Her Desire by Anthony Monroe - HTML preview

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His New Playmate

My 19th birthday for me was bittersweet because I knew that in less than a week before I’d leave for college.

I love my family; and when my real father left my mom shortly before my 15th birthday, she and I thought it would always be just the two of us, but when she began dating Kelan a few years later that all changed. In a few short months it went from being just me and her, to me competing with her for the affections of a man.

I like to think that she and Kelan began dating because of me, he was after all my swim coach and while I had never thought of him as anything but another adult in my life, there was something about him that made me want to be more, and I guess my mom felt that same way because shortly after they met, the two began dating and I saw a whole new side of her blossom and it seemed to take place overnight.

My mom had kept their relationship very discreet, I guess either because Kelan was younger than she was by more than a few years, and although he was Black I never considered that his race played a part in her discretion but if I hadn’t come home early that Saturday night I wouldn’t have ever known she was dating let alone having sex.

I walked in the house that night and heard the two of them going at it; even if I hadn’t heard them I would have known something wasn’t right simply by the amount of clothes on the floor and the way that the sofa cushions had been pushed up in various places, and so when heard the moans of their lovemaking my curiosity pushed me down that hallway.

Her bedroom door was partially opened, and I saw her legs over his shoulders, and the way that he was thrusting into her if he hadn’t been nude, I would have sworn he was physically mistreating her. A part of me wanted to burst into the room but hearing her beg him to do it harder and deeper, or hearing his explicit calls for her to take every inch of his hard dick as he fucked her made me freeze in place. I stood there and watched as he made love to my mom and that was also the night that I fell in love with Black men.

I quietly snuck back out the house and spent the better part of an hour walking aimlessly around, and about the time I knew my mother was expecting me I strolled back into the house and found the two of them seated on the neatly arranged sofa staring at the television, acting as if they’d been there all along but of course I knew better; I joined them briefly and used that time to start my seduction of Kelan.

Up to that point I had never saw my mom as competition, she was after all nearly fifty years old, she kept in shape by working out fanatically and when I saw her sitting next to Kelan I couldn’t understand why it had been so long since she’d been with a man.  

That was over two years ago, and since then I hate to say but I spent many nights imagining how it would be if he and I were ever alone together, and thoughts of him consumed my fantasy as I planned for the time I could be with him.

That time would eventually come on the first trip that we took as a family; my mother and Kelan had yet to officially commit to one another, I think large part to how my biological dad’s parents began skillfully inserting themselves into my life. He had all but moved into our house and he and my mom were acting as if they were already married, but that didn’t stop me from seeing him as the man I wanted between my legs, like I said earlier, he was for me a very attractive man, and on more than one occasion I had walked in on him as he exited the shower or I began to leave my room door open and I’d see him staring at me whenever my mother was not around and once I caught he watching me having sex, and when I heard that he was joining us on the trip we were taking for my 18th birthday that I decided to make my move.

The day I decided to make my move was perfect, my mom had indulged herself a bit too much the night before, and as a result I knew that Kelan and I would be alone on the sightseeing trip that he’d planned and as she slept off her hangover, I was going to find out if his rapid gazes in my direction was part of my desire for him or something more.

I can’t say how I knew it but for some reason that day was as if it had been planned for the two of us and once our catamaran anchored we ventured off alone, and as we paddled off I kept seeing his well-toned body glistening atop me as we glided across the crystal blue lagoon water.

 I decided then to make my move by purposely pretending to be struggling in the neck deep water, knowing he would swim out to save me, and as he pulled me into his arms, I lowered my hand and snaked it inside his shorts.

To my surprise my mother’s boyfriend pretended not to notice, as I closed my hand around his large cock, he casually guided me to shallower water while at the same time placing his hands around my perky eighteen year old breast; as we landed on the shoreline I turned in his arms and began making out with a man more than twice my age, knowing that my girlfriends would be jealous if I ever told them about how great a kisser he was.

Kelan and I kissed deeply and I even allowed his tongue to explore my mouth, I placed my hand around his cock and was beginning to stroke it when he pulled away and said, “Victoria, this is wrong…,”

My mother always called me Vicky, but hearing her boyfriend call me by my formal name seemed to embolden me; I lowered his shorts and used both hands to massage his cock while laughing aloud, teasing him as I  stroked his erection and said, “yeah you’re right, it would be wrong for you to fuck Victoria, but I’m sure Vicky would enjoy this nice hard dick…,” I didn’t even recognize the words I was saying but they seemed to strike a chord in him, he pulled me to a hidden corner of the cove and lowered my bikini bottom and as he slid his cock inside me he moaned, “I’m going to show you what happens when you tease a man…,”

He fucked me harder than I had ever been before, and too be honest he was only the third person I’d had sex with, but feeling my eighteen year old pussy being stretched by his long black cock made my legs go weak, and as my knees buckled he was there to hold me up and support my one hundred and five pound frame as he fucked me while holding me against the wall of the cave he’d taken me to.

He didn’t take it easy on me, instead he fucked me until I begged him to stop and when he did he placed me on my knees and told me suck the cock that I’d made hard, as I did what I was instructed to do he held me by the back of head with one hand and worked his cock in and out of my mouth while using the other to stroke his cock until he came.

His cock jerked in my mouth and it began to spurt a thick ropey jet of semen onto the back of my tongue, and instead of pulling away as he orgasmed he held my mouth in position and stroked his cock until he was satisfied and only then did he pull away, only to slide his cock across my lips.

I was thoroughly humiliated, but something inside me found it a huge turn-on; after we ‘cleaned up’ we made our way back toward the shore and paddled in the kayaks we’d used to come ashore back to the sightseeing boat and await our return to the resort.

I felt my skin burn from embarrassment, and I guess he noticed my normally pale skin burn red under the gaze of the other people aboard the boat, but he brushed it aside and said to anyone who stared in our direction, “I guess we should have brought more sunscreen.”

We found my mother sitting under an umbrella on the beach and as we approached, she smiled at us and said, “Sorry I wasn’t able to go, I hope the two of you had fun…,”

To which he replied, “I think that outing will be something she’ll always remember…”

I didn’t know how to respond to that and instead I looked at him and smiled, he was right; I will always remember that as being my real first.

We spent the rest of that trip together as a family, and when we returned home I tried to find every reason possible to get him alone, but at home he went back to being my mother’s boyfriend and my future stepdad, and he made sure that our every interaction was above board and very proper.

He would only able to do that for so long and to make sure of that I had something planned for him on his 40th birthday.

To surprise my mother had arrange for him to spend the weekend playing golf in an exclusive country club in the next state over, she has never been much into sports so when she saw how much he loved it she knew that would be the perfect gift.

 He and his longtime friend was all set to leave for the weekend when I pulled him aside. He seemed upset with me that I was delaying him from leaving but I told him that I wanted to give him his present before he left, he relented and followed me to my room.

Once inside he stood by the entrance as I slowly sat on my bed and removed the sexy pair of red panties I’d picked up at the mall, I slid them down my thighs, carefully to allow the wetness that formed to fully saturate the silk and cotton material as I lowered them, once they was free I tossed them to him along with a digital key card for the room I had booked down the street from where I knew he’d be staying.

I knew it was wrong to tempt him, but instead of chastising me he quickly shoved them both into his pocket when he heard my mother coming down the hall.

“So, what did she give you?” she asked him as she placed a gentle peck on his cheek.

“Oh nothing,” he said nonchalantly, “she said it’s not ready yet, but she’ll give it to me soon.”

The way that he looked at me as he said it combined with how well I knew he fucked both me and my mother was perhaps the sexiest thing I’d ever witnessed.

I had firsthand experience of how well he fucks, and seeing him melt my mother with words made me want to be with him even more, and as soon as they pulled out the driveway I told my mother that I was going to spend the weekend with Cassie; she gave me a pouty frown but said okay and before long I found myself trailing them down the highway.

I’m not a stalker or nothing like that, but I honestly wanted more. I think it was the fact that he could easily ignore me is what did me in.

I didn’t have to wait long for him to arrive, he come to my hotel room just after dark and once he closed the door behind us, I felt his large hand move to the small of my back briefly just before he lowered it to the curve of my ass, and while cupping my tiny ass cheeks in his large hands as he lifted me into his arms.

I’m naturally petite, but in his arms, I felt even smaller.

I purposely wore my thong panties, because they are skin-tight around the crotch area, and because of that I was able to press my barely covered pussy against his cock and even though he was still wearing his pants, he couldn’t pretend not to notice the heat coming from my sex.

My mother seemed to completely oblivious to the fact that I had recently began dating more Black guys and even when I told her about the sexual fantasies many of my boyfriend’s  have had about being with an older woman she laughed it off and said that they wouldn’t be able to handle a real woman, but she was wrong about that.

Following our first time together I realized that the thing older men like sexually, was that there was nothing I wouldn’t do if they asked, and one day after overhearing him and his friend Steve joking about having anal sex with his wife and when Kelan said that it was the one thing my mom wouldn’t do I decided that that would be the one thing I would.

Of course, the reality was setting in and as I began to feel his erection grow the more apprehensive I became at the thought of our have anal sex, maybe it was the fact that knowing that my mother wouldn’t do it made me nervous but then again if my mother would, then he may not have been there with me.

I decided to free myself from the worry of how it would feel and let it happen naturally.

Maybe she wouldn’t even care if she knew that Kelan and I were only having sex because I allowed him to fuck me in the ass. I know it’s a weird thought, but I honestly think my mom would have been okay with her fiancée fucking her daughter if it meant he was happy.

I pushed the thought from my mind and guided him to the bed, I let him undress me fully before I did the same to him, and once he was naked I got on my knees between his legs and in my most innocent sounding voice I looked up at him and whispered, “what do you want me to do?”

It was amazing at how hard his cock twitched in my grasp; it was as if it was now in control.

“I want your pretty lips around my hard cock…,” he moaned as he guided my mouth down onto his erection, “…and after you get it nice and hard, I’m want you to climb up here and let me bury my cock in that tight little pussy again.”

It still early at night, so I wasn’t shocked when his cellphone rang. I had just begun sucking his cock as he laid back on the bed and talked casually with my mother as I began giving him the most skillful blowjob that I could.

It really turned me on hearing him tell her that he was looking forward to the fun he was about to have, and when he said that he was looking forward to the back holes of the course I moaned quietly quietly and slid my fingers along my slit pushed two thin fingers inside.

I couldn’t stop him pushing his cock further into my mouth, and he bit down on his lower lip and placed the phone on mute, “You’re such a good cock sucking, slut…,” he moaned, “…now lick my balls while you jack my dick.”

I did as I was instructed for a while longer, and after he placed his phone on the bed, he pulled me by my hair and guided me onto my back and placed a pillow beneath my hips.

I held him by his head, and bucked against his lips, Kelan then began to flick his tongue against my clit while fingering my asshole; I knew that his fingers would be just the start of the fun we were about to have.

Before that night, I had just one other guy eat my pussy, and that was while we were still at school, we snuck inside a classroom, and instead before we could have sex, we were interrupted by someone in the hall just after he ate me. It was nowhere as good as the tongue-lashing Kelan was giving, he had me moaning so loud you would have thought I was a wanton little slut instead of the senior aged Catholic schoolgirl that I was.

I don’t know what came over me, but I found myself moaning and saying things that I had never said before, and he loved it.

He began driving his tongue deeper inside me while fingering my asshole, and when he decided that I was good and ready to be fucked he moved onto his knees between my legs and began rubbing his thick cock against my slick cunt, I was grinding against his erection as best I could, but when he looked down at me sternly, and whispered, “I’m going to fuck every hole in your body; twice, and when I’m done you’re going to beg me to do it all over again…”

I closed my eyes and moaned, when just as the words left his mouth, he was already sliding in me.

“You like having hard black dick in you, don’t you?” He asked me while angrily driving his cock inside me.

I felt unabashedly ashamed, when I nodded my head and groaned softly, “not just any black dick, your big black dick,” I said it quietly into his ear just before I began biting his broad shoulder to keep from screaming.

“Get on your knees,” he ordered while lifting me around my waist, “I’m going to fuck you like the slut you want to be…”

I did as he said quickly while looking down at his dick, my eyes watered lightly when I felt his fat cock press against my asshole.

“You want me to use this little asshole, don’t you” he said applying a bit of saliva to his dick and working it up and down his long shaft.

I said nothing in response, as I spread my ass cheeks for him, which was something I’d seen done in the porno I’d watched in preparation for tonight. I shivered involuntarily when he rubbed his cock across my rosebud and said, “you want this even more than I thought.”

“Go…slow…please, sir,” I said softly when I felt him begin to work himself inside me.

To my surprise I was able to take it all and even fuck him back despite my arms shaking as I held myself in position.

Without warning he began pounding into my tight butt hole with such force, I could feel my little asshole gape around his cock. I found myself whimpering as he began pounding into me. My moans only seemed to turn him on and before long I found myself being held against his cock by a pair of strong hands clamped firmly around my breast.

The pain, his touches, and the fact that he was twice my age was just too much me and found myself on the verge of an orgasm.

“Rub your clit baby girl,” he muttered as he thrusted into me again and again.

I closed my eyes and did as he said, I shoved several fingers inside my soaked pussy when he stopped abruptly.

I turned my head and saw him reach for his cell phone.

Hearing him tell the person on the other line what he was doing made me blush and shiver.

It wasn’t embarrassment, in fact I was even more turned on, which seemed wrong because he was inviting him over. I turned to look at him and ensure that I was in fact hearing him right.

 He pushed me onto my back and reached onto the floor into his jeans and tossed me the pair of skimpy cotton and silk panties I’d given him earlier.

Without saying a word, he moved next me and began kissing me again.

It was the most intimate thing I had ever felt, and so when he slid his hand inside my panties I began to moan with pleasure as he fingered me while explaining how he planned on sharing me with his buddy.

He stopped after a while and, told me to go and take shower. When I returned, I saw that he had perfectly remade the bed, perhaps what surprised me most was how he calmly sipped from a bottle of water as he waited with me for his friend to arrive.

I had curled in his arms and he held me gently for a few minutes before he got up to go and shower himself; he returned a short while later wrapped in one of the plush white bath towels and as if on cue I heard a soft knock on the door.

A smile spread across his lips as he turned and said to me, “this is going to be a night neither of us will be able to forget.”

He opened door still wrapped in the towel, and when he stepped aside for his friend; I felt his eyes wantonly rake across my body.

“So, this is why you couldn’t play a round tonight?” his friend Drew said as he stepped into the room.

“This is my birthday present,” Kelan said laughing as he pulled me in front of where he sat on the bed.

 Kelan turned me to face his friend as he caressed my breast briefly before sliding his hand inside my panties, “These are what she gave me before we left earlier,” he began saying as he pulled my panties tightly against my pussy briefly before he pulled them slowly down my thighs.

He let them drop around my ankles before licking my ass cheeks as I tried to remain rigid which proved hard to do while my knees quivered as I began to moan.

I am totally turned on as I watched Drew begin to unzip his pants, I could see that his cock is already hard and although I have yet to see it first-hand, I can tell that it’s quite large.

Kelan smacked my bare ass with his large hand and laughed aloud.

It stung but refocused my attention on him.

It was the first time that a spanking, felt anywhere near erotic, but it did.

He called his friend over and told me to do what I do best; just as I took Drew’s cock in my hands, he smacked my ass two or three more times, before telling me that I didn’t ask his permission.

Then without thinking I turned to face him, “can I please suck his hard cock sir?”

He gave my ass another hard smack his hand large hand before saying, “let him get undressed while you suck my dick.”

I moaned loudly, and uncontrollably as he slid his hand between my legs.

Then I saw a broad smile spread across his lips just before his hand landed on my cheeks as smacked me with the same hand that was just between my thighs.

A moan escaped my lips, as he opened the towel to expose his raging erection, “this is what you want am I right,” he said quietly just as my mouth closed around his long hard cock.

While I was sucking Kelan’s cock, Drew moved behind me and smacked my ass firmly in the same place Kelan had done last time.

He left his hand on my ass and muttered, “this is some good eighteen-year-old pussy,” to which he and Kelan laughed aloud.

I could feel my face turn red, and I know I should have been embarrassed by the fact that I was having sex with my mother’s boyfriend and his best friend, but what embarrassed me more was the fact that when he starts moving his hand around, rubbing my sore red bottom was how easy it was for him to slips not one but three fingers down into my asshole.

 I gasped suddenly at the realization of what he planned on doing, and when his slipped another finger inside me, followed then by his knuckles I realized he was fisting my asshole as he then started to fill my pussy with his large cock.

My flowing juices allowed him to slide in easily.

I can hear him breathing heavily as he worked both my holes. My own breathing has sped up too, as I sucked Kelan’s cock as both my pussy and asshole was being stretched with pleasure as he fucked me.

I start to moan, but I wanted more.

“Oh…, God, he feels good, but I want you inside me too, sir,” I said to him quietly while I stroked his cock with both hands as his friend fucked me faster and harder.

I start to moan loudly.

“Hold up a sec!” Kelan to Drew just as my orgasm began to rush up inside me.

“What the Fuck…,” Drew said as he watched Kelan lift me onto his stomach, “…oh, this bitch is going to be the cream in our Oreo!”  he said laughing as Kelan spread my legs.

Suddenly I felt his cock teasing the entrance of my asshole, I moaned as I laid my head back into his chest.

 I feel his hard cock sliding deep inside me, and as it did my rectum began to spasm around his shaft.

I heard him moan softly into my neck as he pushed himself little by little inside my resistant asshole.

“Oh, it’s so big…” I moaned just before Drew climbed up onto the bed.

“If you think one cock is big, how do you think it going to be once we’re both inside?” he asked breathlessly while rubbing his cock against my cunt.

“Oh, just fuck me…” I said, desperate for them both to be inside me.

His cock slides easily into my aching pussy. I’m already so wet, that even his huge cock slipped right in.

I gasped when I felt the two of them pressing together inside me.

Drew groaned and shuddered as I bit softly into his flesh.

The men started to thrust themselves in and out of my pussy and asshole with slow deep thrusts which forced me to groan louder than I wanted to.

Having just one huge cock pressing the walls of my cunt felt wonderful but having an equally large one fill my asshole at the same time left me gasping with pleasure.

I was being filled over and over by large black cocks, and with each thrust they kept getting slightly deeper each time until I was certain they’d split me in half.

Kelan placed his hands under my thighs and lifted me slightly so he could drive faster and deeper into my ass; and as he lifted me it forced Drew to shove his cock into my pussy just as deep and fast, which he did over and over.

“Oh, my God…,” I moan loudly, “Please don’t…stop, oh…, God…please” I stammered as they rammed their cocks into me.

Both men were panting and groaning as they fucked me.

Kelan turned my head and gently pulled my mouth back into his, to accommodate the kiss that we both wanted I arched my back which caused my cunt to slide further onto Drew’s cock.

I groaned into Kelan’s mouth as I felt Drew’s large hands grab my breasts harshly; he began tweaking my small pink nipples with his thumb and index finger.

I moaned louder with each pinch, and that only started him to massage my breasts more harshly as he slammed his dick into my pussy.

We all both panting and covered in sweat.

“I’m going to cum…,” Drew said breathlessly as he began pounding into me harder.

“Don’t cum inside me...,” I said as I feel the panic flooding me at the thought of getting pregnant. It mixes with the pleasure of having his cock buried deep inside me.

“I’m not going to knock you up,” he said to me laughing as he slaps my boobs one hard time.

I feel pleasure surge up in me as a result of the painful sting. It travels through my body hard as he grunts loudly, “Oh, shit yeah!” He yelled aloud as he pulled his cock from my cunt and began stroking it rapidly.

My body convulsed at the sudden emptiness his withdrawal left in me.

He shudders and grunts loudly as his cock shoots streams of thick cum over my stomach, my breasts, and into the thick bush that outlines my pussy.

Kelan let his friend’s orgasm past before he too pulled out of me quickly and placed me next to the bed on my knees while standing over me. We’re both breathing hard.

He began quickly stroking his dick while looking down at me with lust in his eyes, “lick my balls…” he instructs me which I did without hesitation.

While doing so I feel the first jet of cum splash onto my head before he pushes me away and aims the rest of his ejaculate into my mouth and face.

The men are staring at me as I greedily lick at the semen surrounding my lips before I reached for his cock. He allowed me to clean the droplets that remained before he pushed me away at sat down on the edge of the bed.

“You weren’t supposed to enjoy it that much,” he said to me as I moved to where he sat.

I look down at the floor and whispered, “You weren’t supposed to bring a friend…”

 I looked over at Drew and smiled, “…he knows I’m a slut.”

“Yeah, I do…,” he said playfully while tossing me a towel, “…now clean yourself up so we can do it again.”

“You wanna come with me,” I asked while walking to the bathroom.

I fully expected Kalen to join me, but when they both followed me into the bathroom, I was more than a bit surprised.

Drew stood behind me and fondled my smallish breast and as he did I could feel his cock pressing against my ass, out of reflex I ground my hips against him as I watched Kalen adjust the temperature of the shower, his cock own cock dangling heavily between his leg.

Even though it was flaccid it was still big, I couldn’t believe that I had that impress piece of man meat buried inside my little asshole.

One the temperature was to his liking he turned and lifted me in his arms as carried me into the shower. It was nice being in his arms, and the way that he kissed I must admit had me more than a little distracted, I was almost unaware of Drew’s large hands soaping my body.

He patiently waited for me and Kalen to stop kissing, but once he sat me down onto my feet; I couldn’t stop my heart from racing as the two men glared at me as if I was there prey.

I moved toward Drew and held my lips next to his face, “is this for me?” I said as I rubbed my soapy hands along his rod.

“Oh yeah, it is,” he said softly as he watched Kalen over my shoulder as he moved up behind me.

Being pinned between those two men in that small space made me even more nervous, although I had just been double penetrated a short while ago.

All I could do was stand between their two large frames as they took turns running their soapy hands all over my body.

If anyone had seen them walk in, by now they would have known that I was the center of their focus, and that only excited me more as I nervously stroked both men’s rapidly stiffening cocks, my small hands barely able to close around their girth and that thrilled me.

“I think she’s clean enough,” Drew said gruffly as he slid a finger inside my cunt. He was watching Kalen intently as he turned to shut off the water, his own cock inches from my thigh.

I felt Drew reach down and lift me off my feet as he carried me to the bed. I moaned as he smacked my wet bottom, “I think it’s my turn to have a go at this tight little asshole...,”

He then placed me on the bed and waited until I climbed atop Kalen, my pussy had barely opened to take Kalen inside when I felt Drew take hold of my waist and pull me onto his cock from behind. I could feel my asshole being spread open, his cock was quite a bit thicker than Kalen’s but not nearly as long, but none of that mattered as he pushed into my well-fucked asshole.

“I like the way your asshole is gripping my dick,” he said plainly as he used his large hands to grip my waist.

I tried to relax, but the two of them had my holes stretched to the max, Kalen even went as far as to grip my legs and pull them apart so that he could shove even more of his cock inside me.

 Drew had my little asshole gaped at the edge of its elasticity and he was pounding into me with so much force that he was shoving me down onto Kalen’s cock, which normally I would have enjoyed but he too was fucking me so hard that I could have sworn he had a grudge against my pussy.

Our moans filled the room and after a while my holes became accustomed to the punishment the men were doling out, I had just begun to kiss Kalen when we heard his phone begin to ring.

“Now I’m going to need y’all to be quite, it’s this little slut’s mother,” he said as the phone completed its fourth and fifth rings, can you fuck her a bit quieter?” he s

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