His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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Everything inside me tightens, everything centers in that one spot, rising, overflowing, and reaching for that precipice of no return. He holds me back from truly falling, keeping me on edge, elongating my gratification.

I’m so close and yet so far away. I cry out in frustration and so much need coursing through every cell in my body, I feel like I’m burning from the inside out.

He finally takes mercy on me and lets me fall. I fall into oblivion, into a state of such elation my whole body lifts of the bed, arching towards him, searching for more and yet I’m so sensitive I don’t know if I can handle it, but still, I want it.

He doesn’t wait for me to recover. He stretches above me, pushing my legs farther apart, to accommodate his wider girth. I feel his erection at my belly, before he reaches between us and grabs his cock in his hand.

He teases me with it, sliding it up and down my slit, brushing against my clit, applying a slight pressure there, making me moan in appreciation.

I push my pelvis harder against him and he smirks in return. He knows I want it, that I need it, but he wants me mindless with it.

He captures my nipple in his mouth and sucks hard on the distending little nub, making it swell further. And then I feel it. The head of his cock pressing into my tight entrance. I feel the stretch and pain that follows, a short thrust and the head is in, stretching me more than anything I’ve ever felt before.

He’s letting me adjust to this new feeling before he proceeds. He kisses me, sliding his tongue in my mouth. I moan deep in my throat, the sound muffled by his tongue and lips covering my own, preventing any sound from escaping.

He looks at me and pushes deep, breaking my hymen in one hard thrust.

I cry out in pain. Fuck!!! It hurts. It hurts so much. More than I thought it would. He bottoms out inside me and then stills. He’s kissing my tears that are falling down my cheeks. I wasn’t even aware of them, all my senses are focused on the throbbing pain in my pussy.

Slowly, with soft caresses, he brings me back, easing my pain and once more igniting my passion. I carefully move beneath him, testing the waters so to speak. Okay. It doesn’t hurt as much, it’s more of a dull throbbing now, mixed with embers of my reawakening pleasure.

He senses my need for more and starts thrusting in and out, slowly at first, gaining speed with each passing minute until he is pushing inside me with powerful, forceful strokes that move my body on the bed back and forth with each thrust of his pelvis.

His buttocks is clenching and unclenching, the muscles working overtime. He is driving me into the mattress and my legs circle around his waist, holding him closer, needing him deeper.

I hear his grunts in my ear and my moans of response getting louder and louder. I’m so close. “Oh, God… Harder. Adam, harder. Fuck me harder… So close… So close. Fuuuuck!!! AAAhhh!!! Yesssss…” I cry out mindlessly. I’m sure when we’re done I’ll be so embarrassed by my wanton behavior and my crude words, but right now I don’t care.

“That’s it baby. Come for me. Do it. Come.” He growls at me.

“I want to feel you clench around my dick, flooding me with those sweet juices of yours.” He says. “Come on baby. Come around my dick. Milk me dry with that sweet tight pussy.” He grunts in his effort to make me come. Thrusting even harder and before I know it I explode in euphoric release so powerful it shakes my entire body for long moments.

He holds me still underneath him, his strength overpowering mine, otherwise I would have bucked him off me with the way my whole body is shaking.

When my tremors subside, he starts thrusting again. Over and over he drives inside me. Powerful strokes of desire, chasing his own climax, but wanting to prolong it.

All of a sudden he pulls out of me and turns me around, lifting me on my hands and knees. I feel his body cover my back and then he’s back in, even deeper than before. How that is possible I don’t know, but somehow it is and it feels amazing.

I swear he’s at the entrance of my womb, stretching my cervix on the border of pain, but that only makes me more delirious.

I push my ass back against his groin and he growls in approval. His hand reaches beneath me, finding my clit, he strokes it then pinches it, hard. Not releasing until I can’t take it anymore, the pain is too much. As if he senses it, he releases the little nub, blood flowing back inside and I scream, bucking underneath him in an earthshattering climax. He never stops thrusting, prolonging my orgasm until I lie underneath him, my strength deserting me.

He pulls out and turns me again, spreading my legs wide to accommodate his hips between my thighs.

He pushes back in and resumes his powerful strokes. Over and over again. I have no idea how many times he made me come. I am drenched, that I know. I can feel myself leaking around his cock. With each inward push a little bit of liquid escapes from the confines of my tight channel.

His movements become more erratic and he speeds up even more. That lets me know he’s close. He grabs my hips tightly, preventing me from escaping, as if I would, but his thrusts are powerful and they move me up and down the bed so him holding me close prevents him from slipping out of my sleek tunnel.

He grunts like an animal and I watch in fascination. His forehead is scrunched in concentration and the vein there is pulsing wildly. Sweat drips down his face, his eyes are slightly bulging out and his mouth is pressed in a tight line.

He growls, his head falling back on his shoulders, his neck taut and his Adam’s apple bulging out while he breathes rapidly.

I feel his climax erupt inside me and it triggers my own one last time. Long, powerful spurts fill me and my pussy convulses around him, milking him dry.

He falls on top of me, his heavy weight comforting like nothing else. We both breathe heavily and slowly relax while our bodies and minds return back to normal. Although what the new normal is, is yet to be determined.

He rolls off me and brings me with him. I lay half on top of him and close my eyes in exhaustion. His hand caresses my back and I drift into a mindless sleep, too tired to even dream. Soon after, his hand stops moving and he follows behind me.