Her Desire by Anthony Monroe - HTML preview

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The Replacement Wife

I never really forgave Karla for taking James, to avoid any conflict in her new relationship I’d opted to leave town and relocate myself on the west coast but when she became ill, I felt it was my duty to be there for her, she was after all family but imagine my surprise at having to place my entire world on hold while having to walk back into my ex-boyfriend’s life following her death. 

She was going to always get better I told myself, and when I first heard that she was going to be undergoing treatment for malignant ovarian cancer I shrugged it off, many people in the world have overcome many types of cancer and with the advances in medicine I felt that the type of cancer she was fighting, the one thing I knew for certain was that if anyone would beat it, it would be my twin sister, she was the most competitive person in the world. 

Upon hearing that she had not been responding well to the treatments I immediately went to her side, it was weird to say the least; I managed to spend the first few days avoiding James but as the days turned into weeks, seeing him and knowing how much he loved her made filling in for her even harder.

She never recovered from the aggressive radiation treatment, he was always by her side and even though our attraction was as strong as ever I never gave it any thought; she joked with me that if it was me lying ill she’d wouldn’t waste any time doing nasty things with a man a sexy as James and the more time I spent around him the more I wanted to feel his large dark frame pressing into down atop me. Despite his feelings for my sister I knew that his attraction to me hadn’t changed and so rather than betray my sister told them both that I was going to head back home under the pretense of checking on a few things and they promised to call me if anything changed.

I had only been gone for a few days when I got the call, if it had not been for my housekeeper catching me before I fell, I might have been seriously hurt if I crashed onto the marbled floor. 

I took a long look around my spacious and empty home, terrified that I’d end up alone and even more terrified when I realized this was going to be the first time, that James and I would be confronted with the reality that he’d chosen Karla over me. 

James met me at the airport, and after a brief hug without thinking he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I instinctively leaned into him; I had always loved the way he smelled.

I inhaled the fragrance of his cologne, “I see you’re still wearing DKNY Men’s…”  I said before I realized how nervous I was.

“You always were very perceptive…” he said smiling as he took the handle and guided me to the exit.

We reach the car quickly and made the drive home in silence. 

That made me even more scared to be alone with him because by the time we’d pulled into the garage of the home he’d shared with my twin sister, the more it felt like the home he and I was meant to have.

The large eleven roomed house overlooked a beautiful glacial lake, and I could see that the investment funds he managed was doing quite nicely; I felt jealous and upset that she had taken all of this from me, but most of all I hated that she had stolen James.

It seemed to me that he couldn’t understand what was happening either and he seemed to avoid being alone with me, instead busied himself getting my bags from the car, placing them in the guest room down the hall from the master suite before leading me to where the kids was gathered in another part of the house.

The kids were in the great spirits, all of them playing on the floor with toys but behaving more sedately than I had normally seen them behave.  I tried to get their attention, but I was only able to attract the focus of my niece, Grace.

At six years-old she was quite attentive for her age.  She’d wasted no time explaining to me that I was going to have to be her mother and by the time she was done explaining it to me the other two children gathered around. 

There was something about the way they greeted me as they came rushing to give me hugs and covered my face with kisses that told me that their happy smiles came with the knowledge that it would be almost impossible to leave them alone and make them deal with having to grow up without a mother. 

I gritted my teeth and put on the fake smile, but I couldn’t imagine what James was thinking as he stepped beside me; his hand fell onto the small of my back.

I placed the toddlers back on the floor and I reached for James’ large hand and I held onto it little longer than I normally would have, but something about the way he squeezed my hand was more of an expression of need that we both felt yet hid poorly beneath our masked sadness at the loss of a loved one. 

Somehow, we managed to deal with guilt that our desire brought to the surface out of respect for Karla, but I could see the effect that my presence was having on the life he had built with my sister.

She was after all my identical twin.  I had gone out of my way to differentiate myself from her, but that was not easy.  She and I both shared a naturally petite frame, and despite my best efforts I couldn’t bring myself to let my hair grow and nor could she, as a result we both wore our hair in short pixie-cut styles but mine had been dyed black and she wore her in our natural auburn blonde color.

That wasn’t our only difference, Karla had a love of fashion and as a result she had so many clothes and shoes that James had converted a room across from theirs into a large custom closet, but that wasn’t the only change he made to that room; in the corner at the back was a door that led to a private space in their home that they had converted into an adult playroom room, and upon entering it was easy to see that it was quite the erotic environment complete with mirrors, a heart shaped bed, a collection of toys, and an assortment of oils. 

Thankfully, she had told me about it on one of my visits, she told me to make sure that I kept their secret from the kids and although I was more than curious I spent the first few days avoiding it and the thought of her and James having sex. 

She had always appeared to me to be the modest one, but somehow James had converted her into a sexual being, that was obvious as I looked around the room and realized that I had wasted a lot of time being petty and jealous, and now that she was gone, I’d never have the chance to joke with her about how much she’d became even more like me now. 

She spent a lot of time on our last visit joking about how she’d stolen James; she couldn’t stop laughing at how hard it was for her to get use to his large black cock.  She had tears coming from her eyes as she told me how much she loved me for introducing her to Black men, but how she wished I’d told her that those stories were true. I got a good laugh out of that too, but in a moment of seriousness she asked me to help take of her family, she knew it would be hard for a Black man to raise three bi-racial children especially when two of them had reddish-blonde hair. 

She made me promise to forgive James.  She said it was her fault for not correcting him that night that he came over looking for me, she said that if she’d known that he was going to be more than a one night stand for me that she’d never accepted his asking her to marry him,  she admitted that was wrong, but if she could go back to that day, she wouldn’t have changed a thing, and during that first week after she died, I got the impression that he felt the same way.

As I moved deeper into that room the feelings, that I had for my sister and how I felt for both of them was overwhelming to me, but perhaps the most overwhelming part of it was that as I stood in that room, I sighed at the promised pleasure that it offered, I squeezed my eyes shut to avoid making eye contact with his reflection as it stared back at me as he leaned against the wall just past her closet studying me like I was his prey.

I couldn’t necessarily say that I trusted myself to deny him, I wanted to run from that room and shut the door and never return but instead, I stood motionless and watched as he closed the distance to stand right behind me. 

I could hear what remained of his family playing and laughing somewhere in the house, but that didn’t stop what I was thinking, hoping he would do. He had to know what I was thinking, his touch was incredibly light, yet it had the ability to easily navigate me further into the room.

Through all the issues associated with the loss of my sister, and the love we shared I found that none of them mattered at that moment. 

“This is where we come for privacy…” he said as he rubbed his hands along my arms, his voice was soft and deep, “it’s also the place where we live out our fantasies.”

His words rolled around my head and I began to imagine the two of them together, I could see it vividly.

“Does those fantasies include other people?” I asked while looking over at the armchair positioned advantageously to allow a voyeur a perfect view of the bed.

He gave a low chuckle, “sometimes she’d insist…,” he said as he slowly wrapped his arms around me, “that chair was her favorite spot, she’d sit there and watch as I fucked the women she brought home…”

His words trailed off as the sound of small feet echoed closer, but that didn’t diminish the stiffness that pressed against me; I couldn’t help pressing myself into it and him briefly before he released me and headed to find the source of the footsteps.   

The next few weeks after that he did things to help me forget that she had died, I had begun to spend more time with the family and James, as I began fulfilling the promise I made to Karla.

The family helped me ease into the role he created for me as their new mother/aunt, my nieces and my nephew also helped James as well by calling their new mommy (though he refused to admit it things had taken a life of their own and he was more than comfortable with the thought of me raising the kids even though he knew they’d never be the ones we’d had if he hadn’t chosen my sister.)

 The real test came early the following month,  I was nervous because James’s parents had planned a surprise trip out to see the kids and from what he’d told me his mom wasn’t okay with him having biracial children, and now that his wife had passed he was certain she wasn’t going to be alright with the idea that he would have chosen not only another white woman but one that was simply a clone of the one he’d loss.

Knowing how his mother felt wasn’t something he’d shared with Karla and even if he had, it wasn’t the kind of thing he wanted the mother of his kids to worry about. 

Still, there was no way I would back down from having the chance to be there for my sister’s children, given the nature of how far things have come I had to know what else the future had in store. 

The day started with like any other his parents was actually quite nice to me and in the end his mother and I came to a real understanding, she could see how much the children meant to him and somehow she must have known that there was something developing between James and I because without asking she had the kids excited about flying to see that famous mouse and his many friends. 

We drove together to the airport as a family and watched as his parents and the kids boarded a flight for Anaheim, one of the wonderful advantages of wealth was that it was easy to give your children anything they wanted or needed even though they had lost a parent, and while that didn’t explain why James wasn’t worried I did know that it helped the kids get over Karla’s death that much faster.

Another advantage of wealth was very few people tended to question decisions; James told me how thankful he was that I worked so hard to help him out and as we drove back to the estate, he made a detour to a day spa. I was in awe of the place as we pulled along the curb, my head was still spinning when the valet opened my door.

James leaned over and did something else wholly unexpected, he kissed me softly on the lips.

“Have fun…,” he said softly as he pulled away, “I have another surprise for you at dinner.”

Even though I arrived at the day spa at about ten that morning, I couldn’t stop thinking about that night.

I found myself unable to concentrate as the stylists washed and styled hair as another two attended to my nails, the one thing I did manage to do was choose the deep red polish for my fingers and toenails because I wanted them to match the lipstick and matching panties I planned on wearing; I wanted them to standout and remind him of Karla as had them dye my normally jet black hair back to its original auburn blonde shade. 

I was scrubbed and massaged and prodded all over, and even as I had them give me a Brazilian wax treatment, I couldn’t stop thinking about that evening and James.

I left that salon and just past four that afternoon, too soon for me to go home. So instead I had the driver take we to Karla’s favorite boutique. I planned on picking up something tiny to accentuate my pale white skin and highlight my manicured nails and dyed natural blonde hair while still showing the little tattoo of the heart directly above my left breast, the same place that Karla had placed a matching one on our eighteenth birthday.

 I hadn’t planned on seducing James (or I hadn’t planned on his reaction) and if I had I don’t think that would have changed the way I felt as we drove home. 

Of course, the consequences of what I had planned would have a long-lasting effect, but that was the last thing on my mind as I imagined spending every day with the family that my sister had endowed to me. 

Finally, at just past five o’clock that evening, I found myself standing outside that huge doorway hesitant to go inside. 

I took a deep breath and entered the foyer, I let the sounds of my stiletto heels lead the way as I looked for James; I found him in his home office quietly studying something on the screen or at least pretending to. 

He was looked up at me in the screened reflection and smiling broadly as he clicked keys on the keyboard to save his files. 

“Kayla...” he said turning to face me, “I… I didn’t know what to do about dinner…”

His eyes tracing along my body and I felt my insides quiver, “I know you wanted to…but…”

I put my fingers on his lips to quiet him and I took his hand and gently pulled him onto his feet. 

“I made a promise to Karla.  She’d asked me to give you something on your anniversary, she’d told me all about how it would be and said after I’d never be the same and so that leaves only…”  I trailed off and kissed him deeply. 

We both knew what that something meant.

“It was the only thing that she had ever done that I hadn’t.  She also knew that it was the only thing she was afraid you would be without if you stayed with me.  She knew I’d take care of the kids and all of that.”

He looked at me, curiosity and grief mixing on his face as I kissed his cheek. 

“She wanted to make sure…,” I stopped midsentence as my hand slid across his crotch, “my God, there’s no way that this thing ever went inside her asshole!”

I backed away, still holding my hand on his crotch he stood and let me feel him grow beneath my hand.

“She told you that huh?” he asked while smiling at me, “that was what that room was for, she watched as I fucked women she brought home and once she saw that they could take it and how much I liked it, it became our thing.”

His smile was growing as he thought about her and it made my apprehension ease.

“She was the first and only woman that I’ve been with to let me have them that way, everyone else said it was too big…,”

That brought another smile to his face, and as he was grinning, I led him to the bedroom he and Karla had shared. 

I guided him to the bed and as he sat on the edge I let go of his hand.

He took a deep breath and moved a few inches closers as I reached behind my back to unzip the dress I wore. 

It fell to the floor and James gasped as my semi-nude body was exposed to him. 

I knew he looked at me but saw Karla, I stood there wearing sheer red thigh high stockings identical to the ones I’d seen in her closet, I felt the stirring of equal parts excitement guilt as I stepped out of the pooled fabric. 

He sat staring as I stepped closer and placed my hands on his thighs as I went to my knees in front of him. 

“She asked me to forgive you.  She said that after that first month or two of intimacy she said she knew you two would be together because in her word you drove her crazy…,”

I was reaching for his zipper and my hand was shaking, I pressed on boldly and ignored my nerves, “I’d planned this special night for our anniversary.”

He placed his hand atop mine and pressed it against his cock.  I could see the indecision in his face. 

He closed his eyes and held my hand against his erection and then, as though a dam broke and released his resolve his features softened; standing he replaced his hand for mine, one of his large hands sliding inside the small opening as he placed the other on the back of my head, and held his breath as I kissed the cock that he placed in front of my face. 

It was thick and veiny and larger than anything I’d ever placed in my mouth. Tentatively I relaxed, and so did he when he felt my lips close over his enormous head, his cock was large, but it wasn’t at all what I’d expected as I moved my head back and forth to take more of him into my mouth. 

He moaned aloud and hissed as he cooed, “You’re sucking my dick better than Karla…ever…I want you to suck my balls…ooh…”

I looked at up him as I kissed his hanging testicles. 

 “You can always have this…” I said just as I sucked them into my mouth, “I’m not going anywhere.”

He hesitated for a moment, but as I worked his cock while licking his nuts sack that seemed to show him, I was serious because he held my mouth in place as he moved onto the bed.

He moaned aloud as I kissed his cock once again before this time moving lower and licking his asshole more passionately than I even imagined I would have. 

He melted onto the bed as I kissed and licked his genitals, he was still on his back as he directed onto the bed.

He pulled me astride his lap and worked his erection along mu slit as our tongues explored each other’s mouths. 

I pulled away and climbed onto my knees, I felt them buckling as he slid his cock inside me and began working his girth past my resistance as we rocked back and forth.

His cock throbbed as it pushed further inside and for a moment, I was afraid that he was going to be too much and when I felt his finger slide against my asshole for the first time, I leaned over and we kissed with a real desire that could only come from a place of love. 

He was beautiful, and for the first time ever I’d noticed what it was that made us both want to be with him, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. 

His cock was huge, and although he was filling my pussy thoroughly, he wasn’t fucking me very hard. 

I imagined that having that large cock in my asshole was going to be somewhat difficult, but as I leaned forward and rolled my hips on his length, I looked down at him and moaned as he slid his tongue into my mouth. 

I sucked it like I had his cock and dug my nails into his skin as he pushed himself past the back of my pussy, he was now so he deep that I felt his cock had ended up seated on the edge of my sternum. 

I moaned as I felt him slide a second finger inside my asshole, and I realized why Karla had been hesitant; she had given me the chore of proving that I would be able to give him what he wanted. 

As we fucked his explorations grew bolder, I moved my body lower onto his cock and forced his fingers deeper, relishing what I what I imagined to be the way it was going to feel as his cock took the place of his fingers.

Without any thought I fucked his fingers and cocks for several long minutes and when he felt I was ready he pulled his fingers from my ass just as his erect cock plopped against his stomach. 

I barely was aware of his speaking, but when I heard him say “Oh, Karla told me you’d let me have your asshole…,”

I tense up in embarrassment as I watched him stroking his cock as he climbed from the bed.

He placed me on my hands and knees, my mouth inches from his cock; he was rubbing my asshole with spit as my tongue lapped at him, I was teasing him into fucking me as I leaned down and tried to engulf his cock.

“Oh…, James, you have no idea of what I’m willing to do for you,” I said in a voice that I didn’t recognize, “You can use me in her memory....”  I said just as I began moving my ass against his fingers. 

“She wanted this for you, and I plan for you to have me be her living memory for you and the kids.”

That emboldened him and he pressed his cock against my ass cheeks, and perhaps it was because of what I had said, but I relaxed totally as I felt him working his way inside of me. 

He was also holding me so tenderly as he sweetly stroked my back, and I realized that not having anal sex was a big part of making love and I never thought that I would have enjoyed it so much. 

I moved back against him, and for what felt like ten or twenty minutes he slowly worked his rod inside me. 

“She said you was gentle...”  I cooed as I reached down and took his balls in my hand, “…but she never you were that slow.” 

I laughed aloud as he positioned himself behind me, I felt his cock slide further into the opening of my ass, my once untouched virgin ass opened wide to accommodate his large cock. 

“Did she also tell you that teasing me would get you punished?”   he asked as he slowly lowered his weight against body and I felt his cock stretching me, pushing into my bowels.

I gasped as he started to fuck me and when I thought he was fully inside groaned and began to withdraw. 

It was a bizarre and new feeling for me, and what started with a great deal of pain, now felt pleasurable beyond words.

I lifted my head and stared back at him as he leaned his head upwards and stared at the ceiling, he was so intently fucking me that I knew he wouldn’t be able to last long. 

Beneath our shared pain there was a feeling of fulfillment that seemed only possible with each other, and although I felt a strange and whispery stimulation; the pain that came from deep fucking he was giving me was perhaps the one of the most alluring sensations that I have had with a lover and never one that I had with a cock buried in my pussy. 

Once he got going and was able to entire entirely inside my asshole, he began moving me forward with each thrust that I was forced to brace myself. 

It was strange for me to hold on as he fucked me, but my counter movements heightened everything—his fullness, the pain of my asshole being stretched, and the wave of pleasure building inside me. 

He moaned as I reached for his testicles, and I think it was the moan that pushed me over the edge suddenly. 

That whispering pleasure suddenly became a shout and I felt an unexpected orgasm burst over me.  I shuddered beneath him and went limp just as he began thrusting harder and faster.  He reacted to my movement by gripping my waist while also increasing the speed and intensity of his movement, and as a second sensation of pleasure coursed over me, he slammed forward and I felt his cock jerks as he began emptying his balls inside my rectum.

I collapsed forward and he followed and landed atop me, his he landed on my shoulder, and he kissed me softly as his cock slipped out of my ass leaving feeling horribly empty. 

We stayed in the position with him on top of me, as we were silently coming to terms. 

And then, tears fell from my eyes as I thought of my sister and how her and how the promise that I’d made he had giving me a bit more of her. 

I wept as he stroked my hair and then he wept with me until finally our tears turned to something else and together, we made love once more until I fell asleep with my sister’s husband holding me.

I awoke in the morning to find he’d put me in bed on the side my sister normally slept and covered me with the blankets I’d given them or Christmas. His side of the bed was empty as I moved to the ensuite in need of a long hot shower. 

The long shower felt refreshing, but I couldn’t shake just how strange and normal things had become or maybe I’d pretended that whole thing hadn’t happened as naturally as it had. 

I couldn’t stay in there forever so finally I made my way to into their bedroom and I saw that he had placed a complete set of clothes for me to change into.  I stopped midway into the room and felt James’s arms close around me.  He held me tightly and whispered, “Karla gave me a wonderful family but…you gave me a wonderful rebirth, Kayla.”

Tears once more began to fall, I felt weak but thankfully he was there to catch me as I fell.

“Will you stay with me and be a mother for the kids at least until I figure all this out?  It might take a while, is that okay?”

I pulled away and studied his face. 

“I could never say no to you,” I said, “but just so we’re clear, the pain we share or at least the sharpness of it will never be dulled.  I’m not going to pretend to be Karla…”

He cut me by placing his fingers to my lips, “I’m just asking for you to stay, and just be here for the kids and let me be with you.”

I realized suddenly how much I wanted him and everything he had given my sister. 

 “I’ll stay…,” I began saying and before the words left my lips, I felt him lifting me slightly into air as I fell with him onto the bed. 

I think it was the nakedness of my body or how his arms folded around me, but it added to the heat of the moment, “you’re going to have to fuck me again...” I whispered, “how else I’m supposed to get used to this monster cock being inside five or six times a week for the rest of my life.” 

That wasn’t exactly true, I’d already taken him anally and vaginal sex meant my pussy would mold around his cock and stay that way for months; this was just a way for me to sleep with him again and again if he thought I needed it. 

I was pretty sure he needed it just as much as I did, and I realized that I needed it, something badly.

He held me tightly and said, “What if I get you pregnant?”

I lifted my face and I kissed him softly.  “Then we’ll have to find a way for your son/nephew to get along with his siblings.”