Her Desire by Anthony Monroe - HTML preview

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Bent Over Blackwards

I was young, rebellious, and craved excitement.  What most people considered stupid or dangerous, I found to be exciting and so the fact that I ended up in a car with two Black men I’ve just met was on par for most anything else that I’d done in my twenty three year existence, and by far the most memorable as well. 

To begin with I had opted to spend the summer between college semesters working in Las Vegas, it was sort of my mini gap year, and I decided I’d earned more than enough money working the casino floor as a drink girl, I decided to head out to Los Angeles for a weekend of debauchery. 

I really hadn’t given it much thought; it was less than 300 miles and so I knew my old Toyota Camry could easily make the trip.  That old car and I had toured most of the United States and shared many adventures, hell, it had even been there for me when my boyfriend kicked me out of the cabin in the middle of winter.

I should have known not to chance it, but I opted to ignore the warning signs and now that my car had started to overheat, I found myself stranded in the middle of the desert. I was miles from any town, dressed like a slut on her way to California. 

To make matters worse, my father, a former Marine Corps captain, told me stories about his latest assignment, it was the little Marine Base that I’d passed twenty or so miles ago, and that had me worried since I was remembering the story he told me about him and his best friend chasing down some nut job who’d forced a hitchhiker into his car, and when he saw them coming he shoved her out onto the highway, and although I was looking for fun being kidnapped was not part of plan.

I was thinking about that when I started to walk back to the base, nearly thirty miles in the opposite direction, and as I did, I kept hoping that someone nice would stop and give me a ride. 

I grabbed my wallet, my cellphone, and placed a note on the windshield, and started walking; after the first few minutes I wanted to rethink my plan.

I down the road from my car, and the good news is that I was able to see lights in the distance; the bad news, is that in the flat openness of the desert distance is relative.

It was the time of night that meant that unless there was recall on base there’d be little chance of a car coming by, but if one did, I knew they’d stop.  Not to brag but I think I’m a very attractive young woman, and the short denim skirt and the tight red tee shirt I was wearing would make even the most devout man want to look.   

After about twenty minutes of walking I hadn’t seen one car go on the road, I was beginning to think that my whole plan was stupid. 

I was about to head back to my car when, in the distance I heard the distinct sound of bass and I put on brightest smile and held my thumb out. 

The sound carried better that I thought because it was a few minutes longer till I saw the large orange sedan coming over the small hill. 

Even through the glare of the headlights I could tell that the man driving was quite large, and as the music got louder and louder, I could see him pointed me out as he approached. 

When he pulled over next to me, I saw that he was pointing me out to his buddy who was half asleep in the backseat.

The driver looked me over slowly, before he flashed a beautiful, full-teeth smile. 

He was leaning over to open the door and I before I could tell him where I was going, he had already began pulling away from the shoulder. 

He was the image of the type Black male that most white people avoided, but when he spoke that bad boy image gave way to intelligent conversation, I also caught sight of his buddy and realized that in another time or place I’d fucked them both. 

“What a good-looking woman like you doing out here at this time of night?” he asked as he adjusted the volume on the radio, “where you headed?”

“I was going to L.A…,” I answered as I reclined into the cool leather seat, “my car had other ideas, now I’m just hoping to make it back to Vegas before Monday.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem, we were headed that way for the weekend…,” he paused briefly while slowly admiring her long legs, “…and if the girls are as fine as you I think you’ll be there very soon.”

He gave the large sedan a bit of gas and it lurched a bit faster, when it did, I instinctively extended my arm, reaching for something to grab onto; I found his leg.

His thigh muscles rippled beneath my hand and although the car had settled into a nice cruising speed, I kept my hand on his leg longer than I planned.

I smiled at his compliment and slowly pulled my hand away, “I don’t think you’ll have a hard time finding what you’re looking for in Vegas...”  I said as I studied his strong features, “in fact I could even offer you few suggestions if you tell me what you’re looking for.”

He took his eyes off the road briefly, and when he did I noticed that his eyes had a mischievous glint, “well I could tell you what I’m looking for, but I don’t want to offend your delicate sensibilities,” he said smiling as he turned his attention back to the road.

“I don’t know what you mean by delicate…,” I said taking offense to his teasing, “do I look like a delicate little schoolgirl?” 

I was really getting upset.  What was I thinking? I was in a car with two strange Black men and yet I was not going to let that frighten me into not speaking up.

He turned to me laughing, I could hear it over the loud bass in the car, I turned to him in a huff, “what’s so damned funny?” I asked feeling stupid as the words left my lips.  

“Nothing…,” he said hold up one of his large hands mockingly in defense, “…it’s just that I don’t know how to tell a girl as pretty as yourself that we’re going to Vegas to look for women…”

He said the last part while still laughing.

I slugged him in the arm, I had barely been in the car with him for ten minutes and already I felt as if I’d known him for a while, “so you’re telling me that you’re going all the way to Vegas just to find some girls?” I asked as I placed one leg under the other on the seat while turning to face him.

He nodded, “well you know what they say, what happens in Vegas and all.”

I had heard that stupid slogan over a thousand times, but hearing hi say it made it sink in, and I wondered if it held true for the highway leading in.

It was still over two hours of driving till we could see the lights of Las Vegas, his friend was sprawled over the back seat quietly snoring. 

“So how often do you come to Vegas,” I asked trying to keep him engaged.

He turned to look at me and when he did, I noticed that his eyes were focused on my legs, they lingered there for several long seconds before they lazily climbed up my frame to my own. 

“I could tell you…,” he said with a smile, “but you should know, what happens in Vegas and all that…”

“yeah I know all that but we’re not in Vegas,” I said, watching the expression on his face as he turned to look at me once more.

He was smiling as he said, “I know, but if I was to tell you that I come to Vegas often you might think I’m a slut.”

He was enjoying his teasing, and so was I; without thinking I placed my hand on his leg and leaned over.

 “Well tell me if you’ve there more times than five or six times…,” I asked wanting to know.

 He placed his large hand atop mine and whispered, “if you promise not to tell anyone, I’ll let you in on my secret.”

His hand slowly caressed my fingers and I did the same to his upper thigh; the darkness of the desert passed outside the window as we talked, and as we did I found myself become more at ease with the kind stranger that offered me a ride, so much so that I found myself caressing his thigh as he did the same to mine. 

You know how they say that you can tell within minutes of meeting someone that you’re going to fuck them? Well it may have taken more than a few minutes, but I knew I was going to fuck him.

“So how long are you going to be in Vegas?” I asked him as I nonchalantly caressed his thigh, my hand was inches from his crotch and yet I barely knew him.

“That depends,” he said as he slid his hand along the inside of my thigh, “on how long it takes me to find what I’m looking for…”

His words trailed off just as his fingers grazed the edge of my panties, I bit down on my lower lip to stifle a moan. 

As we were in the midst of our foreplay session his friend leaned between the seats, “You’re going to have to pull over dude, I have to take a piss.”

He turned to me and had a look of surprise on his face, “Damn…, he said after a while, “I thought I dreamed you up.”

His skin was the color of dark chocolate and it made his smile seem even brighter in contrast to the surrounding darkness of the desert.

The guy driving gave him a piercing glare, and said, “hang on man, we’re going to have to stop for gas soon.”

“Come on, D you know I always have to piss when I wake up, just pull over, ain’t nobody going to know.”

I could tell he was upset with his friend poor timing, but instead of arguing he pulled the large sedan off the road. The car had barely come to a stop when the guy in the back seat flung the heavy door open, holding it with one hand as he sprang to his feet and headed a few feet away.

The dome light flooded the car’s interior and for the first time that night I got a good look at him; his skin was several shades lighter than his friend’s, almost the color of heavily creamed coffee, but what I remembered about him most was his piercing brown eyes and the rippling muscles beneath his dark t-shirt.

“I’m going to stretch my legs, wanna come?” he said opening his door.

I smiled, and followed him out into the warm desert air, “Only if you promise to protect me” I said as he was making his way around to where I was standing.

He placed an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close into his chest as we walked into the darkness, for the first time that night I became aware of just how much larger than me he was.

He stood easily over six feet tall and his biceps was nearly the size of my thighs, I was still allowing my body to get used to being alongside this impressive specimen of a man when he stopped walking and turned to face me; “you never told me your name,” he said as his large arms draped over my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around his surprisingly narrow waist. We had walked a few feet in the opposite direction from where his friend had wandered off to piss, and in the stillness of the evening we were all alone.

“Kayla,” I said as he stared down at me, our faces inches apart and I felt as he was waiting for me to make the first move.

“Hi Kayla, I’m Deon…,” he began saying in almost a whispered tone, “…and that dude with poor timing is Andre…,”

I started to reply to him when I felt his lips brush against mines, instinctively I closed my eyes as our tongues began to explore one another’s mouths. His kisses tasted of peppermint and hint of weed, but what I remember most was how gentle of a kisser he was.

I knew that I was definitely going to fuck him, but little that I realize that my plan involved fucking him that night.

I had never been with a Black man before, and as we kissed the only thing that kept coming into mind was whether I’d be able to handle something that I knew would be incredibly large. 

As we kissed I felt his hands slide beneath my ass as I was lifted into the air, to keep from falling I wrapped my legs around his waist and as I did my skirt rose around my thighs, and I could feel the heat from his crotch as well as the size of his bulge and I must admit that it was a bit overwhelming. 

Within minutes, of our being alone I found myself dry humping his growing erection, trying my best to increase the sensation while at the same time kissing him harder in an attempt to stifle the moan to keep it from splintering the quiet night as the stimulation against my clit was pushing me over the edge. 

The tiny movements of his hips pressed my pussy against his now very hard cock, and I was impossibly aroused. 

It didn’t help that my panties were soaked through, and the cool night breeze was moving against my recently shaved bare cunt. 

I was beside myself; this was so unlike me. I tossed my head back when I felt as set of strong hands wrap their fingers around my breast and begin squeezing them.

I was totally at ease and unaware that my head rested against something as the hands moved lower and began to move inside of the little space that my thighs left between me and Deon; I was so focused on his lips on my neck as the stranger’s hands moved higher up my legs towards my panties, for me the attention I was receiving was heaven.

I came the minute I felt a long thick finger slide into my wet slit, the orgasm had been building for a while and when I came; the wave of pleasure threatened to send me to my knees, I tightened my grip around Deon and as I did I realized that we were no longer alone.

Andre had moved up behind us and was now working a second finger into my cunt; his thick fingers was pressing against my walls as if they were the cock that I imagined them to be; I closed my eyes as I began  to moan out loud. 

It was all so damned unexpected and so damned incredible, but after two or three minutes of me cumming on his fingers, I realized their need for satisfaction was not simply going to go away because I had came; feeling the first hard cock pressed against my hand I suddenly understood my predicament. 

Trying to please them both was going to be sweet torture.  I came to my senses and suggested that we walk back to the car, but instead of walking Deon carried me with his cock pressed against my pussy and feeling it throb against my pussy I knew that he wanted to fuck me even worse than I needed to be fucked. 

I held my arms tightly around his neck, afraid that if I slipped even an inch his cock would fill my pussy and he’d be fucking one hole as his friend also used me anyway that he sees fit. 

I kept trying to adjust myself a bit higher on his waist as we walked, as I did the contact between his cock and my pussy was a little less prominent, but there was no way I’d be able to maintain it for too long. 

Absent of letting him pull me down onto his erection and hoping that somehow Andre wouldn’t join and make me into a human spit roast, I had to suffer through ache in my arms because even the slightest touch of his cock I knew would produce another wave of orgasms, and for me the desire to have an orgasms means that I’d be willing to do almost anything.

 I had yet to see the extraordinary size of his cock but feeling it brush against my pussy made me feel as if I’d never walk straight again after he was done.

Holy shit!  I barely knew their names and yet I was on the verge of becoming my mother’s worst nightmare, an absolute sex-crazed slut, worse yet an absolute sex-crazed Black cock craving slut. 

When Deon placed me on the hood of the car, I almost cried with relief.  My arms ached from having to support my weight for so long, but of course, he was just getting started.

Already having an erection meant that there wasn’t a hell of a lot I could do to help it get any harder, so instead I decided to make him repay the five minutes of torture he’d given me during that short journey across the desert before I’d give him what he wanted.

 That was my plan at least but when he pulled me around the waist as he began to push his large cock into my waiting hole I knew that no matter what I did it would end up with his cock buried inside, and at that point I was already too turned on to resist; I wrapped my arms around his neck and begged him to fuck me. 

When the words left my mouth, it must have taken him a few seconds to realize what I said. When he did realize what I said, I got the impression from the look on his face that I was in for the most intense pounding I had ever had.

He kind of chuckled and withdrew his cock a few inches and said, “I plan on doing just that, but I’m sure my friend wants to know what you are going to do for him?”

I had totally forgotten about Andre, but I’m sure that didn’t bother him too much. 

Instead, waiting to hear my response he stepped closer to where I was positioned on the car and while still stroking his long hard cock, he placed the fleshy helmet to my lips, I went to say something smart when he slid it between my lips.  

 “Suck my dick while he fucks you,” he whispered while using my hair to pull my mouth further onto his cock. 

I had never been with two men before and feeling how their cocks stretched my mouth and pussy, I knew that no amount of sex could have prepared me for the torture that those had in store for me.

 I sucked on Andre’s cock as best as I could while trying to desperately force myself onto Deon’s cock as it filled me. 

When I gagged on Andre’s cock, I anticipated him pulling it away and offering me a chance to catch my breath, so I imagine my surprise when he immediately shoved even more down my throat.

I began pressing against his hips in an effort to push him away, tears began to fill my eyes, but he was unaware of how filled my throat was as he moved to lift my shirt and expose my breasts. 

Moving quickly, I took advantage of his slight movement to pull my mouth away just as I felt my bra being lifted over my breast just before I felt his tongue swirl around my nipple as Deon pushed further into my pussy. He began fucking me aggressively, grunting with each inward thrust as his hands went to the breast not covered by Andre’s lips and he began to roughly knead at my flesh while pounding away at my cunt. 

Usually, I prefer a gentler touch when having sex, but I was under no illusion that either of them gave a damn about what I wanted; each of them was so turned on and wanting to use me for their own individual pleasure that despite their friendship each man was claiming a bit of my body for their own need and I enjoyed being the center of attention so much that I came on Deon’s cock simply from the way that his friend’s fingers pinched my nipples as he gripped and pulled hard on my breasts as he watched me being fucked. 

He pulled away for a moment and I thought he was positioning to reenter my mouth but instead he lifted my shirt and bra right over my head, tangling me up as he wrested the thin fabric from my body but taking no notice of how it affected his friend’s use of my cunt. 

For a moment, I felt horribly exposed when I realized that I was almost completely naked, less than a few miles from a major freeway letting two men fuck me outdoors on the hood of their car, but at the two of them did have enough decency to ensure there weren’t any houses within sight meaning they had the sight of my nudity all to themselves. 

I was still thinking about my nudity when Andre lowered his mouth and kissed me as Deon rolled me onto my stomach before he once again inserted his cock into my now dripping slit, and this time his thrusting was not meant for my enjoyment. 

He placed his hand tightly around my waist and began pounding into me with such force that my mouth brushed roughly over Andre’s lower teeth.

I could feel my nipples scraping across the hood of the car, I turned to he ask him to allow me to reposition myself and as I did he stepped away, I was thinking he understood that he was hurting me but instead he was simply stopping long enough to get my panties out of the way.

He was glaring down at me as he yanked my panties away my body, tossing them to the ground before he spread my thighs with his knees. 

I was utterly unused to the roughness of his touch and the desire he displayed for me, normally being treated so roughly would have absolutely turned me off  but the way his eyes devoured my nakedness made me want to give myself to him even more. 

It was more than a decade or since I’d first began having sex, and in that time I’d only known one other person who’d been with two men at the same time and I thought she was a total slut for letting her boyfriend and his best friend fuck her, but here I was letting two stranger’s fuck me. 

Whether it was the realization of just how much they excited me or the situation that I found myself in, something inside me changed and I felt my desire to have them both inside me surging beyond anything I’d felt before.

So, when Deon’s hands came up to my shoulders as he pulled away, I didn’t resist as he pushed me to my knees between, he and Andre, I knew what he wanted. 

I reached for their straining erections.  Using the dim light from the moon I was able to see the size of their cock for the first time, and as I stroked his throbbing cock I couldn’t believe that I had just had something that large inside me, Andre’s was long and skinny but Deon’s was at least two or three inches longer and bigger than any of the guys I’d ever been with before. 

He smiled down at me as my hands moved back and forth over his cock, and as he moved closer to his friend I gasped because he began trying to shove his enormous cock alongside Andre’s in my mouth at the same time.  I honestly tried to fit them both in my mouth but after a moment not being able to fit more than their bulbous tips inside, he gave up. 

His cock was hard and pulsing, as he stroked it and I could have stared at him forever but he other ideas as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward, using his free hand to guide that giant thing into my mouth. 

I opened wide and swirled my tongue around the head of his cock as more of it past my lips, I couldn’t believe that I actually moaned as the flavor of our previous sex coated my tongue, it was a chore for me to not pull away. 

My mouth felt stretched as he pushed another inch or two inside my lips, and just as I relaxed and allowed it to happen that I realized Andre was planning on entering my asshole. 

Like I said, being with two guys had been new for me, and up until then any kind of sex would have meant my pussy or mouth having a cock in it, but now I didn’t know what to do as Andre began to force himself inside my virgin asshole, and even though I squirmed away he was undeterred, and all that got me was to be gagged by Deon’s large cock as I felt him start to fuck my mouth and throat. 

Inwardly, I was panicking like crazy.  I couldn’t do anything but take what they had to give, even as I felt his cock pressing deeper inside my rectum, I could say or do anything because Deon was forcing my mouth onto his cock so deeply that only chin prevented him from going any further. 

I felt my nose being covered by his thick pubic hair, and I relaxed knowing I had taken all he had to offer.

The thoughts that ran through my head they began thrusting in me from both ends filled me with real concern for how this unplanned rendezvous would affect my future relationships. 

There was also a great deal of grunting to give voice to the desperate desire to be satisfied. 

Strangely, something in my mind made me want to be a total slut for them both, my panties were on the ground next to where they had me on my knees, seeing the ripped fabric made my legs quiver. 

Deon must not have been getting quite the same satisfaction fucking my throat, as he did fucking my pussy, because he moved quickly to pull me away from Andre.

Just when I thought the two of them were going fight over me, I saw Andre smiling as Deon pulled me into the backseat, his cock glistened in the light and I could only wonder what he had in store for me. 

I still had no idea what he had planned as he used my shoulders to lift me up roughly onto his stomach, he twisted me onto my back as he did so. 

It wasn’t until he bent me forward that I learn what he had in mind.

I turned my head to tell him that my asshole had been a virgin before tonight, but as I felt the head of his monster cock slide between my ass cheeks, I knew that my once the tiny virgin asshole would never be the same. Andre’s assfucking served as providing in opening my asshole so that I was able to easily take the aggressive entry of his cock with ease.

I’d just started getting use to one cock inside when Andre simply climbed atop me and thrust his cock hard inside my pussy. 

The head of his cock pressed against the enormous thing slamming itself past the little ring of muscle which offered little resistance to his hard, thick cock.

 The pain of having them both pounding into me was so overwhelming that I couldn’t focus on anything at all, not even breathing. 

It was paralyzing, and I just focused on experienced my first threesome as Deon grabbed hold of my waist and thrust forward hard, while at the same time Andre began forcing more of his cock in my pussy. 

He held my legs apart and used them for leverage as he tried to get all his cock inside me, as Deon’s cock head like as if it was swimming inside my bowels.

 Their cocks created a sea of agony in my body, but despite the pain I felt a wave my first orgasm crashed through my body as he moved his hand to my clit, stroking it as he fucked my ass.

The wave of pleasure forced my muscles to involuntarily squeeze against the intruders which in turn made the two of them try even harder, and the more I came the harder they fucked me. 

I it took every ounce of effort I could muster to keep from yelling out, but in reality, I think it was my inability to breathe that kept the sound from coming out. 

Although I could barely breath that didn’t stop me from yelling, at Deon when he began lift me up and down on his massive cock each time Andre slid his own shaft a few inches back, I didn’t scream for him to stop, I was wholly their fuck doll because when I caught my breath I screamed.

I screamed, “Oh fuck me like the slut I am!  Fuck me like the whore I am! Just fuck me with your large cocks!” 

Of course, they didn’t need the encouragement, they were already fucking me harder and deeper than I had ever been. 

It was amazing and as my orgasms grew more intense and frequent the pain faded to the background and added to my enjoyment. 

I still didn’t know if I’d walk straight but the hurt my holes were experiencing became manageable and as they fucked me it found the desire to treated like a slut a new norm. 

I tried to focus on their combined thrusts, but I found it hard to do, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Andre watching his cock moving inside of me. 

I had never felt like such a slut and I knew I’d never be the same again; I had gotten over the pain of anal sex, the pain of being double penetrated  and as a result this was simply going to become my new normal. 

I was still thinking about how great it felt having a cock buried in my asshole and another in my pussy when I felt Deon’s thrusts become erratic, he groaned into my neck and buried himself inside me before he simply went limp as I fell back against him. His cock twitched as it flooded my bowel with hot cum, and I knew that Andre would be next.

I moved onto my knees and began to grind against his cock, I wanted to feel his load inside my cunt, but he had other ideas, he pulled me forward and aimed his cock at my mouth. 

He held my head next to his cock as he worked his fist rapidly over his cock as he came and coated my face with the hot sticky jets of semen. 

Finally, satisfied we moved to get dressed again and used my discarded panties to wipe his cum from my face.

I spent the rest of the trip in the backseat, and each of them fucked me once more before we made it to Las Vegas. They spent the weekend with me, and they took turns using my pussy and asshole, Deon always came in my ass, but Andre always finished in my mouth. 

It’s still the best that I had ever been fucked, and now I measure all of my lovers against that night, I still haven’t found anyone who came fuck me like that.