His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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I open my eyes and glance at the clock on his nightstand. I’ve fallen asleep it seems. After that rigorous workout I’ve received first thing in the morning and throughout the night, I was exhausted and couldn’t help myself.

Now I’m lying in his bed, alone. I pull myself up. Sheet around my naked breasts and look around. He’s not in the bathroom. Hmm. Usually he doesn’t like to leave me alone. At least not for long.

I use the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I don’t look that different, but I feel it. Deep in me I feel the changes last night (and this morning) brought. We’ve done other things before, but apparently losing your virginity. That last barrier of innocence. Truly does change you.

I see a sex craved nymph in the mirror, bed hair included, but other than that my appearance is the same, a few hickeys more, but who’s counting. People probably won’t notice the difference, but I feel it.

I smile at that.

Probably because I still feel him. His semen still inside me. His size still stretching me. I’m sore that’s for sure. He’s just so goddamn big, I still feel stretched beyond what my body can handle. But handle it did. With ample enthusiasm. I blush just remembering my wild abandon the night before or this morning for that matter.

Adam makes me crazy for him. His deliciously sculpted body. Every last inch of him is a spectacular masterpiece. Don’t get me started on his cock. It’s not just his size, although he sure is big. Maybe even slightly too big for my small body to handle. But the way he uses it… he wields that thing like Thor’s hammer. Expertly and with deadly precision. Shit, I’m getting wet just thinking about it.

One day of losing my virginity and I’m already sex craved. Or shall I say cray cray. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough.

I put on one of his shirts and go look for him. Mmm. Even though I took it from his closet and it’s obviously washed it still smells like him. And it’s the sweetest smell ever. I think I’m addicted. I swear I even smell him in my dreams.

Sometimes when I wake up from a particularly sensual dream it’s like he’s right there with me. Until I open my eyes and realize I was only dreaming and he isn’t there lying next to me, holding me, kissing me.

Argh. I hate it when that happens.

I’m all wet and ready, but he’s not there to take care of me. Of course I always return the favor, but that just gets me going even more.

I shake my head at my own thoughts. I’m being ridiculous. I’m standing here, contemplating about past dreams when for once I have him here with me. I think about putting on panties underneath his shirt, which is covering my thighs and I think, “What’s the point?”

After all, I’m not going to be wearing them for long, so I forego the panties and saunter off in search of my very own dream come true.

I find him in the kitchen making lunch. Shirtless, with only his sleep pants on, hanging low on his waist, revealing the perfectly sculpted abdomen and that happy little trail that leads to the most pleasurable part of his anatomy. Not that everything else isn’t spectacular, what that man can do with his tongue should be considered illegal, I mean it’s just sooooo good.

But still. What lies underneath those pants is terrifyingly impressive. Seriously, that thing should come with a warning.

A big red label saying; Stop. Before proceeding consider the consequences. The item inside is highly addictive, deliciously enchanting, like no other gourmet meal you will ever have, long as a baton and thick as a fist. Possibility of tearing and widening with no return. May become imprinted within your body, satisfaction with any other item may become redundant, since this one will ruin you for any other. If you still wish to proceed fall to your knees and retrieve the item. Handle with care and it will bring you enormous joy. Now, stop reading this label, because you’ve clearly made up your mind already and relish the rapturous experience this item will provide.

Damn. Now I’m wet and hungry. And it has nothing to do with the deliciously smelling meal his cooking. I want to feast on something else.