His Favorite Mistake Part 1 (After School Special Vol 1) by Maya Leigh - HTML preview

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I lick my upper lip and zone in on the focal point of what has clearly become my obsession.

I walk towards and he smiles at me. He opens his mouth to speak, but the look on my face must prevent him from uttering a single word. His eyes darken and I see his pants becoming tighter until they’re sticking out like a tent.

I’m at his side in a second. And the next I’m falling to my knees and reaching for his pants, pulling them down and revealing the very impressive object of my desire.

His cock is fully erect and glistening from his own arousal. I grasp him at the base and point him at my mouth. I lick the glistening head, around and around, then down all the way to the base.

I circle his heavy sack with my tongue and up I go again. My hand following my mouth. I stroke him up and down with both hands since I can’t envelope him with just one. He’s too thick for that.

I lick the head again before I suck him in my mouth, lightly scraping with my teeth, just enough to give him that extra thrill.

I suck and swallow more of him. I feel him at the back of my throat and go just a bit deeper. I swallow, making my throat squeeze around him and he groans loudly, his hand twining in my hair, grasping me tightly.

He’s now dictating the tempo, pulling me on and off his cock. I reach underneath and lightly squeeze his balls, massaging them, he shudders and I know he’s close.

I suck harder and he moans. I feel his thighs pressing on my shoulders, they’re starting to shake and I know he’s about to fill my mouth with his semen and in about six seconds and three powerful thrusts he does just that.

I try to swallow it all, but some of it escapes my mouth and drizzles down my chin. When he pulls out of me I stand and grab a table cloth, wiping my mouth with it.

He stands there, looking at me. He smiles and shakes his head. Then leans forward and gives me a kiss. But it doesn’t end there. Our kiss deepens, his tongue invades my mouth and I welcome it inside, greeting it with my tongue.

We kiss for a while before he reaches for my waist and lifts me up on the counter. He spreads my legs, tearing the shirt over my head. He gives me one more kiss and lowers his head between my thighs.

His tongue expertly manipulates my clit, making it scream in sheer ecstasy. Or was that me screaming like a banshee? Who knows, I’m too far gone to even think. All I can do is feel what his extremely talented tongue is doing to me.

Seriously. This is freaking incredible.

He pushes two fingers inside and I fly of the rocker. Freaking hell. It’s soooo goooood. “Mmmmmm. Yeeeeeeeees. Don’t stoooop. Don’t ever ssssssstooop. Mmmm. Oh, oh oh Goooood. Yes.”

And I’m coming like never before. Ok that’s not true, he always makes me come like this, but it sure feels like the first time.



Earth shatteringly ecstatic.

He stands up, his cock fully erect. He pushes my thighs further apart and slowly thrusts inside me. The feeling is incredible. My still pulsating channel squeezes him tightly and does not want to release him, but he is stronger than my convulsing body and he pumps in and out of me in a stead rhythm. His thrusts becoming more forceful and more powerful with each passing moment.

God it feels good.

He’s a sex machine that just never runs out of steam.

Lucky me.

I moan and he grunts, what a pair we make. I dig my nails in his shoulders harder than before and he speeds up, thrusting so hard his pelvis slaps against mine in loud squelchy noises, our fluids mixing together, accompanying the sounds of our moans and loud uneven breathing.

When he grabs my ass, pressing me closer towards him I know he’s close, but so am I. I already came twice with him inside me and once with his tongue so this will be my fourth one and it will definitely be the most powerful one.

His breathing quickens, his thrusts become more erratic and forceful. It feels so goddamn good I never want it to end, but at the same time I want to reach that peak and I want to fall over it. The best feeling in the world. There’s nothing that can compare to it.

My muscles start shaking and my vagina starts convulsing, squeezing him tightly, making it almost impossible for him to move, but he makes a few more powerful thrusts and erupts deep inside of me. Triggering another mini climax in me as well.

We are both breathing heavily. He leans forward, resting his forehead against my shoulder. I can feel his erratic breath leaving goose bumps on my overheated but now slowly chilling skin.

“Wow. That was…” I laugh. “Just wow.”

He laughs with me. Kissing my shoulder.

“You’re incredible you know that.” He says against my skin. He lifts his head and looks into my eyes. “How the fuck did I get so lucky?”

He kisses my lips tenderly. Slowly exploring the depths of my mouth with his tongue and mine intertwines with his. We hold each other close.

He pulls back and kisses my forehead, then my nose and lightly my lips. He looks at me. One more soft kiss. His hand gently touches my cheek and he smiles tenderly, looking into my eyes.

I want to say I love him so much, but I hold back. I don’t want to ruin the moment and frighten him away. He would probably think it’s too soon, or maybe that love wasn’t necessary for what we have going on. Or maybe he would say I love you back, but right now I’m too scared to find out.

I don’t want to ruin what we have with confessions of love and make things awkward between us. So I just smile and remain silent. Time will come when I won’t be able to stop myself from confessing my love for him, but this is not that time. Not yet. For now we are just us, enjoying each other’s company and, if that means countless more orgasms for me to suffer through, than suffer I will.

What a hardship, right? The perfect specimen on earth is dispensing the most incredible orgasms of my life. Yeah, I’m suffering soooo much.

I swallow my laughter at these ridiculous thoughts I’m having. God, can someone become delusional because of too much orgasms? I hope not, because if that can actually happen I’m on the verge of becoming a total lunatic. Smiling all the way to the psych ward.