Lew's Photo Studio - Book 3 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 23



As usual, Jill, my long-time cleaning lady rang the bell at 7:50. Going to the door I was surprised to see she was not alone: she was accompanied by what at first glance looked like an attractive, but unusually muscular girl.

“What’s up Jill, have you brought reinforcements?”

“Yes and no, I’ve been telling you that it’s getting too hard for me to clean for you. Don’t forget I’ll turn 65 by the end of the year and retire. When it was only your old apartment it was OK, but now with the big studio added to it, it’s just too much for me. I talked to the agency about retiring and they agreed it was indeed time for me to store away my brooms and hang up my bucket, so they provided a replacement. This is Petra, she is from Poland, she’s got youth on her side at 36. I’m sure you will like her, she used to participate in bodybuilding contests, but just as I was getting too old and not enjoying cleaning anymore, she found there was no longer any fun participating in these bodybuilding contests.

She keeps her body in shape though and loves to pose, and I happen to know you like to take pictures of skimpily-clad girls with stunning bodies. With her, you will get two for the price of one, a very good cleaning lady and a model with a killer body. Today I will show her the ropes, afterwards when we’ve finished and if you’re happy you can keep her on, or I’ll get the agency to find someone else for you. Don’t worry, if that’s the case I’ll come as often as required to train someone else until we find the right person for you.”

That was the longest speech I had ever heard Jill make in the many years she cleaned for me. Petra looked at her, slightly flushed. “You don’t have to tell uh…I think Jill forgot to introduce us.”

“Oh yes, I am Lew, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Mister Lew, Jill loves to tell everybody about my old life as a bodybuilding model, you shouldn’t pay any attention to that.”

“Don’t worry I am not, and it’s just Lew please. I’ve known Jill for many years and I know her through and through, and she me. I bet she has told you a thing or two about me as well.”

“Yes, she did, especially about your specialty in nude photography.”

“Jill, what did you do that for, you naughty girl, I never asked you to pose in the nude for me did I?”

“No you didn’t, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have loved to do it when I was younger.”

“Really, god if I’d only known, I would surely have asked you, but you being married and all, I never dared. But hey who knows, now that you will have loads of free time…”

“No it’s too late now, I’m too old for something like that.”

“You are never too old to pose for nice photos, just a few weeks ago I photographed a 52-year-old woman and she was stunning. Let me make an appointment for you.”

“In your dreams!”

“No I mean it, you are a beautiful woman Jill and as far as I can see still in very good shape.”

“Yeah keep on dreaming Lew and let me just do the cleaning.”

“OK but I still want to keep my options open.”

“Come on Petra, let’s leave this dreamer to his photos and start cleaning the place.”

The two of them disappeared into the studio to go about their cleaning business. I went back upstairs for a leisurely breakfast on my second free day of the week. Around 10 I went downstairs with Jill’s cup of tea. I had brought one for Petra too, hoping that she liked tea as well - she did.

“So ladies, everything to your satisfaction?”

“Yes, this is a big studio you have here,” Petra replied.

“Yes, regrettably one of the main reasons for Jill to leave me after all these years, but I can understand it: she’s not getting any younger and this was a big place to maintain, certainly after my previous small apartment. Where is Jill by the way?”

“I don’t know, she disappeared a while ago, I saw her going into one of the rooms back there.”

“Mmmm I wonder? Shall we investigate where she went? Care to join me?”


Petra had pointed to the room giving access to the staircase into the cellar. I knew that Jill was very curious about what was in that cellar, she had never been there, and I’d never volunteered any information. She probably thought this was the last opportunity she would get to find out. We went very quietly down the stairs. It was rather dark, just a small security light burning. I suspected that Jill would be very nervous, and I didn’t want the poor curious dear to get a heart attack with us bursting in and switching all the lights on, so I whispered to Petra, “Ask her in a whisper if she’s here.”

“Jill are you down here?” Petra asked in a whisper.

“Uh…yes, has Lew come down with the tea yet?” She whispered back.

“Yes, he has,” I whispered back.

“Oh, you’re here,” she replied, clearly startled.

“I am indeed Jill, shall I switch on the light so you can satisfy your curiosity?”

“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, but you were always so secretive about this space.”

Switching on the light, revealing all the different contraptions in the club I heard a sharp intake of breath, in stereo, one from right behind me and another from a few feet in front of me in the cellar.

Almost in unison, they said, “Oh my god what is all this?”

“This ladies is a BDSM dungeon, and before you ask, it's not mine, I just rent the place to our local fetish society. If you are interested I can give you a demonstration, but then I will have to ask you to take all your clothes off.

“No, no, I’m OK I don’t need a demonstration.” Jill quickly replied.

Petra remained silent, an indication of her interest? I wondered.

“Well Jill, is your curiosity satisfied now?”

With a guilt-ridden face, she replied, “Uh…yes, let’s go back upstairs and drink our tea.”

She couldn’t get out of there fast enough, almost running up the stairs.

“Careful Jill, I don’t want you to have an accident on your potential last workday for me.”

“I’d be interested to see more and maybe get a small demonstration,” Petra whispered.

“I think you and I are gonna get along real fine, how about you come back tonight, after 7, and I’ll give you the grand tour.”

“I’ll be there, you can count on it, I’ve always been curious about this BDSM stuff, I even went once to the Fetish Café in Antwerp, but this looks so much better, especially if I get a private tour.”

We went upstairs and had our tea, well the girls had tea I had coffee. As I’d done for many years when it was just Jill, I asked them to come to the apartment to have their lunch together with me. After lunch, Jill stayed to clean the apartment, while Petra went back downstairs to continue with the studio and do the shop. By 4 they’d finished. I came down together with Jill.

“Well, Jill after all these years I need to say goodbye to you for the last time.”

“Let’s make it quick Lew, or I’ll start to cry.”

“Me as well dear. I’ll miss you, but I’m sure your two grandchildren will keep you busy, they will be thrilled to have their granny all to themselves, every day of the week. Keep in touch, after all, it’s not as if you live in another country.”

“We may spend some more time in Spain now, especially during the winter months.”

“I can imagine you fleeing our cold country in winter to warm your bones in Spain. Benidorm is it, where you usually go?”

“Yes, we always go to the same place, and we usually see the same people every year.”

“So you can tell the agency that I am very happy with Petra. I hope you’ll be happy with me as well Petra, and you will come back?” I said with a wink.

“Yes, I’ll see you next time,” she replied, giving me a thumbs up.

When they were gone, I picked up the phone and dialed Tanja’s number.

“Hey Tanja, Lew here, I have a favor to ask you.”

“Oh my landlord wants to ask me for a favor, I’m curious, please do tell.”

I told Tanja the whole story of Jill’s curiosity trip downstairs and her replacement by Petra and the latter’s interest in the lifestyle…“And I wanted to ask you if it’s OK for me to give her the grand tour this evening? I hope there was nothing planned in the dungeon?”

“No we have nothing planned for tonight, you can have the place to yourself. Remember you will have to make sure that afterwards there are no blood or other fluids anywhere on the floor or the equipment,” she said with a chuckle.

“I don’t think anything will happen to cause fluids of any kind flowing. I am curious though, she’s an ex-bodybuilder, she might be an interesting member down the line. If she’s interested, people practicing that discipline have great bodies to look at and they can stand pain much better than your average housewife, in fact, most of them crave it, a bit like most of your members.”

“You might be right there, keep me posted of the visit and if you need assistance, just give me a ring and I’ll be right there. Oh, make sure you take some pictures.”

“Will do Tanja, thanks, I owe you one.”

7 o'clock sharp the bell rang: Petra seemed to be keen. I buzzed her in and she came straight up to the apartment. She looked quite different from this morning, her darkish brown hair was loose, she wore a tight-fitting white T-shirt, hugging her boobs, with her nipples trying to poke a hole in the material, the outfit was completed with a very short jeans skirt, showing well-formed muscled legs, especially her thighs looked well trained. She could have stepped right out of the James Bond movie Golden Eye, in which the Bond girl’s specialty was killing agents with her thighs. The part was played by a Dutch actress named Famke if I remember correctly.

On her feet she wore sneakers.

“Can I offer you a drink? A glass of Champagne maybe?”

“You want to get me drunk?”

“Absolutely not, besides I heard that Polish girls don’t get drunk all that fast and certainly not from one glass of Champagne.”

“No that’s true I can hold my liquor rather well.”

“Excellent, Champers it is then, where does your interest in BDSM come from, if I may ask?”

“Partly because of my bodybuilding hobby, when practicing, like in most sports, you suffer. Your muscles are really put to the test and after a practice session, they hurt, but that’s it then. My guess is when you suffer pain in an SM session, the purpose is to have a pleasurable release at the end, right?”

“Let’s get one thing straight, I am not an expert, so I am not sure I can give you the correct full information, I can only tell about what I’ve seen and experienced in the very short time I have been subjected to the lifestyle. The inauguration last Saturday was intense, I saw and experienced things I had never seen or experienced before. I acted as Master for one of the girls, but just for the one evening. I have played around with some of the members and with the toy slave of the club’s president, but that was it. So do you get a pleasurable release at the end? My slave did, I made sure of that, but I don’t know about everybody else. What do you think, shall we go downstairs?”

“Yes please, I am so curious.”

“Remember, this place is not mine, I just rent it out to the club, and I got permission from the president herself to show you around, she even volunteered to come over if you wanted more information.”

“Wow, this is the royal tour then, even with the blessing of the president.”

“Yes, so try to make the most of it.”

Entering the ‘dungeon’, as I liked to call it, Petra looked around, not knowing where to look first.

“There is so much here, far more than in the fetish café. I recognize some of the things, like the St. Andrew’s Cross and the winches, they have them there as well.”

“Would you like to try a small session?”

“Can I?”

“Of course, what would you like to experience?”

“Can I try a whipping? I want to experience what it’s like to be whipped.”

“Yes, but I will have to ask you to remove some of your clothing then, whipping is done on the naked skin.”

My words weren’t even cold when Petra pulled her T-shirt over her head baring her perky boobs. They were beautiful, standing straight forward, adorned by almost nonexistent areolae, which were in turn, crowned by the pencil eraser nipples that I had seen already trying to poke holes in her T-shirt. She seemed aroused by the idea of experiencing a whipping but not certain where to go.

“Also the skirt please,” I said.

She quickly zipped down the skirt dropping it on the spot, leaving her in white cotton panties and sneakers.

“Excellent, now give me your hands and come to the ‘star attraction’ spot in the center of the room. Oh, you need to be completely naked for this, so could you remove your panties as well please?”

“Sorry but I’m not confident enough yet to remove my panties.”

She stuck both hands out for me to put some soft handcuffs on them, each with a Velcro closing. Lifting one arm I attached the clip to one of the cords hanging down from the ceiling, spreading her arms attaching the second as well. Her body was now stretched, arms wide and her boobs well exposed.

“To make sure you won’t use those killer thighs of yours on me, I’m going to fix your feet to a spreader bar.”

As it was a first-time experience for her, I took it slow, picking a cat-o-nine tails flogger. Swishing it a few times in the air, she looked fearfully at me. I applied it lightly to her abdomen, drawing a sharp intake of breath from her. Bearing in mind what I had learned I kept flogging lightly making a figure 8, over her boobs and her stomach. After about 6 or 7 lashes, I hit her hard. She cried out.

“Ouch, that hurt!”

“That’s what it’s all about, first I warm you up with light lashes and as we go along it gets harder and harder. Then when you are nicely warmed up I will use different whips. You’re sure you want to continue?”

“Yes, I want the full experience.”

“OK, I’m gonna apply some oil on your skin, to make sure it won’t break, is it OK if I touch your body or boobs with my hands?”

“Yes no problem, go right ahead.”

“OK, but I will have to remove your panties, else they might get dirty with oil.”

“No, I don’t want you to, besides it will be impossible the way you’ve got me tied up.”

“Yes, I can Petra.”


“Simple, I cut them away with pair of scissors.”

“No, no don’t!”

“Trust me you’ll love it and besides don’t worry I’ll get you a pair of new ones.”

She started to wiggle, trying to get away from me and my scissors.

“Stop wiggling about or I might cut you.”

She didn’t stop, so I took matters into my own hands. I attached a cord to the spreader bar and hooked it up to the winch pulling her up till she was completely suspended, legs and arms wide open, her butt hanging down a bit. I pulled her up high enough so I could take up a sitting position between her spread legs, my face directly in front of her panties, I started cutting away wondering why she didn’t want me to see her pussy. She had a very hairy pussy, could that be the reason?

“Are you ashamed of your pussy Petra?”

“Yes, it’s so hairy.”

“I love it, it’s so beautiful I’m even gonna give it a kiss.”

Which I immediately did, taking in her aroused smell and a first tentative taste of the moisture forming on her labia.

“Now I’m gonna have to punish you for denying me the pleasure of your divine pussy.”

Getting up I picked up the flogger, moving around her, swishing it in the air, surprising her when I hit her from behind between her legs on her pussy.

“Oww that hurts!”

“That’s for being a naughty girl trying to hide your beautiful bush from me.”

Hitting her a few more times, I noticed she wasn’t having the fun she expected, despite her explicit wish for an SM experience. Because of all the hair around her pubic area, it was hard to see if her pussy lips became too red and painful, so I limited the number of hits I made. Maybe I should try some nipple clamps or clothespins on her?

“How about you try some nipple clamps?”

“Does it hurt?”

“Basically everything in SM hurts, some things more than others; shall I try it on one nipple then?”

“OK, but if it hurts too much promise me you will remove it quickly.”

“Sure, but give it a bit of time to settle, at first it really will hurt real hard, but it will be less once you get used to it.”

I chose a simple wooden clothespin for her first experience, the metal ones being far more painful, I knew as I tried some of these things on myself, to know how much it hurt. Pulling on her erect nipple, I put the pin on, releasing it slowly and increasing the pressure as it clamped down. Her face contorted in pain, but she soldiered on, allowing me to put the second one on her other boob. In the end, it wasn’t her thing really, after about a minute she asked me to remove them, which I quickly did. I sat down again in front of her, I placed another kiss on her pubes, enticing a moan from her lips.

“This feels so much better, please keep doing that please.”

That’s all the encouragement I needed to go to town on her cunt, though after a while I had a better idea. I let her down again, but just until she could stand on her toes, still completely stretched, her lean muscular body beautifully on display. I needed to get some photos of this.

“Petra, before I untie you, would you mind if I take some photos of you like this? I’ll give you a contract to ensure the privacy of the photos.”

“If you can guarantee the photos will remain private, yes, you can take photos, it’s only a little more nude than when I posed during the bodybuilding competitions.”

“Great, I’ll take some like this and then a few in some of your body-building poses, if you don’t mind.”

Grabbing my camera I got busy snapping away from all sides: some of these I could show Tanja. When I had untied her, she struck some of the poses she had used during her competition days. She looked fantastic, muscular but oh so feminine. After a while, I had enough. I didn’t want to take any close-ups of her pussy, well not yet anyway, maybe one day when she felt more confident to share her most intimate parts with the camera.

Putting my camera away I asked. “How about we move you to a more pleasant contraption?”

“Which one?” she asked with fear in her voice.

“How would you feel about experiencing one of the fuck swings?”

“Fuck swings? What are fuck swings?”

“It’s a sort of chair, made of leather straps, leaving you completely exposed, very open to all kinds of penetration…and it swings from the ceiling, ideal for fucking or sucking on your pussy.”

“I like the sound of that, yeah let’s try it.”

I took her hand, leading her to one of the two fuck swings.

“How about you shedding some of your clothes Lew?”

“Oh, I’m still fully dressed am I, story of my life, OK I’ll take off my gear.”

“Let me do it.”

“If you insist.”

Petra’s nimble hands quickly removed my clothes, feeling and fondling my cock, bringing it to full mast.

“Nice, I will enjoy this one in my pussy.”

“Your pussy? How about some anal play?”

“What do you mean with anal play?”

“You never heard of anal darling? OK if you understand this better, fucking your ass.”

“No way!”

“You have never been fucked in your ass?”


“Would you like to expand your borders and experience it?”

“No, I said no way, let me suck your dick instead, I’m very good at sucking dick.”

“How about I give you a challenge?”

“What challenge?”

“OK, I let you suck my dick, if you can make me cum in say less than 15 minutes, we call it quits and I make you cum at least 3 times with my tongue. If I can hold off cumming, longer than 15 minutes, you blowing me, I can fuck your ass.”

“Make it 20 and you have a deal.” She sounded very confident. Well what have I got to lose, whatever happens, I will win anyway, cumming first, and then, one of my favorite hobbies, feasting on a juicy pussy.

“Are you sure? Don’t come complaining afterward when I stick my cock in your backdoor.”

“Yes I’m sure and I won’t complain because it never happened before and it’s not going to happen now. I never experienced a man that lasted any longer than 8 or 9 minutes.”

“OK let’s do this the right way, I will set this alarm clock to 20 minutes when the bell rings and I haven’t cum, you lose and I’ll take your anal virginity, you win and you get a cunnilingus you will remember for a very long time.”

I put the alarm clock in plain sight so the both of us could clearly see it. A strategic move from my side, trying to make her nervous as she saw the minutes ticking away. Petra got on her knees in front of me, taking a hold of my cock, her tongue out, giving my glans a tentative lick, followed by swirling around, slowly taking it into her mouth, sucking hard, hollowing her cheeks. Sliding down steadily, all the way, taking it completely in, until her lips touched my pubic bone. With her hands, she was fondling and tickling my balls. Moving up again, I felt her tongue going over the frenulum, in most cases a sure way to give the receiver almost an instant orgasm. It became quickly clear to me she was a natural, or even better a professional. I definitely wanted to win this challenge, proving to her that there were men in this world that could last longer than the 8 or 9 minutes she had experienced so far. It was going to be tough, I could feel it. I would need to concentrate hard. Hopefully, I still had it in me, as I did so many years ago with Alicia, who’d taken my virginity and trained me the hard way.

She pulled every trick in the book out of her…mouth, not her hat, of course, sucking, swirling bobbing. Slowly the seconds ticked away, turning into minutes. I was standing my ground, even when she sucked each of my balls into her hot mouth, giving one after the other a thorough washing with her tongue, pressing them gently against the roof of her mouth. When we hit the 10-minute mark, I felt her getting a bit nervous but doubling her efforts starting to hum, giving that little extra that would usually result in an orgasm, but not this time. At the 15 minute mark, she seemed to become a bit desperate, pushing with a finger against my backdoor, clearly hoping to get me over the finish line. A few seconds before the 20 minutes were over, she pushed with both hands hard on my butt, to try and get my cock, as deep as it would go into her, by now, tiring mouth. Unfortunately for her she was unsuccessful When finally the bell of the alarm clock went off, she fell back, clearly exhausted, looking at me with unbelieving eyes.

After catching her breath she said: “How is it possible? How do you do this? It’s inhuman.”

“Training, dear, plain training, and believe me I trained with the best.”

“OK I admit defeat, you can have my ass.”

“Are you absolutely sure? I don’t want to do this unless you are 100% on board, it must be fun for you as well as for me, or else I’ll take a raincheck in the form of a free nude posing session with you in the future.”

“I’m not sure about the fun part, but no, I gave my word and I lost the challenge fair and square, let’s get this over with, where and how do you want me?”

“Please join me at the fuck swing, so I can get you installed.”

“Mmm this isn’t too bad to lie in, it leaves me well exposed, as you mentioned it would, but that’s OK, can you fuck my pussy first please?”

“I can try Petra, but I need to avoid cumming and stay hard for your anal defloration, and you have done everything in your power to make me cum with your artistic mouth moves. I will try to please you, and rest assured I will be very careful once I start exploring your back entrance.”

To make sure I would be true to my words, I began to fondle Petra all over her body with my hands, caressing her inner thighs and her pussy, slipping the occasional finger into her love channel, drawing her juices out, spreading them over her perineum and butthole enticing moans from her sweet lips. To make sure my cock was ready, and upon her request, I gave in to let her grab my cock and lead it to her pussy, pushing it in herself. Her pussy was so wet, I barely had to push, the movement of the swing let it slip in all the way, almost by itself. Just a few ins and outs were the only thing I could permit, as I was getting closer to an orgasm and I didn’t want her to cop-out, due to a softening cock after an orgasm!

Pulling out, I grabbed a tube of lube, spreading it over my digit before placing it against her sphincter and applying some light pressure. It slipped in to the first knuckle - rather easily thanks to the lube - before sliding out again and picking up some more lubricant on two fingers. Then I tried to repeat the process with two fingers. It was a little bit more difficult but it worked, while also getting more lube into her back passage. I tried, successfully, to push up to the second knuckle. Petra moaned, alternating with mousy little squeaks. High time to go for the real thing. Adding some lube to my cock, already lubricated thanks to her juices, I took up a position at the entrance of her back door and began to push. The door was firmly closed this time.

“Please try to relax, it will hurt far less than the clothespins on your nipples.”

Time to change tactics and go for a well-proven method, surprise. I slapped her butt cheek hard with my right hand, startling her and making her forget all about this intruder at her back door, so it was possible to push the head just past her sphincter. When she realized what had happened she relaxed a little more.

“Take your time to adjust, the worst is over, believe me, it will be strictly fun from here on, just tell me when you’re ready for me to go further.”

She gave big sigh, wiggling her butt a bit, getting used to this foreign intruder.

“OK try to go on, but carefully!”

Pushing carefully, I began to slide in centimeter by centimeter, the lube doing its work like a dream and before I and Petra realized it, I was all the way in.

“How does it feel?”

“It’s OK, I feel so wonderfully filled up, what do we do now?”

“I’ll fuck you in a traditional in and out fashion.”

To make sure she was going to enjoy this, I began frigging the top of her pussy with my thumb, sliding the hood up, and making direct contact with her love bean. Petra was groaning and purring like a cat, and was slowly but surely building up to an orgasm - as I was. Increasing the pace of my fucking, I was using the swing to the full, sparing my back. Waves of euphoria were crashing over us both, inching our orgasms closer to boiling point. Petra began to quiver and shake, her rectum contracting on my cock, her legs up in the air with her feet next to my ears, her hands around my neck drawing me closer into her trying to increase her orgasmic feeling. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t hold off any longer and finally gave in to the ultimate pleasure, squirting rope after rope of hot cum into her welcoming body. Finally coming down we looked into each other’s eyes, a big smile on Petra’s face, I bent down and kissed her intensely.

“That was awesome, I have no idea why I held off anal for so long, thank you for convincing me, despite that it was in a devious way.”

“Devious way? No, it was a legitimate challenge I gave you - only you thought you could win; I’m sorry I had to prove you wrong.”

“Don’t you go apologizing I’m so happy you did and let me experience THIS!”

“It was a real discovery evening for you wasn’t it? First the BDSM experience, though judging from your reactions, that was not really a success; clearly the second experience was more to your liking than you initially expected it to be.”

“Yeah, BDSM is definitely not my cup of tea, the flogging was OK at first, but not for long and my nipples are far too sensitive for anything to be clamped on them: I far prefer you kissing, tickling, and sucking them.”

“You know what, maybe one day, we should try a real tickling session.”

“A tickling session what do you mean?”

“I bind you, so you can’t get away and I start tickling you all over your sexy body, finishing with a magic wand session.”

“Mmhmm I think I could go for that, can we do this any time soon do you think?”

“Slow down Petra, after all, you will be coming to my place every week for cleaning remember? We can schedule something for one of the coming weeks.”

“God I can’t wait, I haven’t had so much fun in months.”

“How come?”

“Since I divorced 9 months ago, I haven’t been with a man. You are the first one I trusted and who was willing to help me with one of my fantasies, for the rest I only had an intimate relationship with my dildos or vibrators.”

“Dildos, vibrators, plural?”

“I’m afraid I’ve gathered a fairly large collection the past months, actually I regularly wear a vibrating egg when I’m out cleaning.”

“Did you wear one today?”

“No, I was wearing my Ben Wa balls when I was cleaning today.”

“Were you constantly aroused then?”

“Yes, especially after I met you, and with everything Jill told me about you I wanted to get to know you better.”

“Jeez Petra look what you have done to me, you’ve got me all hard again.”

“Can you go again?”

“I guess so.”

“Yay, stick it in my ass please, I want to experience that feeling again.

She didn’t even wait for an answer, grabbed my dick, and placed it at her backdoor, using the movement of the sex swing to slide it in, bottoming out in one go thanks to the lubrification from my previous ejaculation. She was like a kid on a swing in the playground going back and forth masturbating me with her ass. Thanks to me having cum not long before, I could go even longer. She was clearly enjoying herself, increasing her arousal by frigging her clit feverishly, her breathing going faster and faster, her arm, leg, and abdomen muscles rippling under her skin. She looked divine.

“While you're on an adventure path Petra, how about DP?”


“Yes, double penetration, something else you could tick off your, 69 sexy things to do before you die list. Oh I forgot, anal wasn’t even on that list, was it?.”

“Where are you going to find another guy to make that happen?”

“Come on Petra, you don’t need a ‘complete’ other guy, the only thing you need is a nice stiff part of a guy, and they’ve got a cupboard full of those right here.”

“What do you mean?”

“A nice big dildo will do the trick, let me get one for you.”

I pulled out of her and got a nice big dildo, which I tried to shove in her mouth to make it nice and slippery, but she kept it closed, miming no.

“Don’t be afraid, all the stuff here is squeaky clean, Tanja sees to that. If she finds something that is not properly cleaned by the slaves, every one of them, guilty or not guilty, gets a proper flogging, not a fun one mind you, but one that almost takes their skin off their backs. You can imagine they are very meticulous about their cleaning.”

After that she was more eager to suck on the dildo, getting it really wet. As I assumed she hadn’t cleaned her back passage, not expecting to lose her anal virginity that night, I penetrated her ass again, shoving the dildo carefully into her welcoming pussy. Once in, she took over.

“Oh my god, I have never ever been so full in my life, it’s amazing.”

She synchronized the dildo movements to mine, making sure both were fully in at the same time, getting maximum stimulation. I felt the dildo through the thin flesh separating wall, slowly but surely building a staircase to a heavenly orgasm for the both of us. Petra was much closer to hers as she was moaning and making deep guttural grunts, arching her back in the swing, trying to get both my cock and the dildo to go deeper. Suddenly she jerked as her orgasm hit her with full force and her rectum clamped down hard on my cock making it almost impossible for me to hold off. I managed another 3 strokes, before I blasted several jets, filling her belly with thick creamy jizz. That was it for both of us, Petra hung limp in the sex swing and I sank to my knees and then sat down on the floor, panting, trying to catch my breath just the same as she did. When finally both of us had our breathing back under control, I looked at her through her still wide open legs, she had a smile on her face, like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

“That was hot, I’ve never cum like that. Thanks, for this unexpected adventure you took me on this evening. Maybe I should make a bucket list as you suggested.”

“You mean the, 69 sexy things to do before you die, list?”

“Where did you get the idea?”

“That’s simple, from Playboy’s adult news magazine that aired 2008-2009. If you have the chance to find the episodes on the internet, you should watch them as it will give you a couple of ideas for your own list”

“So I guess you are not sorry, you let me, sort of force you, to take this adventurous path together with me tonight?”

“No, absolutely not, I can’t wait to go on another adventure with you.”

“Let’s take it steadily shall we? Now it’s high time for me to hit the sack, I’ve got another workday coming tomorrow - what am I saying, in a few hours. Look it’s way past midnight.”

“Yeah time flies when you’re having fun.”

“A few things before we close up the cellar, can you please clean up the dildo, and the floor where we spilled our joint juices. Maybe next time we plan a session, you might want to use an enema, to make your back passage squeaky clean. That should make it possible to alternate between your mouth, pussy, and back passage.”

“Now that I know how much fun anal is, that could indeed be even more fun. I’ll definitely remember.”

Petra meticulously cleaned everything we’d used in the cellar, after which she took her leave, disappearing into the night as she walked home. I went quickly upstairs, got a quick shower to clean up, and was already fast asleep when my head hit the pillow. Hopefully, the remainder of the week would be less hectic.

Happily, I couldn’t have been more wrong, as my cock would venture up another bum before the week was over.