Lew's Photo Studio - Book 1 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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She was looking at me with her beautiful puppy eyes, with a little girl pout on her mouth I could of course not resist.

Anyway, it would be interesting to see her mother naked. If she was anything like her daughter I might be in for a very nice surprise, and who knows, maybe some more fun and games with someone of my own generation.

“So, Nancy tel me some more about your mother, I prefer to know a bit more about the person I wil be photographing. I know her age, but what is her name, how tal is she, is she slender or a bit more fil ed, as far as I understand there is no husband or male friend, please tel me more about her, or do you know what, it would even be better if you can show me a picture.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of questions Lew. OK, my mother’s name is Grace and as I mentioned she is fifty-two. She had me when she was twenty-six, just the same age as when I had Emilia.

Basical y, it’s sort of history repeating itself, my father left my mother when she was about four months into the pregnancy, just the same as Jason, the father of Emilia, left me. Neither my father nor Jason ever let anything be heard of them after that.”

“So my mom has been a ‘happy’ single ever since, just the same as me. Let me get the photo album to show you some pictures of her.”

Nancy got up quickly to rummage through one of the closets and came back with a smal photo album, suggesting we adjourn again to the easy chairs.

“This is her, a few years ago when we were vacationing in Spain.”

I was looking at a picture of a younger version of Nancy with next to her what almost looked like her sister, both in tiny bikinis on a beach somewhere.

“This was our last vacation together before I got pregnant. Jason took the picture.

“About six months later he was gone, so al this was almost two years ago when my mom had turned fifty and we went on this vacation to celebrate.”

“That answers a number of the questions about how your mom looks, she is absolutely stunning, and I would never put her at fifty, more like thirty-five. If I didn’t know any better I would think she was your slightly older sister.”

“God if you tel her that you wil be her friend for the rest of your life.”

“Why She does look absolutely stunning and I can’t be the only one noticing that.”

“Wel , mom is a bit anxious that she is past it and men won’t pay her the same attention as before.”

“If you do bring her I wil try to give her spirit a big boost. And by the way, if she is wil ing to pose naked the session wil be free of charge for you. Of course, she wil have to sign a similar contract to the one you signed to protect her and myself from any potential lawsuits in the future. You know the dril . It now al depends if she would be interested, as you are going to spring the whole thing on her as a surprise. Remember you didn’t agree to it immediately either, you had to think about it and see where it got us. Talking about where it got us, I stil have something here for you that you may want to play with as long as the little pill keeps working.”

“Yeah I see that you’re stil hard; I’m game if you’re wil ing and capable. Although I absolutely don’t want to kil you as I need you for my mother’s upcoming surprise.”

“Don’t worry Nancy I think I wil be able to handle it one more time, although it may only be dust that wil come out at the end, I am sure to be able to give you a good time with the joystick.”

That said Nancy pul ed me out of the easy chair and laid me down on the floor after which she straddled me and without further ado impaled herself on my shaft.

Her soft warm cunt flesh enveloped me in a succulent embrace as I slid into her sweet hole.

Wel , she was the younger one so I let her do al the work, going up and down and gyrating.

Nancy slowly moved her hips in a smal circle as she lifted and lowered herself sitting on her knees.

She whispered she was experimenting with this position to see what felt good for both of us.

At my age, I was happy to be a passive participant, happy to let Nancy ride me any way she liked.

Maybe she was making up for the extended period of no sexual activity she just went through.

She braced her hands on my shoulders and built up a steady rhythm with her hips, her absolutely stunning breasts jiggling back and forth.

Thoroughly enjoying the ride, I had the best view of her twin mounds bouncing up and down and sideways, and I was trying to catch one of them with my left hand. When I succeeded, I rol ed the nipple between my thumb and forefinger and gave it a squeeze and a bit of turn, resulting in a strangled groan from her mouth fol owed by a squirt of milk in my face.

She let out what sounded like a satisfied moan as I pressed my right hand to her mound and my thumb dived between our bodies, finding her clit. Her hip movements caused my thumb to mash against her, by now very sensitive, blood-engorged love bean.

This caused her to start wildly bouncing everywhere and at almost every angle. She was making my cock hit spots that it had not touched for a long time.

As this would end up with the third time I would come that day it took her a long time to get me there which gave her ample opportunity to thoroughly enjoy it herself.

I simply let the warmth and silkiness of her body do the work as I kept myself buried to the hilt in her love canal.

I saw her whole body tense, then I felt her muscles spasm around my cock as she came hard judging from the squal ing sounds she was making. At that point, I gave in and started to come myself squirting the last semen I stil had in me into her hot love cavern.

Nancy col apsed on my chest, squishing her big boobs against me, her head resting on one of my shoulders.

What fol owed was about five minutes of total silence as we both lay panting and trying to catch our breath.

All of a sudden a rather different squal ing sound was heard, Emilia had woken up and was screaming for her mommy.

Nancy jumped up and ran to the bedroom to see what was wrong, quickly coming back with Emilia in her arms - clearly happy again being close to her mommy.

I kept myself in the background as Nancy looked to the needs of her little princess.

After a quick feed and a change of diapers Emilia was put back to bed and, according to Nancy, immediately fel asleep again.

“Wel Nancy,” I said, “that is my cue to go home and leave mommy to her daughter. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with you, excel ent food, good company, a fantastic looking table mate, and to top it al off the best dessert I’ve had in years. I hope I was able to bring some joy into your life as wel and I do look forward to meeting your mom sometime soon.”

“Lew, the feeling is mutual, I needed very much what you so graciously and with a lot of consideration for my needs gave me and you can count on a visit to the photoshop in the next few weeks together with my mom.”

Upon that, I made tracks back home.

It wasn’t even that late so I stil could have a good night’s sleep on top of al my adventures.

I am not going to say that the next days were dul but nothing occurred as spectacular as what had happened to me in the past week.

I got myself busy sorting out the photos I had taken of Linda, Nancy, and baby Emilia.

I had received a mail from Linda with the photo numbers I could use to promote her modeling career, so I edited and printed copies of them to hand out. I then started to make my rounds of any local shops that might be interested in helping Linda in her endeavors to become a model.

In between, I had some customers for cameras or who brought in memory sticks or cards with their vacation or party photos for printing.

I even had an amateur photographer as a customer who stil worked total y analog and for whom I carried a stock of photo paper and chemicals. I gladly shared my experience with him as I stil had a lot of tricks up my sleeve from the good old days when I was working completely analog as wel .

Then I remembered I urgently needed to contact Astrid from the clothing store the fol owing week, I wondered how she would react to my request to sponsor Linda…

Chapter 4


The fol owing Monday I cal ed her.

I must be careful here, what she has is not just a mere clothing shop, a ‘boutique’ would be the more appropriate term, as she sold some exclusive clothing lines destined for the wealthier ladies of the vil age.

The vil age we lived in could be described as a rural area with a relatively smal center but which covered a large area, with lots of houses and vil as, some of them on seriously large plots of land.

5,000 square meters (1.2 acres) would be one of the smal er ones, most were 10,000 to 50,000

m2 (12.4 acres) with big multi-bed and bathroom houses or even mansions.

Most had indoor and/or outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, even stables for a few horses or for the ones that didn’t like four-footers but preferred four-wheelers, big garages to hold a col ection of special cars, or very valuable old-timers.

In the center of the vil age, we had one church and a few pubs: usual y more customers for the pubs than the church, hence more pubs.

Aside from the grocery store, there was an assortment of the traditional stores you usual y find in a relatively smal community, one of them Astrid’s boutique and another of interest to me, Bethany’s perfumery and beauty salon, catering, again, mostly for the wel -to-do.

Four times a year Astrid organized a smal exclusive fashion show in the local reception hal adjacent to the biggest pub in the vil age. An assortment of fashion models presented the latest seasonal trends in clothing for her little dedicated crowd that faithful y attended every event and bought generously from her exclusive col ection.

I also knew that Astrid was always struggling to get enough fashion models for her shows. She also once confided in me that they were expensive, so I felt rather secure when I cal ed her to ask for an audience, wel I cal it that as ‘visit’ was not sufficient when you went to see Astrid to consult with her. It was comparable to being received by royalty or the Pope.

If you are familiar with the television character Mrs. Bucket, uh Bouquet, from the sitcom Keeping Up Appearances you know what I mean.

Astrid was thirty-six, which in my eyes is the ideal age for a lady.

When I was eighteen I fantasized about having sex with a thirty-six-year-old woman.

I guess when I’m lucky enough to reach the ripe age of 72 I’m sure I wil stil dream about it, but probably for different reasons than when I was 18, al because it was a thirty-six-year-old woman that took my virginity when I was that age.

She was the mother of one of my high school buddies, a young mother as she gave birth when she was eighteen herself.

It’s funny how these figures 18 / 36 / 72 have always played a special role in my sex life –

perhaps they wil continue to do so.

Sorry, I’m getting carried away by sweet memories, maybe I’l tel you the story of losing my virginity another time.

I cal ed Astrid around 10 am when her ‘boutique’ normal y opens. Customers usual y only came in the afternoon so I was very hopeful that she would answer the phone and al ow me a visit that same morning.

“Boutique d’Astrid,” said the voice answering the phone, “how may I be of assistance?”

“Hey Astrid,” I replied, “This is your friendly local photographer.”

“Good morning Lew, to what do I owe the pleasure of your cal ?”

“I have something I want to show you, which might help you with your four times per year shindig. Can I come over sometime and explain?”

“LEW! shindig? You mean my fashion soirees!”

“Oh yeah, that’s right, your fashion soirees or matinees.”

“Yes, what about them, you always do the photos, and then I don’t hear from you again until the next one, so why do you want to see me now?”

“Wel Astrid, I’d rather prefer to show you in person, if it’s convenient I could even come over today, wel right now if you wish, or we could see each other tonight and discuss it then.”

“LEW! For one thing, I am very busy at the moment, so it is out of the question for you to come over right away! But I could consider this evening, tel me where and when?”

“Wel you’re alone, I’m alone and we both need to feed ourselves a few times per day, so why don’t we join the practical, me wanting to show you something that may help you, with the pleasant, and have a nice meal together, my treat.”

“Like a date Lew?”

“No, no nothing like that, I wouldn’t dare to cal it that, just a simple meal, you won’t have to cook for yourself and I won’t have to cook for myself and most importantly, no dishes to be washed afterward. What do you say I pick you up at seven o’clock and we dine in The Deerhunter?”

Total silence on the other side of the phone, wel not total, I could hear her breathing and the little cogs in her brain turning as she was clearly considering what she would answer.

After a pause, she came back and said “OK Lew I might consider your proposal of a non-date, but don’t you start getting any crazy ideas!”

“Astrid, you know me wel enough, I wouldn’t dream of getting ideas, although you do realize we both being single, the vil age wil buzz with rumors when they see us together?”

“LEW! How could you even consider I would be having an affair with a man like yourself?”

“Astrid I’m only joking. I wil be on my best behavior; I’ll even dress up for the occasion, and I can guarantee that you wil not regret hearing my proposal and having dinner with me.”

The Deerhunter is the poshest restaurant in the area, the chef even sports one Michelin star.

It was the waterhole of the rich and famous from the vil age, so there was a big chance that we would be seen and discussed for the next couple of weeks. This was not on account of my presence so much as that Astrid, being one of the few single eligible women in the vil age, always provoked interest. Another one in a very similar position was Bethany from the perfumery and beauty salon and Astrid’s main competitor on the social scene.

Of course, once I had set up my business I became the available bachelor to be roped in, especial y as everyone in the vil age thinks I am very wel to do, having bought the photoshop and built the large studio in the back.

I can’t complain, but I am absolutely not in the same league money-wise as the people living in the big vil as, especial y not after I spent a big chunk of my money on the construction and furnishing of that studio.

Around six, I started to prepare for “The Dinner” with Astrid, taking a shower, shaving, yes also down under, you never know what can happen, and applying some moisturizing cream to my old face, deo, and some cologne so I would smel OK.

I had laid out, aside from my classic boxer shorts, a nice dress shirt and tie, and a light grey summer suit.

While dressing, my mind started to reflect on a rumor I picked up, which was going around the vil age: I wanted to find out if it there was any truth in it.

There was, apparently, a smal select and secret BDSM club with its headquarters in one of the huge vil as, and it was whispered that Astrid was an active member. I had no idea if it was true or in what capacity Astrid might be involved, but it wouldn’t surprise me, as she always liked to be in charge, and knew everything better, as wel as giving the impression of being superior to other people.

So I had a double agenda, first to get Astrid to hire Linda to work for her as a photo and fashion model at her shindigs, and secondly to figure out any involvement in the kinky club.

At ten to seven, I got in the car and drove over to Astrid’s boutique to pick her up.

I rang the doorbel ; Astrid opened the door after a few seconds, and believe it or not she took my breath away.

“Wow Astrid, I have never seen you so dressed up, is that especial y for me?”

Completely in her Mrs. Bouquet style, she replied, “No, you sil y man, I always dress up when I go to dinner, and since this is the first time you ever invited me it’s only normal that you have never seen me dressed like this before.”

Astrid could easily pass for a twenty-six-year-old rather than her thirty-six years, she had a very toned body with just the right size chest area.

The dress she was wearing was a melodramatic red color with a golden sheen, real y figure hugging, showing ample cleavage, smal straps over the shoulder, leaving her toned, lightly sun-kissed arms completely bare.

Ending about twenty-five centimeters (10”) above the knee the dress exposed a pair of lightly tanned and wel -formed legs – a real feast for the eyes.

Her feet were encased in open sandals with10 cm (4”) ”fuck me” heels.

They looked comfortable and I got a glimpse of a red sole, giving away the brand.

Immediately pul ing the carpet from under my feet, Astrid said:

“So you are taking me on this non-date to one of the finest restaurants in the area; I wonder what brought that on, you must need a big favor from me!”

“Astrid, Astrid, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I wil tel you al about it when we are comfortably seated at our table.”

Not much was said during the 10-minute drive to the restaurant. As I had never done this before, I guess she was curious as to why I had invited her, even if she was a customer of mine for the pictures of her fashion shows.

I was real y wondering how I was going to broach the subject of the secret little BDSM group though; if there was absolutely no connection between Astrid and the secret society, I ran the risk of antagonizing her, and maybe even screwing up the chances of Linda becoming a fashion model. I’d better tread very careful y on how I broach it.

Sel ing Linda as a fashion model wouldn’t be too hard, as Astrid was always looking for fresh faces that didn’t cost an arm and a leg.

I had done far more difficult negotiations during my working life, so I was quite confident I would be able to convince her.

After parking the car at The Deerhunter, I was the perfect gentleman, jumping out of the car, circling it, and opening the door for Astrid, extending my hand to support her getting out in the narrow dress she was wearing without showing al her female goodies to me and whoever else was in the parking.

“Wel Lew, I must say I am pleasantly surprised by your gentlemanly manners, I never expected you to be this considerate after what I heard on the grapevine about you.”

“Oh, dear! Astrid, I had no idea that I was known as an inconsiderate person.”

“Wel not particularly inconsiderate, but the rumor goes you are a bit rough around the edges.”

“I hope I scored good points then Astrid, which I would like to cash in after you have heard my proposal.”

I let her go in first, holding the door of the restaurant open for her. We were met by the cute brunette hostess who guided us to a nice table for two in a quiet corner of the restaurant.

Although I am not a real regular at The Deerhunter I had dined there before and requested this particular table making sure we would not be too noticeable.

I pointed out to Astrid, when she looked at me a bit quizzical y about the table, that here we would be less observed by any neighbors wandering in who might draw the wrong conclusions and then start rumors about us dining there together.

Astrid had also been looking, with a suspicious eye, at the folder I was carrying under my arm.

“Shal we start with a glass of champagne to quench the first thirst after our dry ride here?”

“That would be excel ent,” Astrid replied.

I could feel her getting a bit nervous about the whole thing, so I did not want to keep her on tenterhooks any longer than necessary, so I launched into my sales pitch about Linda.

“So Astrid, the reason I invited you is to bring you a proposal which wil not only help you but also a young person I met recently in my photo studio.”

I opened the folder and took out a portrait photo of Linda’s face and showed it to Astrid.

“You see this young lady, Linda, wants to start a career as a fashion model. I had one photo session with her and saw immediately that she had serious potential.”

Taking out and presenting further photos of Linda showing off her summer dress during our photo shoot, I continued my marketing pitch.

“Linda has, as you can see a very nice figure, euro size 36/38, which as far as my knowledge of fashion models goes is the ideal.”

“She is young, twenty, I know maybe already a bit old for an international career, but more local y, I think she has the potential to become someone who could be sought after in this business.”

“She doesn’t have much experience, so she could be molded to your own personal standards.

The photoshoot I had with her was just as she came off the street, so no special make-up, no special effects and believe it or not, none of the shots are Photoshopped. She has perfect skin and she is physical y extremely flexible.”

“By extremely flexible I mean she is almost a contortionist. I have some pictures of her doing the splits, like a bal erina on the floor and even standing up, but those I can’t show you as Linda wanted them kept private. Eventual y, when you get to know her personal y she might show them to you.”

“Wow Lew, that is a serious sales pitch, I need to get some air.”

“OK Astrid, maybe to give you some time, let’s look at the menu and order our food, because after al , that is what we are here for, to sample the chef’s excel ent cuisine!”

Astrid ordered a smal salad as an appetizer and continued with the catch of the day.

I always found that a strange expression in a restaurant, ‘the catch of the day’ as if the chef himself went fishing in the local river or pond and prepares what he caught.

I have no idea what he would serve if he didn’t catch anything that day.

I didn’t order one of my favorites, escargots, because of the garlic; I didn’t want to breathe garlic over Astrid the rest of the time we were to spend together.

So, sensibly, I also ordered a smal salad but then I went for slow-cooked pork cheeks with vegetables and basil puree.

For dessert, I decided to wait and see how we progressed - I stil had my second mission to accomplish.

Sticking my neck out I said: “I also want to contact Bethany for this project.”

I knew Astrid and Bethany were not exactly bosom buddies; they were in a total y different line of business absolutely not competing with each other, but I knew they were fierce competitors on the social scene.

“Bethany?” Astrid asked, “whatever for, she doesn’t sel clothes or organize fashion shows as I do?”

“You’re right of course Astrid, but if I want to take real y professional photos with Linda I wil need a makeup artist, and that is exactly the kind of service I would like to convince Bethany to provide.”

Astrid did not seem very happy but had to admit my reasoning was sound.

“So can I count on you to sponsor Linda then?”

“Uh, I guess so, but I’l have to meet with her first of course before I can make a final decision.”

“One more, probably stupid, question, but I have absolutely no idea who sel s exactly what in this vil age. Do you also carry lingerie or swimwear in your col ection or do I have to find someone else for Linda to model that?”

“I do have a smal col ection of exclusive lingerie and swimwear as a bit of a sideline, but I have never real y promoted it.” It’s difficult to find models prepared to parade in underwear or tiny bikinis you know!”

“Wel Astrid, your search may be over: if you so wish, Linda wil also model that type of attire for you.”

To prove my point I showed Astrid some of the photos of Linda in her underwear, which she had approved to be used for promoting her.

“Real y?” Astrid said looking at the pictures, “I can see that she could indeed carry this off; she has a stunning body.”

“Great, let’s drink to our agreement then; I’l order a nice bottle of wine.”

As Astrid was having fish, I ordered a bottle of Chablis. I felt it political y correct to get her something that went wel with her dish, even at the expense of my pork cheeks. After the obligatory tasting, we lightly touched our glasses and toasted our sort of joint venture with the chil ed wine.

The rest of the meal went smoothly and after the main course I suggested a dessert, but Astrid declined.

She did however offer a cup of coffee and a pousse café at her home instead to seal the deal we made and start to work out some of the details.

When we got settled with our coffee and a nice cognac on a big sofa in her home, which was basical y a luxury apartment above the boutique, I thought I might try to careful y broach the subject of the secret society.

“So Astrid, it’s real y good to get to know you a bit better; you are a very warm and friendly person.”

“Oh,” Astrid said, “Why wouldn’t I be a friendly person?”

“Wel , you know rumor has it that you are an arrogant and pretentious person, difficult to get along with, and always want to have it your own way. Hey, I am just tel ing you what I heard, this is absolutely not my personal opinion!”

“Oh, God! I had no idea that that was doing the rounds.”

“I see now Astrid that you are absolutely not the kind of person the vil age gossip describes.”

“No, absolutely not! I am exactly the opposite, also a bit adventurous, if I may add.”

“Are you now?” So how would you react if I were to ask you to do something total y out of the ordinary?”

“If it was not too outrageous I might comply,” she said with a slight smirk.

“Would you now?”

“Yes, I would.”

“I would like to put that to the test.”

“Oh yeah, what are you going to ask me to do that you think I wouldn’t do?”

“Simple,” I said, Astrid, take off your dress!”


“You heard me, STAND UP AND TAKE OFF YOUR DRESS!” I said a bit louder.

With this command, it was as if we had moved into a sort of fictional world as master and slave…Astrid looked at me with big eyes and I saw her change completely from the sort of arrogant bitchy style she usual y adopts to a subdued wil ing…slave? Yes, that’s the correct word, slave or submissive.

“Yes Master,” Astrid replied with a subdued voice as she stood up and started to undo the zipper of her dress.

So I was right I thought. With her response of ‘yes Master’, I was now convinced she was part of this exclusive club of BDSM lovers and it was clear that she was a sub in that exclusive group.

The dress slowly came down and pooled at her feet and Astrid covered her boobs with her hands.

As I suspected, she was not wearing a bra, only a smal white lace thong, probably one of the exclusive col ection she was sel ing.

“Do not cover your boobs with your hands!”

“Yes Master” she replied and immediately lowering her hands and hold them behind her back.

Astrid looked absolutely stunning, she real y took my breath away.

Her boobs, my guess a C-cup, were pointing straight forward, crowned with medium-sized areolae and relatively big nipples, already rock hard, which pointed straight at me like a couple of bul ets.

Below those gorgeous mounds a toned midriff, not an ounce of fat on her. I confirmed my previous impression that she could easily pass for twenty-six.

Wel -formed legs, as long as a night without love, and not a tan line in sight; her skin was evenly tanned, lightly sun-kissed, though probably from a tanning bed, or who knows maybe she was tanning in the buff on the terrace of her apartment. No tattoos, no piercings - just the way I like it.

“So Astrid you’re a sub in your little club of fetish lovers aren’t you?”

“Yes Master, I am.”

“And do you like it?”

“Oh yes Master, I absolutely love it.”

“Excel ent Astrid, now I want you completely naked, so remove your thong and give it to me.”

Astrid complied, handing me the thong -she was now completely naked except for the stiletto sandals, though she did put her hands over her nether regions.

“Astrid, did I al ow you to cover your pussy with your hands?”

“No Master,” and her hands went immediately behind her back again.

Her pussy was nice and tight, with no inner labia showing it.

“Turn around, bend over spread your legs, and use your hands to open up your pussy for my inspection.”

“Yes, Master.”

I went closer to take a good look at her opened pussy lips and her little brown starfish just above it.

“OK, turn around and put your hands behind your head.”

“Yes Master,” Astrid said, immediately complying with my order.

With her hands behind her head, her boobs were nicely pushed forward, showing them even more off than before.

“Do you like pain Astrid?”

“Oh yes, Master I like pain very much.”

“What kind of pain do you like Astrid?”

“I like floggings al over my body, I also like certain insertions; I don’t like needles though.”

“I can see that Astrid you have no piercings nor tattoos.”

“No Master I would not al ow anybody to do that to me.”

“You are absolutely right about that Astrid, I prefer a woman’s skin unblemished and unpierced, and you have beautiful skin.”

“Thank you, Master.”

I touched her stomach with my hand.

“So soft and yet so firm.”

Moving my hand up, I gently cupped one of her breasts enticing a little sigh from Astrid.

With my thumb and index finger, I gently took her already erect nipple and started to pinch it, very lightly at first but then harder and harder.

When I had the nipple squeezed as hard as I could, I gave it a little twist resulting in a squeal and a pained face.

When I released it her smile came back, she had clearly enjoyed that.

So I moved to the other breast and repeated the procedure again resulting in a cry of pain fol owed by a smile when I released it.

I was in total y uncharted territory for me, I had never participated in any kind of fetish party.

The only experience I had was what I had seen on internet porn sites.

And some of that was real y extreme in my opinion, especial y the German footage.

I had been to the erotic fair in the Spring and visited the fetish café stand there. They tied up women and suspended them, but I was told by one of the experts that you had to be very careful how you did the tying, so as not to cut the blood flow, which could result in losing a limb.

Aside from that, there was some flogging and paddling going on, so I was slightly familiar with that. Unfortunately, I did not have a paddle or a flogger handy so I took it slow and only used my hands.

I moved around Astrid and standing behind her, starting from her tit I moved my nails from there down south towards her feminine parts, making a smal circle around her navel and then ever so slowly approaching her mons veneris.

Astrid started to moan and couldn’t hold stil anymore.

“Hold stil slut,” I barked.

She immediately froze.

I proceeded towards her hooded clit and gave it a slap, while with my other hand I slapped her bottom hard as wel .

Again a squeal of surprise fol owed by what sounded like a little moan of satisfaction, at least I guessed, hoped.

After the slap, I moved my finger through her slit slowly approaching her vagina, which I felt was warming up and getting slightly moist.

That part I was familiar with and hoped that she would appreciate it if I slid a finger into her love channel.

When entering, it felt warm and started to get wet, so I proceeded perhaps a little more aggressively as I would do with any partner, not into this fetish stuff.

Astrid seemed to appreciate it as the moans grew louder.

I had to try to keep it fetishy though, so I told her to bend forward, put her hands on the floor and keep her legs straight.

That way her beautiful bottom was nicely sticking out.

I couldn’t resist giving it a serious whack with my hand, enticing a scream from close to the floor and resulting in a nice visible red handprint on her left cheek.

To keep it sort of in balance I proceeded to give the right cheek an even harder slap.

“Oh yes Master I like this,” Astrid whispered.

That was the best invitation I could get to continue slapping the firm cheeks in front of me until they went from pink to bright red.

After about ten slaps each, my hand started to hurt, so I finished with a tender caress of her cheeks, as I had seen the masters on the internet and in the fetish café do when they finished punishing their slaves.

High time to find something else to do with Astrid.

Could I venture to ask her to give me a blow job, I wondered.

Wel , I had a no, so al I had to do was ask…uh command her to see if I could get a yes.

“Sit on your knees and face me, hands behind your head.”

Astrid jumped and knelt before me.

“Unbutton my trousers and take my dick out I barked!”

Astrid quickly complied again looking up at me from her lowly position.

“Did I give you permission to look at me?” I asked.

“No Master.”

“Then lower your eyes slave and put your hands behind your head again.”

“Now start sucking me and don’t use your hands, only your mouth!”

Astrid came forward with her head, stuck her tongue out, and started licking the bulbous head of my cock.

“Open up and start sucking slave!”

“Move the foreskin back with your mouth!”

Astrid took the head in her mouth and started sucking, moving my foreskin back with her lips so she could start licking the sensitive underside of my engorged cock with her tongue.

It was clear she had done this before and I even guessed that this was one of her specialties.

“Deeper slut, take me al the way down!”

I guessed she was responding with ‘Yes Master’ but because, as a good sex slave, she was not trying to hurt me with her teeth, what came out sounded a bit like “Yea maaaer.”

She started to take it in centimeter by centimeter until her lips touched the little pubic hair I had left above my cock.

As I am not that big, it was barely hitting her throat and she did not have any major gagging issues.

She actual y was extremely good at this, I never had such a good blow job in my entire life.

After a while, I did get a bit bored and wanted to try something else.

She did mention insertions, I wonder how she would react to an insertion in her backdoor.

I needed some lube to do that, ok I wanted her to feel pain but deep down I also wanted for her to have a good time, that was something that had been embedded in my nature from a very early age.

“Astrid do you have a playroom?”

“Yes Master, my bedroom is also my playroom.”

“Ok let’s proceed there then so you can show me what toys you have and how we can make this session more interesting.”

I was in reality looking for al the help I could get to bring this off.

We proceeded to the bedroom which was a bit of a revelation to me.

Not only did Astrid have a large bed in there, but she also showed me the cupboard holding al her toys. She had a nice assortment of whips, floggers, dildos, butt plugs, blindfolds, nipple clamps, gags, binding material of al sorts, handcuffs, and ropes of al colors and lengths.

There were also hooks in the ceiling to attach things, or herself.

This would be a paradise for a fetish master familiar with al the possible games one could play with a slave.

“OK slave, stop and resume the same position with your hands behind your back and face to the door!”

Astrid took up a standing position with her hands behind her lower back in front of the big bed facing the door.

I went over the room, opening drawers, especial y the ones from the nightstand, because that is usual y the place where the lube is kept and I was right But maybe first I should give Astrid a bit of a flogging to warm her up. I took out one of the cat-o-nine-tails floggers without knots at the end as I did not want to mark her skin too much and laid it on the bed.

Facing the door, Astrid couldn’t see what I was doing, to keep her further in the dark I blindfolded her.

At first, she was a bit startled, but she quickly relaxed.

“OK slave keep your arms stretched above your head and spread your legs to give me complete access to your body.”

“Yes, Master.”

I took up the flogger and swished it a bit in the air so Astrid could hear and be more or less prepared for what was to come.

I started to make a figure eight with the flogger, a bit like when you make sabayon, getting closer and closer to her skin.

She flinched when I touched her skin the first time with just the tips of the thin leather strips, but then she stood stil .

I had started on her back, moving from one side to the other, drawing a figure of 8 on it. After a few minutes, it started to pink up. Moving around her, I first came to the left side of her ribcage, ‘tickling’ with the leather straps under her arms which drew a giggle from her lips.

Moving on to her front I now put al my effort into whipping her tits, making sure I only used the tips of the leather straps as I knew that stings the most. The flicking thongs on her tits and nipples left little red marks al over her tits and forced her nipples to grow and harden even more.

Directing the flogger lower to her midriff and stomach, I moved around to her back to concentrate on her prominent bottom, with from time to time a slap between the legs straight on her pussy or thighs, which resulted in a yelp from her lips.

After about ten minutes my arm started to get tired, so putting the flogger down I caressed the mistreated areas, partly to reduce the pain and make sure there was no damage to the skin, and partly for my pleasure.

After that, I picked up a riding crop.

Slowly caressing her tit and nipple with the little leather tab at the top, she shivered, ful y aware of what was to come next.

Yes, after the caressing, came a slap right on her erect nipple, resulting in a loud yelp fol owed by a moan.

“Be quiet slut,” I barked!

I hit the same nipple a few more times before moving on to its twin.

By now her tits had gone from pink to red, though I avoided getting any deep welts on her soft skin.

The last thing I had laid out was a studded paddle which I picked up now to real y warm up her bottom before proceeding to the insertions I had planned for her.

“Bend over slave, keep your legs straight and stick out your bottom, hands behind your neck!”

Astrid complied immediately.

I took my position on her left side and proceeded to give her bottom a good whack with the paddle resulting in a loud scream, clearly, that was rather painful for her.

Some red welts from the studs showed up on the cheek I had wacked.

Proceeding to the other side, I repeated the application, resulting in another scream.

I don’t know about her but for me, that was enough, as I had no idea how much Astrid could take, and I had some other fun and games in mind.

I told her to remove the blindfold and get up on the bed on al fours, with her face al the way down, to arch her back, and then stick out her bottom as far and high as she could.

I moved closer to her and slipped my finger into her pussy, col ecting al the juices I could gather, and applying them liberal y to her starfish.

She immediately understood how I wanted to proceed and opened her buttocks wider with the help of her hands.

“Very good slave, I want to see where I wil be going next: into that dark hole of yours.”

I took the tube of lube I had found in the nightstand and squirted a big dol op of the stuff onto what I guessed was a medium size butt plug I had chosen.

I pressed the tip of the butt plug against her sphincter, meeting some serious resistance, despite the fact I thought I had pre-warmed the area pretty good with the paddle.

“Relax slave and open your cheeks wider!”

“Yes, Master.”

I pushed again and the tip went slowly in. Wiggling and turning it I got it in about halfway, but progress slowed as we came towards the widest part of the plug.

To help her to relax and accommodate it, I started frigging her clit with my other hand; that seemed to get her a bit less tense.

When she started to moan due to my frigging of her blood-fil ed clit I gave her bottom a slap and the butt plug a big push at the same time. It popped in, her ass closing again around the neck.

“So slave how good does that feel?”

“Oh yes, Master it feels especial y good, though my breasts and bottom are stil sore.”

“So do you think you are ready to receive the real thing in there?”

“Oh yes, Master I am looking forward to feeling your cock inside me.”

I slapped her bottom again, pul ed out the butt plug slowly, and replaced it quickly with the tip of my erect cock, pushing slowly and steadily. She whimpered slightly as I tried to enter her back passage.

I felt her muscles involuntary clench, trying to push the intruder out, but I persevered and started pushing harder. Slowly but surely I was gaining the battle, when her sphincter gave way and the bulbous head pushed past it, entering the velvety softness of her colon, slowly sliding in deeper and deeper until my cock was buried in her bowels to the hilt. The silky caress of her bowel was juxtaposed with the tight grip of her ring around my shaft when I entered her; it felt exquisite.

I gave her time to adjust to the girth of my fuck iron and after I heard a satisfied moan escaping her lips, I started moving out and then back in again, slowly at first but faster as her breath increased, in a sign of a building orgasm.

“You love this don’t you, you little slut?”

“Yes, Master I do!”

My orgasm was approaching, encouraged by Astrid’s bowel muscles starting to milk my cock as she was getting closer to her own.

I couldn’t hold any longer and asked, the gentleman that I am, if it was OK to come inside her, or if she preferred my cum deposit somewhere else.

“No Master please do come inside me I love the feeling of hot cum squirting into my body.”

So I came, I came hard, fil ing her bowels with a copious amount of cum.

On my hand, stil frigging her clit, I felt her squirting orgasm, her muscles contracting around my dick, milking it for al she was worth, extracting the last little drop of cum I had to offer.

My knees getting al weak, I col apsed on her back and so did she on the bed, both of us panting.

We lay there on top of each other for several minutes, both catching our breath before I could muster up the power to rol off her.

We lay there looking at each other as if we saw each other for the first time, coming back to the real world and sort of reverting to our normal selves.

“God Astrid, I could never in my wildest dreams imagine that we would end up the evening like this, you are absolutely amazing.”

“Yes Lew, so are you, I never suspected such a sexy adventurous gentleman was hidden inside you. You do need to learn a lot about fetishism though. I guess these were your first steps along that path. You weren’t doing too bad, maybe you should fol ow the course in the art of BDSM provided by my SM club.”

“Astrid I am a wil ing pupil ready to learn more from you or anyone you can recommend on this subject, although my natural aversion to hurting women wil always restrict me a bit.”

“I watched some footage on a website cal ed ‘Spanking Server’, whipping and flogging different parts of the female anatomy, but I also watched some harder stuff on Graias and the German Sadisten Zirkel which I thought was seriously over the top.”

“Things like body whipping with nettles or even stuffing a pussy with nettles or tabasco or whippings til the skin breaks and blood pours out or even burning the most sensitive female parts with candles or a soldering iron when I see such stuff my stomach does turns around.”

“I can’t imagine that a woman could derive any pleasure from that, aside from maybe a handsome payment.”

“Wel ,” Astrid said, “You would be surprised what some people experience as pleasure.”

“What we real y need for the club is ample space where we can practice our skil s and enjoy the pleasure/pain experiences we al crave.”

“Believe it or not Astrid I may surprise you again, as I might have just the place for you guys.”

“Have you ever visited my studio?”

“No, I was never invited!”

“Oh dear, Astrid you are absolutely right, but that is because of your image and the absolutely wrong idea I had of you.”

“Let me remedy that and show you the premises one of these days when you have the time. I would take you now but I guess it is a bit too late and it’s a working day tomorrow for both of us, so I wil leave you so you can have your beauty sleep and be radiant again in your shop…uh excuse me…’boutique’ tomorrow bright and early.”

Astrid, stil completely nude, accompanied me to the door and just before opening it, kissed me ful on the mouth with a little flick of her tongue.

“Goodnight Astrid thanks for a wonderful and educational evening.”

I stepped into the darkened street, got into my car, and drove home.

I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams that this dinner with Astrid would turn into a ful -fledged BDSM session with me even taking Astrid anal y.

I would have been happy if she would have just accepted sponsoring Linda in her endeavor to become a model. It was a huge bonus to let me get acquainted with the hot adventurous slut she was behind that austere surface.

Sometimes reality surpasses the imagination by far.

No need to say, I slept like a log again that night.

Chapter 5

Astrid again

The next morning I immediately cal ed Linda to tel her the good news.

“Hey Linda, Astrid would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and find out how and what could work for the two of you. By the way, don’t tel her I said, but Astrid is, in reality, a softy, she is absolutely not as unapproachable as she likes to make you believe, I found out myself, that you only have to push the right buttons with her.

I wil also, as soon as possible, contact Bethany from the perfumery and beauty parlor to get her on board, I hope to be able to do that in the next few days.”

“Oh thanks, Lew, you’ve got me al excited now, how wil I ever be able to thank you?”

“Don’t worry Linda, we wil find a way, I am sure of it, so talk to you soon, and keep me posted on your meeting with Astrid.”

As usual, Tuesday was a very calm day so I cal ed Bethany, whom I knew a bit better than I did Astrid because I bought some of my toilet articles in her shop, and who was, contrary to Astrid, known around the vil age as a very pleasant person.

“Bethany dear, I have a favor to ask you.”

“You do Lew? Do tel me, but don’t ask for money cause I got none to spare,” she said with a chuckle.

“No, no Bethany, nothing like that although, come to think of it, it might involve some financial involvement on your side, you see, I met this young woman, Linda, she’s twenty, and she has ambitions to become a model, basical y a fashion model, and I promised I would try to help her.

I took the first steps on that road, last night when I met with Astrid to convince her to engage Linda for her regular shows and I am proud to tel you I succeeded!”

“Wow, how did you manage to convince the most difficult businesswoman in the vil age to do something for you without paying or bribing her?”

“Mmh not entirely without a bribe, I took her to dinner to ply her with food and wine, but in reality, I got to discover a total y different side of her, she is not as austere as she tries to project to the outside world. We had a wonderful evening together, after dinner she even invited me for coffee and drinks at her place.”

“Wow, again Lew, do tel me what you had to do to convince her to give you something for free?”

“I am sorry Bethany but I never divulge my secrets on how persuasive I can be with a lady, especial y when I need to be equal y persuasive with the woman I’m talking to do something for me as wel .”

“Spoilsport!” Bethany replied, “but you’re more than welcome to try to persuade me in a similar fashion.”

“I guess you saw me coming with the line of business you are in. I’m looking for a makeup artist to take care of my model when she has to pose for pictures wearing those gorgeous outfits Astrid is going to put on her. What’s in it for me? I hear you think. Wel , I could offer you some free, large size, professional portraits of Linda for your shop to advertise your wares and artistry in makeup and related products…”

“And if you so desire I would real y enjoy taking you to dinner as wel . I know you are single and so am I, so I wouldn’t be stepping on anyone’s toes by doing that, would I? Besides it would be absolutely great if I take you out as wel , that wil definitely get the vil age tongues wagging to spread gossip of me having dinner, first with Astrid, and then with you as wel . The town wil absolutely go berserk with gossip.”

“You might very wel be right there Lew, I do love a good gossip, and being the subject of it this time would just be heavenly.”

“Would dinner at ‘The Deerhunter’ suit you next Saturday?”

“Oh yes, the top-notch restaurant of the neighborhood, that would be very nice indeed.”

“I definitely want to thank you with the same royal treatment I gave Astrid. You know I’m almost becoming a regular there, maybe I should start asking for a discount. They do serve excel ent food and they have top-notch wines and when word gets around that I took, if I may say so, two of the most eligible single women out to dinner that would definitely be the talk of the town for a while.”

“Wow one compliment after another Lew; to be counted as one of the most eligible women in town, how did I deserve that title?”

“Bethany you are definitely on my list of the top five best-looking single women of this vil age.

Speaking as an old buck, and absolutely not wishing to offend you or anything, we both know the town gossip club dropped you from their list of desirable women worth gossiping about some while back. Don’t ask me why, because personal y I would be absolutely thril ed if you wanted to share a meal with me.”

“Now you’ve made me real y curious about that top five list of yours, I am dying to see it.”

“You know what Bethany ‘confidence pour confidence’ as the French say, I wil share that list with you, if and when you share me yours of most eligible vil age bachelors,” I said with a chuckle.“So what do you say, can I count on you next Saturday?”

“Absolutely Lew, to launch a juicy vil age gossip certainly, and I guess this Linda is a good looking girl, uh young woman, otherwise you would have put her off her aspiration to make it as a fashion model now wouldn’t you?”

“Yes of course. You know what, I’l mail you some pictures I took of her the other day; take a look at them and come back to me, deal?”

“OK deal!”

The remainder of the week was rather uneventful, the usual photoshop business, parents coming in to have photos taken of their offspring for special occasions, and people dropping off memory cards or sticks to get prints. Then, on Friday, total y unexpected, I got a visit from Astrid.

“Good afternoon, you promised me a tour of your facility during our dinner, so if you have the time I would like to take you up on your offer.”

“Sure, if you like we can do that now. I have no more bookings today and Friday afternoons are usual y slow anyway, so yes, you couldn’t have picked a better moment for the grand tour.”

“Let me close the shop so we won’t be interrupted.”

“Oh, wil it take that long?”

“You never know what surprises I have in store for you Astrid. Please come through.”

I led Astrid into the big studio space. Judging by her facial expression she looked real y surprised at how big and light it was. I demonstrated how I could darken it to work with artificial light only and explained what different possibilities this studio had to offer. Astrid’s eyes got even bigger when I took her to the dressing rooms.

“Wow, I never expected it to be this elaborate, modern, and wel equipped. Do you also make this space available for smal er events?”

“What do you mean? You mean concerts or something?”

“No, no I am thinking about my regular fashion shows, would you al ow me to organize a fashion show here?”

“I don’t see why not, I would of course charge you a hefty sum of money to do that!”


“I’m only joking Astrid, I would cut you a friendly deal, and maybe, who knows, in return, you could do something for me as wel .”

“And what would that something be?” Astrid asked with a frown. “Free lessons in the mysteries of BDSM maybe?” She asked looking at me with big eyes.

“Not exactly free lessons in BDSM but something related to your fetish club definitely. Let me show you what I could offer your secret little club.”

I took Astrid to what appeared to be another dressing room but was in fact a door leading to a round metal staircase going down into the cel ar of the studio. Arriving at the bottom, after I opened the door there, Astrid’s mouth almost fel open when she saw the space she was in, it was as big as the studio upstairs.

“What do you think could this be a suitable fetish room for your little exclusive club?”

“This is amazing, it’s far bigger than what we have today.”

“Of course, it would need some dressing up, but with your help, it could be turned into a medieval dungeon, or an interrogation room of the Nazis, or even an inquisition torture chamber, or just the red playroom of mister ‘50 shades’ of Grey, with cupboards fil ed with whips and a large selection of the kind of toys that you use in your games. I am just letting my imagination run wild now. As you can see, it is high enough to suspend someone from the ceiling, even upside down if you wish, and there is a smal freight elevator next to the staircase that could double as something I once saw in a BDSM movie where a person, wel a gorgeous naked female, of course, was completely tied up, lowered and suspended in a narrow tube completely in the dark preying on her fear of claustrophobia.”

“I don’t think you need many lessons, the ideas you have are already mind-blowing, even for me.”

“Now coming back to what you could do for me, I would be most interested to take pictures or shoot videos of your club members’ games, in the strictest confidence of course. Let me share a secret with you as you did with me during our soiree together, you are probably not aware that one of my preferred photography subjects is the naked female body.”

“I just absolutely adore the female nude form in its most natural form without piercings or tattoos. Basical y, I am a skin lover, being a man, strictly the female skin of course. When I take these pictures I always draw up a contract guaranteeing the confidentiality of these photoshoots and I make the subject of the pictures the owner, while I only retain a copy with the strictest prohibition of publication.”

“So Astrid could we be partners you think? Or do you need to first talk this over with the leader or master, whatever you cal him or maybe her, of your little club?”

“Wel I wil need to talk to her Lew, but I think she wil be as thril ed by this project as I am.”

“So it’s a her then, your leader, not a he, I am very surprised, intrigued, and even a bit aroused I must say.”

“Oh God Lew, so am I, getting al turned on just thinking what we could do in this fabulous space.”

“OK let’s leave the dungeon for the moment for what it could be, and go back to ground level.”

After seeing Astrid starting to get turned on, I found myself getting pretty horny too, and was even sporting a half erection. Back in one of the dressing rooms, I asked Astrid if she was feeling OK or if there was anything I could do to al eviate her anxiety.

“Oh yes, you know just what you can do. I just keep imagining what we could al do in your dungeon. Just fuck me, please fuck me I need you inside of me, to quench this fire that you ignited!”

Astrid ripped open her blouse and quickly undid her bra showing me her two succulent breasts, her nips were already rock hard and pointing directly at me. She quickly unzipped the tube skirt she was wearing and dropped it to the floor. It being nice and warm outside she wasn’t wearing any pantyhose or stockings but only a tiny green thong which was gone before I even noticed that she had taken it off.

Astrid almost jumped on me, pressing her twin mounds into my chest and ravishing my mouth.

We quickly engaged in a tongue fight exploring each other’s mouths. While that little battle was going on her hands had gripped the bottom of my T-shirt, whipping it in one movement over my head thus also making me topless.

She started to move downwards, kissing my neck and over my chest to my navel while furiously tugging at my belt and ripping it open. The zipper of my pants had never been opened so fast and before I even realized it my pants and boxers were both around my feet. Astrid wrapped her mouth around my steel rod, sucking like crazy on the bulbous head for a few seconds before she slid her lips down and deep-throated me. I had to gather al my wits to resist not immediately fil ing her mouth with a load of cum.

“Take it easy Astrid please, I am enjoying what you are doing but I would like to bring you pleasure as wel .”

I got no reaction as she franticly kept on deep-throating me, so the only thing I could do was grab her head with both my hands and pul her off my dick, moving her up again. I put my hands under her butt and carried her to one of the beds in the dressing room where I laid her down with the intention to go down on her.

She looked at me a bit bewildered and started to complain, but she quickly got the message as my mouth was traveling over her boobs, across her midriff, and al the way south, making a dash for her muff. Arriving at my intended destination Astrid opened her legs wide without me even having to ask; she immediately put her ankles on my shoulders giving me ful access to her pleasure garden.

I started to lick her outer labia upward starting from her pleasure hole al the way up to her hooded clit, passing over the hood while avoiding her clit itself, then moving back down the other side to the grotto, passing by and tickling her perineum with the tip of my tongue.

“Oh yes Lew, keep doing just that I love it when you lick me there!”

I kept moving my tongue from her love grotto, going over her perineum al the way to the little brown starfish.

When the backdoor was sufficiently wet I introduced a finger, slipping in easily due to the pussy juices combined with my saliva flowing freely towards her crack. Quickly I fol owed up with a second and third finger up her dark passage.

Now Astrid real y started to moan and give little yelps of pleasure, proving that aside from her SM cravings, she was clearly an anal person.

My next move was absolutely clear to me, taking my finger out I grabbed her ankles and moved them over her head giving me ful access to the ‘Côte D’Or’ way, in the US that would be cal ed the ‘Hershey’ way. That position al owed me to shove my rock-hard dick, in one go, al the way to the hilt into the dark hole. My bal s hit her ass cheeks resulting in a guttural moan coming from between her legs.

“Oh yes, hit me…HIT ME!” she shouted.

I was a bit startled by her cry and at first a little puzzled at what she wanted me to do. How could I hit her, I had my hands ful with her ankles, but she quickly grabbed her ankles herself freeing up my hands to start spanking her butt cheeks, which, clearly from the noises she was making, was what she wanted me to do.

Obviously, she was not only anal but she definitely wanted it combined with pain.

I was real y getting into this as I kept hitting her butt cheeks until they became first rosy red and then bright red and final y dark red after minutes of intense slapping them with al my force.

The harder I hit her and the faster I was moving in and out of her bum the more noise she started to make and the faster her breathing became until she cried out at the top of her voice,


That shout combined with the contractions of the muscles in her colon made me cum as wel , profusely, I felt one, two, three, four big squirts of cum going down her back passage.

My knees gave way col apsing me between her legs and onto her body which had also become al weak from the orgasm she just experienced.

I quickly recovered and lifted myself off of her, dropping to my knees.

“Jeeez Lew that was earth-shattering,” Astrid whispered, “You are real y a master in pushing al my right buttons.”

“So are you Astrid, ever since I met you I’ve had the best orgasms for I don’t know how many years.”

“I have to think back to my twenties to recal these kinds of gigantic orgasms that you have been giving me the past few days. To be completely honest I’m total y played out now and need to recover.

You’ve seen al the photo session possibilities I can offer for your fashion models and also what you could do for your little select BDSM club. Please let me know if your club leader is game to accept my offer.”

“Great!” Astrid said while gathering her clothes and slowly dressing; she was stil a bit wobbly in the knees and cupped a feel of her sore bottom.

I imagined that would be hurting for a few days, but hey, she asked for it.

“OK Lew, I wil come back to you, probably sometime next week, and uh thanks for ‘the tour’

and taking such good care of me, no need to mention that to…”

Interrupting her I said, “No, no Astrid rest assured your little secret is safe with me, I never play and tel , besides I wouldn’t want anybody to know I have a potential BDSM dungeon downstairs either.”

“Thanks, Lew I see and appreciate that we have each other’s best interests at heart.”

I watched as Astrid walked down the street in the direction of her boutique with a little bounce in her step.

Clearly, I had made her truly happy.

Wel , it does take al kinds to make a world, doesn’t it? Hopeful y the dinner with Bethany tomorrow night wil be less tiring.”

Chapter 6


As Saturday was a free day for most people it was usual y a pretty busy one for me.

I sold a few cameras as birthday presents and had a number of customers picking up their prints. Some wanted me to make a photo book of their snaps, which I loved to do, so by five o’clock, when I closed the shop, I was knackered.

I had two hours to pick up Bethany for dinner, so I dropped into an easy chair and promptly fel asleep. At 6:15 I woke up and realized I stil had to clean myself up and get dressed. Quickly jumping under the shower I shaved upstairs and also downstairs, one never knows if one gets lucky.

From my working days, I stil had an impressive col ection of suits, shirts, and especial y ties. I had always made it a point never to wear the same tie two days in a row. I had about three hundred different ones, so that proved to be the most difficult part of getting dressed. I couldn’t wear a tie with a cartoon figure, I had to project the image of a business-like person, so I choose a flowery one, which matched the color of the light blue shirt I had chosen. Final y, at ten to seven, I was ready to pick up Bethany.

Arriving at her door I rang the bel ; she opened it virtual y immediately as if she had been waiting behind it.

“Hey Lew, come in I’m almost ready.”

Clearly, a ruse as she already looked dressed up to the nines; she probably wanted me to see the interior of her house, and I was duly impressed.

“Wow Bethany, you have a very beautiful house!”

Bethany had some nice paintings on her wal s, clearly, she was a col ector; they were however al in the same style, from her favorite painter perhaps?

Taking the risk I ventured, “Are these beautiful paintings from a painter you’re a fan of?”

“I painted them myself!” she proudly announced.

“Real y Bethany, I never knew you were so talented. Have you ever exhibited your artwork?”

“No, I don’t think they are good enough for an exhibition.”

“Please Bethany al ow me to total y disagree with you, your work absolutely merits being seen by a larger number of people.”

“You’re just flattering me, Lew.”

“No, not at al . I would gladly put some of them up in my shop to convince you!”

“Would you?...You real y think they’re OK?”

“Bethany they are more than OK, I think you could sel quite a lot of them if you wanted to. But let’s first get some nice food and a good glass of wine into you, then maybe I will be able to convince you to pursue this painting career of yours further.”

By this time I had had plenty of opportunity to take a good look at Bethany. She wore a very nice, and what looked like an expensive, cream-colored silk blouse, with the top three buttons undone showing a nice plunging neckline, a hint of the col arbone, and cleavage decorated with a pearl necklace to match her pearl earrings. When looking closer I discerned a cream-colored lace bra encasing her ample bosom. I guessed, as you know by now, I love to guess at a woman’s boob size, was somewhere between a C and a D.

The lower part of her beautiful body was encased in a black pencil skirt ending about halfway down her rather shapely calves. It accentuated her nicely rounded buttocks. On her feet, she was wearing black shoes with about 10 cm (4 inch) heels which brought her almost even in height with me. It being a nice warm summer evening, she didn’t need to wear anything else to keep herself warm.

“With the way you look, Bethany, I guess that when we walk into The Deerhunter you wil make some heads turn.”

“Nooo, never, you are just flattering me!”

“You’l see, mark my words!”

We walked to my car and I held the passenger door open for her.

I was absolutely right about making some heads turn when we walked into the restaurant. I could almost hear the rumor mil starting to turn at ful speed. We were led to exactly the same table Astrid and I had shared a few days before. It was not the same waitress though, this one was a pretty young girl who reminded me of Catharina so many years ago. The same black hair, piercing eyes, and an hourglass figure to drool over. I made a mental note, who knows, maybe one day I could entice her to strip in front of my camera.

“Stop daydreaming Lew, you are here with a mature woman cal ed Bethany whom you want to convince to help Linda with her career at no charge.”

The food was excel ent, as expected. Funny enough talking about food and trying to find some good things on the menu we found out that we were both fans of escargots Bourguignonne, snails in a garlic butter sauce, murder on your cholesterol but oh so delicious. There was of course the risk of breathing garlic over your companion, but hey if you both had it, it wouldn’t matter now would it?

We had a few glasses of a very nice white Burgundy with that. Fol owing on from the glass of champagne we had had as an aperitif, Bethany was already in a very pleasant, secret revealing mood. It seemed that apparently, for one or other mysterious reason, and like other women in this vil age she was on a dry spel . She didn’t say it directly in those words, but that was clearly what she hinted at, making me conclude that most probably dinner would be fol owed by another more physical performance from my side. Maybe I should have taken oysters instead of snails?

Anyway, as the main course, we both had lamb, again more garlic, so I guess our breath would be stinking of garlic a mile off, but who cares, we had no problem with it.

We washed the lamb down with a nice bottle of Gevrey-Chambertin, my favorite red Burgundy, and again also Bethany’s.

As dessert I had my al -time favorite “Dame Blanche”, vanil a ice cream topped with real chocolate sauce and whipped cream; the chef made the sauce as it should be made with top-of-the-bill Belgian chocolate. Bethany fol owed suit; we were real y very wel matched where food and drink were concerned, and I started wondering if we would be as wel matched in other fields as wel .

“Shal we finish with coffee?” I asked.

“Yes,” Bethany said, “but why don’t we go back to my place, it’s so much cozier, quiet, and more comfortable than here, don’t you think?”

“Absolutely, I ful y agree and I wil be able to admire your paintings even more.”

As Bethany walked into her place, the first thing she did was take off her shoes.

“I do like wearing high heels, but since I wear flats the whole week in the shop, after a while my feet and legs real y start to hurt.”

“Hey Bethany make yourself at home,” I joked.

“Uh...oh yes,” she said fol owed by a chuckle, “I might do just that! Take the weight off, and make yourself comfortable while I turn on the coffee maker. You take milk and sugar?” she asked from the kitchen.

“Only milk Bethany, I have to watch my figure!”

“Yeah you would,” she chuckled, “you know that you look great for your age Lew what are you around seventy, or was it eighty?”

“Hey, thanks I guess if I’m seventy that makes you definitely sixty.”

“I do know your exact age, Lew!”

“So do I yours, Bethany, clearly there are no secrets in this vil age.”

“Good, then you realize that we are perfectly compatible, as we are on the food side.”

When Bethany came in from the kitchen with the cups of coffee, she had undone two more buttons of her blouse, revealing a big portion of her cream-colored lace bra. She was clearly and deliberately showing a serious amount of very enjoyable cleavage. As she bent to hand me my cup of coffee I got a good eyeful of her boobs.

“Lord Bethany you are making me al hungry again!”

“Am I now Lew and prey what could I offer you to nibble on?”

“Would it be forward of me if I choose one of these two beautiful mounds I just had a glimpse of?”

“You mean one of these old things?” Bethany said as she pul ed one boob out of her bra.

“Definitely, but be aware that I always go for seconds once I start.”

“Seconds hey, where would I get a second one of these? Oh yes, here it is!” as she popped out the second one.

“But, they look so restrained; please al ow me to assist you to make them more comfortable.”

I started to undo the remaining buttons of her blouse, sliding it off of her shoulders and removing it completely. When the blouse had gone Bethany unfasted her bra, liberating her twin mounds. She gave them a little shake: they were definitely size D.

“Wow, Bethany these look even more appetizing than what we had for dinner!”

“Allow me to pay my respects to them,” I said after which I flicked my tongue over the nearest nipple I could lay my hands and mouth on. While sucking on that one I started to stroke the other with featherlight fingers making Bethany shiver. She took a hold of my head with both her hands and pressed it down on the boob I was feeding on, making ever-so-light sighs.

“Yes suck it, suck it hard please, it’s been so long since a man paid tribute to my breasts.”

My other hand had moved to her back starting at her shoulders and slowly moving down towards her bottom slipping into the waistband of her skirt just touching the top of her crack. As my hand rather quickly started to hurt I retreated and started to fumble with the zipper of her skirt. She felt my clumsiness and got up to undo it herself letting the skirt fal to the ground. She kicked it away and stood in front of me clad only in her cream-colored lace panties, her crotch right in front of my face. Not a hint of pubic hair in sight. I grabbed the elastic with both hands and pul ed her panties down to her knees, she had indeed a nicely waxed pussy: clearly, Bethany was a very good customer of her own beauty parlor. I buried my face in her pubes.

I felt her bend her knees to give me better access. This made her panties slide down al the way to her feet, and she started to moan for real. Keeping the advantage, I started by kissing the outer lips of her delicious pussy, quickly fol owed by French kissing and probing the inner labia with my tongue. Grabbing the back of my head she pushed my mouth hard into her folds. At the same time as I was French kissing her pussy, my hands grabbed both her tits again and massaged them paying special attention to the rock-hard tips which I pinched between my thumb and index finger. The harder I pinched the harder she moaned.

I used my proven method of sliding my tongue from the top to the bottom and back. At the top I gave her clit some extra attention, enticing it out from under its protective hood, then with the flat of my tongue, I licked al the way down to the entrance of her love grotto. I pushed my tongue in there as deep as possible, enjoying her tangy-tasting juices that had started to flow rather freely now. Oh God, she tasted heavenly: must be the garlic we had for dinner.

When she was flowing like a faucet I got up, grabbed her by the hips, and turned her around pushing her upper body into the settee bringing her beautiful buttocks upwards. She

automatical y opened her legs while pul ing apart her buttocks with her hands clearly ready to receive my fuck-sword into her hot vagina. Quickly dropping my pants, and freeing my now rock-hard cock, I shoved it, in one fast movement, into that dripping pussy she was so enticingly displaying to me.

She was so wet that it didn’t take any effort to plunge completely into her hot, tight hole.

A loud, “Aaaaaah yes fuuuuuuck me,” was al I heard from her.

I let her get used to my intruding member before starting to pump in and out of her hot wet grotto. The way Bethany was standing I had an excel ent view of her enticing little brown starfish. Being curious how she would react to me probing her there, I moved one of my hands from her hips to her love bean picking up some of her own lubricant there and then slowly brought it towards this inviting back door. At the same time, I spit on it and started to probe with my thumb into this forbidden, but oh so enticing back passage. Thanks to the dual lubrication, it was easy to slip in to the first knuckle extracting another load of moans from her lips.

“Oh, Lew yes I like what you are doing to me!”

This reassured me that she was enjoying this somewhat bold move and I pushed a bit harder up to the second knuckle getting it completely in.

“Yes, yes, deeper, harder pleeeaaaase!”

From the noises and the body movements she was making, it was clear she real y appreciated this second intrusion into the forbidden zone. Time to replace my thumb with two fingers, preparing the way to enter my flesh sword into the mysterious back passage. Wiggling my fingers I managed to open her up some more. Feeling her sphincter had opened wide enough I pul ed my fingers out and before the gate could close again, which it usual y does very quickly, I slipped my cock in their place.

“Oooooh yes Lew, I was secretly hoping when you positioned me like this, you would take me anal y. I just love it!”

“You little anal slut!”

“Yes I am your little anal slut, and I love being your overal slut tonight.”

My hands had moved again to her front, one on her boobs pinching it and the other to her nether region massaging her love bean. That was easy due to the abundant flow of love juices from her pussy. I alternated massaging her clit and pushing two fingers into her love canal, tickling her G-spot.

I felt Bethany getting rigid and pushing her bottom hard into my abdomen, trying to get as much of my cock inside her as possible, al the while pushing on my hand embedded in her hot wet pussy. A gusher of love juices came pouring out of her as she squirted al over my hand.

Starting to shiver she made loud guttural noises shouting a difficult to understand: “I’mmmm cuuuuuuming! I’mmmmm cuuuuuming!”

I felt her colon muscles contract on my dick so hard that it almost became painful, but oh what a sweet pain, taking me, together with her, into total bliss as I exploded with a tremendous orgasm, my own muscles contracting, and pushing large spurts of cum into her dark passage.

Bethany became weak in the knees and col apsed onto the settee, with me on top of her, catching my breath and trying not to crush her with my weight.

“Wow Lew,” Bethany mumbled after a few minutes, “that was fantastic, one of the best after-dinner fucks I’ve had in years. I absolutely insist I take you to dinner the next time, so you can take me into Valhal a again. I had already heard on the grapevine that you were good, but I didn’t imagine you were this good.”

“And here’s me thinking that was so good because of you Bethany. You know a chef can only make an exquisite dish if given the proper ingredients and God your gorgeous female parts are absolutely top-notch ingredients to work with!”

Taking advantage of the situation and having Linda’s best interests in my mind, I said “So can I count on you to help out with these fashion photo shoots for Linda?”

“Yes Lew, yes you can, even if you are a sly devil, taking advantage of a girl in her weakest moment!”

“Speaking of your weakest moment Bethany I think I am going to have to leave you so you can get your beauty sleep.”

“Do you real y have to go Lew? I was hoping that I could entice you to spend the night with me.

I could cook you an emperor’s breakfast in the morning…”

“Could you now Bethany?” How did you know that breakfast was my favorite meal of the day?”

“I’ve got my sources; so you’l stay then?”

“Yes, you’ve now caught me at my weakest moment: I can’t resist a woman that offers me an emperor’s breakfast.”

“Great, let’s take a shower and get some shut-eye then.”

We adjourned to the bathroom, which was the size of a smal bal room, with a huge walk-in shower Bethany led me to immediately. No need to say that we washed each other thoroughly, taking special care of the sensitive parts of the body, wel she got my sensitive part hard again and took the best care of it, insisting on demonstrating her tremendous oral skil s. Who was I to say no to such an enticing offer?

After the shower, we fel into bed and I spooned Bethany with my hands cupping her delicious breasts. I played a bit with her nipps and we both fel asleep rather quickly.

The next morning I woke up with an unusual wet and warm feeling on my cock, and looking down, I saw Bethany busy sucking my morning wood into her mouth.

“Wow, Bethany this is the first time in my life I’ve woken up to this kind of royal treatment.”

“Mhrmph,” was al I got as a response, so I guessed this was not the right time to have a conversation and lay back to just enjoy the glorious feelings she was giving me. She was so

good that it didn’t take her long to make me cum. It was so sudden I didn’t even have the time to warn her, but that was clearly no problem as she kept on sucking until she got the last drop out of my dick and swal owed it like it was ambrosia. After that, she came up and kissed me ful on the mouth, sharing my cum taste with me, something that was also a first for me, but in the end not as gross as I would have expected it to be.

“OK lazy bones let’s get out of bed so I can start this breakfast I promised!” You shower and shave or whatever it is you normal y do when you get up and then join me in the kitchen, you wil find everything you need in the bathroom.”

Out she ran completely starkers.

As she promised me a ful , cooked breakfast I took my time in the bathroom. Coming down I was greeted by heavenly smel s of fried bacon and I heard the eggs sizzle in the pan and the sight of Bethany, stil in the altogether only wearing a smal apron to protect her precious skin from hot fat spatters from the pan.

“You weren’t joking Bethany when you promised me an emperor’s breakfast. I think I wil need to move in with you so I can enjoy this food, and especial y this enticing view every morning.”

“Just park your butt in a chair and enjoy,” Bethany said with a big smile on her face, “and by the way, if you want to move in I wil expect the same treatment from you as last night, every night!”

“I am afraid that in that case, I wil have to decline then Bethany, as that would probably kil me in approximately two weeks.”

“OK then, we wil keep it, for the time being, as maybe a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but I would like to keep the option open for a repeat performance in the future.”

“After such a wonderful session as that, you won’t find me turning down another invitation - as long as you give me enough time to recover in between.”

After enjoying a fantastic breakfast I said my goodbyes to Bethany and took my leave with a prolonged succulent kiss.

Luckily I did have a few days to recover from my antics with Bethany before I got another cal for duty.

Chapter 7

Nancy and Grace

After a few weeks, I started wondering if and when I would hear something from Nancy and the potential birthday gift for her mother Grace.

Then on a beautiful sunny Thursday, the shop doorbel chimed. Making my way from the computer room to the shop, I was pleasantly surprised to see Nancy, the beautiful young mother who gave me, a while ago, the treat of a lifetime, in the form of wholesome mother’s milk, straight from its most beautiful natural source. She was accompanied by a more mature woman, whom I presumed was her mother Grace.

“Hel o Nancy, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”

“Hel o again, I am here to fol ow up on your suggestion, but first, al ow me to introduce my mother Grace.”

“Hel o, Grace, nice to final y meet you after everything your daughter told me about you.”

“Oh, I hope she didn’t divulge any of my secrets or told you what a bad mother I am,” Grace replied with a smile.

“No…no absolutely not, on the contrary, Nancy was singing your praises, but she didn’t tel me how beautiful her mother looked.”

“Flattery wil get you anywhere…Lew was it?”

“Yes indeed, Lew, the vil age photographer, and did Nancy tel you why she brought you here?”

“Not real y, she mentioned that I should check out your shop and that she had a very nice time with you, taking photos of her and the baby.”

“Ah Nancy, did you bring your mother here under false pretenses then?”

“No Lew, but I am not sure if I would’ve been able to convince her to accompany me if I had divulged my dark motives.”

“Dark motives, God girl what are you scheming for me now?”

“Wel mom, I think it is high time you had some decent photos taken, and as your birthday is coming up and you never can find anything for me to buy you, Lew suggested a portrait photo session. That’s why I brought you here today, to have your picture taken.”

“Absolutely not Nancy, I look a fright.”

“Hey mom I told you to wear a nice frock, and you did, and you absolutely don’t look a fright you are gorgeous and you know it, you just don’t project it the way you should.”

“I must absolutely agree with your daughter Grace; you do look stunning, in fact, remarkable for a lady of your age.”

“What, you told this man how old I am?”

“Yes mom I did, and I even showed him one of the rare photos I have of you; he was immediately enthusiastic to get you in front of his lens.”

“Absolutely, I would real y appreciate it if you would do me the honor of posing for me, and don’t let your age influence you for one second, you look more than ten years younger than the age your daughter told me you are.”

“You are just saying that to convince me to do what my daughter wants me to do.”

“No Grace, I mean it, you have a natural beauty, which, by the way, you’ve passed on to your daughter I had the pleasure of photographing a few weeks ago.”

“Come on mom, go for it, how long has it been since you had decent photos taken? And Lew might pleasantly surprise you with his unique photo techniques.”

“All right, what’s the worst that could happen? That I look like an old hag in the pictures?”

“No way Grace, I wil make sure of that! Oh, by the way where is baby Emilia?”

“She is with her great aunt,” Nancy replied, “my mother’s older sister and Emilia’s godmother.

She is also the one that named her.”

“Lew, my mom is in no hurry,” Nancy said, with a sideways wink.

“Come on Nancy, I don’t want to take up Lew’s whole afternoon. Half an hour should more than suffice to take a few pictures.”

“Dear Grace, let me, as the professional, be the judge of that. We wil take as long as it takes to bring out the best in you, although I doubt that wil be very difficult, you being absolutely gorgeous.”

“Lew stop with these compliments; if you keep it up I’l start to believe you.”

“OK, mom I’l see you in a few hours. Lew wil give me a cal when he’s done and I can col ect you.”

“Jeez Nancy, you make it sound like I’m a kid that needs to be picked up from school.”

“No mom, more like a kid that came to play at a friend’s house.”

On those words, Nancy quickly exited the shop and left her mother, a bit lost for words, in my care.

“Excel ent, let’s go to the studio!”

When Grace entered the studio I heard a sharp intake of breath.

“Oh my, I had no idea you had such a big studio back here, it doesn’t show from the street at al .”

“Yes, if you want to take good pictures, having space is of the utmost importance, lots of space.

I don’t want to be in your lap while I’m taking pictures. You wouldn’t feel comfortable and that

would result in forced expressions, absolutely no good, so I try to keep a distance between myself and the model. I want the person I photograph to feel relaxed as if they are sort of on their own. OK let’s get you started in a garden setting.”

I pul ed down a background with a spectacular yet intimate garden view, moved a garden bench in front of it, and enhanced the natural light coming through the roof, with some artificial sunlight.

“Please take a seat and try to pretend you’re sitting in your own garden. I’l even make it a bit more real with bird songs, creating a real garden atmosphere.”

“Oh my, I thought I would have to stand in different poses, I never imagined I would be sitting in a garden.”

I saw that Grace started to relax as she took a fairly natural pose, just like she would be sitting in a real garden or in a park enjoying the scenery.

“Just look to the side Grace, don’t look at me, at least not yet, I’l tel you when to shift and look in a different direction.”

I started to snap away, moving around the studio at quite a distance from Grace. After a while she didn’t even notice I was there anymore, listening to the sounds and watching some footage of a real park I had projected with a beamer on the opposite wal .

“OK Grace, now please stand behind the bench.”

After some more shots, I suggested we change the scenery to something entirely different. I replaced the garden view with one of a den, with bookcases fil ed with colorful books and an open fire, in front of which, I instal ed an old leather easy chair, a little side table, and a floor lamp. Handing her a book, I asked her to pretend to read it. Grace was real y getting into this; she could have been an actress and played her part to perfection.

We were now about thirty to forty-five minutes into the session and had exchanged some pleasantries, some of them even of a slightly sexual nature, so I thought the time was ripe to see if I could get her to disrobe for me. I changed the scenery to an old-fashioned living room with a chaise longue.

“Grace, I am not sure if Nancy told you that I specialize in a more specific type of photos, bringing out the natural beauty of the model I am photographing?”

“She told me that you took pictures of her and the baby in a rather unclothed state, yes.”

“Would you be wil ing to do something similar?”

“Come on Lew, at my age?”

“What’s your age got to do with it?”

“Lew real y, I am fifty-two, wel over the hil !”

“Allow me to completely disagree, you are a gorgeous woman in your prime and I have no idea what hil you are referring to. Apart from the fact that you absolutely don’t look like a fifty-two-

year-old woman, unclothed photos of a more mature lady can look stunning. Tel me, have you ever done that before, pose in the nude?”

“Oh we are talking about complete nudity already, are we?”

“As a matter of fact we are yes, but I beg you please answer my question.”

“No, I have never done anything like that.”

“Not even topless on the beach?”

“Uh…yes I have gone topless on the beach, but that was years ago.”

“If you dared to go topless on the beach would you dare to go topless in a photo studio?”

“No, as I said that was years ago and I don’t look like that anymore.”

“Please again, let me be the judge of that. What do you risk? It’s al digital and if you don’t like what you see afterward there is always the delete button on my camera, so what have you got to lose aside from your clothes?”

Grace started to laugh after that remark.

“Come on Grace, be daring, do something you have never done before, and you might never do again unless it’s in the privacy of your own bedroom. Let’s start with losing the dress, you would stil be like on the beach, in a bra and panties, basical y like a bikini, which I am absolutely sure you stil wear when you go to the seaside.”

“Yes, I do wear bikinis on the beach even these days.”

“Do it Grace, this is what your daughter would like you to do; wel she did it before you.”

“OK then, but I warn you, you may have to delete them.”

Grace got up, turned her back to me, and started to pul the zipper of her dress down, letting it drop to the floor before stepping out of it. Being a good mom and housewife, she picked it up and folded it careful y. I held out my arm for her to put it over and careful y laid it on a nearby chair.

“OK Grace now the moment of truth, please turn around.”

Grace slowly turned around not knowing what to do with her arms.

“Relax, you’re doing great, and by the way you look superb, I wish I’d had such a figure when I was fifty-two.”

“How old are you in fact Lew?”

“I am fifty-nine, not real y that much older than you, we are basical y the same generation. So that was your first step to total abandon Grace. Are you going to reveal your stunning body completely to the camera? Do you know the actress Gwyneth Paltrow?

“Yes I do, what about her?”

“On her fifty-eighth’ birthday, that’s six years older than you currently are, she also had a photo shoot in her own backyard with the caption ‘on my birthday in my birthday suit’’. Her daughter was not very pleased with what she did, but yours is al for it, so take the leap. Would it make you feel better if I lose some clothes as wel so that we are on an even keel?”

“Yeah maybe, if you wouldn’t mind doing that it would make me feel less on display.”

“I don’t mind one bit Grace, you see I lost any hang-ups about my body at a rather young age, in fact when I was about fourteen or fifteen my parents decided to join a naturist club. Can you imagine, me in ful puberty, discovering my own body parts and what they could do for me, never ever having seen a total y naked female in my life? I had been limited to snapshots of famous sexy movie stars in bikinis, to which at the time I masturbated. I lost al my shame in one go. But for now, Grace, prepare to see a fifty-nine-year-old naked male body.”

Upon which I removed my T-shirt, undid my pants, and dropped my boxer shorts sporting a bit of an erection.

“Wow, that is drastic, immediately the ful Monty. I must admit though you look pretty nice for a man of your age.”

“Thanks for the compliment Grace, now I must insist that you unveil your scrumptious body, and by the way, I apologize for my bodily reaction to your first unveiling, this is something I have absolutely no control over, it only confirms how good-looking you are.”

It was as if a big weight had fal en off Grace although she remained a bit hesitant to take her bra off. When it final y came off and I got the first view of her luscious C-cup breasts, I felt a serious tingle in my underbody, which resulted in something I would have preferred to avoid.

When the panties came off and revealed Grace’s real hair color, it felt like I was hit by a waterfal but then one of blood and rushing upward instead of downward giving me a towering erection.

“Again real y sorry, but when I discovered your little secret of not being a natural blonde but in reality a ginger, it got my blood rushing to where I didn’t want it to go.”

“Never mind Lew I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing one of those in a long time and it’s great to see I can stil have such an effect on a man.”

This left us both in our birthday suits drinking in each other’s features. Grace was staring as much as I was so I didn’t need to be embarrassed and avert my eyes.

“Great let’s shoot some photos, please sit in front of the chaise longue and put your elbows on the seat, that wil nicely show off your very beautiful boobs, then add to that a sultry look with your enticing greenish eyes.”

By taking that pose Grace’s stomach was pul ed very tight, though there was no need for her to pul it in, it was already very flat. For a woman her age and having had a child I was pleasantly surprised. Grace had beautiful round breasts as I thought before, clearly a C-cup with a slight sag, due to their weight most probably, very smal areolae and very pointy cute little nipples which seemingly were also fil ing up with her rapidly heating blood.

“Your boobs are total y different from Nancy’s, she must take after someone else in the family in that department.”

“Yes, Nancy has very similar breasts to my sister’s, her aunt.”

Laying on the sofa with her arms stretched above her head Grace’s figure was real y as good-looking as one of a mid-twenties body, again those boobs that stuck out and the flat midriff and stomach almost made me drool.

“How do you do this Grace to have such a lean body with such a flat stomach, do you spend much time in the gym?”

“No absolutely not, I sometimes do some sit-ups at home but I am blessed with some strong bel y muscles and luckily that is something that Nancy inherited from me. Don’t mind me asking Lew but what is it about my natural hair color that made your dick reach for the sky al of a sudden?”

“Probably because my mother was also a red head, which by the way, I only discovered when we joined the naturist club and she started to walk around naked for the first time in front of me. My parents, and me of course, were members from about my fourteenth til a little over my eighteenth birthday, when they got bored with it and became more interested in bal room dancing. They picked that up when I was about sixteen, and of course, I was also sent there to learn how to perform the tango, quickstep, cha-cha-cha, and the like.”

Grace was now real y getting into posing as she started into more and more daring positions, real y flaunting her delicious body. None of this was helping to bring my cock back down. It was sometimes difficult to take pictures sporting this pole between my legs and Grace noticed too.

“I see that you are having problems concentrating Lew?”

“Concentrating Grace? Oh, you mean this? Wel what do you expect with such a divine body in front of me in al its natural glory?”

“Stop flattering me Lew I am not a spring chicken anymore.”

“Maybe not, but I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to take a bite out of this, not so spring chicken anymore.”

“Stop teasing me Lew you’re making me start to feel tingly al over, which is something I haven’t felt in a long time.”

“Come on Grace with the way you look you must be swatting them away like flies.”

“You would be surprised what getting to my time of life does to a woman’s chances of having a rol in the hay.”

“What has getting your time of life got to do with it?”

“When I turned fifty, which was about two years ago, there, now you know exactly how old I am, but you already did, didn’t you? Wel , it was as if I was no longer of interest to men anymore. I started to get these hot flushes that come with the change of hormones; basical y, I was past the age of producing children and therefore no longer of any use to the male

population. I haven’t had sex with any man since that birthday. Nancy has been pushing me to do something about it, go out, get on Tinder, but I am not real y a going out type of person, I never have been, and besides there are a whole bunch of weirdoes out there that I absolutely don’t want to meet.”

“I simply don’t understand it, you are a very, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart, gorgeous woman, in your prime, no longer burdened by your monthly blood donation to pay off Eve’s sinful act in the Garden of Eden. I wouldn’t hesitate one second if I thought I had a chance to play with that beautiful body of yours.”

“Please don’t flatter me Lew…but would you real y?” She said with a shy smile.

“Seriously, are you offering?”

“Yes if you are wil ing. I would love to break my dry spel and I think you could be just the man to help me.”

I put down the camera, I had enough photos anyway and joined Grace on the sofa. I took her tenderly in my arms and ventured a chaste kiss on her enticing mouth. I quickly ventured a smal flick of my tongue on her lips making her open up and respond with a similar flick of her tongue, drawing me into her, going for broke, and starting a tongue tango.

I immediately started to explore her body with my hands beginning with her back. Grace’s hands had moved around my head holding me in place to continue this tongue dance we were performing. This gave me free access to her soft boobs, which up to now I only had the opportunity to touch with my eyes. Moved my hands under her arms to the side of her boobs, tickling and making little circles around her smal areolae with my thumbs, which crinkled up nicely, but then I quickly found her rock-hard nipples. I flicked them gently, drawing a moan from her lips.

Grace was pushing my head towards her twin hil s so I replaced my hands with my mouth, sliding down her neck, adorning it with feathery kisses. Moving over her col ar bone, taking little bites, then sliding slowly towards the summit of her left breast. I took her smal , rock-hard, delicious nipple in my mouth sucking on it at ful force, pul ing a big chunk of her boob into my mouth in the process. I covered it with saliva while I massaged her right breast with my left hand pinching the nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

At the same time, my right hand was going south, moving over her deliciously taut stomach making a smal stop at her cute navel, and slowly entering the red forest, playing around in it with al my fingers enticing more and more moans from her lips.

In the meantime, Grace had grabbed my throbbing dick and was massaging it with feathery fingers imitating my play in her forest, on my bal sack. After a quick mouthwatering visit to her right boob, I moved my oral discovery to her midriff, stomach, and bel y button, leaving a snail’s trail of saliva. Going down her exquisite body I sunk to my knees and opened up Grace’s legs wide, giving me better access and free passage through the red bush to her delicious pink snatch.

Everything was covered by this enticing red fur, normal y I prefer a shaved or at least trimmed forest, but in the case of a red bush, I was happy to enjoy the untamed version to the ful . Once in position, I got down to some real licking and sucking, starting from the hood covering her pleasure bean, sliding down the val ey between her outer labia, and pushing open the entrance to her hot love grotto with my probing tongue. After having had a good taste of her tangy, abundantly flowing juices, I introduced a finger into her steamy hot snatch enticing a loud sigh from her lips.

My finger slipped in without any effort so I quickly introduced a second and third into her tunnel of love. I could feel her pussy muscles grabbing and massaging them while I increased her pleasure with my tongue roaming over her hood and sucking out her love bean. When I managed to uncover it I applied smal bites making her shiver. With my three fingers inside her, I was massaging the spongy tissue of her G-spot enticing little pleasure cries, “Ii i eeh, i ieeeh, i ieeeh.”

I felt Grace pushing my head harder and harder into her playground while at the same time pushing her pelvis in the other direction and with each cry she was also exhaling a bit of air, more or less suffocating me but also herself. All of a sudden her body went completely rigid while starting to shiver and shake. She was in the throes of a tremendous orgasm, which I swear lasted a ful minute before she even started to relax.

Lucky for my survival, she had released my head so I could breathe again, and then like a drowning person final y reaching the surface, she herself took an enormous breath as wel .

After a few minutes of recovering, she pul ed me up to her face and whispered, ”Oh my God that was earth-shattering; thank you for making me feel like a desirable woman again.”

“The pleasure was al mine you wonderful lady; I’m so happy to be able to make love to a redhead again, and such a desirable one too, you are tremendous.”

My stil , steel-hard rod was now pressed firmly against her thigh.

“You’re stil hard. Yes of course you were busy taking care of me, so please al ow me to take care of you now before you explode.”

Grace made me sit on the sofa while she took my previous spot on the floor, moving her head between my legs and quickly wolfing down my cock, sucking and licking as if her life depended on it.

“Wow slowly please, I absolutely love what you are doing but I would like it to last a bit longer and I want to make love to you properly, using the right tools.”

“You real y want to fuck me properly?”

“Yes, if you’l al ow me. I suggest we adjourn to one of the dressing rooms which has a sofa bed so that we can rest our old bones and slowly but surely build up to see if we can top what we just did. Leading Grace by the hand to the dressing room I pul ed out the bed after which we sat down together resuming our kissing, while I slowly pushed her down.

After the kiss, I retraced my journey over her body with my mouth ending up again in the red forest. Of course, the red forest had had a flood since my first visit so I could thoroughly enjoy tasting and slurping up her sweet and tangy juices. Grace however had a total y different position in mind, she was not that big, so she managed to wiggle herself from under me and get on top.

After she managed that, she quickly straddled me, supporting herself with her hands on my chest, positioning herself over my boner, and then slowly impaled herself. She was clearly enjoying sliding down extremely slowly, massaging my cock as she went, making me feel every ridge and vein in her deliciously hot love tunnel. When I hit bottom close to her cervix, she moved up again at the same slow pace holding on to my shaft with every muscle available to her, making me squirm with pleasure.

Although according to her it had been a long time since she’d had sex, this girl stil knew every trick in the book and more, to make a man go crazy with desire.

“This part of the game is entirely for you, for making me feel soooo goooood before.”

That was very nice of her, but I wanted to make her orgasm together with me, so grabbing her tits I started a thorough massage, squeezing and rol ing her nipps between forefinger and thumb. By alternating between hard and soft pinches I enticed little moans from her lovely lips.

When I had manhandled her titties long enough, one hand went down again into the red forest to find the little bump hiding her clitty. I massaged it with my thumb, going up and down alternating with circular movements. I could feel this got her motor running again, and she began purring like a cat moving faster up and down my joystick.

Grace’s breath became shal ower and faster, and I felt my bal s start to contract as wel so I quickly said “Grace I am on the verge of… where do you want it, in or out?”

“IN,” she shouted, orgasming and pushing me over the brink too, squirting globs and globs of hot gooey cum into her pussy. Grace col apsed on my chest breathing heavily like myself. This time it took us a bit longer to recover and catch our breath again. After some ten minutes both our heartbeats had normalized and were beating almost in unison. Grace rol ed off of me and lay down beside me with a big smile on her face.

“How do you feel now about this special photo session I talked you into? Do you stil feel like an old over-the-hil broad or have I managed to make you feel ready for a second go at life?”

“You have total y converted me to your way of thinking Lew. You’ve banished the overaged woman I was feeling for the past two years. I want to live again, I want to have sex again and enjoy it as I enjoyed it today; my daughter is going to be so happy I final y turned this dark page in my life. Thanks, Lew!”

“No, thank you, Grace, I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with somebody almost my own age.”

“Why do you emphasize my own age?”

“Believe it or not, but the past couple of weeks I found myself having sex with women one-third or half my age, some of them even total y inexperienced. That can be lots of fun but it is extremely tiring believe me.”

“Did you have sex with my daughter Nancy?” Grace asked me.

“Uh…if that had happened, I think it would be up to Nancy and certainly not me to share that information with you.”

“You did, didn’t you?”

“As I said it is not…”

“Good on you, Nancy absolutely needed someone to break her dry spel too, and I guess that between the two of you, you concocted this idea of doing this photoshoot thing with me, what am I saying this nude photoshoot thing.”

“Confidence pour confidence,” as the French say, she was mentioning the same about you about a dry spel and stuff.”

“The little devil, I was afraid that she would come up with one or other scheme to get me back in the game, but I never thought that she would go to these lengths, I had absolutely no idea when she suggested I should get a nice portrait for her and myself that it would become this interesting and as satisfying as it did.”

“You should real y thank your daughter.”

“I wil most definitely do so, believe me.”

“Shal I give Nancy a ring so that she can pick her mom up at the playground?”

“Cheeky sod, but yes, please do.”

By the time we had both got dressed, the shop bel rang announcing Nancy’s arrival.

“So how did it go you two, was it a good photo session?”

“Oh yes it was Nancy, it was even better than good, it was enlightening. I would think as enlightening as your photo session with Lew?”

Nancy shot me a quizzical look mouthing, “What the fuck?”

“Don’t play al innocent with me young lady, I know exactly what you’ve been up to, wearing out this poor elderly gentleman.”

“Wel mom from the way you look I don’t think I wore Lew out at al ; I think he had more than enough stamina to give a repeat performance with you.”

Grace started to laugh out loud, “Yes dear, he did, but he also confessed that he preferred to play with women more his own age, you see we are not as tiring as twenty-six-year-olds.”

“Hey, Grace I never said that I…”

“No Lew you didn’t and I definitely don’t want to hold you back from this gorgeous younger version of myself.”

With a chuckle, she continued, “But do restrain yourself a bit because these youngsters can be tiring and at your age, you should real y be careful not to overdo it.”

Now both Nancy and Grace were openly laughing, taking the mickey out of me.

“Ladies, ladies please behave I don’t want to have to spank you both for insubordination.”

Now the dam real y broke and the tears were rol ing down their cheeks from laughing.

“So you spilled our little secret?” Nancy asked me.

“No dear I never kiss and tel , you know that, but I was real y gril ed and tortured by a professional who put two and two together and made at least sex, sorry six. But if it can console you I gave her a cookie from the same dough.”

“Excel ent, I knew I could count on you to give my mom a good time, and maybe turn the tide so that she no longer thinks of herself as old and total y washed up.”

“No, I think Grace and I came to that conclusion in a rather pleasant way.”

“Good, now mom, let’s get Emilia back out of the clutches of her Godmother before anything awful happens to her and she is cuddled to death.”

“Oh, I almost forgot, enjoying your mother’s charming company, but I may have an interesting proposal for you. I received a request for the purchase of some of your photos with Emilia. A company is wil ing to pay you fifteen hundred Euro to use five of the photos for their advertising.”

“Wow great, I can sure use the money!”

“Wel that’s not the whole story, if you give them European exclusivity they are wil ing to pay two thousand five hundred and it doesn’t stop there if you give them worldwide exclusivity they wil up it to three thousand.”

“You are dazzling me with al these figures! But first what is meant by exclusivity?”

“It means they are the only ones al owed to use these photos European or worldwide, you can’t sel them to anybody else anymore, nor can they be used for a competition. As your broker, I am entitled to a commission, which is five percent when they are just sold with no exclusivity or ten percent if it is an exclusivity deal.”

“What should I do? I have absolutely no experience in these things.”

“If it were up to me Nancy, I would go for the world exclusivity; the chance that you can sel the same photo twice is virtual y nil. This wil give you two thousand seven hundred Euro, and me three hundred, and for what? For you, one hour’s work and uh…two hours of fun and games for both of us.”

“Are you sure Lew? What do you think mom?”

“Wel dear, I think you should take Lew’s advice and do exactly as he suggests; that sounds like a pretty good deal.”

“OK let’s do it.”

“You won’t regret it; I’l set it up for you. It wil take a few days for the paperwork to arrive for you to sign and then a few more days for the money to be transferred. You wil need to tel me when you receive the payment so I can release the photos. You wil receive the ful three thousand and wil have to transfer the three hundred commission to my account.”

I had never seen bigger smiles than those on the happy faces of Nancy and Grace. They walked together, hand in hand out of the shop with the promise that we would see each other again one evening soon, and this time Grace would do the cooking, and then maybe we could have a triple dessert to finish the meal.

I think I’l better get another prescription for them blue pil s pretty soon.

Chapter 8

Linda again

Linda cal ed to tel me that she had had a meeting with Astrid and asked if she could see me as soon as possible.

“Yes of course Linda, but I am afraid it wil have to wait until Sunday as Fridays and Saturdays are very busy days for me in the shop.”

“Oh that’s OK,” Linda said, “where shal we meet?”

“Why don’t you come over for tea Sunday afternoon, say two-thirty?”

“Great I’l be there.”

So that Sunday afternoon right on the dot of two-thirty my doorbel rang. I saw via the video link to my front door that it was Linda, so I buzzed her in.

“Come on up Linda,” I said, and a minute later she appeared in my living quarters. I could see she was duly impressed. It was big. When I did the renovations to the shop, adding the studio, the apartment above the shop was also completely renovated, extending it, partly over the studio, giving me a large living space with an additional huge open terrace area outside on the roof of the studio.

OK, there was the glass dome providing natural light to the studio, but as it was in the rear, there was enough space in front of it to accommodate the huge living area with a big window overlooking a spacious roof garden with garden furniture and a number of plants. Overal it created a secure private area where no one could look in from the ground or even from the neighboring buildings which only had a ground floor Great for sunbathing in the nude or fooling around in the jacuzzi.

“I never expected something like this Lew, you real y made a very nice apartment even with a roof garden.”

When Linda came in she did look again very appetizing in a flowery summer dress although clearly seemed stressed. I proposed tea and invited her to take the load off on the big sofa I had close to the window overlooking the roof garden. Getting the tea ready took no time as I had prepared everything in advance so I could quickly join Linda on the sofa.

“So tel me, what’s the matter; you sounded a bit stressed when you cal ed me.”

“Wel I’m feeling better now, but when I cal ed you I had just returned from Astrid, and the visit threw me a bit.”

“Oh, was she her usual hoity-toity self again?”

“No, on the contrary, she was total y different from what I expected after the rumors I heard around the vil age. It started with the way she was dressed.”

“Wasn’t she wearing one of those creations she tries to flog to the rich and powerful in the vil age then?”

“No she looked as if she almost stepped out of a BDSM movie, with black leather and high boots, it was real y scary!”

“Ah, I see. That’s completely opposite to how she behaved with me, I must say.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I had dinner with her and we went afterward to her place, I could command her and she acted like a sex slave, enjoying being directed to perform al kinds of kinky sex acts.”

“Now that is indeed the complete opposite of how she behaved with me. She wanted me to obey her every command.”

“Wel , wel - Astrid the sub when she is with a man but Astrid the Mistress when she is with a vulnerable girl.”

“Now that you’ve experienced that with her, I see no reason why I shouldn’t tel you about her secret little BDSM club.”

“What are you saying? Astrid is a member of a secret BDSM club, where? Here in the vil age?”

“Yes Linda, I only found out myself after I had dinner with her to convince her to take you on as a fashion model. That’s why you had the invitation to meet with her.”

“I would never have guessed that she was playing both sides, sub, and dom. Tel me what happened, and most importantly, do you stil want to work for her as I also have Bethany on board to handle your makeup and beauty requirements.”

“At first, when I entered her apartment and saw how she was dressed I felt afraid. She quickly reassured me that there was no need to be afraid, she only wanted to see how I would react to the way she presented herself to me.”

Continuing in Linda’s own words this is what happened.

Astrid said, “I have observed you girl and I think that you might swing both ways.”

As I didn’t reply immediately she insisted “Well do you?

“I am not quite sure what you mean Astrid?”

“I think that you like boys but that there is also a part of you that likes girls as wel . Have you ever had a crush on a girl?”

Hesitantly I replied…”Uh...yes, I had a bit of a crush on this beautiful girl in high school.”

“And did you act on it, Linda?”

“More or less, we kissed a bit in the restroom and I liked it when she was touching me al over my body with her hands.”

“I thought so and was that the only time you had a tender encounter with a girl?”

“I also had a crush on a girl in the swim club.”

“And did you get to know her better than the girl in high school?”

“A bit, we sort of made out in the changing rooms touching each other’s breasts and kissing.”

“Did you ever go down on her?”

“No, no nothing like that, it was only superficial y exploring each other’s bodies.”

“Would you like to experience sex with a woman?”

“I guess I would, I am curious how it would feel and I am convinced that it would be even better than with a boy as they tend to be a bit rough sometimes.”

“Wel , Linda you came to the right place. You look absolutely ravishing and I would definitely like to get to know you better, especial y as we might be working together. Lew told me that you would also do lingerie and or swimwear presentations?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t mind.”

“OK then let’s start with you losing some of your clothes so I can judge if you can carry this off.”

“…Like, right now Astrid?”

“Yes dear no better time than the present, so please take off your top and jeans!”

This said, Linda grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt and lifted it over her head, unveiling the cute lacy yel ow bra she was wearing. She then undid the buttons of her jeans and drew them down over her enticing hips. As they fel to the floor and she stepped out of them she revealed her matching yel ow panties after which she stood in front of Astrid shyly, not real y knowing what to do next.

“Come over here in front of this mirror!” Astrid said. “Turn around and let your arms hang along your sides.”

Astrid was standing behind Linda taking in her beautiful reflection in the mirror. Grabbing Linda’s hands she lifted them high up, stretching Linda’s body.

“Keep your arms up Linda I want to see how you look in lingerie or a bikini.”

She then let her fingers slide down the inside of Linda’s arms, slightly tickling her then to the middle of her back to the strap of Linda’s bra which was covering her breasts. She unclasped the garment, and slipping her hands under the, now loose, bra, she slid it up unveiling Linda’s succulent boobs eliciting a smal moan from the exposed girl.

“You can put your arms down now.” Linda lowered her arms, letting her bra drop to the floor.

Astrid’s fingers started a tickling dance on the underside of Linda’s boobs, slowly drawing circles around her areolae, getting closer and closer to her nipples which became rock hard, making Linda moan even harder. Final y, she gripped Linda’s boobs with both hands, squeezing them firmly, while pinching the engorged nipples between her thumb and forefinger. She gave them a

bit of twist, enticing a smal yelp from Linda. All the while they were gazing into each other’s eyes in the mirror in front of Linda.

Then ever so slowly Astrid’s fingers tickled their way down over Linda’s midriff and taut stomach towards the top of her panties hooking her thumbs on each side under the elastic. The exploring hands kept going, sliding the panties down over Linda’s hot hips, unveiling the most intimate part of the girl’s exciting young body as they went further down she let them go. Gravity took over and the panties slowly drifted past her knees al the way to the ground where they puddled at her feet.

“You can step out of those Linda,” Astrid said as she took in the view of Linda’s enticing, now completely naked body, reflected in the big mirror.

Astrid’s hands had come up again and her fingers started to play around Linda’s nether region enticing moan after moan from the young woman. Sliding a finger between her pussy lips, she felt Linda had become rather moist which made it easy to slip the finger into the hot love channel resulting in another surprised yelp escaping her lips.

“Oh Linda it feels very tight in there, are you stil a virgin?”

“Yes, Astrid.”

“Oh my, high time we did something about that then, or do you have a boyfriend desperate to pluck your little flower?”

“I have male friends but nobody in particular, and of the friends I have there is not one I would trust to deflower me.”

“You know I might know just the right person to help you with this little problem. Would you have a problem with it being a slightly older person than yourself to help you?”

“No, not real y, in fact, I would prefer it to be a person that knows what he is doing and who is gentle and understanding and would take his time.”

“I know just the person then; how would you feel about Lew?”

Linda was a bit surprised by that question. “Does Astrid know about my encounter with Lew and what we did, or is she just fishing? Maybe I better keep my cards close to my chest.”

“Lew from the photoshop you mean?”

“Yes that Lew, do you know another Lew?”

“No not real y, but do you think he would go for that? A lot of men don’t want to have sex with a woman for the first time, they regard these women as not desirable if nobody wanted to make love to them before!”

“I think Lew would gladly help you out, especial y if I ask him, after al , he owes me a favor for engaging you as a fashion model.”

“No Astrid don’t! If I want it to be Lew I wil ask him myself!”

“OK, that might even be better, I can’t imagine him turning down the opportunity to take a pretty young girl’s virginity!”

“Now I have another question for you. You told me you had a bit of a crush on a girl in high school, but you have never real y been with a woman?”

“No…wel …we kissed and groped a bit but that was the extent of it.”

“Would you like me to go down on you?”

“You mean kiss my pussy?”

“French kiss your pussy Linda!”

“Uh I don’t know; I love having my pussy eaten, but never had it done by a woman.”

“OK let’s put this woman to the test then, fol ow me!”

Astrid took Linda by the hand and led her to her bed, aka the playroom.

“Please sit on the edge of the bed Linda, and open your legs!”

Astrid moved in between Linda’s legs and started massaging her naked body. She started with her boobs, rubbing her palms over the erect nipples while pushing Linda to lie flat on the bed, her feet stil planted firmly on the ground. Then she slid her hands down over Linda’s abdomen while at the same time dropping to her knees. She tilted her head forward while opening Linda’s legs wider, pursed her lips, and blew on Linda’s pussy making the latter squirm and moan.

Planting a kiss on Linda’s snatch resulted in a surprised squeal from her.

Astrid then real y got going with the flat of her tongue she started to lick up and down Linda’s outer labia making quick passes over the hood which was stil hiding her little love bean. With her thumbs she spread Linda’s pussy lips, bringing out the soft pink inner labia looking like a butterfly, and below them the entrance to the virginal love cave. Sticking her tongue in made Linda shiver and whimper in pleasure. Careful y Astrid slid a finger in until she felt the resistance of Linda’s hymen.

With the thumb of her other hand, she slid the hood up, which was stil covering Linda’s clitty, and started to seriously lick it, while also nibbling gently. Linda groaned in pleasure and started to push her pelvis up into Astrid’s face. She felt Linda contracting on the finger in her pussy accompanied by high-pitched cries from the young woman.

“Oh my God!” Linda screamed. Her body went rigid as her orgasm hit in an explosion.

When Linda stopped quivering and shaking Astrid put the palm of her hand over Linda’s pussy, slowly bringing her down from her orgasmic bliss.

“I never imagined a woman could bring me so much pleasure.”

“There you go girl, it does take another girl to know al the right spots to bring you to heights the male version of our species is not capable to find.”

“Will you al ow me to try and give you the same pleasure you gave me Astrid?”

“I thought you’d never ask Linda, but only if you’re real y comfortable with the idea, yes, I would love it.”

“You wil have to bear with me as I have absolutely no idea what to do nor how to do it.”

“No worries darling, just do what comes natural y to you and what you would enjoy, and for the rest, I wil help you and guide you; never forget, practice makes perfect! Let me get naked like you.”

Astrid quickly disrobed enticing admiring sounds from Linda.

“Wow, you look wonderful, you should participate in your fashion shows personal y.”

“I have done in the past, but as the proprietor of the boutique I can’t do that anymore.”

Once total y nude, Astrid gently took Linda in her arms and French kissed her, sharing Linda’s own pussy’s taste with her, like Lew had done for the first time not so long ago.

“Now you know what your own pussy tastes like,” Astrid said, “I’m not saying mine tastes exactly the same but it wil be very similar.”

I wonder if she knows that Lew already gave me that experience.

“You remember how you were lying back on the bed completely open and exposed, and where I was, yes? I’l take up your spot and you take mine.”

Astrid laid down on the bed spreading her legs wide and holding onto her ankles.

“Now Linda give my pussy a kiss.”

Linda looked at the hot, wet pussy displayed in front of her. Although it looked tempting, she hesitated, stil not sure what it would feel or taste like, even after getting a second taste of her own pussy.

“Don’t be shy, it won’t bite you; you might eventual y be the one doing the biting, but not too hard please.”

Careful y Linda put her upper lips to Astrid’s lower lips and gave them a little kiss.

“Hmmmmm,” she thought “that feels good, and doesn’t taste too bad, indeed very similar to my own taste, and yet slightly different.”

Starting just kissing Astrid’s pussy lips, Linda slowly got into it, tentatively pushing out her tongue and licking Astrid’s moist inner lips, opening them up and sliding in between them into Astrid’s love channel.

“OK now slowly lick up and down and when you are at the top please pay some special attention to my clit.”

As instructed, not that she real y needed to be told, Linda started licking Astrid’s twat alternating tongue strokes with little featherlike kisses. Arriving at the top, she sucked softly on Astrid’s clit, drawing it out from under its hood and taking pleasure in feeling it growing in her mouth. She pressed her tongue into the hol ow just underneath the bud, and a loud moan escaped Astrid’s

lips, giving Linda more confidence that she was doing it right. She attacked Astrid’s pussy with more enthusiasm drawing more satisfied moans from the latter.

“Oh Linda, that’s so good. Can you slide a finger in please, I need to also feel something inside of me.”

“Mhmgmh,” responded Linda, ful y engaged now in sucking and licking Astrid’s cunt.

As requested, she spread the dripping lips apart with her fingertips and slid her middle finger into the hot tunnel at the bottom of Astrid’s nether region. Feeling how easily one finger entered, she slid her index finger slowly in too, feeling how her lover’s vagina squeezed as she moved. She made a come here movement, which enticed some serious grunts and squeals from Astrid and made her produce even greater volumes of pussy juice, not enough to drown Linda, but clearly close to it as it made her swal ow profusely.

“It does taste very good in the end,” Linda thought, “I want more of this”.

Astrid pushed her pelvis harder and harder against Linda’s face. Her breathing rate increased, giving Linda the signal that an orgasm was on the way. Linda grabbed one of Astrid’s tits with her free hand and started mauling it, pinching and rol ing the nipple between her thumb and index finger. The harder she pinched, the harder Astrid moaned indicating that she was real y enjoying the smal mistreatment of her nipps.

Astrid returned the favor, grabbed one of Linda’s boobs, and started seriously pinching and twisting it, enticing little squeals from Linda. That was a total y new experience for her, pain causing pleasure. Astrid was now squeezing her thighs around Linda’s head, getting closer and closer to her orgasm. Using what she just learned about a pain/pleasure experience, Linda went back with one hand to Astrid’s tit, seriously grabbed the nipple between thumb and finger, and pinched hard this time, fol owed by a vicious twist. She immediately felt the effect as Astrid’s pussy muscles started convulsing hard putting more pressure on Linda’s inserted fingers and her pussy juices began flowing more copiously until al of a sudden it was like a dam had broken.

Astrid squirted Linda’s face with what felt like liters of fluid quite startling Linda who found it real y difficult to breathe.

Linda pul ed back, but even then Astrid stayed rigid as her orgasm continued, and the clear ejaculate she was producing kept spraying Linda’s face.

“Wow, stop peeing on me!” Linda squealed.

“…I’m… sorry …Linda,” Astrid replied in a muffled voice stil orgasming, “but I’m not peeing on you but squirting.”

Linda hadn’t heard of that, “squirting” she thought what the hel is squirting?

It took Astrid another five minutes to come down from her high and explain to Linda that this was something some women did when experiencing a very strong orgasm.

“Have you never experienced that Linda? Not even while you were masturbating, which I presume you do?”

“Yes of course I masturbate, but no I’ve never peed or squirted as you cal it.”

“That’s something for you to look forward to Linda. When you squirt it comes with the most powerful orgasm you can have. I suggest lots of practice! I’m sure Lew would be very happy to help you get there. Although I only had sex with him two times I know that he is a master at bringing a woman to their peak.”

Now almost back to normal, but both stil very nude, Astrid and Linda looked at each other, the first one clearly completely satisfied, while the other was stil reflecting on Astrid’s squirting.”

“Welcome aboard Linda, to my little team of fashion models! Let’s get you cleaned up in the shower.”

Taking Linda’s hand, she led her to the big bathroom, turned on the hot water, and pul ed her under it. Astrid squirted, not ejaculate this time, shower gel, on her front, starting to clean Linda up. She ran her hands over Linda’s young nubile body giving the softer parts some extra attention in the process. When Linda was thoroughly cleaned Astrid passed her a fluffy bathrobe and proceeded to rub her dry while slipping into another one herself.

After some more kissing and cuddling, Linda gathered her clothes, got dressed, and left, stil a bit confused about her first real lesbian experience but on the other hand happy that she would be one of Astrid’s girls to model the clothes.

That was the story as Linda told it to me.

“So you see Lew, that was my ‘get to know each other’ meeting with Astrid the other day.”

After having listened to Linda’s rather arousing story, al I could say, almost breathlessly, was:

“that must have been real y overwhelming for you Linda!”

“Yes, it was Lew, overwhelming and also very educational. You were absolutely right about Astrid having a BDSM streak in her and being bi, Sub and Dom at the same time.”

“I must admit that in my story I did leave out a few confidential things Astrid told me about you.

Wel , she did tel me about having a bit of an SM session with you, with her indeed taking the Sub role.”

“Oh, gossiping behind my back were you?” I said with a wink.

“No, no rest assured she said nothing but good things were said about you, in fact, she almost sang your praises, advising me to spend more time with you so I could learn a thing or two.”

“Ah yes, probably about how to pose and conduct yourself on a catwalk I guess. Definitely not about BDSM as I am as big a novice in that world as you are.”

“Yeah, yes exactly, your guess is absolutely right,” Linda said while giving me a bit of a strange look on the side.

“So in the end you got your contract as a fashion model for Astrid. Did she say anything about an upcoming show or photoshoot for the next season?”

“No, not yet, wel yes but not specifying a date. She said that it would be forthcoming in a few weeks.”

“Excel ent, is there anything else I can do for you now?”

“Wel thinking back on some of the things Astrid told me about you, there might be one little thing that you could definitely help me with…”

Chapter 9

Unexpected adventures with Linda

“You see Lew, I would like you to take my virginity and make me a woman?”


“You heard me right, I think it is high time for me to lose my virginity, and I want you to be the one that takes it!”

“Wouldn’t you rather give that precious gift to a boyfriend or a man more your own age?”

“No, definitely not!”

“Why’s that?”

“As I told you before, men my age are only interested in cumming as quickly as they can, without any consideration of my needs, and furthermore I don’t trust them.”

“Yeah, but how can this old carcass interest you, you have al the looks, I am just an old fart with loose skin and wrinkles.”

“I don’t care about your looks, wel I do but I think you look absolutely great. You don’t have the body of a twenty or thirty-year-old anymore, but you stil have the body of somebody maybe the wrong side of forty, basical y stil in his prime.”

“You’re flattering me; you’l make me go al hot and red in the face this way.”

“It’s not your face that I want to make hot Lew…!”

After that remark Linda got up and started to undress, zipping down her yel ow summer dress, and then slipping the spaghetti straps off her lovely shoulders so it slid to the floor, unveiling her total y naked body underneath. It became instantly clear she came prepared for her mission.

She definitely got my juices running.

Approaching me and grabbing the bottom of my T-shirt, she slipped it over my head, unclasping my belt, and undoing the buttons and zipper of my pants. After they had slipped down, she grabbed my boxers and pul ed them over my hips to my knees before letting gravity take over, leaving me in my birthday suit exactly like she was.

She real y came on strong, kissing me ful y open-mouthed, invading me with her tongue exploring every cavity. Total y in the mood now I responded likewise. All worked up, I slid my hands al over her enticing young body, groping at everything I could lay my hands on, but al of a sudden, I realized what I was supposed to do and calmed myself down. I needed to take this slowly and make it a beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime, experience for her. I stopped the attack immediately, took her hand, and led her to my bedroom.

Taking her tenderly in my arms beside the bed, this time I kissed her slowly while rubbing her back with my hands. Moving my hands from her shoulder blades al the way down to her

enticing buttocks, I massaged her while darting in and out of her mouth with my tongue, licking the inside and outside of her lips. Pushing down on her shoulders, I made her lie down on the bed. I felt she was nervous.

“Please don’t be nervous darling, I am not going to hurt you and you can stop me anytime you’re unsure.”

“No, please go ahead, and let’s get this over with.” She said with a nervous giggle.

She was lying there clearly waiting for me, but as far as I could tel not yet at the right temperature. To help her get there, I moved my mouth to her beautiful breasts, licking them, making little circles around the nipples on one side with my mouth, and on the other with my fingers, making feather-light movements, I felt her nipples growing and becoming rock hard.

While I moved my greedy mouth to the other boob, my freed-up hand moved slowly south, making featherily movements over her midriff and tight stomach, which was slightly contracted because of her nervousness, final y arriving at the border of her pleasure garden. Moving further down, I opened her legs by softly pushing her thighs apart, again tickling them with the back of my fingernails, starting at her knees and going up until I reached her pubes. For the moment I stayed away from her pussy lips.

After tormenting her in this way for a few minutes, I moved a single fingernail to the side of one of her outer labia, moving slowly up towards the top of her pussy. I completely bypassed her hooded clit and went back down the other side. Linda started to moan very lightly. To take her mind off the potential pain she was expecting, I needed to get her arousal level a lot higher and her pussy a lot wetter. Sliding down to the level of her knees, I replaced my tickling fingers with my tongue, licking the inside of her thighs, and going ever so slowly upwards towards her virginal pussy. Retracing my previous finger movements around her outer labia with my tongue, I progressed this time to licking over her stil hooded clit, sucking the little pearl from under it.

Moving back down, I pinched her inner labia, biting and pul ing at them, stretching them out as I sucked them between my lips into my mouth. I pressed forward, sliding to the future assault area, sneaking my tongue as deep as it would go into her sleek tunnel. Her juices were flowing profusely, making her inner sanctum as slippery as possible, preparing her for the final assault on her virginity I was about to make.

I felt her getting worked up and giving signs that she wanted to participate actively, squirming and turning so that she had free access with her mouth to my throbbing cock. Making sure also my cock would be wet and slippery enough to venture inside, she opened her mouth wide and sucked the head in. After she had worked her magical tongue around the head taking special care of the sensitive area on the underside, she started to suck and take my cock deeper and deeper into her mouth wetting it with abundant saliva, quietly humming, out of fear maybe, trying to postpone the final act? Not real y the thing I wanted her to do, as it brought me closer and closer to an orgasm, which I was trying to avoid at al cost.

After a while I had to stop her, otherwise, I would have cum, fil ing up her mouth and consequently deflating my cock which would defeat the purpose of our actions. Careful y I

pul ed my cock out of her hot mouth. She was clearly reluctant to let me go, making some disgruntled noises, but it had to be done if we were to proceed as planned.

When final y my now steel-hard rod plopped out of her mouth, I turned and maneuvered myself slowly again on top of her, sliding my pelvis between her legs and strategical y placing the top of my flesh sword against her pussy, right at the entrance of her vaginal opening. Taking my dick in hand, I slid it up and down between her moist inner pussy lips, adding as much lubricant as I could gather in the process, before stopping at the entrance to her virginal vagina. Slowly but firmly I pushed, opening her pussy lips, she felt wet from being turned on and hopeful y the anticipation of final y feeling a cock in her pussy for the first time. All of a sudden, I felt her wince and I stopped.

“Don’t pul out,” she whispered, “please just give me a second.”

After a few seconds, I started gently pressing again, just a little at a time, easing deeper. Linda grabbed my neck and started to squeeze, clearly fearful of this strange object that was penetrating her innermost virginal sanctum. I felt the barrier of her maidenhead blocking my way.

To reassure her, I whispered in her ear, “I am at your maidenhead sweetheart, and I would like to go slow and push til it breaks.”

I had heard that when a woman is aroused enough a defloration need not be a painful experience, unfortunately not knowing I was going to get this request from Linda I hadn’t looked it up and could only go by what I heard. After al , it had been years since I last had the honor to deflower a young woman. Knowing that the most sensitive parts are at the entrance of a woman’s vagina, I pul ed out again but leaving the head inside to try and stimulate her more.

I was thinking that maybe it’s a better idea to push through the hymen while the woman is having an orgasm. I decided to go for that strategy and began stimulating her more, with my cock and with my fingers.

When I felt that she was on the brink I pushed my cock against her hymen frigging her clit like crazy, feeling how she got al rigid clearly having an orgasm I pushed through, breaking her virginal barrier in the process. When I was passed her hymen, I stopped in my tracks, letting her inner sanctum get used to this first-time intruder in the most private part of her heavenly body. After a few minutes when I felt that she was coming back down from her orgasm and relaxing a bit, I whispered asking if she was OK.

“Yes,” she replied also in a whisper.

“Is it OK if I slowly start to move now? If it hurts, please let me know and I’l stop immediately.”

“Up to now, it didn’t real y hurt so yes do continue, but please be gentle.”

Moving ever so gently deeper, I slid into her as far as my dick would go, our pubes kissing. I careful y moved out again, again keeping the bulbous head inside of her, then slowly back in again, a cautious moan escaped her lips. It was clear she had survived the initial shock and I could now proceed to take care of the more pleasurable part of this delicate operation. Moving a

bit faster but stil taking it very gentle I felt that she was responding to my trusts with smal movements of her own pelvis.

She also started to utter again more ooohs and aaahs, even moving her legs around my body and hooking her ankles pushing with them to get me deeper inside her love grotto. By the squishing sounds we were making it was clear she was now producing even more fluid than before, maybe also mixed with a few spots of her blood, but making it easier and easier to slide in and out of her now deflowered pussy.

“Oh yes, now that I am a woman please fuck me as you have never fucked a woman before, take me to heaven please Lew!”

By this time I had gotten a serious rhythm pumping in and out of her pussy while I was at the same time increasing her arousal by continuously frigging her love bean with my thumb. I felt her getting rigid and quivering and her, as yet untrained pussy muscles, were contracting and slightly massaging my dick as they got into the swing of things. She was pounding with her fists on my back indicating that she was on the verge of her first cock induced orgasm.

As I was on the edge myself I gave a few more deep thrusts, taking her over the brink, then pul ed out just before cumming myself. I definitely didn’t want to fil her pussy with cum on her first time, risking getting her preggers so, I sprayed her bel y al the way up to her tits with ropes and ropes of hot cum. I rol ed off her and lay panting, as she was, on her side of the bed.

It took at least ten minutes for both of us to come down from this, for her, earth-shattering adventure, bringing our breathing and heartbeats back to normal. I held her hand the whole time giving little squeezes to which she responded in a similar way.

“Oh my God now I am real y a woman and no longer a virgin girl! I was afraid, especial y of the pain that everybody always describes, but once the initial shock had lanced through me, the pleasure started almost immediately. I can now tel you that Astrid was absolutely right about you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Astrid gave me the advice that, if I wanted to lose my virginity you would be the best person to ask, being gentle and woman caring as you are. What is it that makes you so woman-friendly?”

“That is quite a long story, and it happened a very long time ago, actual y shortly after me turning eighteen.”

Looking at Linda’s cum covered body and also the way my cock looked, we needed to get cleaned up. She was covered with my cum from her stomach to the underside of her boobs and my dick was coated with some of her virginal blood and lots of the girl cum that had profusely flowed from her pussy. Taking Linda into the bathroom I turned on the shower and squirted some shower gel onto her enticing body, washing her with my hands and taking special care of al the treasures her body had to offer. I was, of course, very careful with her stil sore pussy.

Afterward, I gave her a nice fluffy bathrobe and put one on myself and we adjourned to the bedroom and instal ed ourselves comfortably on the bed so I could tel her the story of my defloration.

Chapter 10


After I had plucked her virginity flower, as promised I began to tel her the story of losing my virginity.

“Did I tel you that my parents decided to join a naturist club when I was about fourteen Linda?

No? Wel , they did.”

“That was a real revelation for me; as a fourteen-year-old in those days the only way you could get acquainted with the female body was through the occasional lingerie catalog you could get your hands on or the ultimate find, bikini photos of one of the French movie sex goddesses like Brigitte Bardot or Mylène Demongeot or Jane Fonda, who although American, worked in France at the time, shooting the movie Barbarel a, directed by her husband of the moment Roger Vadim. There were even occasional, so-cal ed il egal ful y nude photos of women, circulating around school.”

“So when they took me to this camping site just across the border in the Netherlands al of a sudden I was dumped into paradise with loads of Eve’s, of al ages of course, but there were quite a few of my age or just a few years older already sporting nice womanly features.”

“My hormones were raging through my body: I jerked off like crazy. Luckily for me, my parents slept in a caravan and I had a little tent on the side giving me total privacy at night to indulge in my early masturbation adventures. They kept the membership going until I was close to seventeen and a half, in my last year of middle school.”

“Leaving middle school and moving on to col ege I was again surrounded by loads of beautiful, nubile females who, me being a bit of a nerd, al turned up their noses at me, not giving me the time of day. Consequently, I mainly stayed with the boys and befriended a few, also nerdy guys who were not into sports as this was of absolutely no interest to me. We were referred to as the

‘nerd club’ because when you didn’t do sports or watch sports you were automatical y labeled a nerd.”

“Even today you won’t find me going crazy about a footbal match or cycling on TV. I was already more into photography, not model photography mind you, but strictly nature, plants, animals, and the like. My ultimate wish in those days was to go on safari to photograph wild animals in Africa, which come to think of it I never did. I have to admit though I did go to Africa once but then only sampled some of the female population. Anyway, I am deviating from my subject.”

“I had this particular friend George, the same age as I. He was a single child like me and his mother Alicia was also single and 36, exactly double his age and consequently mine. Later, when I met her for the first time I found out that she was a good-looking brunette, smal , but with a very toned body, and sporting medium size boobs. She definitely didn’t look 36 more like 26, very friendly and very open-minded, extremely open-minded as I found out later. I was

almost like a second son to her, I could visit as I pleased and she always made me feel very welcome.”

“I could talk about anything with her. One particular evening when I was visiting, she was home alone; George had gone to the cinema with a girl from col ege he was dating.”

Seated at the living room table, she asked, “Why aren’t you out like George, with a girl?”

“What can I say, the story of my life, girls are absolutely not interested in me.”

“Oh, and why’s that?”

“I haven’t the faintest idea, I am usually friendly and polite, but stil none of them are interested in going out with me, probably because I am labeled as a nerd. I must admit that I am not the spitting image of James Bond, and on the rare occasion I get invited to a party and venture on the dancefloor with a girl, I see al the guys kissing their partners but I never dare to do that and then when I final y decide I am going to do it, the girl I am targeting has already found another partner and is busy kissing him.”

“You poor thing. Why is it then that you are so shy?”

“I’m afraid I’l do it al wrong, I have never kissed a girl properly; I mean what they cal a French kiss.”

“You have never kissed or been kissed by a girl?”

“No Alicia, and the way my life is going it won’t happen anytime soon.”

“We can’t let that happen, no way.”

“How would you feel about kissing or being kissed by an old hag like me?”

“Come on Alicia you are absolutely not an old hag. You are one, if not the, most beautiful woman I know; I even have to admit that I sometimes dream about you.”

Upon saying that I turned completely red in the face.

“Don’t be embarrassed, I am flattered appearing in an eighteen years old’s dreams. Wel , I stil have that question hanging for you about kissing me or being kissed by me.”

“Would you Alicia?”

“Would you real y kiss me?” Without further ado, Alicia bent over and put her lips on mine.

It felt like soaring through the skies.

“How was that for you?”

“Oh my God, I have been to heaven and back.”

All matter of factly, Alicia replied, “Good let’s practice some more then.”

“Are you?…”

Before I could say, “sure,” Alicia’s lips were back on mine and this time I felt the tip of her tongue tickling my lips, trying to get in. Opening my mouth, not knowing what to do, I clumsily responded with my tongue.

Alicia drew back, “Wow take it easy, feel the way my tongue moves and try to imitate that, light feathery movements like you would taste wine swirling it around your tongue but swirl your tongue around mine.”

She resumed her kiss and I tried to do what she was doing, the tip of my tongue sort of tickling the tip of hers and also feeling my way around her mouth and slowly turning around her tongue as she suggested. After a few minutes, we had to come up for air.

“Not bad, I wil turn you into an excel ent kisser yet.”

“You have absolutely no idea what this means for me Alicia, you are the first girl ever, uh, woman, I have properly kissed, I’l remember this for the rest of my life.”

“I think you give me too much credit, but I think you got the hang of it, al you now need is practice.”

“Could I practice a little more with you please?”

“Yeah you can, but not today anymore, you need to go home now, I’ve got work to do.”

“Yes ma’am,” I said and took my leave, but not before I had given her a peck on her cherry lips again, though without tongue this time.

After this kissing session with Alicia I was wondering if she would al ow me to play a little more with her, she looked and felt so enticing. The fol owing nights, Alicia appeared more and more in my dreams even to the point that a week after our kissing session I had a wet dream featuring her as the main character. Waking up in the middle of the night I remembered vivid images of Alicia sitting on top of me with my dick inside her, pumping away, giving me the most wonderful orgasm when I felt myself ejaculate…in my pajamas.

I real y needed to do something; I needed to get laid by Alicia or anybody, even if it would be the last thing I did. The next day I returned to Alicia’s house. I knew that George wouldn’t come home quickly as he had told me he was spending the afternoon at his girlfriend’s home getting to know her parents. Extremely nervous, I rang the bel .

Nothing…I waited.

I got even more nervous until, after about twenty seconds, which seemed to last like twenty minutes, I heard some noises inside the house. Alicia opened the door and believe it or not she was wearing a bathrobe and bath slippers. I couldn’t have imagined this in my wildest dreams, she was every postman’s wet dream come true.

“Oh it’s you, Lew, sorry it took me some time to come to the door but I was just finishing my shower. Please come in. What’s up?”

Alicia turned away from me, going back inside the house, and I fol owed like a little puppy, with my tongue almost hanging out, taking in her enticing buttocks swaying as she walked.

“Wel did you fol ow my advice and practice your kissing?”

I couldn’t help myself and just grabbed her from behind, encircling her with my arms.

“Wow Lew, down boy.”

I was startled by my action and her reaction and let go of her immediately, going completely red in the face when Alicia turned and faced me.

“I am so sorry Alicia, I don’t know what came over me,” I stammered. “Please forgive me, I’l go away immediately and leave you in peace.”

“No, no don’t be sil y, I know what it feels like to be eighteen with hormones raging through your body. No harm has been done, so please come through so we can talk about this.”

I fol owed Alicia into the living room where she pointed to the sofa for me to sit down. She took up a spot on the other end of the sofa, tucking her legs under her butt like women usual y do when they make themselves comfortable.

“So from your action and reaction, I guess you couldn’t find anybody to practice your kissing then; stil too shy to ask a girl out?”

“Yes, and I must confess that you have been haunting my dreams more and more.”

“Wow haunting your dreams eh, I hope it wasn’t a nightmare?”

“No, it definitely was more…”

“Ah, a wet dream then?”

I bowed my head in shame, and quietly admitted to it.

“That’s nothing to be ashamed of; I’m even flattered that my old carcass stil has that kind of powerful effect on a young virile man like yourself.”

“Why do you always refer to yourself as an old carcass Alicia, you are a goddess and I absolutely idolize you.”

“Wow that’s a bit dangerous, you can like a girl, even love a girl, but idolizing one is not real y a healthy attitude.”

“But you are so beautiful, how can I express myself better then, so wil you become my girlfriend?”

“Your girlfriend? That’s too much, after al , don’t forget I’m old enough to be your mother.”

“Yes that’s true; can you please forgive me?”

“Your attentions do wonders for my ego; to be idolized by a good-looking guy your age, but again idolization is not healthy. So how can we deal with this infatuation of yours in a healthy natural way?”

“Would you let me kiss you some more Alicia pleeeaaase!”

“Do you think that would help with your problem?”

“Oh yes, that would definitely help!”

“OK then, but remember what I told you before, gentle, gentle, gentle is the word!”

I quickly slid over to Alicia’s side of the sofa and took her very careful y and tenderly in my arms while coming closer and closer to her enticing mouth with my eager lips. Careful y, almost hesitantly, I pressed my lips to hers. Alicia responded by slowly opening her mouth a little and licking my lips, just with the very tip of her tongue. Remembering her words I responded with similar tongue movements, just my tip against hers, making little circles. After about thirty seconds I dared to push my tongue a bit deeper into her hot mouth, exploring further, making our tongues dance around each other.

This made me more daring, so I careful y tried to slide my hand into her bathrobe, trying to reach her breast. Alicia let me make my move but blocked my hand just before I reached my target.

“What are we trying to do Lew?”

“Uh, nothing real y.”

“Weren’t you trying to feel your way to my boobs?”

“No, not real y?”

“What then were you trying to achieve? Admit it, you want to feel my boobs don’t you?”

There was no way to avoid admitting that I indeed wanted to feel her boobs.

“If you want to feel my boobs, al you had to do was ask. I can only say no, and you might get a yes if you play your cards right.”

“Can I please see and feel your boobs, Alicia?”

“What should I say, maybe…yes? But only if you are careful. Undo the sash of my robe and then careful y slide it open so you can see them.”

I started to fumble with the sash; I was extremely nervous and not real y succeeding.

“Allow me!” Alicia said and took over, untying the knot around her waist, and with both hands slowly sliding the top part of her bathrobe open, unveiling the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen in my life, wel that’s the way it felt anyway. I had seen loads of boobs during my years in the nudist camp, but I was never al owed to touch any of them, except with my eyes, so you can imagine how nervous I felt, I was about to touch my very first breast, boob, tit, mammary, knocker.

Tentatively I reached out, very gently taking hold of this fleshy mound that makes us boys go absolutely crazy. I squeezed one a bit, it felt so soft. My thumb went almost automatical y over the areola and the nipple, which I felt stiffen upon my touch.

“Oh yes Lew that is exactly the way to handle a woman’s boobs, gently, don’t squeeze too hard, and, oh yes, tickle the nipple just like you are doing right now. You can touch the other one as wel if you like.”

I didn’t need an engraved invitation to start doing just that. Both my hands were now touching, playing with, and feeling the objects of our passion, FEMALE BOOBS!

“Wow, they are…” I simply had no words to describe how I felt and how they felt to my eager hands. While handling Alicia’s breasts we had stopped kissing as this required al my attention, visual as wel as physical. Alicia’s robe had opened a bit more with both my hands on her mounds, exposing her stomach, midriff and enticing bel y button, and even a smal patch of pubic hair.

I couldn’t help myself and bent forward placing a light kiss on her left nipple fol owed by a featherlike lick. Drawing my head back I saw that it was now a bit wet from my saliva. I even thought I detected a light moan escaping Alicia’s lips. She put her hand on the back of my head and pul ed it towards her right boob as if wanting me to adorn it too with a kiss and give it a lick. After the lick, she pressed a bit harder basical y begging me to start sucking on the growing nipple. I very happily obliged while I continued massaging the left one with my hand. I could now, distinctly, hear Alicia moaning. She also began moving her pelvis, pressing it forward inviting me to continue my exploration of her enticing body.

“Who am I to not respond to such an invitation,” I thought, so my left hand started to wander from her left boob downwards towards her nether region. Sliding over her stomach across her bel y button, then tentatively entering the forbidden forest of her pubic hair.

“Oh God this feels so good!” she whispered.

In the meantime, I was sporting a raging hard-on in my pants, making me uncomfortable.

Alicia’s bathrobe was now completely open: only her arms were stil holding it up by the sleeves.

She felt it was restricting her and me in our movements and stood up to remove it completely.

She did that standing in front of me as I was stil sitting down. I also tried to get up, but she pushed me down again.

“You have now seen my entire naked body, but that was nothing new for you, was it? What was new was to cop a feel of my boobs and even my pubic area, this is usual y the beginning of the love game. Hear me clearly I say love game and not sex game, the first is al about being tender and giving pleasure, the second is also about giving pleasure but is usual y harder, and take it from me, for the more advanced practitioners.”

“So far you have been gentle and careful and that is absolutely what a woman appreciates most. Remember when you undress a girl and you get your greedy little hands on her goodies, don’t molest them. Touch them with tender loving care as if they were made of the most delicate China you can imagine, and that goes for a woman’s entire body.

I noticed you are a bit uncomfortable, so we wil take care of that next. Please remove your clothes and free that big hard thing that is bothering you between your legs.”

I immediately sprang off the sofa, ripped off my T-shirt, opened my belt, buttons, and zipper of my pants, and slid them down, before taking a seat again.

“Now, now Lew al of it, you have seen me naked, I want to see you naked as wel , boys are visual, but girls are too, we want to see what you are packing.”

I quickly slid off my boxers. My cock sprung out ready to attack.

Alicia saw this and said, “The beast wil have to remain on its chain for the moment, boys are usual y very quick on the trigger; a girl takes far more time to increase her temperature before she can reach her boiling point so this is what we wil be working on now.”

“Yes miss,” I said jokingly.

“This is no joke, making love properly is a very serious business.”

“I’m sorry, but it sounded a bit like being in school.”

“Normal y this is school time so remember you are at school, however not learning about math or languages, but about far more important stuff that wil help you in the future dealing with the female version of our species. So al ow me to get a bit theoretical with you before we get to the practice side. The importance of pleasing women, in the end, is to please yourself. What I am going to ask you next may sound gross, to begin with but you wil start to enjoy it very quickly.

Have you ever heard of oral sex?”

“Uh, you mean a blowjob?”

“Yes and if you want the official term fel atio.”

“Uh yes.”

“Then have you heard of cunnilingus?”


“What do you think it is?”

“I have no idea.”

“Take a wild guess.”

“Uh, the female version of fel atio maybe?”

“Yes indeed, also known as going down on your partner, which is used for both sexes or more specifical y, eating pussy, when it is about girls.”

“Now what do you think I would like you to do next?”

“Cunnilingueue… You, or is there no such verb?”

“Not real y, let’s make it simple and say I would like you to eat my pussy. But first, we need an anatomy lesson for boys, about the female playground.”

Upon which Alicia sat down again on the sofa, spreading her legs wide.

“You have played a bit in the forest but now we wil come to the more important spots. The female vulva, or pussy, or cunt, or snatch, or twat, or beaver, whatever you want to cal it consists of different parts, some more important than others when it comes to giving pleasure to a woman.”

During this explanation my cock had started to droop again, making it slightly more comfortable for me.

“Along each outer edge are the labia majora or outer lips, and running just inside them are the labia minora or inner lips, in my case you don’t see the inner ones unless I pul my pussy open as they are nicely tucked behind the outer lips, but with some women, they real y hang out, what is better? What is nicer? It al depends on the spectator, you know beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Alicia spread her lips open, exposing her soft, wet center.

“At the top, you find the most important part, the pleasure center consisting of the clitoris covered by a hood. If you handle this part right you wil be able to give most girls an orgasm.

Just below this is the urethral opening where you pee, then al the way at the bottom, you have the vaginal opening, that’s where the penis goes in when you are having sex or if you prefer when you are fucking. Below that, you have the perineum sort of the corridor to the back door also very sensitive, the same as for a man. So much for the theory, now for the practice. Come closer and start by placing a kiss on the top, on the clitoral hood.”

Despite my desire to explore her exposed pussy, I was a bit reluctant. After al , Alicia had just said that’s where the pee comes out didn’t she? “How was it going to feel, how was it going to smel , and most important of al , how was it going to taste?”

“Go on don’t be shy, it won’t bite you, believe me, once you get going you are going to love it, especial y when you know that once you’re done here, I might do something similar for you.”

So careful y I kissed the little hood; it was a strange feeling, but enticing.

“Now lick it.”

I tentatively stuck out my tongue and gave it a smal lick. Mmmmh, not real y a bad taste, I thought, it felt nice on my tongue so I started licking it a bit harder, making it move.

“Now go lower with your tongue Lew, lick the outer labia between them and my thighs, and then continue on to that soft skin on my thighs themselves. Don’t forget the other side.”

I obligingly licked the indicated areas and heard Alicia start to moan more seriously. She moved her hands down and pul ed her vagina further open, further unveiling her inner labia.

“Move to the inner labia now and lick up and down them with a flat tongue. When you get to the top, try to entice my clit from under its hood with that nice tongue of yours or a thumb.”

I fol owed her instructions careful y, moving the little hood up until I felt her clit come out and grow on my tongue.

“Suck it! When you’re more experienced you can also give it tender bites, stimulating it even more than just sucking it. Now practice some more and mix it with sliding your tongue lower, and pushing it as far as you can into my love grotto.”

I heard Alicia’s breathing increase and her pelvis started to move up and down, her stomach taut pushing her pussy into my mouth - I seemed to be getting the hang of it. I also felt her getting wetter and wetter and surprisingly the taste wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be, in fact, I started to real y enjoy her tangy sweet taste.

“Now stick a finger in!”

Wow, so much to learn, and fast, but I obliged immediately.

“Slide it in and out like you would with your penis and wiggle it inside. Add another finger!”

Alicia almost shouted.

She was now real y moving about on the sofa, pushing her pelvis up and dropping again, sighing and moaning. I could feel her squeeze my fingers with her vaginal muscles. I was not sure what was happening; only later I would know she was fast approaching orgasm but at the time I had absolutely no idea.

All of a sudden, Alicia cried out “Immmm Cuuuuuuuuuming aaaaah ooooh God!” She went rigid and was shaking. I thought that I needed to lick harder and move my hand faster in her as wel , but she pushed my head away and clamped her hand over mine to keep me stil as she kept on shivering and shaking before slowly stopping and taking a few deep breaths. Then Alicia stopped moving though she was stil panting. I gave her clit a kiss for good measure resulting in a smal jump and a light moan.

“Just give me a minute please,” Alicia whispered.

I withdrew my hand and sat at her feet on the floor in front of the sofa softly stroking her thighs, legs, and feet. After a few minutes, Alicia opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“Wow that was mind-blowing, you are the best pupil I have had in a long time; you’re a natural.”

Again I went al red in the face, but in the back of my mind, I took note that I was definitely not the first youngster she had taken under her wing.

“So now let’s see what I can do for you. Please stand in front of me.”

I sprang up and stood in front of Alicia, my cock right in front of her face. I was semi-erect.

Alicia took it in her hand slowly starting to massage it up and down while cupping my bal s and tickling them. That got it fairly quickly into a ful y upright position, getting harder by the second.

She then lowered her mouth towards it and placed a kiss on the bulbous head just before taking it between her lips and ever so slowly sucking it into her hot mouth. That felt sensational. I was getting my first ever blowjob and by an experienced woman; how lucky can you get at eighteen? Alicia started to bob her head up and down bringing sensations to my lower region that I had never before in my life experienced and certainly hadn’t expected to experience when I arrived.

“Oh I feel that I’m close,” I shouted

“Don’t you dare cum!” Alicia shouted while pinching the base of my dick extremely hard.

That hurt, but quickly put a stop to my approaching orgasm.

“OK,” Alicia said, “when you’re close, we need to change tactics because I want your virginity.

Come with me to the bedroom.”

She took my hand and guided me to her bedroom.

“Lie down Lew, now I should normal y put a condom on your cock but as I am on the pill and you can’t have any nasty diseases yet, we can dispense with that, but remember when you’re with a girl not on birth control, even if it’s the very first time, you can get her pregnant, or even worse when you don’t real y know her history, she could give you a nasty disease.”

Alicia joined me on the bed, straddling me and positioning my dick, with her hand, right under her snatch. She held it with one hand and played a bit with it, sliding the head over the outside of her pussy, combining her saliva from the blowjob with her own pussy juices. Her orgasm, together with the pre-cum that already oozed out of my dick had made us both very wet and slippery indeed. Holding the tip directly under her vagina, she impaled herself on my cock. I felt it slide easily into an extremely wet, warm, soft, and silky environment: the sensation was mind-blowing. Once it was al the way in she moved up again but her pussy muscles clung to my shaft as if they wanted it to stay in this heavenly tunnel.

Alicia began riding me like an amazon, her arms in the air, her boobs swinging in al directions. I was not in 7th heaven I was at least in 18th heaven. I tried to grab her boobs but she bucked so hard that it was difficult and I definitely didn’t want to hurt her as she clearly seemed to be enjoying herself tremendously.

Alicia’s breathing started to increase again as she shouted, “Massage my clit with your thumb, make me cum!”

I was a bit flabbergasted by her shouting not immediately grasping what I was supposed to do, but quickly remembering her anatomy lesson on the female body parts, I put my thumb over her clitty and started frigging it. That real y got her going, she was moaning and sighing and breathing like crazy as if she was indeed gal oping over the prairie. Her stomach kept going in and out. I felt I too was approaching a huge orgasm. Alicia moving back and forth pushed me, and clearly herself, over the edge as we climaxed together. I squirted large amounts of cum inside her pussy as she flooded my abdomen with her pussy juices. She col apsed on my chest, both of us heaving and gasping for air.

After about ten minutes of coming down from our high Alicia whispered with a chuckle,

“You’re no longer a virgin Lew.”

“So there you are Linda, that was the story of me losing my virginity and how I learned that, when making love, it is extremely important to make a woman feel good first before thinking of

yourself. I was Alicia’s faithful pupil al through my remaining years in col ege and she gave me lots of chal enges, including one, that was the absolute top.”

“When she gave me a chal enge, I had to perform it to perfection before she moved to the next one, this particular chal enge took me eight months to complete. It was al about stamina, edging, and putting a woman’s needs absolutely first. The chal enge was that during one love session, however long it took, I had to make her cum ten times before I was al owed to cum myself. Remember in those days the little blue pil s had not yet been invented, so that involved super concentration and self-control.”

“The first few months, I barely managed to make her cum three or four times before losing the battle. Before I forget, to make it even more chal enging, she was continual y stimulating me one way or the other. Most of the time after she came, my dick disappeared in her mouth, where she brought me to the edge, and then it was my turn again to make her cum in whatever way I wanted. She even added an additional restriction that I couldn’t use the same method two times in a row, not even every other time.”

“I had to at least make her cum two times before I could use the same technique again. So every time doing oral on her or using my fingers wasn’t al owed. I also had to use my dick regularly to make her cum and that was definitely the ultimate chal enge as she had brought me to the edge just before. I definitely learned a lot about control ing my body. I must admit I had plenty of huge orgasms during those eight months with the absolute ultimate one when I final y succeeded.”

“That is quite a story Lew, almost as good as mine I must say, but now I total y understand your goal to please a woman and put her needs above yours - and then of course col ect your reward from doing it that way. I hope that one day I wil be able to tel the story of my defloration to someone, probably much younger than I wil be then, and help them to enjoy theirs as much as I did mine. Thank you again for making me a woman and thank you for sharing that story with me.”

The remainder of the week was rather uneventful, that is until Thursday when I got an unexpected cal ...

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