Her Desire by Anthony Monroe - HTML preview

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A First for Allison

Allison was 19 years old, and a virgin. It’s not that she wasn’t interested in boys; just that high school and her first year in college had left her with the impression that every young good-looking guy who took an interest in her petite frame and firm c-cup breasts also knew that they could have anyone they wanted and as a result they would act like such jackasses that they utterly repulsed her.

She hoped Bradley would be different; when they first met she admired his athletic frame, his carefully cropped blonde hair, and his deep blue eyes, but now as held her both her arms above her head with one of his strong hands, she knew he was just like all the other boys her age.

“Come on, Allison…,” he was saying as he pressed his body into hers trying to get her jeans unbuttoned now that he had her t-shirt shoved up to her shoulders exposing her breast beneath the thin material of her red laced bra, “…you know you want to fuck!”

Although Bradley was drunk he easily controlled her which she flailed and tried to free with all her might; for his part he had given up trying to unbutton her jeans, instead opting to control her wrists with one of his large hands, as he fiercely forced his free hand inside her snugly fitting jeans.

“Let me go!” She yelled in vain because her words were muffled by his mouth as her roughly kissed her.

Allison could feel his hard dick brushing into her thighs; and while she had once wanted nothing more than to offer him her cherry, it was the last thing she now hoped to see or feel as it rubbed up against her body.

Allison who never consumed liquor before this evening had done so with the hopes of relaxing before her first sexual encounter, so when she and Bradley began making out in the upstairs hallway of his frat house she was feeling the warmth of the liquor doing its thing but now the adrenaline had taken over and she was more than sober enough to know that this was not how she wanted her first to be.

“You can stop trying to play hard to get…,” Bradley said with a laugh as his fingers worked their way to her crotch, “...I can feel how wet you are.”

Panic set in as his fingers brushed past her thick well shaped bush and neared the entry to her virgin slit, “No…stop…stop Brad…” she yelled just before Brad yanked his hands from her jeans and covered her mouth.

“Yell again…and I’ll beat the shit out of you…!” Bradley said glaring down at her, “I don’t like being teased…”

He let go of her arms and turned his attention to her pants and she laid there in panic.

“Aye dude…,” I hear a male voice say upon entering the room; she was thankful that Bradley’s attention turned away from her, he had just lowered her zipper and was about to yank her pants down.

“Help…” she shouted out to the stranger before rolling onto her side; Bradley turned and gave her a scornful look and was about to say something when the stranger’s hand closed around his neck.

The tall Black male lifted Bradley from the bed and tossed him to the ground before asking, “So now we take pussy?” while looking over at Allison.

Allison had seen him around campus and new he was a basketball player but little else about her savior, he reached out his large hand and asked, “are you okay sweet pea?”

“Yeah she’s fine, she’s just playing hard to get bro,” Bradley began saying as he rose his feet.

The new arrival turned and saw Allison shaking her head vigorously while eying Bradley; “come on…” her hero said as he extended his hand.

“Hey…,” Bradley said moving to try and prevent the new guy from leaving, “She’s staying with me.”

The liquor had given him courage, but Allison turned and tried to push her way past Bradley, and when the other guy who had Bradley by at least twenty pounds and four inches looked down at him and replied quite sternly, “I think she has other ideas…,” Bradley wisely stepped aside and let them exit into the hallway.


Chapter 2

“That little bitch is damn tease…,” Bradley began saying as the pair reached the bottom of the steps, Allison started to say different, but the tall Black stranger grabbed her arm and pulled her out onto the steps.

“You should be alright here…,” the new guy was saying but Allison wasn’t listening; a few of Bradley’s friends had followed them outside and Allison squeezed his rescuer’s arm and guided him further into the yard.

While it wasn’t her intent to allow him to get in the middle of her situation she had to admit that she felt safe with him; she casually let her arm trail along his bicep, and she even found herself studying the way his shirt fit his broad chest and shoulders She also found herself admiring his strong jawline and well-groomed goatee, she shook her head and laughed at the thought of him being her first. .

“Just a little further…” she said looking over her shoulder at Bradley who had now walked onto the lawn and was animatedly gesturing, and saying “that’s my woman and that motha fucker’s trying to cock block me…” Bradley’s  shout had the effect of reminding shocking her back to reality and she was thankful when the stranger turned to her and asked, “would you like me to give you a ride to your dorm?”

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Allison realized she didn’t even know his name, “ I’m Allison,” she said extended her hand; when he grabbed her hand she was astounding by how much it dwarfed her own, “Trevon, but my friends call me Tre.”

They talked about nothing for a while about nothing while heading to his off-campus apartment, but the talk inevitably turned to Bradley and his earlier actions.

“Allison…” Tre began saying as the pair entered his apartment, “…what did you possibly see in an asshole like that?”

Allison turned and leaned on the wall as Tre fumbled to find his door key, “well you have to admit he is cute as hell…” she began saying as he opened the door, “ if he’d asked I would have definitely been willing to…” her words trailed off when they entered his apartment and the group of guys gathered there turned and regarded the arrival.

“Nice ass…,” one the guys said walking past her and handing the guys the baggies he was holding.

“It ain’t like that…,” Tre says while slyly taking a peek himself, “…I’m just going to give her a ride.”

“I bet…” another guy says while pounding the other’s fist.

Allison feels her cheeks flush but secretly she was hoping he would make a move, “can I get a hit?” She asked reaching for the newly rolled blunt.

Inhaling deeply, she managed to hold it for about six seconds before gasping loudly and exclaiming, “wow…” and coughing harshly, “…that’s some wicked weed!”

The male seated to her right reached over and pounded her softly on her back while reaching for the blunt dangling between her fingers, “that’s not weed girl…” he said just before taking a long drag and exclaiming in a smoke filled sigh, “this… is Kush.”

The trio lets out a sincere laugh and pass the cannabis filled cigarillo around the semicircle of gathered friends.

Tre looked at the group and laughed, he shook his head and told Allison, “Give me a sec…I’ll be in my room when you’re ready.”

Allison turned to guys and took the blunt and inhaled with a long slow drag letting the weed’s effect relax her.

Allison’s eyes danced around the guys in the room and she thought to herself, ‘on any other occasion she’d be willing to date either of them’; she giggled at the thought as he mind returned to Tre; she glanced down the hallway, curious she asked, “where’s the bathroom?”

One of the guys pointed in the general direction that Tre went before adding, “the door on your left…”

Allison noticed that the room on the right had a partially closed door and she allowed her THC fueled relaxation and her natural curiosity to explore possibilities of where the night’s events could be like with a gentleman like Tre; and she pushed the door open without a hint of apprehension.

She stood just inside the opened the door and saw a shirtless Tre doing push-ups on the floor.

“Weed makes me feel hyper…” he began explaining when he noticed her staring, he stood up and used a nearby towel to wipe the sweat from his face and chest before sitting on the edge of the bed, “ have a seat,” he told Allison pointing to the beanbag chair in the corner of his small room.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Allison said just before settling down on his lap.

“Allison...” Tre began saying just before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him slowly and with such longing that Tre’s cock began to twitch.

“You sure about this?” Tre asked while trying to calm his burgeoning erection.


Chapter 3

“I am,” Allison said before kissing him once more, “if it hadn’t been for you who knows what would have happened, and like you said weed makes me hyper…”

“I can understand that…,” he began saying as he placed her on her feet, “but if you wanna do this then you’re going to have to show me.”

Allison gave him a confused look, so he stood and looked down at her and said, “show me.”  Just before kissing her softly on the mouth.

Allison pulled him into a long slow kiss as they used their tongues to explore the other’s mouths, she moaned softly as his hands caressed her back before settling on her firm ass and gripping it as she began to unbutton his jeans.

Sliding her hand past his thick pubic hair she felt his warm manhood and looking up in astonishment she exclaimed, “It can’t be this big…,” she cooed into his mouth as her hand snaked further into his jeans, pulling away she said “…I have to see it.”

She dropped to her knees in front of him and pulled his jeans down to just below his knees, her eyes intensely focused on the long dark piece of flesh that she exposed; she had would have forgotten its owner if he hadn’t moaned when her hands began their task of coaxing it alive.

“I’ve never seen a cock this long…,” she exclaimed as it began to throb in her grasp, “it’s bigger than I even thought possible.”

“Suck it while you stroke it,” he told her while smiling from the compliment, “I bet you can get it even bigger.”

 “That’s not possible…” she began saying, “if it gets any bigger, I don’t think it’ll fit in my…” she said just before he guided her head onto it.

She allowed Tre to guide her head up and down his cock as he slowly fucked her mouth, she was excited by the satisfied groans escaping his throat.

 “It’s so thick and hard…,” she said after several seconds, giving her mouth the time, it needed to adjust after being stretched, “did I do it right?” she asked coyly.

“Is this the first time you’ve given a blowjob?”  Tre asked as Allison’s saliva streaked his cock.

“Yeah…’” she said before adding, “it’s actually a night of many firsts I hope.”

Tre talked her through how to suck cock and she proved to be a very willing pupil; within minutes she was able to deepthroat nearly most of his cock and before long she had him on the verge of filling her mouth with something else.

“Damn girl…,” He said while lifting her head from his impossibly hard dick, “you are doing that like a pro.”

Allison could tell from his pleased expression that he meant that as a compliment and when he told her ‘no one was ever able to handle his dick like her’ she knew it to be the case.

 “Have you ever had your pussy eaten?” Tre asked while lifting Allison from the floor.

Shaking her head, Allison watched as Tre slowly lowered jeans, he looked up at her smiling and said “Good, you’ll be my first too.”

Tre pulled her panties aside and flicked his tongue over her labia, Allison had masturbated many times in the past but the way his tongue explored her pussy was beyond anything she could do herself; “Yes…suck my clit,” she moaned and ground against his face, and when he slid a finger into her pussy she began to twirl around the intrusion, “please…keep going…I...” was all she managed to get out before she closed her legs around his head as a wave of pleasure ran through her body.

He flattened his tongue against her clit and her body went limp on the bed, he began nipping at her clit with his teeth and she let a loud sigh escape her lips; the was too lost in the moment to notice the door opening and by the time her orgasm had subsided she noticed that the two guys from earlier were standing just inside the room watching as Tre finger fucked her with two of his long fingers while lapping at her cunt.

“Tre…,” she whispered while trying to pull his mouth away.

Tre turned his head and saw his buddies staring lustily at Allison, “Do you want them to leave?” He asked looking between Allison and his friend who was now standing next to the bed.

“Don’t be shy baby girl...,” the first guy told her while getting on the bed, “…you don’t have anything to be shy about.”

He was telling her this as he slid his hand beneath her shirt, he had begun to remove her breast from her bra when she felt Tre’s massive cock slide into her pussy.

“That’s it…” Tre coaxed as another few inches penetrated her once virgin cunt, “you’re taking my dick.”

 She was still processing his words when his third friend slid his fat cock inside her mouth, she felt her throat being filled by the intrusion but it was nothing compared to the intrusion of Tre’s cock deep inside her belly; in her mind it felt as if their cocks were meeting halfway inside her body.

She was reeling from the salty taste of the stranger’s cock and the delectable torture of Tre’s slow strokes, pulling her mouth away she screamed, “don’t…. fucking…stop…don’t fucking…use…me!”

As the words left her mouth she couldn’t believe they were her own, she found herself thoroughly enjoying the way they used her body for her pleasure, by the time the first wave of her orgasm subsided she wondered if she’d ever be able to come any other way.

“That’s it…” the one named Jason said working the saliva from her mouth along his cock, “…suck it…suck my fat dick…” he groaned while rocking forward and pushing more of his cock into her mouth.

 She collapsed back onto the mattress and stared up at him as he stroked his cock inches from her face; she felt as she was made of jelly and unable to anything but enjoy the pounding Tre’s was giving her as he gripped her buttocks and began fucking her in earnest.

She had been lost in the pleasure and pain his cock was giving her and never realized that he had rolled onto his back and now she was heaved up and down his cock, “look at me...” he said smiling up at her, “I want to see your pretty eyes when this dick fills your sweet pussy with cum.”

She couldn’t believe that she had lost her virginity to a stranger, and if that wasn’t bad enough, she was fucking that stranger while sucking his friend’s cock.

She was deep in her thoughts when she felt Tre push his cock even deeper into her cunt, leaning down she kissed him deeply just as his cock began spurting deep within her stomach.

“Can I get some of that?” She heard someone ask and was turning toward the sound just as Tre’s cock slid from her body.


Chapter 4

“I…don’t know if my pussy can handle two…,” she started to say but was cut off when the third guy’s hands began spreading her butt cheeks.

“Pussy…?” the third guy laughed, “I’m don’t want his sloppy seconds.”

Tre’s friend’s mouth found her tits and was sucking at her nipple, and she was about to protest the intrusion when Devon’s cock pressed against her virgin asshole.

“Are you ready to lose your virginity completely?” Tre asked coaxing his cock back to life.

She was unable to answer, her mind was reeling from Devon’s long slender cock being pushed into her rectum, she turned her head nodded, “please go slow…” she moaned withdrew a few inches before pushing even more into her body.

She placed hands on the bed just as the second guy pulled her mouth back onto his pubic cock, she felt herself being pushed further onto his cock as she Devon thrust into her from behind.

She leaned on his thighs for support and began working her hands and mouth long his cock as the two cocks pistoned into her mouth and once virgin asshole.

She could feel the second guy’s legs begin to quiver and she stroked his long his shaft while sucking roughly on his thick mushroomed head pushing him closer to his release, “I’m going to cum…Ooh baby…I’m…!”

Allison felt his cock throb and begin pumping sending his thick salty semen deep into throat, she pulled her mouth from the cock as she kept stroking and cooed, “well that’s another first too…” after she swallowed and regained her breath.

He let his cock finish pumping onto her face and chin before lifting her head and kissed her softly on the forehead, his semen still evident on her lips as his did so. “Wow…,” he managed to say she licked at her lip, “that was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.” As sweat covered his chest and brow.

 “That was the best pussy I’ve ever had too...” Tre said while moving to the edge of the bed, “You’re going to get somebody hooked.” He concluded while slowly stroking his growing erection.

I slide my skirt off my hips and let it drop to the ground. Now I’m only wearing bra and panties. I can feel my heart race and my pussy get wet. He looks so hot wearing nothing but jeans. I stare a little too obviously at his crotch. He unzips his pants slowly. I think I may be salivating a little.

He pushes his jeans down on his hips as he watches me. Then he lets them drop to the floor and steps out of them. He is wearing boxers.

“I’m topless, now you,” he says playfully, pointing to my chest. We’ve already gone farther than I’ve ever gone with a boy before. Here goes nothing.

I reach back and unhook my bra, then slowly peel it off and let it drop, exposing my big round tits. He looks definitely mesmerized by them. I blush.

“You’re very beautiful,” he says.

“Thanks,” I say. “I show you mine, you show me yours?” I put my hands on the sides of my panties.

“On three?” he asks. I nod. “One,” he says as he puts his hands on his waistband. “Two… three.” I pull my panties down all the way and step out of them as I try to keep an eye on him. He pulls his boxers down and his big hard cock bounces out of them. He steps out of his boxers and I can’t stop staring at his dick.

“Whoa,” I say.

He laughs. “I will take that as a compliment,” he says as he stares at my naked body.

I’ve never seen a dick in person before. It looks like it could hurt me. Wow.

“So, how about that kiss?” I say breathlessly.

He takes a step toward me and folds me up in his arms. His cock presses against me as he leans down a little bit and kisses me softly on the mouth. Still a gentleman. I kiss him harder and he starts to kiss me harder back. Our tongues tangle together. I feel so turned on. I kind of want to hump his brains out. I moan.

He backs me over to the bed as he kisses me and pushes me gently onto my back. I feel dizzy with desire. He lies down on top of me and fondles my tits as he kisses me. I moan. He slides his hand down my body and puts his fingers into my pussy. I shiver.

“Oh, I’ve never had a man in there before,” I mutter.

“Hang on Devon…” The second guy said looking down at Allison, “I wanna try something different, I think she’s ready.”

“What…are your serious Ty,” Devon says, stopping abruptly as Tyrell lowered her onto her back. “Seriously?”

 Tyrell climbed up her body and started kissing her passionately the kiss was slow and seductive, and she was savoring it and didn’t notice that he had begun to finger her pussy again. He kissed his way down her body and began to flick his tongue over her clit, she could feel ecstasy surge through her body and by the time his tongue ran along her labia she was writhing on the mattress trying to find anything to hold onto.

Her body had just begun to relax when Tyrell told Devon, “get on your back next to her…”

Tyrell leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. She could taste her juices on his tongue, and as twirled her tongue along his she wasn’t aware of Devon guiding his cock between her spread ass cheeks.

Tyrell spread her legs apart and entered her saturated slit; he and Tyrell began to move in a synchronized motion, slowly at first until the two had almost completely inserted their erections in her pussy, and then without speaking they began stroking her a little faster and harder with each thrust; just as she was getting used to having two cock in her body Tre grabbed her head and shoved his cock into her mouth.

“Make me come again,” he says as he starts fucking her face, “you like being filled with these hard dicks, don’t you?”

She nodded, unable to speak as she felt several pairs of hands exploring her breasts and strumming her clit intensifying everything she felt.

The group moans in unison as the cocks press against one another deep in her body. Devon was the first to pick up the pace of his thrusting but soon the other two followed.

They moaned with each thrust and Allison pulled at her nipples as they fucked her, their animalistic grunting and groaning added to the pleasure she felt being fucked so wantonly.

The two fucking her were both breathing hard as Devon frantically shoved his cock into her rectum and screamed, “I going to fucking come…”

“Oh, God…” he says as he fucks me hard. “Ohhhh…”

Allison could feel another orgasm raging up quickly in her cunt, and she cried aloud, “Keep…Oh fuck…I’m…!

“UGGHH!” he shouts as I watch his face cringe up and he shoots a load of cum into me. Then he relaxes his muscles and lies on top of me, breathing hard. God, that was amazing.

I am still breathing hard as I run my fingers down his back and say, “When can we do that again?”

He laughs into my shoulder. “Give me a few minutes,” he says.

“Okay,” I say, running my hands down to cup his bare ass. He rolls off of me, to the side, onto his back. I look at his cock. It is almost all the way hard again, and glistening with our cum.

“This your room?” I ask.

“Yes,” he says, smiling.

“You have a girlfriend?”

“No,” he says, looking mortified.

“Sorry,” I say. “Some guys cheat like it’s no big deal.”

“Please tell me you don’t have a boyfriend,” he says closing his eyes.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” I say quickly.

He opens his eyes and rolls over on top of me again and starts kissing me passionately. He starts playing with my breasts again, massaging and making me moan. Then he quickly reaches down and spreads my pussy lips and slips his rock-hard cock into me again. I grunt. He starts fucking me with abandon then, rapidly shoving himself in and out. He stares into my eyes in a haze of lust. I look back at him the same way. His hot cock slamming into my pussy hard is the best thing I’ve ever felt. I ache with pleasure.

We are both panting and groaning now. He is glistening with sweat as he fucks me hard. My tits are bouncing around. He has his arms on the bed beside me now so he can really thrust into me hard. I have my hands on his chest, running them over his muscles. Now I move them to his back and his ass. I shove him deeper into me by pulling his ass closer to me. He starts to fuck me faster.

“Oh, God, Allison…” he moans.

“David…” I say breathlessly. I feel a shock of pleasure jolt through me as my body jerks and I grunt. He keeps fucking. I moan. I feel another wave surge up and I moan loudly as it crashes. It feels so good it almost hurts. I feel another huge wave start to build up. I whimper and thrash as he drives his cock into my pussy.

As the wave of pleasure racked through her body, she could feel tears flowing freely from her eyes, just as Tyrell suddenly grunted loudly as his cock jerked and began to pump hot cum into her pussy.

She had barely enough time to catch her breath when she heard Trevon grunting through clenched teeth as he pumped another load into mouth and along her lips.

They were all breathing hard and barely able to move as Trevon collapsed on the bed and Devon rolled her off his mostly limp cock.

 “I should get you something to clean up with before I take you home,” Tre said as he looked down at Allison’s cum coated skin and leaking pussy.

 “Okay…,” she said after regaining her composure.

Sitting up she quickly glanced at nude bodies and the large cocks that they impaled her with; Tre returned after a while fully dressed, and hands her a warm towel. He let her get most of the obvious remnant cleaned before he extended a hand and pulled her to her feet.

He guided her across the hall and stopped just outside the door, she looked back briefly before closing it. When she emerged, she smiled seeing him stand against the wall next to the door, he smiled at her briefly before pulling her nude body into his embrace, kissing her softly before whispering, “We didn’t hurt you did we?”

“Not at all Tre,” she said before concluding, “You know I don’t do that. Ever.

“I hope not,” he says and shrugs before continuing, “maybe next time it can be just us.”

Allison laughed to herself before returning to room to gather her clothes; after she was fully dressed, she found Tre in the living room pacing back and forth.

 “Where to?” he asks placing his arm around her shoulder.

“Baxter Hall,” she said pulling him in close. “It’s coed… in case you’re wondering…”

They walked in comfortable silence like a pair of lovers enjoying a stroll. When they reached Baxter Hall, she turned to him and asked, “can I convince you to spend the night?”

“I was hoping I could,” he said reaching for the door.

They had just entered her room when he pulled her into a long slow kiss, “tonight was my first time too,” he said quietly, looking into her eyes.

“Then you won’t mind doing it again?” She asked already unbuttoning his jeans.

“Okay,” he quickly agreed before pulling his t-shirt over his head.

“Maybe we should shower first?” She asked kissing his softly.

“Okay,” he hurriedly replied while scanning the room.

Leaning she kissed him on the cheek and guided him around the corner, the spent several long minutes cleaning each other thoroughly before making their way to her bed where the used the rest of the night getting dirtier than they ever thought possible.