His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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This was the night. I just knew it. We've been dancing around the matter for a while now. Never quite breaching that imaginary line society has erected upon us. Oh, we've been breaking the rules, but we haven't quite gone over the finish line.

We did everything, except the actual penetration part, and that was coming tonight. And so was I, pun intended. A lot, if what I've experienced so far is anything to go by. The man could make me come in so many different ways. I shudder just thinking about it.

My body is on fire. I'm so wet, my panties are already drenched. I'm glad I decided to wear them, otherwise there would be no barrier between my juices dripping freely down my exposed legs. Of course I'm wearing a skirt, easy access at the front of my mind when I was getting dressed.

Also, he really likes me in skirts. His hands are always wandering under there. Touching, caressing and playing with my hidden parts. He could touch me and no one would be the wiser. In fact, he did, quite frequently. And I loved every single moment.

Our little secret.

Just me and him.

It makes me smile just thinking about it.




I arrive at his house at the designated time. I’m parking the car and I can see the light turning on and the front door opening. He rents the house at the end of the street, just around a corner and a private driveway. Which is perfect, because we definitely don’t want anyone to see us.

I take my overnight bag out of my trunk and head towards him. My parents think I’m sleeping at Amanda’s house for the weekend, so we have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves while they’re none the wiser their daughter is about to receive her first cock in her untouched virgin pussy.

Amanda’s parents are out of town and Amanda agreed to cover for me in case my parents decided to call, but I was certain they wouldn’t. They never do. I’m their perfect-cheerleading-straight A’s student-daughter who everybody adores. So why would they suspect anything?

I have to smile at that. Being the innocent, sweet, perfect little virgin has its perks. I bat my lashes, look down and act a bit shy and they all fall at my feet. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a doormat, I’m outspoken and very opinionated when it comes to things I’m passionate about. My father’s been saying that he knew since I started talking that I would follow in his footsteps and be a lawyer. Not that he’s actually practicing, he mostly uses it for contracts and to get the upper hand in business. They can’t screw you over, if you know what you’re looking for and you yourself are well versed in all that legal mumbo-jumbo.

That’s what my father always says. Be prepared for every outcome and eventuality, no surprises, but if someone does throw you a curveball, don’t be fazed. Smirk, be slightly amused and then take charge of the situation. Act like the boss, and you’ll be the boss. But most of all, don’t let anyone see you sweat. You show weakness and the sharks will descend. Even when you think everything is falling apart, you show the world you’re standing strong, you let them see only what you want, you show them what you’re made of and you show them… you’re the boss.

To say that my father has been preparing me to take over for him one day, is an understatement. He’s been paving the way for me to conquer the world, when I’m ready that is, but not just yet.

For now I have high school to worry about. And the fact I’m about to lose my V-card. I don’t know whether to scream in excitement or in terror. Just kidding. Definitely excitement. Still, he is hung like a freaking horse so… yikes. My poor little flower, as my two A’s would say.


He greets me at the door and takes my bag from my hands and guides me inside. The second the doors are closed he is on me.

He pushes me back at the door and his lips descend on mine. The kiss is pure fire and need. On both sides. I don’t know which one of us started tearing whose clothes off first, but buttons are popping and zippers are lowering with such speed that it all becomes a blur.

My shirt is off and I feel his mouth on my nipple, sucking it over my pretty pink lace bra, wetting it in the process.

He pushes down the cups of the bra, impatient to feel me, skin to skin. And so am I. I need his mouth on me so desperately I moan in frustration for him to continue. When he starts sucking my bare nipple I jump at the marvelous sensation it invokes and I feel my core tighten and my legs clench together in an attempt to alleviate the pressure building there.

He feels what I’m doing and pushes one hand between my legs, spreading them apart. He lifts my skirt and puts pressure on my clit, which is still covered by my matching pink lace panties. He bunches the material and rubs me with his fingers. My panties becoming drenched with my flowing juices.

All the while his mouth never stops sucking. My nipples are so sensitive I think I could come just from this alone. He nips first one then the other, licking and biting, sucking it inside his mouth. He constantly alternates from right to left and back again, keeping me in a state of incredible arousal and anticipation of the things to come.

His hand pulls down my panties and I step out of them. My skirt follows and I’m standing naked before him.

He lifts me up and caries me upstairs, my clothes and overnight bag forgotten by the door.

We enter his room and he deposits me on top of the bed. He starts taking his clothes off and I notice his shirt is lacking a few buttons, his pants are already unzipped and he pulls them down, stepping out of them, he removes his shoes and socks next. He doesn’t wear any underwear and before I know it he is standing before me completely naked and incredibly aroused.

I’ve seen his cock before, but it is still a sight for sore eyes. He is simply… magnificent. Long, thick, standing proudly up towards his stomach. If he’s not ten inches long, maybe more, let lightning strike me know. But the sight of him is kind of terrifying, especially for a girl who’s never had anything larger than a finger inside her tight untouched little channel. Shit.

I don’t know why I’m scared. I’ve touched it before, I’ve jerked him off and I’ve even given him a BJ, although I did gag quite a bit. And I never took him all the way in. As far down my throat as I could manage, but that wasn’t even half his size.

How in the hell that monstrous thing would fit inside little ‘ol me was still unclear. He seems amused by my trepidation. He always looks at me as if all my reactions are the cutest thing he’s ever seen.

He moves towards the bed and reaches for me, kissing me first on the mouth, then lower across my breasts, he takes special care with those and makes sure they get plenty of his attention before he moves lower. He licks all around my bellybutton, teasing the ring that glitters there.

I’m so aroused I push my pelvis closer towards him and he smirks, knowing exactly what he’s doing to me. And then finally he lowers his mouth to the place I need him the most. He licks my clit slowly, worshipping it with his tongue, nipping it with his teeth and sucking it hard inside his mouth.

My juices flow freely out of my pussy, wetting his face. His chin is glistening with my arousal and he loves it.

He lowers his mouth again after the long sensual look he gives me, a look which conveys every dirty thing he’s feeling, every dirty thing he wants to do to me. And I was completely on board with it.