His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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I move his hand slowly, so not to wake him, because my bladder is so full I feel I’m about to burst, but his hold tightens, pulling me closer. I try to move him again, because I’m fairly certain he’s still sleeping and I don’t want to disturb him, but before I can move an inch I find myself underneath his powerful body, his biceps bulging on either side of my head while he leans over me.

Adam pushes my legs apart and settles between them. His hardening erection nestled right at the center of my pelvis.

Shit, now I’m horny and I need to pee. Priorities, Ashley. Priorities. Damn.

He grinds his pelvis against mine and I shudder in response. Lifting and grinding against him wanting this feeling to last. But it can’t. Damn it.

If I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of him by having an accident all over him I better get up and take care of myself first. Before we go any further and I become mindless with lust, not caring about anything but chasing my next climax.

I push him away with my hands, or I try to, because he’s not moving.

I blush, because I know if he doesn’t move I’ll have to tell him. Oh, well. Romance isn’t all hearts and flowers all the time, it’s also knowing your partner has bodily fluids you would rather not know or think about. ‘Cause you know, gross, and so not attractive.

“Adam, I really need you to move.” I blush and not say anything else.

He looks at me, probably thinking I’m a loon or something. I’m trying to get out of bed when he’s hard and ready to go. Yeah, definitely cray cray, but when you gotta go, well, you gotta go.

I close my eyes and blurt it out.

“Yougottamovecasueihavetopeeorimgonnapeealloveryou.” Yeah that wasn’t embarrassing at all.

He’s looking at me with that mysterious smile on his face, like I just did the cutest thing or the funniest thing he’s ever seen.

“What?” He asks me. “I didn’t quite get that.”

I whisper it, talking more slowly now, but still blushing like crazy. “You have to move, because I have to pee or I’m gonna pee all over you.” He just shakes his head and smiles at me. “Seriously, my bladder’s about to burst.”

He smirks and rolls off me. “Hurry back.” He says while his hand disappears underneath the sheet, clearly stroking his cock and teasing me with it.

I almost fly to the bathroom in my hurry to return and I hear his loud laughter over the closed door of the bathroom. I want to throw something at him. Bastard, making fun of my predicament.

Rather than throwing a hairdryer, when I’m done and my bladder doesn’t feel like it has a ton of weight pressing down on it I dart out of the bathroom and I throw myself on top of Adam, making him grunt from the force of our impact.

I smile impishly, making him know this was payback.

Oh-oh. The look in his eyes says, challenge accepted. Shiiit. Now I’ve done it. Usually that means I won’t be coming for hours while he has his way with me. Always bringing me right to that sweet edge, but never allowing me to cross over into sweet spectacular oblivion.

Oh. Well. Things you do for love. Or lust. Whichever. I’m about to scream in mindless ecstasy. Such a hardship. Not.

I spread my legs around him. Rubbing myself against him and I hear his intake of breath. Now I’ve really done it.

He reverses our positions, pulling me underneath him and before I can even breathe a word he thrusts inside me, bottoming out. I feel him at my cervix and it’s that pleasure pain that makes my eyes roll to the back of my head.

Another powerful thrust, slowly pulling out, prolonging it and back in with a strength that makes the bed move.

“Ahhh.” I moan. Licking my suddenly dry lips. Oh my f-ing god. He’s so big. So goddamn deep. I swear I feel him in my tummy.

And I love it. It hurts, but it feels soooooo good.

“You like that baby? Hmm? Deep inside you.” He thrusts.

“So sweet. So fucking sweet.” Thrust.

“Your pussy, baby. Mmm. Like a velvet glove around me. Sucking me in.” Thrust. Slower this time. Like he’s savoring it.

“Oh yeah, mmm, baby. Such a sweet pussy. Driving me insane.” He grinds his pelvis on my clit making me shudder in pure deliciousness.

“Addictive, baby. That’s what you are. Your sweet fucking pussy. I’ll never have enough… Never enough.”

He picks up his rhythm. Going faster and faster. Harder each time he drives inside me. I hold on to him, because it’s the only thing I can do. I feel the bed move with us. He’s powering my pussy like a sledgehammer. I won’t be able to walk after this, but right now I don’t care. I want it.

I urge him on. To go faster. Harder. I need it. God do I need it.

He says he’s addicted, but so am I. I simply can’t have enough. When he’s not inside me I feel empty. Like an addict, craving it. Him. Only him. No one else will ever do. Only him.

I feel it happening. My insides are trembling, clenching to hold on to this incredible sensation coursing through every cell in my body. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Yeeeeeeeeesssssssss. I lose my breath and moan. My thighs pressing on either side of his. Holding him close while he powers through. Not relenting in the slightest.

I shake from the inside out. My clit pulsing wildly with each sensitive grind of his pelvis. My nails are digging into his shoulders, pulling him closer. A guttural sound echoes from deep within his chest.

And then I feel it.

Pulse after pulse of his hot semen erupting inside of me. He holds himself still at the edge of my cervix, the tip trying to push through that final resistance. But he has enough control left to stop from reaching even deeper in my body, to not cause any damage.

Although. I almost wish he would.