Lew's Photo Studio - Book 1 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Book 1

Copyright© 2023 by Lew Pit

Cover photo Copyright© 2023 by LVdP


Lew’s Photo Studio series follows the fictitious life of a 59-year-old retired man who can final y realize his life’s dream of opening a photo shop and studio where he can take pictures of nude women to his heart’s content. His professional life and later as a retiree leads him to different destinations even across the ocean to the USA or the Far East.

Book 1 covers the first 10 chapters with the first one taking you back to when Lew was 29 and photographed his first girl in the nude. This encounter developed into a lifelong friendship between the two.

This book ends when Lew tells one of his favorite nude models how he lost his virginity to a woman twice his age when he was 18.

This is a work of erotic fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or sites is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

Please be advised that these are very adult stories. There are a lot of sexual situations and graphic descriptions of sexual acts between men and women contained in these stories.

These stories are written for entertainment and the situations, as wel as the actions performed by the characters, are not real nor is it advised to follow their example in real life.

Readers are advised to exercise discretion while reading the stories and not get immersed in them to the point that it blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy. This is meant to be fun, read it purely for enjoyment. The description of any acts in this story is not an indication that they are endorsed by the author or the publisher.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and/or publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Chapter 1


My name is Lewis but everyone cal s me Lew and my story starts when, due to extensive restructuring, I was made redundant in the company I worked for.

Up to when I was 59 I was doing pretty wel at my job, working hard sometimes 12 to 14 hours per day.

I held the position of European logistics manager for an American company which al owed me to travel extensively throughout Europe and sometimes even overseas.

During these travels, I met lots of people of al ages and gender, but my interest was mostly drawn to the various women I met. My hobby, photography, eventual y led me to open a camera and photoshop in the vil age where I lived.

I served the company faithful y for 42 years after al , so the redundancy payment I received was ample when I said my goodbyes, al owing me to fol ow through with my lifelong dream.

A few months after my retirement I found an existing old photoshop almost in my backyard.

Nobody paid any real attention anymore to the little photo and camera shop in the vil age where I lived, it had been there for ages, with a smal shop window with analog and lately the newer digital cameras on display, nicely arranged around some typical photos you would expect in such a smal establishment.

Photos of pets, blended with some photos of newlyweds, kids doing their first or holy communion, and some of the few local events.

The chap running the shop was almost an antiquity himself, he must have been wel in his eighties, in fact during the actual sale I found out he was eighty-seven, so high time for him to retire, which he confirmed to me he was doing gladly.

The leftover money from the redundancy payment al owed me to have a nice new photo studio built in the back and equip the shop with al the latest equipment I needed for printing photos.

Before I start however to tel you how my adventures in the shop and studio were developing, I would like to share with you the unique event that triggered my passion for mostly general and nature photography to move into an entirely different direction.

During a business trip to Italy when I was 29, I met this gorgeous Italian girl. I quickly learned her name was Catharina.

Maybe, I wouldn’t want to cal her a girl anymore as it turned out she was 19, so she should be more described as a young woman.

She was working as a waitress in the hotel’s restaurant where I stayed at the time.

I had, had a rough day when I met her, going to several meetings with suppliers and I was bushed, so I decided to stay in the hotel rather than go outside to have dinner.

Usual y, these hotel restaurants don’t attract too many patrons, as they tend to be pricy and the food mediocre, so the place was virtual y empty when I arrived.

I chose a table next to a window overlooking the garden situated in the back of the hotel.

When I was comfortably seated, this beautiful young woman came over with a bunch of menus tucked under her arm.

She spoke in a sultry voice like only Italian women can “Buonasera sono Catherina tua cameriera questa sera.” (Good evening I am Catharina and I wil be your waitress for tonight.) I always had a thing for languages so I must admit I sort of wanted to impress her with my relatively smal knowledge of the Italian language.

“Buonasera sono Lew e mi piacerebbe cenare, ma parlo molto poco italiano.” (Good evening I’m Lew and I would like to have dinner, but I speak very little Italian)

“Do you speak English?” I continued.”

“Yes,” she replied, “I studied the language at school and love to practice.”

She then kindly asked, “are you dining alone tonight sir?”

Upon my positive reply, she asked “shal I get you a menu in English then sir?”

“That would be very kind of you, my dear.”

She disappeared but returned quickly and handed me a menu card in English.

Catharina gave me ample time to check the menu after proposing to bring me a drink.

Being a wine lover, already from a young age, I asked, “Do you have an open bottle of red wine you can recommend, preferably something local maybe?”

That was the trigger she needed to demonstrate her knowledge of the local and other wines they had on offer.

“Oh yes sir, we have an excel ent red wine from a smal winery in the vicinity of Rome, they produce this wine exclusively for us. It has just the right amount of tannins and can be drunk very young.”

“Excel ent, Catharina was it?”

“Yes sir at your service.”

“You seem rather young to already know so much about wines how is that?”

“I am studying to become a sommelier sir.”

“Excel ent then I am in the right hands to give me the best advice about the wines offered here.”

So we got to talking about her passion for wine and eventual y mine for photography of course.

I must admit that I had been studying her and what I saw triggered my interest and got me thinking about asking her if she’d done any modeling work.

Contrary to a lot of Italian women who have their hair dyed blonde, she had remained with her natural color which was close to black, not gypsy blueish black but a warm natural black. She was wearing it in a high ponytail, as was probably required by the hotel management who had hired her for this job.

For an Italian girl, she was rather tal , my guess was somewhere between 1,75 and 1,80 m, like most young Italian women she was slender but with nice curves in al the right places.

Rather quickly Catharina confided that paying for her studies was hard, as her parents were not wealthy, and she had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet and gather the money to finance her studies.

“And that is how I ended up in this hotel as a waitress,” she finished.

“Yes I understand your predicament, but al ow me to ask, you are a very beautiful young woman…”

“You are flattering me, sir,” she said with a shy smile.

“No I mean it, have you ever thought about modeling?”

“Modeling, you mean like in fashion shows or for fashion magazines?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean, there is a lot of money to be made in that line of business.”

“So I heard but then you need some sort of a portfolio to be sent to agents and fashion houses and I can’t spare the money to have one made, besides I don’t think that I am beautiful enough or have the courage to venture in that direction.”

“As photography is my hobby, al ow me to completely disagree with you, I think you definitely have what it takes to make it in that world, maybe I could help you with that?”

“I couldn’t possibly ask you to do that for me and I am sure that you don’t have bad things in mind but to be honest, I don’t know you.”

“You are absolutely right Catharina, I am a total stranger to you, and as far as you can see who knows I might be a serial kil er or a rapist that’s true.

“No, no, you seem like a nice person, but I only just met you and I only know that you are a guest in the hotel.”

“Yes, you do which makes it pretty easy for you to look up my data in the hotel registry.”

“That’s right but stil …”

“You know what, I am staying in Rome over the weekend to continue my meetings the next week and I have nothing planned, as a matter of fact, I am looking at a boring weekend having

already visited al the tourist sites in Rome on previous occasions. You are from Rome, I bet you know a lot of places in the city unknown to the average tourist which are worth seeing.”

Gathering up al my courage I asked Catharina “If you are free, would you consider being my special guide Saturday or Sunday afternoon? you would be safe out in public places, surrounded by fel ow Romans and you would save me from total boredom, please, I wil pay you the going fee for a private tourist guide!”

Catharina looked at me, I saw her brain cel s turning at ful throttle, weighing the pros and cons.

“Ok, I’m free at the weekend so I could do that, and you are right I would be safe out in the street and the money would be more than welcome.”

“Great! And you know what, I’l bring my camera and if you’l al ow me I’l take some photos of you, that you could eventual y put in your potential portfolio. I have some experience with wedding photos and pictures of kids that I made for friends and family, so how hard could it be to photograph such a beautiful young woman like yourself?”

At that point in time, I had no intention whatsoever of taking pictures of her in her underwear or even partial y or total y naked wel especial y not downtown, the future would prove me wrong.

We said our goodbyes and agreed that she would pick me up for a walk Saturday around two o’clock.

Rather excited about what I regarded as my first model shoot, not with a professional model, but stil a very beautiful girl, I went to my room after dinner.

The next morning, after breakfast I asked the hotel concierge where I could find a shop to stock up on batteries and one or more memory cards for my camera as I didn’t want to run out of power and certainly not out of storage capacity as I intended to make the most of this opportunity.

Promptly at two o’clock, she showed up in the lobby of the hotel to take me on her walk around town.

She looked quite different not wearing her waitress uniform, she sported a pair of tight-fitting jeans, which looked like they were painted on instead of her wearing them. No visible traces of underwear were showing, I guessed she did not come commando so I presumed she wore a tiny thong or string.

The tightness of her jeans accentuated her head-turning cute bottom.

As it was nice and warm outside, her top was sleeveless with a boat neckline leaving the top of her shoulders bare hinting that she was not wearing a bra which was confirmed by her nipples pressing against the tight fabric, seemingly like tiny naughty creatures that were desperately trying their best to poke holes in the material.

The top stopped short above her jeans, just leaving a hint of bare skin at the level of her midriff and showing a cute bel y button.

Luckily in those days navel piercings and tattoos, which I find horrible, were not the fashion yet.

There is nothing more beautiful than the natural look of a woman, an unpierced untattooed skin is the best dress a woman can wear.

“Hey, Catharina I don’t think we can completely avoid some of the touristy places, the Trevi fountain, the Spanish steps, the Colosseum, San Marco place, and the Vatican as backdrop would look great in your portfolio.”

As we went along she got into the modeling thing and started to take poses drawing the attention of the younger Italian men devouring her stunning figure with their eyes and looking at me with rather envious ones.

After she took me to some patios of private houses that she knew were extremely nice, and open to the public, we went for the obligatory smal and extremely strong Italian coffee around four in one of the many coffee bars.

Taking me to these more secluded spots and me behaving like a gentleman she had gathered that I could be regarded as a trustworthy person and started to confess that she was rather enjoying herself and becoming more confident.

Picking up on this unexpected opportunity I said “What do you do for dinner Catharina?”

“Uh, dinner?”

“Yes, you showed me some interesting places so I am sure you also know some smal interesting restaurants you can show me as wel . Besides, would you condemn a poor lonely photographer to have dinner al by himself in the hotel restaurant this evening?”

“No, you are right that would maybe be a bit cruel from my side. I know just the place that you could like.”

“Great! We’ve got a date, is eight o’clock OK for you?”

“I know that this is rather early for Italians but we, people from the North eat earlier, wel in fact much earlier, so I hope that eight o’clock is a good compromise.”

“Ok, but we can’t meet at the hotel, we have rather strict policies about employees mingling with guests!”

“I understand, so where shal I meet you then?”

“Come to the corner of the street on your right, I’l be there around eight.”

At seven forty-five I was a bit nervously, waiting for Catharina at the corner of the street where the hotel was. I had never done this before, having dinner with an unknown woman in a foreign country. In hindsight I was taking as big a risk as she was. It wouldn’t be the first time a young man was led on by a beautiful female and ended up robbed and beaten up if not dead.

When she showed up, again she managed to take my breath away proving that even with a smal budget she could look stunning.

It being a nice warm evening she wore a relatively simple, figure-hugging, flowery summer dress with spaghetti straps just giving a hint of cleavage and ending mid-thigh with the rest of her sun-kissed legs showing in al their glory.

I remember trying to pry my eyes off her cleavage even then, only to have them look up at her face, and drown in her beautiful dark eyes.

“It’s only a short walk to the place I have in mind Lew,” she said in her melodious voice.

After a short fifteen-minute walk we came up to this very Italian-looking place, the kind that you also see in many Italian movies. Smal tables with red and white checkered tablecloths.

When you walked in you already started to feel hungry taking in al the fantastic smel s coming your way.

“Buona serra Catharina! Come stai?” Said a guy greeting us when we entered giving Catharina a big hug.

“Molto buono e con voi?” She responded.

I was a bit lost, but I did understand the gist of the short conversation between Catharina and what I guessed was the owner or a waiter.

We were guided to a table in a discreet corner of the restaurant.

I presume the person who had greeted us knew Catharina wel as he had hugged her when we came in.

“It looks like you are a regular here Catharina?”

“Yes and no, before I started to work in the hotel I worked here for a bit so in that respect I would be a regular. Would you mind if I order the food? I know that Antonio does not have menus in English, or shal I translate for you?”

“No, please just order the food, I trust you completely.”

I must say we had the most fantastic dinner, which in its simplicity could compete with food I had eaten in many a top restaurant around the world.

The wine, as I expected, was superb, proving that you don’t always have to spend a fortune buying famous chateau wines to get the best. Catharina had of course a point to make proving that one day she could become an excel ent sommelier.

As usual, I had taken my camera to record our dinner together and add some more photos to the ones I had taken earlier that afternoon around town.

“As the night was stil young Catharina, and it is a beautiful Summer’s night in Rome, may I suggest a walk to digest this excel ent food we had?”

“That’s an excel ent idea, Lew.”

She led me through a number of these smal Italian streets in Rome where the buildings look horrible on the outside but which hide beautiful patios and very luxurious apartments on the inside.

Arriving at a less posh area of the city, turning to me, Catharina said, “Shal we have a cup of coffee at my place which is just around the corner?”

“Sounds excel ent to me Catharina, provided you can serve me a latte macchiato?”

“I can do,” she replied with a chuckle.

“Hey, I can also download the photos on your computer at the same time then.”

Going thru one of these big double doors which you find in most Italian places we came into a patio with a few poorly looking shrubs and what probably had once been a nice tree but which had died years ago.

Crossing the somewhat dilapidated patio we went upstairs to her smal apartment.

“I am sorry that you wil have to climb so many stairs but I live on the fourth floor and there is no lift.”

I wasn’t sorry one bit as I got to stare four floors long at her delightful bottom, slightly wiggling and shaking with every step she took.”

Her place was tiny but comfortable and spotlessly clean, something which is rare to see when you visit the digs of a nineteen-year-old.

The room was comfortably furnished with a table for two, a settee, a nice antique-looking bookcase, fil ed with books, about wine of course, and some posters of vineyards and grape varieties on the wal .

“I can see from your choice of books that you are living and breathing wine in every possible way, except the fluid one I guess, as that would probably drain your budget?”

“I do have my sources for wine, they don’t always have to cost a fortune if you know where to get them.”

In one corner there was some sort of kitchenette with a two-pit gas stove, a fridge, and some cupboards above and below probably holding al the usual necessary kitchen utensils.

On top of the gas stove the one and only Italian expresso coffee pot, which she immediately started to prepare to produce the suggested cups of coffee.

As she already knew I am not a big fan of these strong coffees like espresso or ristretto that put hair on your chest so to speak she meticulously prepared the Latte macchiato I had mentioned.

She preferred the real hard stuff, black as the night with lots of sugar.

While looking at the pictures we got to talking about how she sees her future how she was going to finance her studies and what she hoped to achieve in life in the wine business.

“I mentioned before I had my sources to get wine, wel I have an uncle…”

“Don’t al Italians have an uncle somewhere?” I jokingly asked.

“Yeah, that’s true, but mine has a smal farm where he grows olives and some grapes and during the harvest and vinification period I go there to help pick the grapes, crush and press them, thus not only learning about the taste of wine but also learning the basics of the whole winemaking process as wel .”

“Way to go, girl! Now coming back to the photos I took this afternoon and evening, would you dare to take it a little further than what we did during the day in the streets?"

She immediately blushed, I guess understanding what I meant but asked in a qoy manner,

“What do you mean?”

So I took the plunge and asked “Would you be wil ing to show some more skin than what you were showing this afternoon or this evening during dinner?”

Total silence was what fol owed but I could see that she was fighting inside about what she would answer.

“I am only looking to take some more artistic-oriented photos of you. I wil keep my distance when taking them and rest assured I wouldn’t even dream of touching you!”

Final y, after what was a long internal debate she replied “OK but where could we do that?”

“There is no better place than here, this I where you feel comfortable, so why not here and maybe now, unless, of course, you are too tired?”

“Not real y, but what exactly would you like me to do then?”

“First of al , you should only do what you feel comfortable with, maybe you could start off by lowering one of the straps of your dress, with her back to me, and look seductively over your shoulder.”

She giggled got up and started to do just that.

I started snapping pictures moving around her and thus trying different backdrops in her little apartment, but certainly al with her long-life dream of becoming a sommelier in mind and not a housewife which would be the case if I choose her kitchenette as the background view.

“Hey, Lew this is nice but isn’t it becoming a bit boring? Shal I maybe be a little bolder and lower the zipper of my dress?”

After a confirming nod from me, she began to pul the zipper down very slowly revealing her lovely back to me in the process, at the same time proving she was not wearing a bra.

When the zipper had gone down to her lower back with the straps already off her shoulders only her hands were keeping the top half of her dress covering her boobs.

“Shal I turn to face you now?”

“Yes, that’is an excel ent idea.”

All of sudden by turning she lost her balance.

“Wow!” she cried, lowering her arms to support herself on a nearby piece of furniture.

It was then that earth’s gravity took over control of her dress which immediately dropped al the way to the floor, revealing her almost naked back to me and the camera.

Quickly she tried to replace the dress with her hands covering her lovely perky breasts.

For the rest, she was almost completely naked except for her tiny thong stil covering the most intimate feminine part of her toned body.

“Oops!” was al she could say.

“Let me try to help you,” I said, but before I could bend down to pick up her dress to hand it back to her, to cover herself up, she turned and stepped out of it, kicking it to the side.

I have no idea what possessed her, but she let go of the most perfect B-cups I had ever seen and was reaching for the ceiling stretching her body pushing out her boobs, and pul ing in her midriff as if she was offering her breasts and her whole body to me.

“I feel adventurous Lew!” she cried out, “Take a photo before I change my mind!”

Her mounds were topped with smal darkish areola, typical for black-haired women of Southern Europe descent, they were the size of a 2 euro coin.

I quickly started clicking away with the camera.

It became clear in about 2 seconds that she had other plans in mind for me as she started to come closer and closer, getting so close in the end it became impossible for me to take any more pictures.

Her arms dropped and she took my head between her two hands and in one swift motion, her lips came to mine with the tip of her tongue darting out and trying to get into my mouth, which I of course immediately al owed her to do and start participating in.

I almost dropped the camera but was stil astute enough to put it safely down on the coffee table at my side, saving my precious camera and al the pictures I had taken of her.

Leaning back a bit she said “Oh yes please kiss me!” and invaded my mouth again with hers.

My arm went around her, one hand pressed against the middle of her back, the other groping at her butt.

I buried my face between her breasts. And with a muffled voice I whispered, “Oh my God you are so beautiful Catharina!”

From the val ey between her breasts, I moved to her left tit licking the dark nipple making it grow and get hard under my manipulation until it stood out like a pencil eraser.

“Yes Lew, I love it when you kiss my boobs!” She said with a little giggle.

As I had only one mouth, and God I wish I had two at that moment, my other hand was massaging her right breast, pinching its nipple between my thumb and index finger resulting in some light moans from Catharina.

When I replaced my hand with my mouth that same hand slowly ventured down her stomach, tickling her bel y button, and shortly stopped at the elastic of her thong.

Moving on slipping inside the thong my fingers encountered a narrow landing strip of her coal-black hair. Moving on I felt her nicely shaven slit feeling slightly moist due to what I hoped was her mounting arousal. I then pul ed my hand out again and hooked a finger from each hand in the elastic at the top and started pul ing again, slowly taking it al the way down to her ankles, thus unveiling what felt like a nicely shaved pussy topped with a trimmed little bush.

I was desperate to not only feel her girly bits but also to get a closer look at them, so I dropped to my knees bringing my face exactly in front of her most intimate area.

My palms reached around her lite body going for her round, firm ass cheeks, grabbing a hold of them like I was drowning, while pul ing my face into her perfumed honeypot.

She smel ed of vanil a accentuated by her own delicate but also enticing female aroma.

I brushed with my lips down from her pubes and reached the top of her gash.

My tongue raked along her velvety outer labia as I planted feathery kisses on the hood protecting her clit.

“Oh my God this is heaven!” she cried out in between moans.

As she was now holding the back of my head, with both hands which had moved there with me descending, this al owed her to push my head straight to her lips down under, urging me on to continue kissing them as she had kissed my upper lips merely minute ago. I couldn’t resist the urge to continue doing just that, lavishing myself on her fountain of love.

“Yes, Lew kiss my pussy…Lick my pussy…Make me come!”

I felt her bending her legs making her knees point outward giving me better access to her moist depths.

She sighed hard pul ing my head into her snatch even tighter.

Moving my hands slightly upward to her hips I guided her towards the settee and made her sit down.

Grabbing her legs just above the back of the knee I was able to open her up completely resting her feet up on my shoulders and pushing her knees gently outward.

I pul ed back for a moment, appreciating the captivating sight of her secret garden, her labia were smooth and hairless.

They were pale and puffy and now spread wide before me.

Between them, her inner lips, a deeper pink hung blood-engorged and begging for my attention.

“Oh Catharina, I am going to eat you alive,” I whispered.

I started licking her pussy again from the hooded clit al the way down, right over her perineum to her little brown star and back up pinching her love bean with my lips enticing it from under its hood eliciting high-pitched moans from her.

My questing tongue traced circles around her now growing clit until she was dripping from my saliva and her honey.

Sliding down again I pushed my tongue as deep as it would go into her fuck hole, and feasted on the rich, tangy taste, of her nectar.

After a while, replacing my tongue with my index finger I started to make the famous come here movement tickling the spongy tissue of her G spot.

This got her juices real y flowing, she started to move her pelvis up arching her back al the while making moaning noises.

After introducing a second finger in her love grotto she started to buck and deeply inhale drawing in her stomach bringing out her two mounds which she started to caress herself pinching the rock hard nipples.

Her clit had now almost doubled in size and I began giving it little bites alternated with long licks with a flat tongue.

Her moans increased in volume, "Oh, Dio…Oh, Dio!" she began to gasp out loud in her sing-song Italian.

It was then that I felt that an orgasm began to course through her.

“Fammi venire!” she cried out, further reverting to her mother tongue reaching her orgasm.

Her pussy was producing a flood of girl cum. I could barely keep up swal owing her delicious fluids.

This was by far the best dessert I could imagine to ever get after dinner and to be honest total y unexpected.

I could not have imagined that a simple dinner engagement with a total stranger would result in such a feast.

I had difficulty keeping her in position as she started to buck her hips accompanied by loud cries, “Ti Vengo! Ti Vengo!” yel ing out loud, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”.

I sure hope the neighbors were not at home and if they were, they would be stone deaf.

I kept licking her pussy sticking my tongue deep in it while I started probing her backdoor with my finger.

“Oh si, OH SI!” she screamed, “Keep doing that, that feels sooo good.”

By slowly wiggling my finger in her butt hole I kept her orgasm going resulting in more screams, and hard breathing while pushing her pelvis harder into my face.

As her orgasm kept going, I felt her vagina contracting hard around my fingers firmly embedded inside of her.

Pushing my other finger up to the second knuckle in her rear passage resulted in a bigger flood of girl juices in the front.

Looking up at her she was out of this world her eyebal s had turned up and she was shaking and shivering and by the looks of it, losing consciousness.

I removed my fingers and put my hand flat on her pussy to bring her down from this enormous orgasm she just experienced while I placed little butterfly kisses al over her body.

Starting at her abdomen and slowly going through the val ey of her perky breasts making a little side trip to her engorged nipples over her col arbone to her neck ending up on her cherry lips.

By that time she had come down from her orgasm, she had fal en asleep.

I picked her up and carried her to her bed laying her down and pul ing a sheet over her so she wouldn’t get cold and could slowly recover from her adventure.

I settled back on the settee and sort of tried to imitate her by making myself comfortable with a pillow and a blanket.

Before fal ing asleep however I had set my alarm to 6 AM as I knew she had to be back at work around seven for the breakfast service in the hotel’s restaurant.

Promptly at six, the alarm went off startling me.

I opened my eyes, at first I had no idea where I was, but then it al came flooding back like a Tsunami, the divine body, the gorgeous eyes, the legs long as a night without love, the toned abdomen, and the twin peaks crowned by diamond-hard dark nipples.

I jumped off of the settee and checked on her in the bedroom, she was slowly waking up smiling at me.

“What happened?” she asked.

“You were gone from this world darling and joined the heavens I think experiencing a massive orgasm as you did, in short, you lost consciousness and fel asleep. I put you to bed and tried to catch some shut-eye myself on your sofa, and here we are.”

Then she remembered, “Yes, I have never before experienced such an orgasm in my life, I had no idea what came over me, it was earth-shattering.”

“I am afraid you now have to forget al about that and start getting ready for work. Guests wil be waiting to be served their breakfast at the hotel, me being one of them.”

“Oh yeah, I need to get cracking,” she said al of a sudden turning al business-like.

She jumped out of bed giving me again an amazing view of her glorious naked body and hurried into the bathroom jumping straight into the shower.

When she came out, about five minutes later, she looked refreshed and ready to tackle that day’s tasks.

“Catharina, would dare to go to work commando?”

I saw the question marks appear in her beautiful almost black eyes. “Commando,” she asked,

“what is going commando?”

“You never heard about going commando?”

“No!” was clearly her honest answer.

“Wel Catharina, going commando is when you don’t wear underwear especial y down there, you just leave your pussy uncovered under your clothing.”

“MMMh! I never heard of that, I am not sure that would be a very good idea though but I’l give it some thought during the day.”

We walked together to the hotel splitting up at the corner of the street, she going to the employee entrance, me going through the grand entrance straight to my room.

Once there, I too jumped in the shower, shaved, and put on some clean clothes so I could join her in the breakfast room.

Upon entering the breakfast room I saw her already waiting for the guests to arrive.

On a Sunday morning, however, around seven-thirty not many patrons of the hotel had the courage to come down to breakfast, so again I was virtual y the only guest down there.

I choose a strategical y placed table with my back to the wal so I could oversee the whole room making sure nobody was paying attention to me.

Quickly Catharina joined me at my table with the breakfast menu.

After receiving it from her I took ample time to look it over and start a conversation with her about what she would recommend.

In the meantime, I made my move, gently caressing her knee and slowly sliding upward with my hand tickling her inner thigh getting closer and closer to the spot I wanted to explore and feel if she had fol owed my suggestion of going commando.

A slight tremor went through her body as my hand moved slowly towards her secret love garden.

As she was standing next to me behind the table nobody could see what was going on. When I came closer to my target I started to feel some wetness.

It was clear that her juices had started to flow, I could even detect her womanly scent.

Final y, my thumb reached her labia and I promptly started to wiggle it back and forth eliciting a slight moan from her lips.

Moving my hand to the rear, I replaced my thumb with my index finger sliding between her pussy lips and my thumb moved to her little brown star.

As my thumb was wet from the juices that had emanated from her pussy during its passage there, that too slid easily into her back passage up to the first knuckle, resulting in another louder sigh.

By that time my index finger was almost in her love canal to the second knuckle.

I started to wiggle them both toward each other and felt her tremble, her legs started to give way, time to stop, otherwise she surely would have orgasmed and I am sure the rest of the staff would have noticed something out of the ordinary was going on, which I definitely wanted to avoid.

So I quickly withdrew my hand and brought my index finger up sliding it into my mouth so I could taste her honey again.

She looked at me with big eyes which in fact didn’t see anything as she was experiencing a mild orgasm stifling her moans with her order book for breakfast.

After a few seconds, she composed herself again and was able to note what I would like for breakfast, orange juice and tea, with two fried eggs sunny side up, bacon, some hash browns, and please lots of baked beans. Toast and jam, a croissant, and some yogurt and fresh fruit to finish it off.

I thanked her for fol owing my suggestions and expressed the hope that she did not regret it, fol owed by a wink.

She replied with a careful giggle, “I sure hope you liked my commando look, sir?”

After which she blushed and moved quickly towards the kitchen to pass my order to the chef and get my drinks.

Upon returning with my order, I asked Catharina if she would be interested to meet up again when she was done working for the day.

“I finish my shift at four, after the afternoon tea service, and it would be nice to have another fun-fil ed evening with you.”

After breakfast, I returned to my room to get some work done.

All of a sudden I remembered I stil needed to download the photos I had taken the day before onto my laptop. I was soon distracted by the photos and completely forgot about work.

Reliving the day through the photos was mesmerizing especial y when I came to the part of the photo session in her place in the evening when I had captured her natural beauty in al its naked glory.

And glorious she was, now that I had ample time to have a prolonged look at al of the images, admiring al the different enticing parts of her tempting body.

From her classic Roman face framed with her abundant black hair looking at her shoulders, slightly tanned moving onto the twin peaks adorning her chest crowned with the most adorable light brown areola ending with, slightly darker, rock-hard nipples.

Descending further towards her stomach passing by the cute dimple her bel y button made in this almost concave surface final y arriving at her pubic bone rising again from the toned expanse of her stomach adorned by the nicely trimmed narrow landing strip of black hair to the most delicious pussy reminding me of a ripe plum.

No inner labia in sight almost like a teenager, which in hindsight, I immediately remembered she stil was. Her legs completed the picture, long slender, toned, and kissed by the Italian sun.

Going over the photos gave me a raging hard-on, especial y when I remembered how her pussy tasted and felt. I hoped I would be able to repeat the experience of the previous night and who knows even take it a little further.

I had no idea what her sexual experience amounted to, was she stil a virgin, which honestly I doubted given her reaction after her dress had dropped to the floor revealing her exciting body, al owing me to take my first pictures of a completely nude woman.

The few square centimeters of fabric that were covering her pudenda was just a detail I liked to forget about.

This got me so turned on and since I hadn’t come the night before only to take care of her I got my prick out and started beating the meat.

Looking at the pictures was better than watching a porn movie. This time however I didn’t want to come as I preferred to keep my strength for that evening’s adventures.

I quickly saw her again at lunchtime in the hotel restaurant which contrary to breakfast was overcrowded as lots of Italian families celebrate al kinds of events in hotel restaurants by having lunch on Sundays there.

Returning to my room I enjoyed a siesta in anticipation of hopeful y a very busy late afternoon, evening, and night, one can always hope. I couldn’t resist though going over the photos one more time before closing my eyes.

It was hard not to masturbate, but I refrained from doing so to keep up my strength for later that day.

Barely 5-five minutes after four I heard a knock on my door “Room service!” I heard a familiar voice saying.

The real room service had already delivered a bottle of Champaign of which I had already fil ed two glasses.

When opening the door I almost dragged her inside and quickly closed and locked it, but not before I had put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign up.

She melted into my arms and we started kissing like there was no tomorrow.

Our tongues started a battle going up and down and around exploring each other’s mouths to discover and stimulate every nook and cranny. One thing was for sure, she was an excel ent kisser.

After about ten minutes we came up for air and I looked into her dark smoldering eyes and she returned the gaze with the same intensity.

“Wel my little Italian princess,” I said, “Are you ready for some more cunnilingus or would you prefer to explore some of the delicacies of the Kamasutra?”

She looked at me again with those question marks in her eyes I had seen before when I brought up the idea of going commando.

“Cunni…what?” she asked hesitantly.

“You have no idea what cunnilingus is my darling?”

“No, I have no idea”.

“Wel think back to what I did to you last night on the sofa.”

“Oh you mean eating my pussy, is that what it is?”

“Yes Catharina, that’s what it is, the art of oral sex on a woman.

“Then probably you are not familiar with the term Fel atio either?

“Absolutely, I know al about that, it is about the only thing Italian men want.”

“You never had an Italian man go down on you then? Which is another way of describing cunnilingus.”

“No ”you were the first ever to pleasure me that way.”

“Hey great so I took your cunnilingus virginity then?”

“Yes, and you are most welcome to continue the performance if that is what you like to do?”

That was al I needed to bring my hands to the hem of her skirt and lift it over her hips and yes, she was stil commando, so I could attack her muff immediately with my eager mouth.

While I started kissing her pussy lips she started to unzip her skirt to make it easier for me to bring her the joy she was secretly expecting.

I looked upward once more into her eyes and smiled. With a muffled voice I said, “I promise I wil make you happy.” and planted a soft, slow kiss on her fleshy pussy lips, inhaling her enticing scent.

As she was now naked from the waist down and nothing was holding me back to go for the ful attack on her pussy, I moved her towards the bed and laid her down gently.

Moving from her pussy lips upward toward the fleshy hood holding the wonderful pleasure button that gets every woman going, I started to give it short licks enticing her pleasure bean out from under its fleshy protection.

I alternated the clit licks with flay tongue ones, going al the way down to her vaginal opening and sticking my tongue in there as deep as it would go. That got her going, she started to moan, her breath increased considerably giving a hint that I got her arousal going at ful speed.

I kissed my way down one labia and up the other, lightly blowing warm air over her snatch. She began to shiver violently.

As I didn’t want her to have a smal orgasm immediately but build up to a better and more intense one, I stopped eating her out and reached up to softly rub her lower back, trying to relax her which resulted in a smal disappointed moan from her side.

I wanted however to play with her complete body and two important protrusions were stil covered with clothing.

Moving up I started to undo the buttons of her blouse slowly uncovering her fun bags, which were protected by a very sexy semitransparent pink lacy bra showing her dark areola crowned by already hard nipples.

Removing her blouse after the last button was unfastened gave me a front-row view of her tits which did not need the support of a bra, as it was stil in the way of an unobstructed view of what I was looking for she grasped my predicament and moved her arms to her back to unlock the door that was keeping me from her glorious boobs.

When the bra was removed I moved slightly backward and couldn’t help it and to first feast my eyes on her completely naked body. Taking a hold of her wrists I moved her arms high above her head making her boobs look as if they were begging to be touched or kissed making it hard to do just that.

I restrained myself and did not immediately attack the twin peaks as most men usual y do but I started to move my nails tickling her upper arms slowly going down, which made her giggle, towards the topside of her boobs going slowly to the side and then coming back up from beneath through the val ey making sure I did not touch her nipples in any way.

That got her giggling, even more, begging me to stop it while twisting to get away from my probing and tickling fingers, but keeping her arms up holding on to the headboard of the bed.

I was indeed tickling circles around her boobs always coming a bit closer to the areolae.

That got her nipples to grow even more and get rock hard. When I got as close as I thought I could get without actual y touching them I bent forward and put a little kiss on the right one, immediately fol owed by another kiss on the left one.

She pushed her breasts towards me wanting me to start sucking which I immediately did as I didn’t want her to wait any longer to get that wonderful feeling she was craving. I then slid my hands down to her ful buttocks and kneaded the firm flesh like dough.

The perfume of her pussy was getting more noticeable now, and she was starting again to breathe heavily accompanied by heavy moaning.

When she felt me move downward, she grabbed my head with her two hands and held me to her two love bags, it was clear she hadn’t had her fill with my licking and sucking the two most

beautiful parts of the female anatomy that we men love to play with and are addicted to even from birth although as babies for a different reason.

After a while she al owed me to start to slide down her body while opening her legs wide. I let my hands slide down to the underside of her ass cheeks, tickling the skin near her asshole moving up over her perineum towards her vagina, slipping a finger inside her love tunnel up to the first knuckle.

By doing so I could pick up some of her love juices, al owing me to move back again and slide the wet finger over and into her anus startling her.

“Wow Lew what are you doing to me?” she cried out letting go of my head.

“I am trying to make you forget al the hard work you had to do today dear,” I murmured.

Her question was my cue to quickly move al the way down and start nibbling at her labia, gently taking them between my teeth, first one side then the other.

Her legs and thighs clamped my head between them keeping my mouth and nose over her nether region.

I licked her slit slowly from top to bottom, then back up again. Her taste was tangy and sweet.

Licking faster and faster, I began painting her lips with my saliva, warming and wetting her young snatch with both my mouth and her love juices as they began to flow even more profusely.

When I felt her ready for more, I brought my hands around to the front and careful y pul ed her pussy lips open, exposing the glistening inner labia that usual y form such a beautiful butterfly when pul ed open.

I continued my tongue bath of her nether regions, working my way from her clit, which was stil hiding under its hood to her anus, replacing my finger with my tongue across the little brown rosebud and drawing a gasp from the extremely horny girl.

I final y attacked her inner labia, sucking them into my mouth, pul ing on them with my lips.

I worked my way toward the more sensitive tissue at the top of her cunt again, causing her to moan louder and louder. I kept on probing her slit with my tongue, teasing her depths and experiencing al of her delicious flavors of which the most favored sweet musk now flowed from her tight vagina.

I plunged my tongue in and out of her love tunnel, lapping up her sweet nectar and bringing her closer and closer to climax.

Rubbing my tongue along the ridges of her vaginal wal s was exquisite, and I took my time exploring her depths.

Coming back to her clit hood, and used my thumbs to slide it back revealing what looked like a very smal penis begging for attention. I gently tickled her little erection with the tip of my tongue, bringing her to heights of arousal she seemingly had never known before.

The moans erupting loudly from her mouth were now turning into cries of pleasure.

In the end, I slurped her entire clitoris into my mouth, savoring the salty pungent taste by rol ing it on my tongue and gently caressing it with my lips.

By sucking on it I drew more blood towards it and made it even more sensitive to my oral manipulations resulting in a high-pitched pleasure scream from her open mouth.

Looking over her bel y and taut stomach I saw her now squeezing and pinching her nipples, the firm cones of her stiff peaks taking a beating as she twisted them savagely.

I worked her engorged clit as hard as I could with my by now aching tongue to draw her over the top into orgasm.

I could feel and hear that I had reached my goal as she started to shiver and buck with a howl upon reaching the ultimate goal of my hard work: HER ORGASM!

After first tensing up completely I felt her going al soft again after a while as her orgasm drew to an end.

I held her in my arms and quietly asked her. “Did you like it? Did I make you feel good?”

“Yes oh yes!” she said softly, tears fil ing her eyes, “That was mind-blowing, I never knew this cunnilingus thing could be so wonderful, I never experienced such an intense orgasm in my entire life. This even beats last night‘s experience by far.”

“Always like to oblige,” I said with a smile, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

She was stil shivering so I kept my arms around her to bring her down from what she just experienced when I realized she was completely naked and I was stil ful y dressed.

She too became aware of the inequality of our state of clothing and said it was rather unfair that she was completely exposed and I was stil completely covered up, she pushed me back while standing up getting me to stand up as wel , and immediately started to unbutton my shirt and sliding it off my shoulders. My trousers fol owed quickly as did my boxers.

“Now that we are on an even playing field,” she said, “let me show you what Italian men usual y prefer when they are playing with a woman.”

I got a push which landed me on my back exactly where she had been lying only seconds before but so that now my legs were stil over the side of the bed.

She disappeared from view and before I realized what was happening to me she had her lips around the head of my steel-hard rod and was sucking away on it like a kid on a lol ypop.

It felt so good slipping into her mouth, she relaxed and let my cock slide al the way into her throat.

She sucked and licked like a pro, expertly handling my cock. Her tongue ran over every fleshy vein and ridge after which she sucked my bal s into her mouth, one at a time. She was able to take me several times deeply into her throat nearly cramming al of my throbbing pole into her mouth.

I nearly came right there and then.

At the same time, she was fondling my bal s with her hand and felt by their tightening I was already on the verge of exploding so she released her throat's grip and slid me completely out of her mouth again. It was clear that she had the same procedure in mind as I had when I was dining on her pussy.

To prolong the time before she al owed me a release to intensify it and bring me the kind of intense pleasure equal to or higher than what I had given her.

She however had another trick up her sleeve that I had never experienced before in my life.

Catharina grabbed one of the glasses of Champaign I had prepared before she came in and took a healthy sip immediately coming back engulfing my dick again making sure that not a drop of the godly liquid was spilled.

The sensation was phenomenal, the cold of the liquid, immediately stopping the oncoming orgasm coupled with the bubbles swirling around my blood-engorged cockhead sent shivers al through my body.

She gently opened her mouth a little, al owing a little bit of the bubbling liquid to rol down my cock and over my bal s; in the cool air, it felt ice-cold, instantly engorging my already impressively hard cock.

She then lifted her mouth off me swal owing the remainder of the Champaign and gently blew cool air over my purple head, down my shaft, and over my bal s.

The sensation was freezing!

“Jeez, Catharina what on earth are you doing to me? No wonder Italian men like this type of blowjob.”

It felt so cold, but turned my cock into hardened steel harder than it had ever been before in my life.

Moving her exquisite lips back to the head of my dick, and slowly slid the purple head into her mouth, the sensation changed instantly, it went from freezing cold, to outrageously hot!

Her mouth was instantly warming the head of my cock.

She held me in her mouth for a moment, then, with her hands on my knees, gently moved my cock deeper down her throat again.

As her lips passed over the length of my dick, it sent a divine sensation through my body.

She let go of my cock and slowly moved up my body tickling my bel y and stomach with featherlight kisses enticing me to move completely onto the bed and in the same movement pinning my arms above my head.

It was clear that from her own experience she knew that kissing and licking nipples sent wonderful feelings throughout the body.

So she started by quick kisses around my nipples fol owed by a flip of her tongue at the very top and then sucked it into her mouth, slightly biting it, giving me a pain-pleasure sensation.

Via my neck, she came up again to my mouth and engulfed it with hers starting a tongue battle with the remaining taste of Champaign enhancing the experience.

By coming this high up her pussy was now resting on my cock, which by now was aching to enter her love tunnel. She immediately understood the movement of my body to do just that.

Again she was way ahead of me as she lifted herself with her arms on my chest and assumed a cowgirl position.

I stopped her there.

“How about a condom dear? After al , we don’t real y know each other that wel and I definitely don’t want to make you pregnant either.”

“Yes you’re right, let’s not take any chances, do you have one?”

“There is one in the drawer of the nightstand.”

She opened it and took out the protection, tore it open with her teeth, pul ed it out, and took it in her mouth. My cock was now standing upright between her thighs pointing directly to the entrance of paradise. She bent down and slipped the condom on with her lips. Resuming her cowgirl position, she lifted her ass and impaled herself on my steel, condom-covered, rod which, thanks to her juices, which had flowed profusely after her orgasm immediately went al the way in touching my pubic bone with her clit.

She slowly started to ride me like an experienced cowgirl would do, up and down and back and forth. Her gorgeous boobs were swaying up and down and left and right and I tried to grab the left or right nipple with my mouth without succeeding.

I felt every ridge in the satin tight and yet soft love grotto my dick was now exploring.

Cock wise, I am not so big that I could act in porn movies but my love tool had a decent size al owing me to reach her cervix when she came down hard thus giving her lots of friction.

I wanted her to have another orgasm so I moved her hood up a bit with one thumb and started frigging her little love bean with the other one.

That got her juices flowing even more than before almost drowning my bal s.

I was immediately rewarded with some moans escaping from her beautiful lips.

I wanted more, I wanted her real y to cum together with me and equal y hard as I was expecting to cum, so shifting one hand towards her buttocks I felt around it until I could find the puckered skin around her asshole.

With the juices flowing from her pussy my hands were already very wet and slippery, al owing my index finger to slowly enter her backdoor.

I first slipped it into the first knuckle but soon could move up to the second one.

After first tightening her sphincter she soon relaxed al owing me to introduce a second finger.

Her moans started to change into smal cries of pleasure and made her increase the speed of her movements on my flagpole bringing our mutual orgasm closer and closer.

Keeping the friction in her asshole going I moved my other hand toward her boobs and started pinching her diamond hard nips causing a little pain but more pleasure like I had experienced earlier myself.

This clinched the deal, she was going into orgasm mode shaking and shivering her pussy muscles contracting around my pole taking me with her into the abyss of glorious pleasure.

I pumped rope after rope of cum into the condom, her juices overflowing her pussy bathing my cock and bal s in girl cum.

After both of us spasming for over one minute, she col apsed on my chest.

We lay there exhausted for about ten minutes before our breathing slowed to a normal regular rhythm.

“Oh my God” were the first words that came from her cherry lips, “That was awesome, this is even better than the orgasms you gave me before!”

“OK but you are stil very young and you wil most certainly have more of these in the future, maybe soon as I am not going home just yet.”

“Will you bring me again to these heights?” she almost begged.

“Of course, I wil , provided you are wil ing to share your stunning body with me again.”

We were so exhausted that we quickly fel asleep.

After about an hour I woke up, she was stil fast asleep, so I took the opportunity to grab my camera and take some more pictures of her sleeping form from al the different angles I could imagine.

I then started to tickle her boobs with my fingers, sliding them over her now soft nips making them rise again slowly going South over her taut stomach passing by her cute bel y button ending up at her love grotto.

When I started to go ever so lightly over her hood she started to moan and automatical y opened her legs a little more so that I could expand my field of operation to her outer labia.

She opened her eyes with a smile taking my hand and pushing it back towards her clit.

Her juices were stil flowing from her vagina making it so easy to massage her love button and get her motor going again.

I was alternating light strokes from top to bottom and back between the outside of her left and right outer labia and when reaching the top a little flick over her clit and at the bottom a quick in and out of her extremely wet vagina before going up again.

I teased her perineum not forgetting to make a quick pass over her little brown star before beginning my journey back up again and repeating the process.

Catharina began moaning and sighing drawing closer to me and pressing her boobs in my side while nibbling at my ear.

In a sultry voice, she whispered, “Oh yes Lew make me come again.”

I felt her breathing increase and get faster announcing an impending orgasm so I doubled my efforts by moving from her outer lips to her inner lips and entering her love grotto first with one and then increasing it to two fingers tickling the inside with special attention to the spongy G-spot area.

The moans increased in volume and number until she cried out while convulsing and trashing with her pubes hard against my hand spraying an enormous amount of girl cum over my hand and arm again, then I felt her go al weak and soft indicating the end of her orgasm.

After about five minutes she had regained her wits about her and said al business like:

“Shal we adjourn to a restaurant? Or are you not hungry after al the work you have performed this afternoon?”

“Ok let’s go for dinner because yes I am famished!”

I suggested a shower first to wake up.

That would al ow me to keep touching her youthful body and enjoy massaging her boobs, bottom, and pussy.

I first soaped her back with the body wash so kindly provided by the hotel, but also took special care of her fun bags and other feminine parts, heightening her and my pleasure.

When she was completely covered in soapy foam, I sprayed her down with the removable showerhead.

She did the same for me and spent more than the normal y required time cleaning my dick and bal s placing feathery kisses al over my pubic area for good measure.

After drying and getting our clothes back on we left the hotel and I let myself be guided by her again to another of her favorite eateries.

I was not disappointed, the food and the wine were simple but excel ent and the company was far from simple but simply sublime.

I was in a constant state of arousal feasting my eyes on Catharina also knowing that she was commando under the table.

I had a problem keeping my eyes on her eyes and not letting them wander down to her enticing cleavage.

During dinner, I said, “Catharina, I have something to tel and also ask you.”

“Oh God don’t tel me you are married and have kids!” she exclaimed.

“No, No absolutely not but what I want to tel and ask you is kind of delicate and I don’t want to risk offending you.”

“I have been thinking about your life and your goal of becoming a sommelier.”

“There are two things that came to my mind on how to help you achieve that, the first one was that I give you some money to help finance your studies, but thinking about it, that would almost be as If I was paying you to have sex with me and I like you far too much to do that.”

“WHAT!” Lew “I am not a pu…!” I interrupted her immediately, “You see Catharina that is exactly the reaction I expected so this is definitely not what I am going to do. I think I have something far better for you. I made some cal s and I got you an interview for an internship at one of the famous wineries in Tuscany, one if the most famous wine areas of Italy.”

“You need to go there on your free day this week and ask for Antonia, she is the head winemaker there. She has an opening in the winery that wil al ow you to learn about winemaking and tasting firsthand.”

Catharina was looking at me with a big frown between her eyes.

“Beware it won’t be a walk in the park you wil be put to work in the vineyards taking care of the plants, pruning, and later testing to see if the grapes are ripe to be harvested fol owed by the harvesting itself fol owed by the whole vinification process. It wil also al ow you to compare it to what you did for your uncle.”

“Yes but…”

“You wil have to work long hours, but she is wil ing to teach you al the tricks of the trade and the best part is that you wil get paid as wel , most probably even more than what you get at the hotel today. I think with the knowledge you have already acquired about wine she wil hire you, but it is up to you to sel yourself, this time in a good way, a way you can be proud of.”

“What do you say, do I give Antonia a cal tomorrow morning announcing your visit or do you prefer to keep on working in the hotel?”

During this whole talk, I saw Catharina’s face change from anger, while she thought I was going to pay her as a puttana, to total and utter surprise and euphoria.

“Is this true Lew ?”

“Yes dear, it is your decision on how you want to spend the coming years of your life.”

“Oh yes, yes please make the cal , this is far better than anything I could have imagined on how to become a sommelier.”

Catharina jumped up and kissed me with total abandon startling the other patrons of the restaurant who probably thought I had just asked her to marry me.

After dinner, we walked back to her place and we had a night like you only see in movies and I don’t mean porn flicks but romantic movies ful of tender lovemaking, taking care of each other’s needs with only one goal, to make one’s partner feel as if he or she has gone to heaven.

Monday morning we said our goodbye’s with the promise that whenever I was in Italy and had the time and chance I would come and look her up in Tuscany, which I did on several occasions.

Each time I was there we made wonderful love and I saw how she was completely changing from the shy girl I met for the first time to a confident winemaker and sommelier.

Until one sad day, at least for me, when she informed me that she had met the man of her life.

They had met at work.

After Catharina had finished her studies as a winemaker and sommelier she obtained a position in one of the leading restaurants in Rome. Unfortunately for me, there was Mario this sous-chef who also worked there and as if it was written in the stars they would meet and fal in love with each other.

From the start, it was clear that he was the man of her life with whom she wanted to have kids and grow old with.

A year later they decided to get married. As a friend of the family, I attended the wedding, because I wanted to meet the guy that made her happy and make sure he was going to take care of her.

I did more than just attend the wedding as you can imagine, I was the one taking the wedding photos, it was my wedding gift for Catharina, a big album with photos of al the highlights of the wedding ceremony and the party afterward.

About six months after the wedding I got an invitation in the mail to attend the opening of a new restaurant in Rome, you can guess who was going to open their own restaurant.

Yes, Catharina and Mario. Of course, I attended as I was so curious about what they had been up to the past few months. It turned out to be a double celebration as during the opening reception Catharina took me to the side and told me that not only were they opening the restaurant but she was also expecting her first child.

Wel cal me sentimental but she had almost become like a daughter to me over the years, a daughter I had lots of wonderful sex with I must admit, but I wanted the best for her.

I did remain a friend of the family and kept in touch, sending birthday cards and presents when she or her kids, she had two a boy and a girl, celebrated their birthdays.

I never knew if she ever told her husband of our encounters and adventures in and out of the sack. Probably only the ones out of the sack as I never got a strange look from him when I visited.

Chapter 2


The first few month’s business was slow; I sold some cameras and stuff but I didn’t get the opportunity to take anyone’s portrait. I started to dig into my old files and came upon with the photos of Catharina I took during our first afternoon walk in Rome.

I contacted her and asked if I could display them in the shop window to advertise my capabilities as a portrait photographer. Of course, she agreed; it was years ago I had taken them and nobody knew her in my home country anyway.

So I made a nice display in the window and believe it or not; beauty attracts beauty, just like money attracts money.

I can stil remember, like it was yesterday, the moment when my first portrait customer, Linda, walked into my shop.

Total y different from Catharina, she was a blonde with long thick wavy hair fal ing al the way down to her buttocks. She was the embodiment of the Tom Jones song where he sings about hair of gold and lips like cherries. She also had piercing blue eyes and a cute little nose with a slight upturn and just a hint of lovely freckles.

A pretty, flowing summer dress reaching to mid-thigh showed a pair of legs to dream about.

The dress was cut low so as to give a pretty good idea of her bosom.

At first look, her slim frame seemed nicely endowed in the chest area - I guessed a B-cup but learned later when I got to know her a bit better, it was actual y somewhere between a B-and C-cup, sorry for the spoiler.

“I understand from the window display that you do portraits?” She said with a timid voice.

“Yes my dear, I do al kinds of portraits in al kinds of settings. Would it be for yourself, or someone from your family, or a loved one?”

“For myself,” she said with a smile, “I would like some sort of portfolio as I aspire to a career in modeling and beauty pageants.”

“So you are looking for a ful portfolio in al kinds of attire and settings, indoor and maybe also outdoor?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I am looking for, but I must say I don’t have a big budget.”

“No worries,” I replied, “I’ve done portfolios for other girls with the same interest as yourself and with low budgets. I have local sponsors who are wil ing to help someone like you and who are always looking for fresh faces to promote their own products.”

“One of them is the perfumery on the corner who wil probably do your make-up for free -

provided you have no problem seeing your face later in their window display promoting their products or the services of their beauty salon.”

“I have a similar agreement with a clothing store in the main street, so dresses, lingerie, and-or bathing suits won’t tax your budget, again provided you would be wil ing to help them out during their fashion shows. Since modeling is one of your goals you could get firsthand experience that way and it would largely pay for your portfolio.”

“Oh, that sounds perfect, and I would have no problem whatsoever returning the favor if the shops would be wil ing to sponsor me.”

“OK,” I said, “so let’s start by drawing up an agreement whereby you al ow me to take photos of you, for an upfront agreed fee.”

“I am glad to see you do it properly,” she said. ”I’m a law student and believe the correct paperwork avoids difficult discussions later on.”

“Great, I like the way you look at life. So to begin, what’s your name?”

“Linda,” she said.

“OK Linda, and what’s your age, if I may ask?”

“I’m twenty.”

“Great, you’re of legal age to make your own decisions: as you can imagine, I don’t want any trouble with the law afterward. You’l see the agreement gives you ownership of any photos I take, so nobody can publish them without your express consent. I get to keep a copy for personal use but am not al owed to publish them or make the images public in any way or via any medium, and most important I guarantee the safeguard of the photos.”

We both signed the agreement and I gave her a copy.

“So when would you like to do this? If you have time, I have some availability now. We could do some quick shots so I can study your face and figure on the photos. Someone can look very good in the flesh, but when you take pictures of them they look awful. Not that I think this wil be the case with you as I do have a bit of experience judging how photogenic someone is.

However, it also helps me to find out the best angles when I would take your pictures later on”.

“OK,” Linda said, but I look a fright.”

“No, no absolutely not,” I replied, “you have a natural y beautiful look just as you are now.”

“So let me close the shop and please join me in the studio.”

My studio, which I was rather proud of, was in a huge extension I had, had constructed behind the shop.

Aside from the general studio area where the actual photos were taken, I had included two changing/dressing rooms each with a makeup table and mirror with lighting like in a theatre.

Both rooms had a shower and toilet, ample space, with cupboards, a fridge, easy chairs, and a sofa bed to relax on if required.

Part of the roof of the studio’s main room was made of glass so I could work with natural light if I wanted to, but it could also be closed off if artificial lighting was required. The ceiling was at

least three meters high with many different backdrops that could be lowered on three of the four sides in al the colors of the rainbow or with various views to pose models even in a 1900s setting.

Under the studio was also a cel ar with a three-meter high ceiling, but we’l come back to that part later in the story.

After giving Linda the grand tour, except for the cel ar, a bit to impress her of course but mainly to show her that I was not a two-bit amateur in the business, I asked her to take a seat while I adjusted the lighting and loaded my cameras.

I pointed to a high stool in front of a white background and switched on the strobe lights and my light organ, as I like to cal it. This control panel al owed me to activate different fixed lights attached to the ceiling and al over the floor in al kinds of colors you can imagine.

The electronics al owed me to point them exactly where I wanted them and in what color I wanted them to be. Unfortunately in those days, low-energy LEDs were not available yet.

First, however, I opened up the ceiling as I wanted to start with natural light.

After a few moments I was ready; pointing the camera at Linda I started clicking away, moving around her so I could capture her face and fantastic body from al different angles.

After a few minutes, I asked Linda to stand and moved the high stool away.

“Turn your back to me and look over your shoulder. OK now, look at me as if you want to devour me.”

That elicited a little giggle on her part.

“I am not that hungry,” she said, “and I am definitely not cannibalistic, so how am I going to do that?”

“Wel think of me as a nice big ice cream on a hot day after you are hot from soaking and sweating in the sun for a few hours, can you do that?”

The look I got would have melted that ice cream in ten seconds flat, so you can imagine how I felt being subjected to it; my blood started flowing to where I didn’t want it to flow just yet.

This girl real y had something, she knew how to use her big blue eyes and I bet you, she could persuade an eighty-year-old monk to throw his cap over the hedge in a flash.

Her seduction didn’t stop at her eyes, her body was also total y geared toward seducing me.

While clicking away I continued the conversation with her. I wanted to find out what made her tick, what she wanted to do with the photos, and most importantly how far she wanted to take this.

“So Linda, why wait until you were twenty to think about starting a modeling career?”

“That’s quite a story,” she said.

“Wel , we have time. I’m not going anywhere and I real y would like to know more about you, so please do tel .”

“Wel , in a nutshel , I wanted to start when I was about sixteen but my father real y put his foot down and would not even hear about it. He even grounded me just for talking about it. He was extremely strict and saw a potential rapist in every boy or man that even looked at me”.

“I didn’t even have my first boyfriend until I was nineteen and a half, basical y shortly after my father was kil ed in a car accident”.

“So you have a boyfriend now,” I asked.

“No, not anymore, I had one but he turned out to be even worse than my father, he was extremely jealous. Clothing wise I had to dress almost like a nun or even worse he would have preferred to see me in a burka. A dress like the one I’m wearing now was total y out of the question”.

“So your father died, but what about your mother,” I asked.

“I never knew my mother, she died during childbirth, so it was strictly my father and me for my complete childhood and teen years”.

“I hate to admit it but I’m stil a virgin. While al my friends were boasting about losing their virginity from fifteen to eighteen, due to not being al owed to have a boyfriend I never lost it.

Even the boyfriend I briefly had, refused to touch me outside wedlock”.

“If this keeps up, I’m afraid I wil end up being buried a virgin spinster probably at a very old age”.

“I thought final y moving into modeling might be a way to get my body to work for me and to have people look at me”.

I was a little surprised. “Wel Linda being a virgin, I guess you wouldn’t want to take the modeling a step up”?

“A step up,” she asked, “what do you mean?”

“With a step up, I mean would you dare to show a little more skin?”

“You mean would I dare to pose with a little less clothing on?”

“That is exactly what I mean; pictures showing a little more could bring you a lot more money in the long run, perhaps as a lingerie or bathing suit model.”

“OK,” she said, “I’m wil ing to try it. Deep down I feel that I have a suppressed an exhibitionist streak in me.”

That said she started to undo the zipper at the back of her summer dress.

“Hey, slowly,” I said with a chuckle, “take it easy, give me time to take pictures, we must thoroughly document the first unveiling of a virgin.”

That resulted in some giggles from her side, but she complied and took it real slow.

She took down the zipper slowly unveiling her beautiful back, al the while looking over her shoulder with those smoldering eyes. When the zipper hit the bottom around her lower back she turned to face me and slowly took the shoulder straps of her dress between her fingers and let them slip over her shoulders and down her arms.

She wore a nice lacy cream-colored bra which gave her ample bosom a little lift - not that she needed it.

As the dress slowly fel to the ground, I got to admire the matching panties she was wearing.

It looked like she had removed her pubic hair, as nothing was peeping out of the side of the minuscule garment that was covering her most intimate area and on which I had my eyes glued

- very unprofessional of me I thought.

By now I had a raging hard-on and that didn’t improve when my eyes traveled upwards again taking in the cutest navel adorning her toned stomach through the val ey of her gorgeous boobs al the way up to her ice blue smiling eyes and slightly reddish cheeks.

“Oh my God,” I said, “I had already gathered that you were beautiful when you walked into my shop, but I never imagined that you would be perfection.”

“I can’t understand that you don’t have hordes of young men beating down your door.”

“Wel that was probably due to my watchdog father and extremely jealous boyfriend later on,”

she replied.

I needed to snap out of my daze, as we were here to take photos, which I then immediately started to do, dozens and dozens of them.

I asked her to take several different poses, one of my favorites with a big white teddy bear combining the innocent-looking bear with the hot vision of her body.

She moved, upon my instructions, like a pro, as if she’d done this for years. When I made a remark about her professionalism and how she managed that, she smiled and shared a little secret with me.

“When I was alone in my bedroom I imagined that I was a famous model and I posed in front of the big mirror attached to my closet. I started doing that when I was somewhere between 14

and 15. So doing this now for real isn’t such a big deal anymore but to be honest it’s more of a real turn-on, although getting real y undressed for the first time in front of a total stranger, and a man at that, I must admit, is stil a bit awkward and frightening.”

“But the more we do this and the longer I am here with you the more confident I am starting to feel, with, I must admit, my exhibitionist streak taking the upper hand.”

She completely surprised me with her next question.

“How about we take it up another step Lew?”

She quickly reached behind her back, undid the clasp of her bra, took it off, and threw it in my direction. Her breasts revealed to me now for the first time were absolutely perfect, and I

almost forgot to keep taking pictures as I stared at her nipples which were hard and pink, surrounded by little areolas topping her firm round globes.

She lifted her arms high in the air and started sliding her feet apart, opening her legs as she moved slowly lower and lower until her pubes hit the floor in a perfect split as bal erinas do.

“Good grief girl, how do you do that,” I exclaimed, “look how flexible you are.”

“Wel that’s another thing I did on my own in my bedroom but I did have a bit of help from the gym team during many training sessions in High School. They taught me how to do that, and there is a lot more I can do, I am real y extremely flexible.”

Upon which, she stood up again on one leg and lifted the other one up to her head doing another split but this time standing up. Her panties stretched taut over the bulge of her crotch, pul ing a little upbetween her lips – I gave up trying to persuade my cock to stay down.

“That is extremely sexy,” I said, but you know what would real y make it unique…?”

“Yeah,” she replied, lowering her leg and sliding her panties down to the ground. She picked up her leg again and put her ankle again against her forehead exposing herself completely to me and to the lens of my camera. Her pussy lips opened exposing the moisture within. “Will that do it,” she asked with a smile on her face.

This time she real y took me by surprise, and I stopped taking pictures to take in the view of her perfect and ful y exposed body. I would never have imagined that I would see this girl completely naked so soon after she walked into my store only an hour or so before.

As I had already suspected, her pussy was completely bare of any kind of hair. It looked fabulous but did not al ow me to verify if she was a real blonde.

As she effortlessly held the pose, her outer lips opened further, exposing her inner labia and the pink gash of her love grotto.

This resulted in a huge boner on my part, which made taking pictures a bit more difficult.

It got better when I had the opportunity to adjust it.

She moved from one pose to the other arching her back al the way to form a backward bridge, this also exposed her cunny to the ful showing how strong and flexible she real y was.

However, she kept on surprising me as she laid down on the floor facing me and then moved her legs up vertical y, before moving them over her head and then grabbing her feet and crossing them behind her head. This pose gave an unbelievable view of her buttocks, her bunghole, and of course her divine pussy.

“There are other girls who can do this I know, but I can do something more,” she said as she uncrossed her feet and moved them to each side of her head, before bending forward to bring her mouth over her pussy. Extending her tongue, she started to lick and suck on her own snatch right in front of me.

I almost creamed my trousers.

“God girl you’re making me crazy, not to mention extremely horny and desperate to feast on that pussy of yours.”

“Wel don’t just stand there, get over here and do it!”

I was completely flabbergasted by that remark.

“I thought you told me you were a virgin, Linda?”

“Yes,” she replied, “But that doesn’t mean you can’t pleasure me oral y unless you have a huge tongue that could deflower me. I’ve always fantasized about cunnilingus but because of my father and jealous boyfriend I never found the right person to help me with it, that’s why I learned to do it to myself.”

“It took me quite some time and a lot of practice to get there but since I got there I do it regularly, but I think the time is ripe for me to experience somebody else’s tongue on my cunt and I think you’re the right person to help me with this.”

“But why me Linda, you hardly know me?”

“Wel , Lew strangely enough I do trust you. I know you’re old enough to be my father, so maybe I’m looking for a father figure that makes me feel good about myself, rather than the feeling my own father gave me. Or maybe I even had a secret wish to have sex with my dad, who knows?”

She kept looking at me al innocent with her beautiful blue eyes, like a puppy.

“So are you going to make me cum?” She asked.

She didn’t have to ask me twice. I fel to my knees, put a hand on each of her buttocks, and started to lick her with a big flat tongue from her sphincter al the way along her snatch and up to the hood hiding her love button, and then back down again.

That enticed the first sigh of pleasure from her lips giving me a clear hint I was doing the right thing.

I kept on licking her virginal slit slowly from bottom to top, and then back down again. Her taste was a bit sharp, but with a little hint of flowers. I expected that as she began to lubricate more she would become sweet as honey. Licking faster and faster, I began painting her lips with my saliva, warming and wetting her young snatch with both my mouth and with her own secretions as they began to flow profusely.

She began to moan softly. I brought my fingers to the front and careful y pul ed her pussy lips apart, exposing her glistening pink inner labia. I continued my tongue bath of her nether regions, working my way from her clitoral hood to her anus, flicking my tongue across the little brown rosebud spending some time on her perineum thus drawing gasp after hot gasp from the now horny girl. I probed her gash with my tongue, plumbing her depths and experiencing al her delicious and rich, sweet musk now flowing richly from her virgin vagina.

I plunged my tongue in and out of her love tunnel, lapping up her sweet nectar and bringing her closer and closer to climax. The coral pink ridges of her vaginal wal s rubbing across my tongue felt exquisite, and I took my time exploring her depths.

I then got a little more aggressive with my teeth as I worked my way again toward the sensitive tissues at the top of her cunt, causing her to moan louder and pul my hair unconsciously. I reached her little clit hood and used my thumb to slide it back revealing her clit jutting out pinkly. It was the size of the last joint on the little finger of her delicate hands and lightly glazed with the sticky discharge from her now dripping cunt.

I gently tickled her little erection with the tip of my tongue, bringing her to heights of arousal I hoped she had never known before. Her moans were now almost barks of pleasure, erupting from her mouth loudly, proving I was touching al the right spots. I peered up over her pubes to see her now squeezing and pinching her nipples, the firm little cones of her stiff peaks taking a beating as she twisted them savagely.

Final y, I slurped her entire clitoris into my mouth, savoring the salty treasure by rol ing it on my tongue and gently caressing its substantial length with my lips. Applying suction, I pul ed more blood into the already swol en tissue, engorging it further and bringing a smal scream to her lips. I brought my thumbs in from either side, applying pressure to the deeper, hidden base of her sexual core, while aggressively rubbing the flat of my tongue up and down across the sensitive tissues.

Linda let loose with a howl as she reached her orgasm, and her body shook with spasms as spurt after spurt of her juices drenched my face.

She disentangled herself from the awkward position she was in and lowered her legs on either side of my head. My mouth was stil resting on her pussy bringing her down from her high.

When I looked up at her face she had a huge smile on it.

“Thanks, Lew,” she said, “I knew I was right to go for your experience, but I didn’t imagine your talented mouth would bring me that much pleasure. Even compared to my special personal masturbation technique that was real y out of this world.”

“My pleasure Linda, the pleasure was mutual. I never thought that at my age I would stil have the experience of licking a virgin pussy.”

“Why don’t you take a little rest in one of the dressing rooms and have a drink.”

“Yeah, I could do with a bit of a rest.”

I handed her one of the dressing gowns I kept for the models, which she gladly took as suddenly it dawned on her what she had just done and it made her become sort of al shy again.

I looked at her, “I’m impressed Linda, that was a big step for you, especial y after what you told me about your youth and your virtual y nonexistent sexual experience up to now.”

Mmmhhh was al that came out, but I could see questions in her eyes as she looked at me.

“…Maybe I do have another question for you that might surprise you, especial y after what you made me experience just now, but I am afraid that you might consider me a slut for asking.”

“I’d never think of you as a slut Linda, you are an inexperienced young woman who has been suppressed for the biggest part of her life, so no, don’t be afraid, ask away, what can I do for you, what questions can I answer for you?”

She turned al red and blurted out: “I’ve never in my life seen a man’s penis. Would you show me yours please…”

“Oh my God, poor child. I can imagine that it took al your courage to ask me such an intimate question.”

”Of course. I’ve seen you completely naked while I was ful y dressed al the time. However wouldn’t you prefer for your first viewing it to be of one that is a bit younger than mine?”

“Does it make a difference,” she asked, “a young one or an older one? “

“Do they change over the years?”

“Wel they don’t real y change a lot, but a young one gets up easier, and stays up much longer except if you take one of them blue pills.”

Getting up, she said, “I’m not sure I know what that means!”

Thinking quickly for the best way to explain, I said, “Wel a man’s dick grows and gets stiff when he looks at or touches a woman or a woman touches him. This is cal ed a hard-on or a stiffy.”

“I hope somebody told you about the birds and the bees, about sex I mean, how it works and what could sometimes be the result of having sex?”

“Yeah,” she said, “I know that when a man puts his penis into a woman’s vagina a baby can be the result if the woman is ready to conceive.”

“My father told me I should never al ow a man to put his penis in my vagina unless I’m married to him and we want to make babies. Under any other circumstance or for any other reason it is not good to do this and our religion forbids it.”

“OK, we’l come to that later, but do you know there are two types of penis?”

“I guess big ones and small ones?”

“No, no I mean regardless of size and color.”

“Uh, no then,” Linda said.

“Wel , there are circumcised and uncircumcised penises. Do you know what that is?”

“Uh no again I’m afraid,” she replied.

“Wel every penis has what we cal a foreskin, which is some loose skin covering the top or head of the penis; with some men, the foreskin is removed, cut away.”

“Isn’t that painful,” she asked.

“Usual y not; it’s normal y done at a very young age and under anesthetic.”

”Sometimes it could be for medical reasons when the foreskin is too tight so it doesn’t pul back or it can be religion related. Jews are usual y circumcised.”

“I am not circumcised so if we go through with this you wil see an uncircumcised penis.”

”My penis is pretty much average size, I could never perform in a porn movie.”

“So, al that said are you stil interested in seeing an old penis or would you prefer to wait for the opportunity to see a young virile one?”

“No,” she said, “I am like a little child, I want it and I want it now.”

I started to open my trousers, but she immediately stopped me.

“Can I do that please?”

”Of course, you can if you wish, go ahead Linda.”

“Oh, Lew this feels as if I’m unwrapping a present.”

Very careful y she started to open the top button of my trousers. I knew she was in for some work as next there was a little hook and then another button before she could get to the zipper.

She smiled up at me, “this part of you seems to be wel protected.”

She persevered and final y started to lower my jeans, al the way down til I could step out of them.

All that manipulation and the idea of this young gorgeous woman seeing, and maybe touching my dick got my blood fil ing up the subject of her investigation.

She grabbed the elastic at the top of my boxers and started to pul them down taking my cock down with it until it suddenly jumped out right in front of her face.

It startled her and she sort of drew back a bit.

She recovered very quickly and started to study it with a little frown between her eyes and the tip of her tongue peeking between her luscious lips.

“So where is this foreskin you told me about,” she asked.

Wel if you put your hand around the shaft and then move it down you wil see that the foreskin slides back and uncovers the head.

Very careful y she grabbed it with her hand and careful y slid her hand towards the bottom.

“Hey, that was easy, so now that I have uncovered the head what do I do next?”

“That depends on what you want to achieve.”

“You can start by holding it more or less firmly and…” She squeezed me hard.

“Oh, not too tight please, easy does it.”

“Sorry, did I hurt you?”

“No, but remember when I was handling your pussy I touched you quite tenderly so as to give you pleasure without inflicting pain.

“Some people, both male and female do like to combine pain with pleasure during sex and they real y get off on that but it is regarded by most people as a bit kinky.”

“It’s cal ed Sadomasochism or SM for short and was sort of invented by a French Marquis “The Marquis de Sade” but I guess we don’t want to go that route do we?”

“No… no,” she replied, “let’s keep it pleasant like what you were doing to me earlier.”

“So back to the basics,” I said.

“When you hold it, you can slide your hand up and then down again, sort of imitating the movement when one is having real sex with the penis inside the woman’s vagina.”

“This is cal ed masturbation, and in case you’re doing that to a man, referred to as a hand job.

Nearly al men like it and it is a good start the first time you want to please a man and discover what his penis feels and looks like.”

“If you keep it up you wil notice that after a while, my breathing wil get faster and I might even start to moan, exactly like you did, and most important the penis wil get stiffer.”

“It does feel pretty stiff already but on the other hand ever so soft at the same time.”

“Does this then make you feel good Lew?”

“Yes it does Linda, very good”

“Do you know what wil happen if you keep doing this Linda?”

“No, not real y.”

“Wel if you keep it up, after a while I wil have an orgasm, similar to what you experienced.”

“Similar to what I experienced when you were doing that cunnilingus thing to me, Lew?”

“In a way, yes but when a man has an orgasm, he wil ejaculate.”


“Yes, white gooey semen, wil come spurting out. That’s the dangerous stuff because it contains sperm, and when you get that in your vagina you can get pregnant and we don’t want that do we?”

“So as long as my penis stays out of your vagina there is very little danger of you conceiving a baby, even if you would get it on your body.”

During this whole conversation, Linda had been pumping my dick at ful force and speed bringing me closer and closer to cuming.

It was nice, but pervert that I am I had something more in mind for her to do.

“Linda, do you remember what I was doing when I was pleasuring you, imitating what you do sometimes yourself?”

“Uh, not real y,” she said.

“Let me be clearer. What was I using to pleasure you?”

“Your…mouth and tongue?”

“Yes Linda and much as you enjoyed my tongue, a man likes to experience that feeling too.”

“Oh, should I lick it then?”

“Wel , you could start by giving it a soft kiss on the head if that is OK with you.”

“Yeah,” she said, “I am al for new experiences,” and immediately lowered her head to plant a big kiss on top of the head of my engorged penis.

“That’s a nice start Linda but as you have now seen a penis looks completely different from your absolutely adorable pussy so it needs a slightly different approach.

“Have you ever heard the term “blowjob”

“Yes, but I’m not sure what it is,” she said.

“Wel it’s the male version of cunnilingus, or if you want the correct term, Felatio.”

“Oh is that what it is?”

As she said it, she started to blow on my penis like blowing out a candle.

“Mmhmm not real y what is required dear, I guess blowjob is a very misleading word. There is no blowing involved in a blowjob, only sucking and licking.”

“Take the head careful y between your lips, and please, pretty please, make sure you cover your teeth, then start sucking on it like you would on a lol ipop.”

Linda quickly got the hang of it; she was a natural at sucking cock.

“Now start bobbing your head so you sort of make the same movement with your mouth as you were with your hand.”

Her head immediately started bobbing, her lips felt soft against my shaft.

“The underside of the head, which is cal ed the frenulum, is the most sensitive part,” I told her,

“Just like your clitty.”

“If you lick that it won’t be long before I cum.”

“Rest assured, I’l tel you before that happens as I don’t want you to get a mouthful of cum on your first blowjob.”

“The taste might be a bit strange the very first time you get it in your mouth. Over time you may start to like it or, as some girls do, real y crave it.”

I felt an orgasm building but I didn’t want to come yet, so I went for a diversion.

“Linda you can also lick the bal s hanging under my penis, those are the ones producing part of my ejaculate and it makes me feel so good when you do it, but please again be gentle, they are very sensitive.”

“Oh yes as I’m also teaching you al these terms, this is cal ed tea bagging.”

“Tea bagging?”

“Yes, it’s as if you were dunking a teabag in a teapot, in this case, my bal tea bag in your teapot mouth.”

“OK and yeah, my dad told me that, if I were ever to be attacked by a man, I should kick him in the bal s, that would stop him immediately harassing me.”

But as I already said she was natural, she quickly moved to my bal sack and started gently licking and sucking each bal in turn into her hot mouth, luckily I had shaved everything that morning so she wouldn’t have to eat hair.

“Now Linda if you move further down towards my backdoor you wil feel and see a smooth area between the underside of my bal sack and my ass hole, this is cal ed the perineum, you have it too and that part is also very sensitive, though you probably couldn’t reach it when you were performing your unique masturbating technique on yourself, I did when I was going down on you.”

“God I am real y giving you anatomy lessons here as wel .”

I felt a little safer now, as when I did come it wouldn’t be in her mouth but maybe on her forehead, and if I managed to quickly point my cannon in the right direction, on her boobs.

”You’d better switch to your hand now as I am on the verge of an eruption and thanks to you, it’s going to be a big one, I can feel it.”

She wasn’t real y quick enough, and after a sharp intake of breath and a bit of a roar emanating from my mouth, the first rope of cum landed on her throat. The second one fol owed quickly thereafter and landed on her mounds and so did the third and fourth one.

That was about al I could produce at my age.

The remaining drops dribbled on her abdomen.

“Wow!” Linda said, “that was tremendous. If you had let me go on sucking you I think I would have drowned in your cum.”

“Sweet Linda, that was awesome. It’s been a long while since a girl, and a gorgeous one at that, made me come the way you did.”

”With al your talk about the taste of semen, you’ve made me curious, so I want to try it, just a little bit to know what it tastes like.”

She scooped some of my cum from her boobs, brought her finger to her mouth, and deposited it on her tongue.

“Mmhmh, it’s not as bad as you made me believe, it tastes a bit salty but it is not total y disgusting.”

“Wel that’s the difference, Linda, a woman’s juices are usual y sweeter than a man’s, don’t ask me why but that is just the case, that’s probably why I love to go down on a girl.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed tasting you earlier today.”

“So are there any more strange questions you want to ask me, I guess you have now seen it al and even tasted your first cum.”

“I guess that wil be al for now,” Linda said with a little smile, “but I do reserve the right to ask about other things later on.”

“You expect there wil be a later on?”

“Yes, you told me you had connections with clothing shops and a perfumery to maybe do another photo session in the future.”

“This was just supposed to be the first getting to know each other - and did we get to know each other? I would never have imagined that I was about to see, feel and even taste my first cock and semen.”

“Thanks for being so gentle and patient with me.”

“I learned to keep things slow at a relatively young age, in fact, it was when I lost my virginity at the age of eighteen. Maybe one day I’l tel you that story and how it affected my attitude towards love-making and women in general.”

“Now it’s time for you to clean up and take a rest.”

“Please take a shower in one of the dressing rooms, while I upload the photos to my computer and on a memory stick for you, and then you can join me.”

After about half an hour Linda joined me in the computer room, stil a bit flushed, digesting al that had happened to her in the past couple of hours but looking real y happy.

“Wel , Linda our first session is on me. Here is the memory stick with your photos.”

“Take them home and keep them safe. Don’t take any chance that someone wil upload them to the internet behind your back; it could completely ruin your life and a potential career in law.”

“If you look at them, disconnect your computer from the internet, better safe than sorry.”

“Please let me know which ones you would like me to use to promote your modeling career.

They each have a number, date, and time so it shouldn’t be too hard to do.”

“Please do remember to select some in your underwear as potential customers may want to cast you for this type of work remember the pay wil be much higher.”

”Just so you know, I keep al my photos on a highly protected hard drive which I disconnect from the computer when not in use, and furthermore this computer is not connected to any outside network to avoid hacks.”

“I don’t want to be confronted with somebody stealing pictures especial y after I signed an agreement with the model to keep them safe.”

“Give me a week to edit the photos a little to make the best of them, then get in touch with the shops and show them your selection. I’m sure there wil be a lot of interest. ”

“I’l then contact you again to make another appointment for a photo session together with a professional make-up artist and hopeful y a rack ful of clothes for the next season.”

“OK, Lew I real y appreciate your help. This has been educational, and useful, but, mostly an afternoon ful of unexpected pleasure.

“No dear Linda, I want to thank you for al owing this old man to help you with some of your questions, I never imagined that I would be cal ed upon by someone so young to solve some of her life questions and at the same time have the pleasure of getting to know her absolutely gorgeous body in such a pleasurable and intimate way as you al owed me to.”

“You have no idea what it does for my libido and wel being to be able to explore such a young nubile female body like yours..”

“The pleasure was al mine, Lew, see you soon, I hope?”

“You can rest assured that there wil be interest to hire you as a model.”

After Linda left, I sat down for at least half an hour to digest what had just happened to me before I started to clean up everything.

By the time I had cleaned up, it was time to close up shop for the day.

Believe it or not but I slept like a log that night.

Chapter 3

Nancy and Emilia

As I woke up the next morning I wondered whether my recent good fortune would lead me to new adventures.

I was not disappointed. Around two in the afternoon the shop bel rang and a young woman pushing a pram came into the shop.

I guessed her to be mid-twenties, with auburn hair and blue eyes, an extremely rare combination, but ever so al uring. Nice mature figure with serious boobs, probably because of the baby, but for the rest, real y wel toned. She had clearly been working out since birth.

She also had a lovely pair of trim legs, lightly tanned, very visible thanks to her rather short flowery summer dress. The dress’s neckline was plunging nicely, the reason why I could immediately from an opinion about her rack when she walked in.

“Good morning madam,” I said, “how can I be of assistance to you?”

“I would like to have some pictures of my baby, do you take that kind of pictures?”

“Yes, of course, I do any kind of portrait, from babies to elderly people and everything in between, even of pretty young mothers like yourself.”

That comment resulted in a short giggle and a slight reddening of her cheeks.

“No, no it’s photos of my baby I’d like.”

“No problem, I was only joking. When would you like me to take these photos of…?”

“Little boy… girl?”

“Oh girl,” she said, “Emilia.”

“Ah, and how old is Emilia if I may ask?”

“She is close to 6 months,” she said.

“Good, good and if you don’t mind me asking, how do I address the mother of Emilia?”

“Oh, I’m Nancy,” she responded, her cheeks reddening again.

“Excel ent Nancy, I’m Lew. So when would you like me to do this for you?”

“You can make an appointment, or if you wish we can do it right now. I have nothing else urgently planned.”

“Oh, now is OK for me,” Nancy said, “it’s sort of what I was hoping for, to be honest.”

“Excel ent, then let’s get started!”

“Would you care to fol ow me into the photo studio and we wil set everything up to make some fabulous photos for posterity of the lovely Emilia.”

I put up the closed sign on the shop door and we proceeded into the studio.

“So Nancy, let me get you a chair while I get everything set up for our cute little model.”

I rol ed a big cube covered in soft material to the side of the studio I normal y used for kids and adolescents and lowered one of the special backgrounds, this one with a representation of some sort of flowery garden.

On the side, I added some plants to create the il usion of a real garden, together with some toys for Emilia to play with, so she would look like a happy baby.

I also kept a sheepskin on the side, as it’s one of the classics to photograph babies on.

I stil remember I had been photographed that way when I was a baby, I had the proof hanging in one of the dressing rooms. I was sure no one would recognize me in the photo anyway, it was there as an example of what I could do for young mothers and their babies.

I was smiling like crazy in that picture and my mother told me later that it was because I was actual y peeing on the sheepskin when they took the picture, tough luck for the photographer.

“OK Nancy, let’s have Emilia over here on the cube.”

Emilia seemed a nice, wel -behaved, and foremost curious baby, which was usual y a very good sign as then they tended not to start to cry immediately in a strange environment.

No, Emilia was handling it like a trooper, smiling and playing with the toys I’d provided.

After about fifteen to twenty minutes we were done.

“OK Nancy,” I said, “I think we have enough material to make a nice photo book of Emilia.”

“Oh a photobook,” Nancy said, “that’s not exactly what I had in mind.

“I was thinking of just having one or two framed photos, which would be about al I could afford.”

“I see…”

“Let me think how we can solve this.”

“Wel , Nancy I am always interested in taking “special” photos of a mother with her child for my private col ection and potential y to submit when I participate in international photo contests.”

“If you would be wil ing to participate, not only would you get your two framed photos of Emilia but I would throw in a ful photobook. All that for the price of the two framed photographs.”

“If ever I submit one of the photos to a competition, and it won a prize, I’d share that prize with the model and if there were a request for a publication, the model would of course be compensated as wel .”

“Sometimes there is a demand for this type of photos for an advertisement for one or other baby product.” “No guarantees of course.”

“So in short would you care to pose together with your baby?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t mind doing that,” Nancy replied.

“Good, but now comes the one mil ion dol ar question: would you dare to do that without any clothes on?”

“Wow, I don’t think so,” she replied quickly, her face reddening once again.

“Wel Nancy, I don’t know if you’ve seen mother and baby competition photos, but they’re always naked. They want representations of the beauty of the baby’s body held against the mother’s body.

You should also know that when I take pictures of naked mothers with their naked babies they are absolutely not sexual y oriented.”

“Most of the time the so-cal ed naughty bits are not real y visible. Babies are held so that breasts are covered and the nether region is usual y camouflaged by the mother’s legs or feet.”

“I wil of course see them when you are posing, but rest assured I have seen it al a mil ion times. No need for her to know I photographed only one naked female in my new studio. I photographed several women in the nude during my lifetime, but not as many as I wished and hoped for in my brand-new studio. So slightly exaggerating a bit I continued.

“I guess I have seen more naked women than your local GP.”

“When I do this, I always draw up a contract with the model to protect us both, for example, against the unwanted publication of the photos. The photos wil always remain the property of the model and if I want to send them in for a competition or I get a request for a publication, I always get the explicit written agreement from the model before I do.”

“We don’t have to do it today if you feel uncomfortable or if you want to discuss it first with your partner or even if you want him or her to be present during the photo shoot.”

“Please think about it, you are a very lovely young mother and you have the most adorable baby who is almost a professional at posing. She definitely proved that today.”

“Mmmmhhh, OK, I’l give it some thought but I can’t promise anything.”

“And by the way, I don’t need approval from any partner as I am alone with my daughter.”

“I wil get back to you, but for the time being, I’l stick to the two photos of Emilia, one for me and one for Emilia’s Grandmother.”

“OK let’s just do that then,” I said, “ but know that my offer stands whenever you feel like it.”

“All I need is your ful name, address, and phone number or e-mail so I can contact you when the photos are ready.”

“The price would be EUR 50 without the frames.”

“If you want frames I do have a stock at various prices from which you can choose, or if you wish, you can use your own. If you choose the latter let me know the exact measurements and I’l make sure the photos fit in nicely so that you won’t have to crop them at home.”

After thanking me, Nancy put baby Emilia back in her carriage and wheeled her out of the shop.

Half an hour later she was back.

“Did you forget something Nancy?” I asked.

“No,” she said, “I’ve decided, I’l do it…I wil pose for you, provided I also get a few prints of these special photos you want to take of me and Emilia.”

“OK, that sounds good,” I said, “let’s draw up a contract.”

After completing the standard contract and explaining in some detail what was in it, I asked her,

“When do you want to do this?”

“If it’s OK for you, right now,” she said, “before I chicken out.”

“OK come through again, you know the way by now, so let’s get started.”

“Is it stil OK for Emilia too? She’s not too tired? Does she need a nap or, maybe even better, does she need feeding?”

“I’m sorry to be personal, but I couldn’t help but notice the size of your boobs, so I presume you breastfeed her?”

“Yeah,” Nancy said, “I can’t afford to buy these expensive cans of formula to feed my baby.”

“Besides, it’s so much better for the baby to get natural mother’s milk.”

“How right you are Nancy, so does Emilia need a feed?”

“You feeding her would be a nice start to the photo sessions, giving you the opportunity to slowly come into showing a bit more skin than usual.”

“Yeah she needs feeding, in fact, she can always eat, she real y likes it when I nurse her and has never refused, even if the time in between is sometimes short.”

“Good let me get you a comfortable chair and adjust the lighting.”

I pul ed up a nice soft wide chair that would al ow Nancy to settle comfortably with Emilia in her arms.

That done, Nancy lowered one side of her dress and popped out a gorgeous big milky white boob with a very large nipple surrounded by a rather big darker looking areola.

The breast seemed real y fil ed to the brim with wholesome mother milk.

Emilia didn’t take too long to latch on and started sucking contentedly.

I grabbed my camera and started clicking away at the tender scene in front of me.

When boob number one was empty I asked “Nancy would you be wil ing to completely drop the part of the dress and remove your bra, so that the top half of your body is exposed?”

“Ok,” she said, “You have already seen one why not it’s twin, but first Emilia needs to burp so I am going to put her over my shoulder, OK?”

“Sure,” I said, “I can take pictures of her and your naked back.”

After a few big burps, Emilia looked contented but rather sleepy.

“Yeah,” Nancy said, “usual y she has a little nap after feeding.”

“OK,” I said, “Maybe we can then take some pictures with the baby on top of you asleep.

However, I then need you to get completely naked if that’s al right?”

“Shal I take Emilia so you can get undressed?”

“That would be wise; it would be a bit awkward balancing Emilia while getting my gear off,”

Nancy replied.

So I took Emilia who looked up at me rather curiously - she had never been this close to me.

Nancy got up and removed her summer dress and bra completely, fol owed by her panties.

She had a nice trimmed pubic area with her inner labia peeking slightly from between her pussy lips.

“OK, Nancy, can you please lie on the floor, and put Emilia on your chest, so that your pubic area is covered by her legs and her head rests in between, or on, one of your breasts please?”

I took a number of shots from different angles playing with the lighting, going from ful light to a striking light, which leaves part of the body in the dark creating a dramatic contrast.

I then suggested another number of shots with Nancy sitting up and holding the baby cradled in her arms or up against her chest.

Clearly, Emilia had enough of it al and had dozed off, but not before I had seen her grab her mother’s stil ful breast resulting in a painful face from Nancy.

“I’m going to have to put her in her pram now,” Nancy said, “so that she can have her nap.

That wil take somewhere between a half and an hour.”

Nancy got up completely naked, clearly no longer bothered by it, and walked over to the pram where she laid Emilia down for her sleep. When she came back I asked her.

“What was going on there?” I said, “when you had that pained look on your face?”

“Oh,” Nancy said, “when my boobs are ful of milk and Emilia grabs and pinches them, it hurts, and as you noticed she only emptied one, so the other one is stil very ful and a bit painful at the moment.”

“Can you do anything about it,” I asked, “I’m a complete ignoramus when it comes to handling boobs fil ed with milk.”

“When I’m at home I have this device I can use to pump the milk into a bottle for later, like a hucow, but I don’t have that with me.”

“Excuse me, a hucow?”

“You don’t know the term hucow? ‘human cow’,” she said.

“No, never heard of it, though I did read something similar in an erotic novel. It was about a bunch of people that got stuck on an island after their plane had crashed and one of the women was a wet nurse who sold her services al over the world, for babies and for adults, and she had a similar problem to yours right now, lots of milk and no babies to feed or no pumping device.

The solution they figured out was finding volunteers to replace the pumping device.”

“Perhaps… you would al ow me to help you with your little problem? It’s something I have always wondered about: how mother’s milk tastes. I don’t remember from when I was a baby of course.”

“That’s an idea,” Nancy said with enthusiasm, “I get relief, and you get to taste mother’s milk!

OK bring it on, be my pumping device for a little while.”

“Are you sure?...You don’t think I’m taking advantage of you?”

“No sil y, I’l be honest, I always wanted to do this but never found anybody that was wil ing to help me. All my friends, male or female found it gross and were afraid of the taste.”

“So how do we go about it?”

“Wel ,” Nancy said, “Have you never sucked boobs when you were having sex?”

“Yeah of course I love to do it, but this wil be the first time something wil come out and this is, as far I see, non-sexual.”

“Don’t worry,” Nancy said, “Go right ahead and start sucking and take the pain away.”

Nancy was sitting again in the easy chair she had used to nurse Emilia, so I got on my knees next to her, bowed my head toward her left boob, and careful y gave the nipple a lick with my tongue. A smal drop of the milk dropped onto my tongue and I tasted mother’s milk consciously for the first time in my life.

The taste was nice, a bit sweet. I would compare it to mare’s milk which I have tasted and drunk many times.

Licking her extended nipple, I drew it between my lips and real y started sucking, drawing the milk from her swol en breast.

Unconsciously my left hand moved to her right boob and started to caress it, playing gently with the nipple.

That resulted in a slight moan from Nancy, alerting me that I was doing something a little unexpected. I seemed to have gotten a bit carried away.

“I am so sorry Nancy, it was never my intention to grope you.”

“That’s OK,” Nancy said, “it feels rather good to have a man’s hand on my boobs again.”

“I haven’t had any sort of sexual encounter for almost a year and a half, wel basical y since the baby was conceived, so it does feel good to know I can stil enjoy the feeling of a man’s hand on my body.”

That said Nancy’s hands started to caress me as wel , first the back of my neck pul ing me slightly to increase my sucking on her boob, and then with her other hand bringing mine back to the one I was not sucking.

Despite her encouragement, I took it slow, tightening my hand a little more while taking the nipple between my thumb and index finger slowly rol ing it between them.

After massaging her boob that way for a while I let my hand venture down across her bel y. As she was stil completely naked from the last photo shoot I had free passage towards her nether regions. Tickling her bel y button got another sigh of contentment.

Moving further down, her hand stil on top of mine, I arrived at the little forest protecting her love grotto. Playing around in it resulted in more moans and a light whimper.

From the increased pressure on my hand, I knew that she liked what I was doing to her.

I also felt her push my head in the direction of her other boob. I leaped at the chance, slurping the fat, hard point into my mouth happily and gently biting it, bringing a gasp to her lips.

After a little while, I slowly started to move my greedy mouth downwards, fol owing the trail my hand had discovered before.

Covering the underside of her boob with little kisses I continued over her stomach and midriff, spending some time licking and kissing her bel y button, before final y arriving at the border of the little trimmed forest my hand had been playing in til now.

Sliding through her soft bush, my tongue slid into the moist cleft, before reaching the hood covering her erect pleasure nub. I explored it a little, pushing it back with my tongue until her clitty final y showed its enticing head, al owing me to ful y enjoy it.

Nancy lifted one leg over the armrest of the chair she was sitting on, allowing me ful access to her pleasure garden, making moaning noises.

After taking ample time to lick and suck on her clitty, doubling it in size, I started moving down her slit licking and sucking the outer and inner labia before I final y arrived at the grotto itself.

Sticking my tongue inside as deep as I could real y got her motor running; on top of the moaning, she started to purr like a cat in heat.

I lifted her other leg over the other armrest of the chair, opening her up completely to my oral assault of her moist pussy.

Nancy started to buck, lifting her pelvis to meet my slurping tongue.

“Oh please fuck me, fuck me, Lew, fuck me,” she cried out grabbing the belt of my jeans and trying to undo them.

“You real y want me to do this,” I asked.

“Oh yes,” she said, “I haven’t had a dick inside me for ages and I want one, and I want it now, and I want it to be yours.”

I quickly stood up and undid my belt, buttons, and zippe,r and pul ed my jeans and boxer shorts down.

My dick sprung out as you can imagine after fondling and caressing her hot body, and my flesh sword was hard and ready to assault her fortress.

Nancy grabbed my cock and pul ed it toward her mouth.

“Oh it feels so good to feel a dick again; it’s so adorable. Can I give it a welcome kiss?”

“Be my guest, Nancy,” I said.

She started to French kiss my dick, moving her tongue around the purple, blood-engorged head and then slowly sucking it into her warm mouth. Her lips closed just below the rim and then she started to suck for real.

I saw her cheeks go in and I felt as if I was caught up in a hot wet vacuum cleaner.

“Hel Nancy if you want me to pleasure your play garden, you wil have to stop doing that and al ow me to move the pleasure stick further South.”

Luckily I had come the day before with Linda so I felt confident I could last a bit longer than usual before injecting her pussy with my cum.

“Do I need to get a condom?”

“If you don’t want me to conceive, yes you do!”

“If getting pregnant would be the only problem, there is no need. I had a little operation about twenty years ago when I decided that fatherhood was not real y my thing. But how about a potential for STDs?”

“I am as healthy as a horse,” Nancy replied, “And from the look of your dick you are too, so get on with it; please put your flesh sword in my pussy and fuck me. I want it; I need it.”

I didn’t wait any longer for an engraved invitation and moved the head immediately in the direction of her love grotto and started to push, gently, to make sure I didn’t hurt her.

I needn’t have bothered: she was already so wet that my dick slipped in effortlessly.

I sheathed my love sword in her scabbard al the way to the hilt in one go.

It felt fantastic how tight she was despite the fact that she had given birth not that long ago.

Her pussy muscles grabbed my cock and started to massage it as she had done with her hot mouth just before.

I was a bit taken by surprise and had to quickly start control ing my body to avoid a quick orgasm.

I definitely wanted her to come - wel before I had my pleasure.

Moving out it felt like she was sucking on my dick to keep it right there and when I moved in again the wonderful pussy muscle massage recommenced as I felt her every ridge and wrinkle.

Was it because she hadn’t had sex in a long while or was she just so gifted in control ing and using her pussy muscles? I had no idea but it sure felt amazing.

“Oh Lew,” she cried out, “I feel an orgasm coming. Please keep doing exactly what you’re doing right now.”

Her warm, wet cunt flesh enveloped me in its succulent embrace as I slid back and forth into that sweet tunnel. Each thrust I pounded into her was met with a spongy resistance as those lovely lips squished against the root of my manhood.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on working al angles of her pussy, trying to find what she liked best, while at the same time feeling al the folds and ridges inside of her giving me also the most wonderful feelings.

To help her to reach her peak, I started to massage her clitty with my thumb.

That got her over the line; she started to buck almost like a horse that had never been ridden before, alternating with pushing up her abdomen and then her boobs while scratching my back.

I hoped she wouldn’t draw blood the way she was going about it.

“Ooooh God yes, yes, Oooooh I’m cuuuuming, I’M CUUUMING!” she cried at the top of her voice.

I figured I had held off long enough, and let myself go, flooding her sweet pussy with my cum and enjoying a spectacular orgasm together with her.

It took us both a good ten minutes to come back down and open our eyes.

“Jesus, that was something I haven’t experienced in a long time. Definitely long overdue,” she whispered.

“Not to make you feel too pompous Lew, but that was one for the books, wel for my books anyway, I don’t know about you?”

“Oh Nancy, it was the same for me. It has been a long time since I fucked a lovely woman like yourself. At my age one’s right hand is usual y the only option you know!”

“What I real y appreciate Lew is the time and effort you took to make sure I had a good time before thinking of yourself. That is rare in younger men these days; al they want is drop their cum as quickly as possible wherever is convenient or pleasant for them.”

“Believe it or not Nancy, that is something I learned at a rather young age, in fact when I lost my virginity at the age of eighteen to a thirty-six-year-old woman. She taught me how to pleasure a woman and at the same time derive more pleasure from it for yourself.”

“Hey, she was thirty-six and you eighteen, she was exactly double your age then?”

“Yes and believe me she knew al the tricks in the book and even a few more; she educated me wel and I have been grateful to her for the rest of my life.”

“Do you stil see her?”

“Sometimes, and although she is now an elderly lady sometimes she still appreciates a good tumble in the hay. These days we do sometimes help each other out and believe me it is stil as good as it was so many years ago. Maybe one day I wil tel you al about it, but for now, I think you need to have a look at your offspring as I hear her starting to ask for her mom. Maybe a clean nappy or perhaps she is hungry again and complaining that I took her food away?”

Nancy quickly got up and walked in her naked glory towards the pram where baby Emilia was making little noises to attract the attention of her mother.

She picked the baby up and held her high in the air soliciting laughter.

“Yeah,” she said when she brought baby Emilia down, sniffing her bottom, “she does need a fresh nappy.”

“Wel Nancy, don’t count on me to help you there, my knowledge of nappy changing is nul and void.”

After the nappy change, Nancy picked up her clothes and started to get dressed.

When she was final y ready to go she said, “Hey Lew you are a bachelor, I guess having to cook for yourself alone can’t be much fun, so how about you come to my place tonight and I’l treat you to a homemade dinner?”

“No Nancy, I absolutely don’t want you to go to al that trouble, especial y when you are already on a tight budget to make ends meet.”

“No worries Lew, I’d love to cook for you, besides cooking for one or for two doesn’t make al that much difference, and then maybe you can serve me an encore of the meal we had this afternoon?”

“OK, I must admit that sounds wonderful, but let me pay you first for the photo session.”

“But you don’t know yet if you’l be able to sel any of the photos you took of us.”

“I’m sure I’l be able to sel at least a few, or use them in a contest, so please take this as a down payment.”

“OK,” Nancy said, “you have a deal. I’l expect you around seven, we can have a drink and an appetizer, Emilia can have her meal, while you watch as a second visual appetizer, and I can put her to bed before we have our main course.”

“Fine, I’l bring something for pre-dinner drinks and a bottle of wine. I’m a bit of a wine lover; I’l show you around my wine cel ar sometime.”

“Sorry Lew, but breastfeeding and alcohol do not mix wel ; you’l have to find something nonalcoholic for me, but do feel free to bring wine for you.”

“Oops, sorry, I forgot, you see I know absolutely nothing about motherhood and feeding babies.”

“Cheers Lew, see you tonight.”

“Oh my God,” I was thinking “What have I done, how am I going to be able to top or even equal what we experienced this afternoon at my age?”

I definitely need to go see my GP to figure out how to get my equipment in good working order for what wil probably end up being a repeat performance of this afternoon.

Maybe I should get myself one of those blue pills everybody is so enthusiastic about.

I’l ask the doctor if that would be acceptable with my health.

I closed up shop quickly and made tracks to go see my local GP.

I was one of her long-standing customers which made us age compatible, though I would wrong her if I didn’t mention that she was about six years younger than I, so she was definitely not old, just old enough to better understand physical problems for a person my age than the ones that had just come out of medical school.

I explained my predicament in that I had to perform not only every day like now but even twice a day in this particular instance.

“Wel , wel Lew and al that at your age; you’l never cease to surprise me! But not to worry, you are healthy, you don’t have any blood pressure or heart problems so I think we can safely assume you can take one of those blue pills. Do you know how to use them?”

“No, not real y doctor.”

“OK, wel you take one, and only one mind you, about an hour before you have sex and then let nature take its course.”

“And what exactly does it do, do I get an automatic erection just like that al of a sudden after an hour?”

“No, no you do need stimulation to fil the blood chambers that make your penis hard. What it does is sort of opens the veins so that the blood flows in better and stays longer to sustain the erection. “After a while, everything returns back to normal and the erection goes away, or else you could end up with a very painful evening or night.”

“Can I get it without a prescription?”

“Yes, but it is better this way than getting them on the internet, you never know what you’l get, and this way the pharmacist won’t have to ask you a lot of awkward questions in a ful store.”

“Great, thanks doc.”

“Wel Lew enjoy your evening…and don’t overdo it,” she said with a chuckle.

I quickly made tracks to the pharmacy and, as the doctor had said, no awkward questions. I was in and out in sixty seconds flat. It wasn’t real y cheap though.

So now I was set for an evening of fun and games with the delectable Nancy.

Promptly at 7 pm, I rang the bel to her apartment.

Quickly the door swung open as if she had been waiting for me to arrive.

“Hel o again Lew, and welcome to my humble abode; come in and make yourself comfortable.”

She looked absolutely ravishing with the crop top she was wearing which barely covered her huge breasts, clearly again fil ed with milk, witness thereof were tiny wet spots where the nipples made enticing smal mountains in her top.

The top was so short there was even a hint of under-boob showing.

Scanning down I saw she was wearing a pair of shorts showing off her sun-kissed, toned thighs and legs.

When she turned around I could clearly see the ful tasty cheeks of her bottom.

“What can I get you to drink?” she asked.

“As promised Nancy, I brought you an alcohol-free aperitif. Al you need are some ice cubes to bring it to the right temperature.”

“Great,” she said, “let’s try it.”

Her apartment was nice, bigger than I expected with a normal bedroom for Nancy and a separate nursery.

The living area included an open kitchen with a counter I guess to have breakfast or if you only wanted to eat a snack.

I must say for such a relatively smal kitchen it was very wel equipped with a four-burner cooker, an oven, a microwave, ‘a fridge/freezer combination, and even a smal dishwasher.

The glasses were quickly produced each holding a couple of ice cubes.

I opened the bottle and poured some of the bottle into the glasses.

“Hopeful y it’s something you’l like,” I said, ”it’s from the makers of Martini, and it’s cal ed Martini Floreale, no alcohol guaranteed. For me it is also a first, so please don’t blame me if it does taste awful.”

“Great let’s try this concoction of yours,” Nancy replied.


It was not too bad, in fact, it was rather nice if I say so myself, wel basical y not much different from an alcoholic drink.

“Very nice,” Nancy said, “I never tasted one of these before either.”

She chuckled, “So Emilia wil not get drunk when she has her milk then.”

“I also brought some nice alcohol-free wine, one I’ve tried before. As a wine lover, I had to taste it and tried some of these alcohol-free varieties at a wine festival, so I have a good idea of the good ones and the bad ones. I hope you like white wine?”

“Yeah,” she said, “I prefer it to red.”

“Ladies usual y do,” I replied, “so I made a good choice.”

“Let me offer you some appetizers to go with the aperitif.”

She presented me with a dish fil ed with smal toasts covered with a few types of cheese. I took one and popped it into my mouth.

“So how is Emilia?”

“She is doing great,” Nancy said, “and I wil feed her after we’ve had our first course.”

“Excel ent, I don’t want her to miss out on a meal.”

We sat at the table and Nancy served a smal salad, when we finished it, she stood up, got Emilia out of her crib, and instal ed herself in one of the easy chairs I had been sitting in before.

“Prepare yourself for the show, Lew,” she said, whipping off her crop top and revealing the gorgeous twins adorning her chest.

They real y looked appetizing and I was a bit envious of Emilia who immediately latched on to the right one and started sucking with al her might.

After a while she started wiggling, sucking on empty, and was quickly moved to the left side where she again started suckling with, in my opinion, a big smile on her face.

But also that one ran empty after a while.

When that one too was empty, Emilia was laid over her mother’s shoulder and quickly gave a huge burp. “OK you little guzzler, you’ve had yours, so let’s get you ready for bed then mommy and Lew can continue their meal,” Nancy said.

Emilia was carried into the bathroom for a short bath and a change of nappy and then put to bed in the nursery.

When Nancy came back, she was stil topless.

“Do you mind if I stay this way Lew?” she asked, “it feels so much better when I keep them free, I do it al the time when I’m home on my own.”

Guess what…I didn’t mind one bit.

Nancy then returned quickly to her cooking, giving me an unobstructed view of her beautiful back and buttocks barely covered by the smal pair of shorts she was wearing.

That gave me the opportunity to take my blue pill, as I guess if something pleasant is going to happen it would probably be in the next hour or so.

A few minutes later Nancy put a delicious lasagna on the table and sat down across from me.

“Please pass me your plate so I can serve you, Lew.”

With a big spoon, Nancy put some of her home-cooked lasagna on my plate. I could see that it contained lots of veggies as wel as pasta and meat, so basical y just the way I like it.

It tasted delicious, far better than the premade stuff you can buy in the supermarket.

Believe it or not but I think my blue pill had already started to work - I was after al visual y very stimulated by her gorgeous girls just a few feet away from my nose.

Once when I was in Bangkok a Thai masseuse told me that when she massaged men they didn’t necessarily need to be able to grab her boobs, they were equal y happy if they were ful y on display.

Slowly it was getting a bit difficult to sit as my cock had real y started to grow due to the superb display in front of me.

When I finished my plate Nancy asked me if I wanted some more.

“No thanks, I am about ready for dessert now.”

“And what would you like for dessert?” Nancy asked me with big innocent eyes.

“Oh, Nancy don’t tease me you know what I want for dessert, you of course!”

“Real y Lew…” she replied while standing up and coming towards me.

At the same time, her hands had moved to the top of her shorts and she started to undo the button and slid down the zipper.

When that was done she grabbed the sides and slowly, ever so slowly, slid the shorts down her thighs to reveal a smal red thong.

That real y got my motor running.

She stood in front of me and held out both of her hands for me to grab, which of course I did.

She lifted me from the chair and started to undo the buttons of my shirt, pul ing it out of my jeans. She then slid it over my shoulders, taking it off completely.

She slowly started to move downwards, kissing my shoulders, then moving to my nipples, giving the right one a kiss and sucking on it while her hand teased and tickled the left one, making both of them rock hard.

Moving down my body, Nancy got on her knees facing the bulge she’d created inside my jeans.

She undid the button and slid down the zipper.

With both hands she grabbed the sides of my jeans and with one strong pul brought them down, together with my boxers, leaving me stark naked in front of her.

With a little kiss on the tip of my erect pecker, and after licking up the precum that had formed on the head, she opened her lips, sliding them over the top, and started licking around it with her agile tongue.

My cock grew even more in size, bigger than I had ever experienced it before and I didn’t seem to have the immediate urge to come, possibly a welcome side effect of the blue pills.

Cupping my bal s with her hand she started to massage and tickle them with her fingers - it felt like heaven.

But despite how good this al felt, I needed to get my dessert, so I drew her up again, guided her to the easy chair, sat her down, and grabbed the sides of her thong with both my hands, sliding it down her legs, and making sure she too was also completely nude.

I took her foot and started to kiss her toes moving over her instep, up her shins towards her secret love garden.

Once past her knee I moved to the inside of her right thigh nibbling and covering it with little kisses.

The closer I got to her pussy the more she started to squirm and moan.

“Oh Lew, what are you doing to me?”

Reaching the top of her thigh, my tongue moved towards her hot pussy, but I frustratingly licked only the outside of her outer pussy lip, avoiding her clit before kissing her mound al over.

I kissed her pubic bone and moved on over the big muscle that connects the legs to the rump.

Kissing and licking the little dip at the top of her hip, then kissing her soft skin over her hip bone, I climbed up a little further with my mouth and tongue towards her stomach and made a little side trip kissing her beautiful navel.

Thank God there was no piercing; I don’t like piercings or tattoos, I am a skin lover, an unblemished natural skin aficionado.

I have no preference as to color: Nancy’s was milky white but I also liked olive skin colored women from around the Mediterranean, as you remember from my encounter with Catharina in Italy.

Light brown was delightful, as was absolutely black which I had the pleasure of discovering during one of my African trips.

One thing they al have in common is that they are al that delicious pink on the inside.

Most important, however, and I can’t repeat it enough, is total y natural, not pierced not tattooed. Nancy’s was more than OK.

Moving up from her navel after playing around it with my tongue and tickling her with my smal goatee resulted in a sharp intake of breath from her, creating a bit of vacuum in her stomach area and seriously bringing her ribcage upward I quickly moved to the bottom rib and started to give it little bites at the same time tickling the bottom rib on the other side.

A giggle and a bit of squirming was the result.

From the bottom of her ribcage, it was a short trip to the underside of her right boob which I saliva painted with my flat tongue.

Grabbing her wrists with my right hand I brought her arms above her head, holding them up there as if she was restrained.

That gave me ful and unrestricted access to her boobs.

Arriving at the engorged nipple I sucked it in, managing to also take a large part of her huge boob in my mouth.

I was rewarded with a few smal squirts of leftover milk.

Slowly moving to the side I licked over the muscle of her arm and under it to the armpit inhaling the musky scent and tickling it with my tongue while tasting her sweaty aroma.

Nancy started to squirm and tried to pry her arms loose as it was too ticklish for her, but I didn’t let go and kept her arms firmly in place above her head.

Then moving to her neck and jaw I final y made it over her cheek towards her hot mouth, immediately starting a tongue fight in which she gladly participated.

But my journey wasn’t over yet, I was only halfway, which she gathered as I moved to the other side of her face and neck, and down again via her armpit, resulting in more squirming as it tickled her, before I reached her left boob.

That one was also sucked firmly into my mouth and again I was rewarded with a few tiny squirts of her lovely milk, “Oh I love these kinds of desserts!” I mumbled.

Moving further down I nibbled lightly on her ribcage and again made a detour via her navel before arriving at her pleasure garden again.

However, to her frustration, I bypassed her pleasure button, and again kissed and licked the outside of her labia and moved on to her inner thigh.

She started to protest, “Oh Lew don’t do that, please keep on licking my pussy!”

I ignored her and kept to my plan of action, so once I arrived at her knee I quickly moved up again and put a big kiss on her lovely kitty.

That got me a moan of pleasure and reassurance.

I was now giving her snatch my ful attention, slowly licking from the bottom to her clit hood, trying to entice the little pleasure knob to come out and play.

After a few kisses and licks, I succeeded.

While slipping my index finger into her pleasure channel, I sucked on her clit, alternating with soft little bites on the engorged love button.

I felt Nancy grab the back of my head and pul it towards her pleasure center, enticing me to increase my sucking and licking.

She started squirming, and it wasn’t long before I felt her begin to tense up.

Keeping the steady rhythm of my finger movements tickling the spongy tissue of the mythical G-spot, her hole spasmed around my finger and she let out a scream of relief her hips bucking against my mouth and squirting her musky fluid into my mouth.

I loved her sweet yet tangy pussy juice.

I gradual y eased my tongue away from her now extremely sensitive button, stil pulsing against it.

She lay back in the chair, her chest rising and fal ing as I slowly crawled upward to her mouth treating her to a musky kiss and the taste of her own pussy.

I don’t know if she’d ever tasted her own pussy - I hoped I would find out some time later maybe.

Grabbing her legs under her knees I moved them over the armrest of the chair, then maneuvered myself between her legs before pressing between her wet lips and sliding my cock inside her in one smooth thrust. She let out another moan.

I kept myself inside her as I adjusted, finding the perfect angle to start fucking her.

All of a sudden I sensed her tensing, and she looked up at me.

“Lew wil you be careful as I don’t want another child!”

“Keep calm darling. Remember I told you that I had a little snip a number of years ago. The only thing that I wil squirt is harmless cum so please don’t worry, just enjoy the ride.”

I felt her relax immediately.

“Oh yeah…fuck me…oh fuck Lew!”

Her feet crossed behind my back and pul ed to get me to go even deeper.

“Yes, Lew fuck me, fuck me hard, I love feeling your hot hard cock again inside of me!”

My pelvis mashed against hers making her big boobs wiggle.

“Oh, oh, oh, yes,” was al she could manage every time I buried myself to the hilt into her hot love channel.

I kept on pumping away as hard and deep as I possibly could while guttural moans escaped her lips.

I was getting a bit tired and my back started to play up, so I had to find another way of bringing her and hopeful y also myself to an earth-shattering orgasm.

“Nancy,” I cleverly said, “this is real y al about you and I am getting a bit tired so I am going to give you total control now.”

Staying inside of her and taking her with me with my hands under her ass, I turned and moved into the easy chair.

Nancy was now sitting on top of me with her knees on either side of my hips.

She had total control of her movements and pussy friction.

“Yes, yes,” she cried out, “I love that,” upon which she started to gyrate on my cock, stil rock hard thanks to the blue pill.

She moved her hands around my neck to steady herself and started moving up and down.

I had the best view of her big boobs jumping up and down and wiggling from left to right directly in front of my nose.

I didn’t know how long I would be able to last before I would fil her juicy pussy with hot, but safe, cum.

Nancy was also giving signs that her stil sensitive body was driving her over the edge a second time.

She threw her head back and her pelvis forward, then let out a scream.

I hoped baby Emilia was sleeping very soundly because the noise she made could wake up the whole building.

Nancy’s pussy was squeezing and sucking harder on my dick than her mouth could ever do; God that woman had elite athlete’s muscles in her love channel.

I couldn’t hold on any longer and came in long spurts, producing caveman’s grunts, squirting rope after rope of cum into her hot delicious pussy.

Nancy fel against my chest, total y spent, but with an extremely content smile on her face.

After recovering for a while, she said, “How was that for dessert?”

“That Nancy was the best dessert I’ve had in years, and at my age believe me that means something.”

“After the appetizer of this afternoon, I never thought something like this would be possible.

However I do have a confession to make, I had a little pharmaceutical assistance to make this happen.”

“Yeah,” Nancy said, “I can see,” pointing at my cock, which was stil standing straight up.

“Thank God and the pharmaceutical industry for the help they give to people my age.”

“Are you game for an encore?” Nancy asked.

“Why not,” I said, “but please give me a bit of time and a cup of coffee to recover.”

“I think though that next time I come it wil only be dust that comes out.”

I got up and reached for my boxer shorts.

“No, no,” Nancy said, “this is a clothing-optional apartment; once you are naked you stay naked!”

“OK boss.”

“Please take a seat at the table and I wil serve you the dessert I prepared, together with your cup of coffee.”


“You know Nancy it is rare for someone of my age, except for movie stars or the extremely rich of course, to enjoy the physical pleasures with a gorgeous, young woman like yourself.”

“Mmmmhhh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that from what I see my mother is doing.”

“Your mother?” I asked.

“Yes, she used to like a young stud from time to time.”

“Oh does she now?”

“I know it is not polite to ask about a woman’s age, but after what we’ve been through I don’t think she would be offended, especial y after your remark. So what is your mother’s age?”

“She is fifty-two.”

“Ah closer to my generation then. Maybe I should get to know your mother?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“I am sure she would be most interested for you to tel her what you have been up to with her daughter,” she said with a chuckle.

“My mom has been bugging me, as I have her by the way, to get back on the wagon and meet some interesting men.”

“Which initial y I did, but most of the men my age are so only interested in themselves, which leads me to the conclusion that if I were to have sex with them they would only be interested in their own pleasure and not give a hoot about mine.”

“Wel not like you. You made me come twice before coming yourself.”

“What am I saying, twice, no you made me come multiple times if I count the smal er orgasms I had in between the two big ones you gave me.”

“Hey, that was because I had the support of Viagra remember?”

“Yeah but nevertheless you thought about me more than you did about yourself.”

“I am absolutely sure my mother would appreciate that too.”

“Of course, she enjoys her young studs from time to time, but every time she has one she complains about them being so selfish. However, now that I come to think of it, it’s been quite a while since I heard her say something about a hookup. The more I think about it, it seems already a few years since I heard her brag about one of her conquests. You know what, when I pick up my photos I wil bring her along so you can meet her. You might even be able to convince her to pose in the nude for you. My mother is always in for a little adventure and I don’t think she ever did that, pose in the nude I mean.”

“That might even be a very nice surprise for her with her birthday coming up, I never know what birthday gift to get her, wel if you are game, a nude photo session would be just the thing she absolutely does not expect. That would definitely tickle her fancy and she would never suspect something like that as a birthday present. You wil be a good sport and give me a friendly price for that session won’t you Lew?”