Lew's Photo Studio - Book 3 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 22

The inauguration


It took me the better part of the following week to recover from the video shoot antics. I spent most of my time in the computer room together with Jada, when she was not at school. She was good, what I mean is she was amazing, if she kept this up, she would become a world-class film editor or even director. In between we got to talk a lot, about her youth, how she came here together with her older sister Alicia and how the latter got her electricians apprenticeship, slipping into the BDSM lifestyle so that once she herself turned 18 she became interested as well. As she had mentioned during their first visit, she was still looking for a Master. She had tried a few of the club’s members but hadn’t connected with any of them.

“Are you sure you don’t want to take me on as your sex slave?”

“As I said, sweetie, I don’t know enough of the lifestyle to do you justice and you’re so young, you’re 18 and in a short whole I’ll be 60.”

“All the more reason. I can trust you, even if maybe you are a bit too gentle with women. You can’t stop yourself thinking that what we want you to do will hurt us, but that’s the wrong idea. Believe it or not, we crave the pain and the humiliation; it arouses us and makes us cum on its own most of the time - within limits, the more pain we endure, the more intense our orgasms. You will see what I mean next Saturday when the BDSM cellar is inaugurated and I will hopefully be on one of the displays. When on such a display we need a Master present to safeguard us, making sure our set boundaries are not passed or that we might be permanently marked.”

“OK, I’ll think about it, maybe just for the one night to try it out and make sure you don’t get hurt. I’ll let you know before the inauguration.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“OK let’s continue with our work because Astrid wants her videos by the end of the week.”

We continued with the editing, taking out the sound and adding background music, noting the music so as to pay the copyright fees. Friday evening we finished, so I shouted down to Astrid, who’d, together with Tanja had been busy most of the evenings that week in the cellar, preparing the big inauguration show and reception for Saturday.

“Astrid, can you please tear yourself away for half an hour to review the videos for your boutique!” I called downstairs.

“I’ll be up in a minute, I could do with a break anyway!” she replied.

“How’s it going, will you get everything ready for tomorrow?”

“I truly hope so, I definitely don’t want Tanja to be disappointed, because this is her thing and if it works out as she hopes and thinks, it will confirm her leadership of our club and assure her a long reign. OK let’s look at this video you’ve concocted”

After about half an hour we were at the end. Astrid hadn’t said anything and I began to worry.

“It’s fantastic.! It’s even better than I’d hoped for, especially those scenes in the attic with the mirrors, they worked out magically, I am impressed. When can I display them in the boutique?”

“For that part, you’d better contact Jada’s sister, Alicia, she’s the Wizkid with displays.”

“There was one other thing I wanted to talk to you about: Jada asked me to be her Master, and I have doubts. First of all, she’s so young, only 18, and I will be 60 before you know it, I could even be her grandfather. Second I have so little knowledge of the lifestyle I’m afraid I would do it all wrong.”

“Don’t be scared, she is young yes, I admit that, but we have other fairly young members whose Master is two or even three times their age; you won’t stand out if that’s what you’re afraid of. As for your lack of knowledge of the lifestyle, you mastered video filming at your age, what makes you think you wouldn’t be able to ‘Master’ this?”

“Maybe you’re right, well I agreed to be her Master for tomorrow night. On the one hand, she is a bit afraid to be put on display, and on the other, she’s even more afraid of not being put on display! What are the plans for her?”

“I thought we could put her on the St Andrews Cross with a table in front with a small assortment of nipple clamps, fine chains and weights and different types of floggers and whips to be used on her.”

“Sounds painful!”

“But that’s the whole purpose, to give the subs the pain they crave without damaging them.”

“Will you be on display as well Astrid?”

“Yes, later in the evening, but incognito mind you, but first I need to be at the entrance welcoming the guests, together with Tanja.”

“Who else will be on display then?”

“That is for me to know and for you to guess, if you knew upfront, all the fun would be gone. Oh and don’t forget your camera, Tanja wants pictures…and video, of the whole event, especially from the displays.”

“OK, I’ll do my best, but if I want to act as Master for Jada, I need to make sure she will be OK all through the event.”

“We’ll make sure she’s well protected, even if you are filming or photographing another display than hers.”

“Good, I’m looking forward to it!”

“You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Tomorrow, during the day, we’ll bring in the drinks and the food. All the ‘special’ equipment is already here and stored in its proper place. We made arrangements so that it won’t be obvious there is an event in your cellar, participants have been instructed where to park their cars and they will be shuttled to the back entrance with a silent electric Leaf, provided by our local Nissan garage.”

“You really thought of everything didn’t you?”

“We don’t want any trouble, our lifestyle is not understood by everyone. It’s a select group, you might recognize some of them, although most will be wearing a face mask to retain their anonymity.”

“OK, see you tomorrow then.”

The next day passed uneventfully, a few customers in the shop but nothing special. I closed at 6 PM, had a bite to eat, and got ready. No point for me to wear a mask as the whole shindig was in my cellar anyway. I was ready at 7, and when I came in, Tanja and Astrid were there to welcome the guests together with some girls I didn’t know. They were already in ‘uniform’, I immediately recognized one of the more revealing lingerie sets I had photographed for Astrid. Taking a closer look they were all the same, except for the color; there was one in black, one in red, and one in royal blue. The bra was made of a strip of lace contouring the girl’s boobs, leaving the middle portion of the breast with the nipple completely bare. They wore small golden rings around their nipples, accentuating them. None of the girls had any tattoos or piercings; I was in seventh heaven. They were all about the same size, wearing 5-inch stilettoes, color-coordinated with their outfit. The whole thing was completed with tiny see-thru thongs. No need to say they had all gone to Bethany’s or another beauty parlor getting a light suntan and a Brazilian wax.

Trays with glasses for champagne were at the ready, awaiting the first guests who began to trickle in around 8 o’clock. That’s when I saw some movement at one of the displays, Jada, completely naked, was being fastened, face forward, spread-eagled, on the St Andrews Cross, she looked happy. I gave her the thumbs up. “I will look after you,” I mouthed silently. She gave me big smile, beckoning me over.

“Will you be the first to flog me please, before they give me a mouth gag and I can’t ask anymore?”

“OK, I’ll be careful.”

“No, warm me up, start slow and increase the force as you go along.”

Oh my god, I do have a lot to learn. I picked up one of the floggers, the one that looked as if it could do the least harm on her skin, swished it a few times in the air, and then carefully started hitting her with it, first only using just the tips, making the figure 8 as I had learned before. Jada’s smile got bigger, making me bolder and hitting harder, using a bigger portion of the leather strips the thing was made of. Astrid, having seen me, came over.

“You have to give her a good whack every 5th time you hit her,” she whispered in my ear.

OK, I started counting, god this reminded me of my dancing lessons when I was 16, counting the different steps. On 5 I hit her harder.

“Harder, you’re only tickling here, she needs to get pink,” Astrid whispered again.

Again on the count of 5, I hit much harder. I heard Jada give a careful yelp. It was becoming clear I had to hit her a lot harder for her to enjoy it. So be it.

Continuing I startled her by giving a serious whack on the count of 4, drawing a painful hiss from her lips, which was, however, followed by a big smile. I was on the right track and continued for ten minutes. Someone else was already waiting at my side to take over. He went for the nipple clamps, applying them to each of Jada’s nipples which had become hard as a result of the flogging, connecting them with a fine chain and hanging some weights on it. Looking at Jada again she mouthed “Thank you”, just before someone applied a mouth gag on her, shutting her up.

After taking some pictures of her I wandered off to the next station. On this one, a naked woman, already of a certain age was strapped down on what I learned was a spanking bench. She was on her back with her arms stretched over her head, and hands tied to the poles holding the thing up; her legs bent with her ankles tied to her thighs, opening her genital area completely, putting her pussy full on display. In front of her was an assortment of burning candles in glass jars. I saw people picking up one of the jars and pouring drops of the hot wax over her body. Her boobs and pussy were the most favored spots to pour the wax, but her stomach, arms, and thighs were not forgotten. Once the wax had solidified someone grabbed a paddle and started hitting her with it, making the wax come off piece by little piece, and then the whole process was repeated, only the second time the flogger took a cane to remove the wax, making it far more painful for her. Her boobs and pussy began to get slowly blood red, with even very nasty even redder welts showing. After filming that show, I moved on.

Ah, someone I knew, Elisa, of course again buck naked, was tied to a whipping pole being flogged with a small size bullwhip. Every time the whip touched her it curled around her body, leaving a nasty red stripe on her olive skin. By the time I arrived, she was already red all over, screaming around her ball gag every time the whip hit her, Jack hovering around her, keeping an eye on things. After every 5 hits, her tormentor went closer to her, first making sure her skin was not broken, then fingering her hard before continuing the flogging, enticing more moans of pleasure from her gagged mouth. The cellar was filling up nicely, some of the people greeting me. Well, a lot of the villagers knew me as the chap from the photoshop, some I even recognized despite them wearing a mask, some I didn’t, even if they weren’t wearing one.

There were all sorts, some in a tuxedo, and often accompanied by a woman in a very revealing evening dress. Some were topless, or completely naked, or with plunging necklines all the way to the top of their pussy or nude backs down to their ass crack showing cleavage there as well. Bras were a big no, as were panties or thongs: most ladies came commando. One couple stood out; she was clothed in a garment made of leather strips riveted together, with small bells attached to her nipples. He was leading her on a leash attached to a bit in her mouth and she had two ponytails, one on top of her head with a second sticking out of her butt, clearly a special butt plug, it was obvious she was HIS little pony. Black leather or latex clothing was the thing to wear by the aficionados, both men and women. Some of the men were bottomless and wearing a cock cage.

At 10, a voice announced that ‘Le Plat de Résistance’, the main attraction of the evening would be served in the center, which was lit by spotlights. Tanja came towards the center, leading a young barefoot woman by a rope around her neck. Her head was covered with a cloth bag made of the same material as the tiny white dress she wore, barely covering her crotch; her hands were tied in front, she also had a rope tied around her right ankle, and one just above her knee, the purpose of these ropes became clear once they started to put her in the desired position.

Once on the spot, her hands were attached, high up, to a rope dangling from one of the winches attached to the ceiling, stretching her lithe body, only allowing her to stand on her toes. Although I couldn’t see her face, there was something familiar about her body. Tanja began touching her all over her body, even revealing the tiny thong she was wearing. She was joined by Astrid and a bare-chested, very muscular man, unknown to me.

The girls started pulling at the straps holding up the small dress, trying to rip them, not really succeeding in breaking them but already baring the masked girl’s boobs partly in the process. Someone approached the little group with a pair of scissors, cutting the dress from the hem and going all the way up between her boobs, making it fall open, baring her beautiful body.

All of a sudden it hit me, I know that beautiful body, it’s Linda. Ripping the remains of the white dress of her body didn’t take long, leaving her completely naked except for the thong she was wearing. At the same time Tanja pulled the hood off, indeed revealing Linda’s face, a ball gag in her mouth, Astrid dropped to her knees cutting away Linda’s white thong with the scissors, thus exposing her waxed pussy. The bare-chested man took hold of her ankle, lifting it way up, bringing her in a standup split position like only Linda could, thanks to her flexible body. He attached the ankle rope to the one securing her arms and hands to the winch. To make sure her leg couldn’t come down, a second rope was added connecting the one that was just above her knee to the one around her neck.

The people around her took full advantage of her helplessness and started to grope Linda all over her enticing, completely naked, and now fully available body. Her Mistress, Astrid was already busy with Linda’s pussy, slapping it with her hand, and alternating that with fingering her roughly. A couple of guys were manhandling her small perky boobs, pinching and twisting the already hard nipples, pulling hard on them, stretching out her boobs. Somebody came up with a box of clothespins, handing them out to be applied to Linda’s nipples and boobs. Astrid grabbed a handful and began putting some on the inside of Linda’s thighs, once finished she pushed a magic wand almost into Linda’s pussy. I approached Linda, looking in her eyes; she gave me a reassuring glance, indicating this was what she wanted to experience.

When Astrid tired of arousing Linda with the magic wand she began slapping her butt with her hand, assisted by another male guest who enjoyed making it as painful as possible for her. Very quickly, Linda’s butt turned a fiery red. The guy that had been slapping her got his hard cock out of his trousers, put a condom on, club rules, and shoved it, in one go, into Linda’s wide spread open cunt, which had already become dripping wet from the magic wand. At the same time two women, who had replaced the guys manhandling her boobs before, removed the clothespins forcefully and began sucking on each of her breasts from the side, biting the nipples. One of them tried, unsuccessfully, to stick a finger in Linda’s backdoor, they were stopped immediately by Astrid, indicating this part of her body was off-limits.

I saw Linda’s eyeballs roll upward, shrieking sounds escaping between her lips and the ball gag, a clear indication she was getting close to an orgasm. Astrid stopped her tormentors stimulating her, denying the climax she desperately sought. The man fucking her withdrew and those pawing her left her alone.

Tanja, who had been standing on the side just watching, approached with a flogger, wanting a piece of the action, keeping Linda on edge. She made the sort of traditional figure 8 movement with the flogger, over Linda’s butt and back, hitting 4 times lightly and on the fifth stroke giving a serious whack, making Linda wince in pain, though this was quickly followed by a smile. Her breathing was getting ragged, and she pulled her stomach in every time her back was hit by the leather strips of the flogger. The guy that had bound her leg up, released it, so she could again stand on her two bare feet.

All of a sudden she was pulled up by the winch she was attached to, really stretching her body, leaving her naked body suspended at least one foot above the floor. Looking to the corner of the room, I saw Jack, the electrician, at the command table.

Tanja grabbed Linda’s left ankle, attached a rope to it, pulling her leg sideways attaching it to a ring in the floor. Her right leg got the same treatment on that side, leaving Linda’s pussy wide open again for whatever anybody had in mind. Tanja pulled the flogger out of her back pocket, swinging it between Linda’s legs from behind, hitting her snatch full force, taking Linda completely by surprise. A muffled scream escaped between her lips and the ball gag, and her pussy immediately became bright pink. Walking around her, Tanja did the same from the front, this time not surprising Linda, but the inflicted pain was visably equal. To make sure Linda was OK, Tanja felt her pussy with her free hand, stroking tenderly, giving Linda’s clit some extra attention. A few seconds of this treatment was all it took to pull the overstimulated girl over the brink into a body-shaking orgasm. Slipping a couple of fingers inside of her gushing cunt, she kept Linda’s orgasm going to the point she was shaking and squirting like crazy, leaving a nice wet puddle of her juices on the floor beneath. Tanja signaled to Jack to bring Linda down. The ropes on her ankles and hands were quickly released and she was led to one of the dressing rooms. Wanting to make sure she was OK I followed.

“Will you look after her Lew?” Tanja asked.

“Yes of course.” Turning to Linda lying on the bed I asked, “Are you OK?”

“Yes.” She whispered, “Were you afraid?”

“Of course, I was when I saw what they were doing to you.”

“It’s not as bad as it looks. I discussed and agreed on this upfront with Astrid, so I knew more or less what to expect, she trained me beforehand and that’s how I found out I like this combination of pain, humiliation, and pleasure. I had a fantastic orgasm at the end.”

“So normal, non-BDSM sex, is now finished for you?”

“No silly, I would still love for you to make love to me, but it may be a bit rougher sometimes if you want that, and don’t forget, I still have one virgin hole I want you to explore.”

“Seriously, you want me to deflower your ass hole?”

“Yes, I want you to take my anal virginity, that was a hard border I had put on Astrid for me to participate in this show, no anal penetration, definitely not with a cock anyway.”

“Did you know about this when we had the video shoot?”

“Yes I did, but it was a secret between Astrid and me, I wanted to surprise you, and honestly, when they took away the hood, your face was…I have no words for it.”

“What did you expect? I had no idea, and to be honest, you were the last person I suspected to be under that hood. At least up to the point when they tore the dress off of you, and I recognized your glorious body, but in a way, I still couldn’t believe you would agree to this, you keep surprising me every time I see you.”

“I hope I’ll be able to keep doing that in the future.”

“So you’re OK for now?”

“Yes, Lew! I’m OK, just give me some time to recover and I’ll join the party again. I’ll still be naked, that’s my exhibitionist side which made me shed my clothes in front of your camera in the first place, remember?”

“How can I forget, you were my first nude model in my new studio. If you’re sure you’re fine, I need to go, making good on my promise to Tanja to provide plenty of photos and video of her moment of glory, see you later.”

Before walking out I looked over my shoulder at Linda’s exciting nude body again resting on the bed. High time to see how Jada was doing, I was after all her Master, at least for today. Approaching the St Andrew’s cross, I saw that she had been turned around and blindfolded, her shapely Brazilian ass now facing the crowd, already turning red from the flogging someone was giving her. I heard her moan over the noise. Beckoning to the woman who was flogging her with a cat-o-nine tail flogger, I asked if she could hold it for a minute, so I could go behind the St Andrew’s Cross to film Jada. Once there, first I removed the ball gag, after which I kissed her lightly on the lips; she had no idea who kissed her as she was still blindfolded, but returned the kiss. Squatting, I then kissed her vertical lips and brought my camera in position to film, in close up, her pussy being flogged from the front. The woman began flogging Jada between her spread legs, hitting her clit every time with the tips of the leather flogger straps. On the first hit, Jada squealed. After 5 hits, I motioned to the woman to stop, to allow a quick check of Jada’s reddening pussy. I lightly touched it with my hand making her flinch, following up again with a light kiss, accompanied by a flick of my tongue over her clit. She was OK, so I signaled to the woman, who quickly resumed her flogging, just missing my face. Getting up again, I let the flogging go on for another 10 hits before stopping it completely. By now Jada’s pussy was red hot, but dripping from her arousal. I removed the blindfold and after blinking she recognized me and gave me a big smile moving her head forward trying to kiss me. I gladly participated, with full tongue this time.

“Shall I untie you?” I asked in a whisper.

“Yes please, Master,” she whispered back.

“OK, let me put my camera away safely and I’ll be back.

Securing my camera in a cupboard under the command table, I quickly returned. I asked her if she wanted to cum. “Yes please, can you make me cum before you untie me?”

I got on my knees facing her pussy and began to eat her out. Thanks to the aroused state she was in, it didn’t take long to make her squirt, whimpers of pleasure erupting from her lips as she flooded my face with her tasty girl juice, shaking and shivering as much as her ties allowed her. When she eventually came down from her body shaking orgasm I began to open the handcuffs holding her fixed to the St. Andrew’s cross, taking her hand and leading her to the dressing room where Linda was still recovering.

“Hello Linda, I brought you some company.”

“Wonderful, how are you holding up Jada?

“I’m fine but I needed a bit of a rest - like you I see.”

“Yes it was intense, but I loved it.”

“Me too, I came a few times, did you?”

“Absolutely, when Astrid was teasing me with this magic wand and they put clothespins on my nipples it was absolute heaven.”

“Though at first, it didn’t make me cum, I loved the before last thing, when Lew removed the ball gag and then someone kissed my pussy just before it being flogged.”

“That was me, Jada, I kissed your pussy and filmed it being flogged.”

“Oh, can I have a copy of that, please? Oh and credit where credit is due, before untying me, Lew was kind enough to eat me to a glorious orgasm in the end”

“You’ll be editing the video of this evening together with me so, you’ll be able to make your personal edited version of that scene for your private collection. Now girls you’d better rest up a bit so you can return for some more fun and games maybe?”

“Will do.” They said in unison, getting together on the bed. I doubt if they would get much real rest, probably preferring some fun and games on their own. I made a mental note to take a look later at what the hidden cam in the dressing room might have captured. Going back out, from the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a contraption I saw in the corner opposite the dressing room. When doing the rounds with Tanja, she called it a spanking bench I think. It was not used for spanking now. A gorgeous nude female was on her knees her lower legs strapped to two movable arms in a V spread wide, her stomach flat on the higher, cushioned part the V arms were attached to, her tits dangling and her arms strapped to the legs supporting the contraption. One guy was fucking her in the butt while mangling her swaying tits, while another one was fucking her mouth, as far as I knew they called it spit-roasting. A woman was hitting the soles of her feet with a cane. The naked woman on the bench was moaning hard with an occasional cry when her feet were hit hard. Finally, a third guy was filming the whole scene, hey that was me, just doing what I was supposed to do. After about a quarter of an hour, I got bored and moved on to the next ‘attraction’.

What appeared to be a specialist had tied up a skinny, young-looking nude girl, in a way she couldn’t move an inch, but with all her interesting parts nicely on display. It was very artful how he had done this, suspending her almost upside down. One of the cords went over her belly south, drawn deep between her pussy lips going to her back, stimulating her clit, which was proven by the profusely flowing juices from her snatch, making that part of the cord soaking wet. When I got there, he was flogging her already wet pussy with a cat-o-nine tails, spreading her juices all over her belly and thighs. Her moaning and sighing told me she was nearing an orgasm, and when it did finally hit her, she squirted all over the floor.

Turning around, I saw the door of the dressing room open with both Jada and Linda exiting, both wearing identical absolute stunner outfits. Linda’s was in red, contrasting beautifully with her pale skin and golden hair, Jada’s in mint green contrasting with her rich olive skin, and the costume was finished off with the same colored butterfly masks drawing the attention of everyone around. Their female fun parts were fully on display. The boobs framed by thin straps, leaving the middle part completely uncovered, with their nipples glowing, obviously treated with some kind of special make-up. Black sheer stockings were held up by suspenders in the same color as the bra and what was supposed to act as a string pulled over them, only theirs was with an open crotch, drawing attention to their already moist pussies, still dark pink from their previous floggings. The bystanders started to applaud them. Astrid, also wearing a mask, was quickly by their side, leading them around the room. This was an excellent way for her to promote her erotic clothing line for the more adventurous ladies in the audience.

Of the three girls that had acted as hostesses offering Champagne to the guests, one was now strapped totally naked to the St Andrew’s cross, with already two volunteers at the ready to flog her or fuck her with one of the numerous vibrators that had now been placed on the table nearby.

The second girl was strapped, with leather belts, naked into a gynecological chair, her legs spread wide with her feet in the stirrups. A roll-away table stood nearby with all kinds of devices on display, ready to be used on her tempting body parts. A man, who’d donned a white doctor’s coat was already fingering her pussy, opening up her labia, after which he inserted a speculum, prying her pussy completely open, and giving the bystanders an intimate inside view of her vagina. A woman in a very short nurse's uniform, the buttons of it straining to keep her ample bosom under control, was slowly rolling a Wartenburg wheel, over and around the girls’ perky boobs. When she tired of doing this, she picked up a small suction cup and made the girl in the gyno chair lick the rim of the cup before placing it over one of her nipples pumping the air out so the nipple and a part of the tit was sucked forcefully inside. The second nipple was subjected to the same treatment.

In the meantime, the fake doctor had removed the speculum and made the nude girl suck on a vibrator egg, which he inserted completely in her moist pussy. First testing it himself, he then passed the remote control around to activate the vibrating egg, allowing it to increase or decrease its vibrations. The ones holding it had great fun torturing the girl, bringing her to the verge of an orgasm, and then shutting it down, denying her the ultimate pleasure. Some 15 to 20 minutes later she was begging her tormentors to give her the release she craved. Finally, one of the guys took pity and vibrated her over the brink making her trash around straining against the leather straps holding her down in the chair, her eyes closed in total bliss, she was growling and grumbling deep in her throat. I had the whole thing on tape when suddenly I realized what I was shooting was in fact pure porn. Not exactly what I had in mind as a willing career move, so I stopped and put the camera away in a safe place. I needed to give this some serious thought.

By this time we were burning the midnight oil and everybody was getting tired. I asked Tanja what her plans were and she said that she was going to wind the party down, first by stopping the distribution of booze and then by getting the girls to the dressing room. Some diehards still had their partners attached to one or another device, but it was clear that the flogging arms we slowly getting overworked, and most of the cum was spent. One by one the guests took their leave, congratulating Tanja with her fantastic party, pledging their loyalty to the club. When the last guest had gone, Tanja became all practical, she summoned all the girls and gave out instructions for the next day, when the place needed to be cleaned up.

It was clear that being a slave in the club entailed more than just being groped, flogged, fucked, or displayed but also more menial tasks as cleaning and putting everything in its proper place or cupboard. Tanja informed me that by the end of the next week she wanted a set of the pictures I’d taken and an edited version of video footage I had shot. It was to be shown only in the club or on special events, like for example at an erotic fair, to promote the lifestyle and potentially draw new members. Jack shut everything down, making sure no candles were left burning, also activating the burglar alarm as he walked out and locked up.

I went upstairs, and straight to bed, happy that I had the next day off. Monday would be a different matter as at 8 AM my long-time cleaning lady Jill would be ringing my bell.