for the upcoming class, but it was summertime, and that meant students were more concerned with parties so he was willing to give them a break because that meant he could focus on any girls that happened to show up, and he knew that Jeffery and Anne would probably be fine with him having co-ed company at the house, so he would somehow find a way to mix in a bit of fun into his schedule.

Andre's found that the first few days moved by slowly after he moved in and he was now very much ahead of his class work and decided to pass the time walking the neighborhood and hoping he’d see that cute little nymph he’d heard so much about.

Since very early in his stay, he’d been wanting to meet the hot young couple would spend the evenings having sex and so far the only sex he’d heard had been from the two he’d rented the room from and the porn he’d been watching on his laptop.

He was just rounding the block and heading back toward home when he saw a really hot redhead coming his way. She had been jogging for a while he could tell by the way her sweat covered clothes clung to her body and how the few loose strands of her bright red hair matted to her brow as she moved.

She was thoroughly coated in sweat, so much so that her sports bra, made for vigorous activity was soaked through to the point that it had almost become transparent.

Andre couldn't help but check her out, he slowed his pace hoping she’d pass him by and give him more opportunity to study her petite frame.

As she approached him he could see that she had long red hair, that was now pulled back into a ponytail, and he see too that her once dark grey and white sports bra clung to her breast and the light cotton material had become so wet that it accented her nipples, drawing your eye toward her chest in much the same way that her tight spandex running pants beckoned your attention as well by the way they hugged her small tight ass.

He could tell by the way her legging slid into the crack of her ass that she was sans panties, her outfit left very little to the imagination, and it made his cock twitch with desire at the thought of  seeing her body fully exposed for his gaze.

She saw Andre staring at her as he hesitantly moved toward the entrance to the yard, his head was tilted downwards but she could still make out the fact that it was lifted just enough for him to see her approach.

She smiled at him and stopped running a few feet from where he stood, she casually placed one leg on the hood his car and stretched her muscles, she studied the way he looked at her and she was giving him something to see.

He stuffed his hands in his pocket to hide his growing erection; the way she moved along with the sheerness of the fabric was turning him on as he watched her move through her post run routine.

"Hi…," she said to him after completing her post run routine, mildly out of breath she leaned back against his car. Her skin still glistening with a thin sheen of sweat, she held out her hand.

"Hi…Andre," he replied, trying to look away from her stunning green eyes, but found them to be the least erotic thing about her as he took her extended hand in his own, "what do folks do for fun around here beside working our?" He asked as they shook hands

"Having a good sweat can be fun, don’t you agree?" she asked looking him over slyly.

"I’m not opposed to sweating, but it has to be under the right circumstances…,” Andre laughed, “I’m just not going to get sweaty and not get nothing from it."

"Oh," she laughed, “so you don’t think I’m getting anything from running?” she asked as she turned slightly to look back at her ass, “I think it’s paying off, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I can’t argue with that…,” Andre said looking her over, she was openly flirting with him and he allowed himself to smile as his eyes trailed up her frame.

 "You must be new here…,” she said wiping the few beads of sweat that flowed down her brow, “I don’t recall seeing you around.”

"Yeah," Andre said unconsciously looking at her nipples protruding through the fabric, “I’m renting a room here for the summer so I can complete some classwork prior to the fall semester.”

"Oh cool," she said, “well it’s nice to meet you Andre, I'm Kelly, I live next door."

She cocked her head to the right and as he turned, he saw an older man on the porch sipping a beer and looking over at the two of them.

"Hey Kelly, it’s nice to meet someone new," he said thinking back to the conversation Anne and Jeff had about the couple next door having sex, he couldn’t imagine it was the two of them.

"I’ll tell you what, Andre," Kelly said as she brought her small hand up to her face once more to wipe away perspiration that fell from her cheeks, “You should come and meet my husband, I’m sure he can tell you a lot more about the community."

She was holding his hand inches from her chest, and although they had been talking for several minutes, it was the first time he’d noticed the gold and diamond wedding ring on her finger and knew that she was the woman they’d told him about.

Kelly saw him studying her and smiled, her grin grew broader when she noticed he didn’t pull away as she lowered his hand to her chest.

She smiled up at him as she allowed his hand to graze atop her sweat soaked skin at the valley of her breasts, Andre was trying to figure out if she was indeed flirting with him or just playing a game for the man staring at them from the porch.

"Sounds good," Andre said as he looked up at the house and saw the man was still there, “just tell when’s a good time, I’d love to meet him and find out more about the neighborhood.”

"Well how about right now," Kelly said turning to wave at the man who had been watching the two of the together.

The man waved back at the two of them and turned to head inside, she watched him head in before turning back to Andre, "he's grilling steaks and I know he’s making more than we could ever eat."

Andre looked over at their house and saw the guy who had been standing there had disappeared. He looked down at Kelly once more and reluctantly agreed to come over.

"Let me just grab my house key, and then I'll be right over," Andre said.

"OK," Kelly said as she smiled at him and slowly walked away.

Andre went inside and ran up to his room, and once he was inside, he couldn’t stop thinking about Kelly and her husband.

He hurried outside to find them both standing on the porch, Kelly had changed and was now wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and white T-shirt that was cut just above her navel and showed her perfectly flat stomach.

The man he noticed had on a matching T-shirt that read, ‘sharing is caring’ and floral Bermuda board shorts, the both began waving at him as soon as he was in sight, Andre waved back but his eyes never left Kelly’s.

"Hey man, I'm Peter, welcome to the neighborhood," Kelly's husband said as he smiled, and began shaking Andre's hand with a grip that said business.

"Thanks!" Andre said looking over at him, he was at least five or six years older than Kelly, but in just a good of shape.

They stood there and chatted for a little bit before heading inside. They began the night by asking Andre about what classes he was taking, and various other small talk but Andre could sense they was drawing him into a deeper conversation.

They told him that they had met while she was doing graduate work the year before, but he knew that living in the college town they could never really love one another as freely as they wanted, he’d  already purchased this house and she still had another year or two in her PHD program, his words and thoughts faded, but still Andre knew there was more to the story.

Peter took another swig of his beer and led Andre to the back porch where he continued telling Andre about how owning a home in that area as he pulled the steaks from the grill.

He was telling him how it was a smart investment for them, because when they decided to move, they could just rent out their house to students, but Andre just nodded, smiled and slowly sipped his beer as he and Kelly traded glances; he could feel his pulse quicken which the beer feel warm in his hand and as he watched Kelly’s teasingly glance over at him he wanted something cold to cool himself off.

They ate their steaks and potatoes in the living room while Peter continued talking about several mundane topics, Kelly appeared bored but said nothing as she reclined onto her back and placed her legs across his lap, that whole night she never said more than a word or two, but that whole evening she smiled at Andre every time she noticed him checking her out.

It seemed crazy to him that she would do little things to make him glance down at her, she even went as far as to lift her shirt high enough so that both he and her husband could see the underside of her breast, but Peter pretended to ignore her as he kept going on and on about mortgages, interest rates, and the housing market and several other things Andre completely ignored, as he and Kelly kept looking each other over seductively and Peter didn't seem to notice the way that his wife's shorts allowed Andre the perfect view of her pink pussy lips every time she opened her legs.

The longer Andre sat in their presence the harder it was for him to imagine that Peter was the guy making Kelly scream.

"Oh boy," Kelly said rubbing her hand along the inside of her thigh, Peter glanced over at her and totally ignored the fact that her cunt was almost on full display as she placed her leg onto the floor, "I just caught a Charlie horse or something and I need to do a few stretches, don't mind me."

She moved to the side of the couch started bending at the waist, she placed both hands on the ground and held it long enough for Andre to appreciate her shapely ass, then she extended her right leg up on the sofa and reached for her toes, all while Andre tried really hard not to make it obvious as he ogled her sexy body with her husband looking at him.

She turned and bent down just enough to allow Andre a quick glance at her small B-cup breast, and he felt his erection beginning to form.

"I gotta get up early in the morning…,” Andre said, as he adjusted his burgeoning erection by shifting in his seat, “I'll catch you guys later, thanks for the dinner and advice."

He rose and began turning his back to his new friends before they noticed the huge erection, he had tenting his jeans.

"OK, talk to you soon, man!" Peter said as he walked him to the door.

Andre looked over his shoulder and smiled and waved, to Kelly, she was smiling in a way that made him think she had purposefully bent over and shown him something he could never have, all under the guise of “meeting her husband."


Chapter Two

"I see you’re making friends already," Jeffery said to Andre as he entered the house;  Jeffery had been in the living room watching TV in the dark, as if he was waiting for Andre to return, "you’re going to have to tell me about Pete and Kelly, how was your little party over there?"

Andre looked at Jeffery and laughed.

"Nah, it’s wasn’t like that bro…,” he said laughing as he locked the door, “…but she can come over here and get me any time her husband’s not at home that man is boring as hell," Andre said as he sat beside Jeffery.

"That sounds about right," Jeffery said, "she seems way too young to be with someone like him."

Jeffery turned on the lamp next to where they sat and turned to face Andre.

"So, would you fuck her?" Jeffery said in a serious tone.

"Yeah, you damn right I’d fuck her…,” Andre said laughing, “…and I’d even let Peter watch."

"Damn, you sound like you’ve given it some thought,” Jeffery said as he looked over at Andre, “I bet she’ll let you too…,” he said as his words trailed off.

Jeffery looked back at Andre and said, “I bet she’ll let you do it too…,”

Andre walked him heading to the pantry to remove a bottle, "Really…?" Andre said as he watched him pour two glassfuls of brown liquor over ice, "you think they’re into swinging or something like that?”

He replayed his time with the them, and while he couldn’t say for certain Peter was into it, he couldn’t rule her out especially after considering the show she’d given him.

Jeffery laughed to himself as he handed Andre the second glass.

"She must really like you," he said “she’s never said more than two words to anyone else that I’m aware of.”

"Maybe she's into Black guys or something," Andre grinned, as they both laughed and sipped their drinks.

The next day Andre found himself unable to concentrate and by early afternoon he dismissed the class and decided to go and find some female company of his own.

Andre’s mind was on sex as he pulled up to his spot in front of the place he is staying at, he had just turned off his car when Peter tapped on the window and waved at Andre.

"Hey man!" Peter said as Andre lowered the window.

"What's up?" Andre said as he glanced around for a sign of Kelly.

"I was hoping I could talk to you for a second…," Peter said as he leaned into the window.

Andre stopped looking around and gazed directly at him, then in the corner of his eye he noticed Kelly appear on the porch just as he and Peter began heading toward the house.

"What's up?" Andre said, noticing that Peter was grinning at his wife as she was giving him the same weird look, she had the night before.

He started to wonder if Peter had noticed him checking Kelly him out the night before, and if he had seen Andre checking out his wife's ass and cleanly shaved pussy, and he’d waited until confronting her before something to say about it.

"My wife," Peter started to say as they approached the porch, “she’s —”

"Sorry man, I should have said something…," Andre interrupted, “but I thought you didn’t care or something.”

Peter looked at Andre with a puzzled expression. "What?" he said. "Should have said something about what?"

Andre suddenly felt like he had misjudged the situation and was preparing for a fight.

"Ahh, nothing, I, uhh, I just shouldn't have looked at your wife like that last night, it’s just that it’s been a while you know," Andre said quickly.

"Oh…," Peter said, his face brightening as they entered the living room with Kelly close behind, "It's no problem, no problem at all…but I’m glad to see that you like my wife because she certainly likes you."

"Oh yeah?" Andre said nonchalantly as he turned to face Kelly, "Well, there is a whole lot to really appreciate."

Peter grinned as Andre looked over at Kelly but didn't say anything as the couple smiled at one another for several long seconds. It was the kind of comfortable silence that lovers shared in the bedroom.

Andre smiled awkwardly at Peter when he noticed him looking at him.

"No, I mean, she likes you," Peter said, his smile getting broader.

Andre didn't know how to respond to that. "Okay," he laughed nervously, "I'm glad she—”

"Can you come over for dinner again tonight?" Peter interrupted. "She really wants to have you over and I think we should talk about it over dinner."

"how can I say no to that...," Andre said as he looked over at the May-December couple while trying to figure out what was going on.

"I’m glad to hear that, she's a great cook, and we promise to be great hosts." Peter said as he placed a hand on Andre’s broad shoulder.

Andre remembered the boring conversation about houses the night before, but he didn't really want to turn down an opportunity to spend some time with Kelly, and he could see that she was eager to show him more of her hot body.

"Oh, I’m sure whatever she has in store will be well worth it," Andre said as began heading to the door.

"Awesome!" Peter exclaimed. "How about coming back around seven? That’ll give us time to get things ready"

"I can’t wait," Andre replied as Peter opened the door.

"I look forward to making your mouth water!" Kelly replied just as he stepped onto the porch.


Chapter Three

Andre was glad to find the house empty as he went downstairs; he made the trip in silence, but his mind was racing as he stood at the door and knocked.

Kelly answered the door wearing a bright yellow slip dress, a pair of leather flats and her bright red hair framed the big smile she had on her face as hugged Andre briefly before stepping aside.

All the time she’d spent showed, and before she stepped aside Andre took the opportunity to curl his arms around her waist, and she took the opportunity to grind against his crotch.

She was a total tease and Andre found himself falling for her tricks.

She hugged Andre as they walked into the kitchen and without thinking he placed his hands on her lower back and in response she leaned further into his arms and led the way.

"I'm so glad you came back" she said as she placed her head on his chest, “I think you’ll find today more interesting than last night.”

"Come in, come in…," Peter said as Andre and Kelly stepped into the kitchen, “I see Kelly is being a good hostess…,”

Andre slowly pulled his arm from around her waist as she walked to the replace Peter at the stove and he walked over to hand Andre a glass filled with a dark brown beverage over ice.

"Thanks…,” Andre said taking the glass.

"That’s 25-year-old scotch,” he said as he watched Andre sip from the glass.

"Dinner will be ready in a few, you guys go and get comfortable,” Kelly said as she turned and watched the two men.

Andre placed the cup on the counter and glanced over at her shapely ass, she saw him looking and turned to smile at Peter who then lead Andre into the living room.

They sat and talked about the women they’d known in the past, and Peter had begun to tell him about hotwifing when Kelly called them to the table for dinner.

The meal was simple and delicious, and as they ate the three of them talked and laughed like old friends and the couple could see that he was having a really nice time.

Andre and Kelly cleaned the dishes from the table, despite Peter protesting that he didn't need to, and once they had them in the dishwasher the three moved to the living room and drank scotch.

Peter watched as Kelly and Andre flirted innocently for a while before he stood up and excused himself.

Andre watched as Peter flashed a telling smile to his wife before leaving the room, he pretended not to notice that Kelly’s dress had risen midway up her thighs as he left the living room.

"So," Kelly said after Peter was gone, "have you ever been with a married woman?"

"Me…?" Andre asked as he smiled over at her, "I usually don’t like to intrude where I’m not invited.” 

Kelly ran a hand through her hair and placed one leg atop Andre’s as she placed her other hand on his other leg and slowly trailed it higher as she gave Andre a coy smile that said more than words ever could.

"You would really say no to me?" she asked just as her hand grazed his crotch, “you can see that Petey don’t mind sharing.”

Andre smiled.

He thought back to what she’d had asked earlier, about him being with married women.

Andre was starting to get a sense that she had been asking if for herself. He decided to play dumb and go along to see what would happen.

"I don’t think no man would ever say no to anything you ask for," Andre said as he placed his hand on her knee.

"So, you’ll fuck me if Petey and I asked?" she began asking him as she felt his cock begin to grow.

Andre laughed nervously while looking around for Peter.

"What…,” Kelly giggled, “… who are you looking for?"

"It’s just that it doesn’t matter whether I’d do it or not,” Andre said, “because I don’t think Peter is interested in seeing me and you together,"

"I think I already know the answer to the question," she replied as his cock twitched beneath her hand.

"Yeah, but, just because my dick is hard, it’s because you’re feeling me up…,” Andre said in a tone just above a hushed whisper, “…it’s not an answer to your question...,"

"Well I think this is a definitive answer of yes," Kelly said as she grinned up at Andre while rubbing his cock.

"Yeah…,” Andre said as his hand slid beneath her dress, “I would definitely take the chance to have your pretty mouth around my cock…,”

 She tossed her head back as he rubbed his hand over the smooth silk materials of her panties, “I bet the pussy would feel very, very good wrapped around my stiff black dick."

"Oh, you’re very naughty, aren’t you?" Kelly said, closing her hand over his erection while rubbing it even just as vigorously as he rubbed her cunt. "Are you going to let me see this thing?”

"Uh huh…," Andre said as he began to undo the buttons on his jeans, "but you know that I don’t just take my dick out for nothing."

Kelly let out a laugh and turned to face him; she was looking down at him just as Peter walked back into the room and sat across from the two of them.

"Honey," Kelly said, "Andre’s just about to show me his cock…” 

Andre turned to see Peter staring at him, and he froze and looked over at him unsure of what to do next.

“Well don’t stop now,” Peter said as he reached for glass, “I’m sure she can’t wait to see it.”

"He’s right, honey, I can’t wait to see it,” Kelly laughed, “I’m sure it’s pretty big, I could tell while I was rubbing it."

Peter smiled at her briefly before turning to face Andre.

"Well don’t make us wait," he said as he leaned a bit closer.

Andre's heart raced as Peter and Kelly both looked over at him as he undid his jeans. Kelly started to giggle nervously as his hand slid inside his waistband.

"I honestly didn't expect that!" Kelly said to her husband, as Andre pulled his semi-erect cock from its constraints.

"Nor did I…,” Peter said, as he and Kelly watched Andre slowly stroke his cock fully erect, “I don’t think you’ve ever really had anything that big, do you?"

"Not really," Kelly chuckled nervously as she watched him place a second fist on his cock.

"Well, I am sure I can take it," Kelly said while looking over at her husband.

Peter started to rise from his seat.

"I guess you can…,” Peter began saying while looking over at his wife, “…so, do you want me to leave you guys alone—”

"No!" Andre and Kelly shouted in unison for different reasons.

Peter laughed and sat down next to Andre on the couch.

"No?" he said as he leaned in closer to Andre.

"I want you to stay," Kelly said as she placed her hand next to Andre’s on his erection.

"Are you okay with me watching," Peter asked Andre as he watched his wife stroking the other man’s cock.

"You want to what?" Andre asked vaguely aware of Kelly’s hand on his cock.

"This might sound a little strange," Peter started to say just as Kelly lowered her head onto Andre’s cock, "I'm sure you can tell by now that we’re…that feels good don’t it?”

"I don't think we have to tell him much more…" Kelly said as she worked her saliva around his erection, "he wants to fuck me even more than I know you want you to watch us fuck so you can jerk yourself off."

"He going to what?!" Andre said, laughing in disbelief just as she took his cock into his mouth once more.

He couldn't believe he heard her correctly, but as she began giving him one hell of a blowjob, he could only grin.

"I think you’re right…," Peter giggled as Kelly’s head bobbed up and down causing Andre to moan, "I hope he don’t drown you when he comes."

"I’m sure she can handle it…" Andre said as he began fucking her mouth.

"Would you like to fuck her tight pussy with that big cock of yours…” Peter asked while squirming in his seat, “Why don’t you take him into the bedroom so he can fuck you...”

“I bet you can’t wait to jerk off…,” Kelly said as she stood to lead Andre down the hall.


Chapter Four

"Wow," Andre said as Kelly began to