Lew's Photo Studio - Book 5 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 42

Catharina and Mario’s cruise e-mail report.


The week following the departure of Gina and Victoria was pretty busy: due to the Fall school vacation, lots of people had gone on various trips and wanted prints of their snapshots. I spent my days looking at all kinds of photos of kids climbing trees, playing in one or another playground, on the beach building sandcastles, or almost drowning in a hotel pool.

Sometimes I was lucky and came across sexy moms posing in their bikinis or even the occasional topless snapshot. There was also plenty of male exposure, showing off muscles or doing crazy things on bikes or the beach, or riding the waves on surfboards. Some photos were really nice of faraway places, with white sandy beaches with or without palm trees, and azure blue water; they made me dream of such places and visiting them again.

The week was over before I realized it and I was enjoying my weekend when on Sunday morning I found a mail from Catharina in my inbox which had been sent in the early hours of the morning. I hoped it would be telling me all about her adventures on the cruise ship together with her husband Mario.

“Dear Lew, prepare for a long and raunchy read. I’m writing this in the middle of the night as I don’t really want Mario to know I share details about our most intimate adventures onboard the cruise ship. However, I know you like to read about these things, and even masturbate while you’re reading them as if you were having these sex adventures with me.

But before we get to that, I want to thank you for all the cruising suggestions you made. One of the best ones was to buy a couple of E-readers for the more dull days at sea and especially the hint to load, amongst others, a bunch of erotic stories on the one I gave to Mario. I can already tell you they worked brilliantly to get his juices flowing again. The second good suggestion you gave was to visit Jeff and Rachel to see if they had a villa available we could rent for our week’s stay in Orlando.”

After reading the intro I was intrigued, was she going to share her most intimate moments with me? More importantly, how had it gone? When I met up with her the last time she complained bitterly about Mario’s lack of sexual interest in her, that’s why I suggested the E-readers with erotic stories. Eager to learn what had happened, I quickly read on.

“Almost immediately after we got on board the cruise ship and it left the quay, I found a new Mario. I don’t know what happened, I think he wanted to make up for all the sex we didn’t have during the past 25 years. But whatever had changed, all through the cruise we fucked like rabbits, it was as if we had been returned to the days we were courting and the first years of our marriage. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I needed to get this off my chest first; it made me so happy I had to share with you immediately.”

“When we arrived in Civitavecchia, you know the cruise port for Rome, we had to go through the whole registering procedure since it was our first cruise and we didn’t have a clue what to do, luckily they had a lot of friendly employees to help us along.

This was also our first visit to this cute village and the first thing that caught our attention was this immense statue of a marine kissing what looked like a nurse. Later we found out that the statue was created from a photograph taken just after the second world war when the soldiers went back home.

The thing is huge, lots of guys are very curious of course looking up the nurse’s skirt. They were disappointed, nothing to see, anyway we took some pictures and wandered around the port. The Royal Caribbean Odyssey of the Seas we were going on was huge, we’d never seen such a ship before in our lives. We hadn’t been to America either so it was all a big adventure for us.

We were a bit frightened, especially Mario as his English is very poor and he was afraid that there wouldn’t be many people on board he would be able to talk to. I can already tell you he was very pleasantly surprised, there were quite a lot of Italians on board. During the cruise, he even got very cozy with one of the chefs working on the ship who was, as you can guess, Italian.

But I’m getting ahead of myself again, so back to the boarding. As we had booked a suite we could register at a special counter for suite guests, which went very smoothly and fast. While waiting to board we enjoyed soft drinks and cookies, giving us already a first inkling of the eat-fest that was awaiting us on the ship.

Finally, we were allowed to board. We had no idea where our cabin was located but again there were lots of friendly employees pointing us in the right direction and explaining what exactly port and starboard were and they helped us find our way. When we arrived at our cabin, or stateroom as they call it, a chap in uniform was waiting for us. He introduced himself as our butler, we were amazed we had a butler and we didn’t quite know what to do with him.

He explained that he could unpack our stuff, once our suitcases were delivered, and that he would come by every afternoon with drinks and hors d’oeuvres, a fancy word they used for pre-dinner snacks as we discovered the next day. He would also take care of any laundry we had or excursions we wanted to book, in short, he was our loyal servant all through the cruise. We never used his services much and as for the snacks, various restaurants were open 24/7 so we could find everything we wanted to eat on our own.

For the rest, the first day was pretty dull, unpacking, and most importantly finding our way around this huge floating town. Dinner in the evening was nice, we had a table of 10 all Italian-speaking, so Mario immediately felt at home. After the introduction show in the theatre, we went straight to bed, both dog-tired from all the emotions.”

“The next morning we woke early, arriving in the port of Livorno, nothing new for us, but we took the opportunity to visit the winery where I did my sommelier training. We spent a smashing day meeting up with Antonia, who’s in her eighties now but she was still around, very reluctant to let go of the reigns, sort of bossing her son around who now ran the winery.

When we got back to the ship we were one of the last few passengers to board, only just in time, as 15 minutes later we cast off. Dinner was marvelous again and the show was superb. Afterwards, we went dancing to the tunes of a live band in one of the bars. Returning to the cabin, I didn’t feel that sleepy so I wanted to read something on the E-reader I had bought on your recommendation. I had downloaded some books, one of them the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, which Gina had given me on a memory card that I could slip into the reader.

After what she told me about the stories I was very curious, so these were the first ones I started to read. I couldn’t read for very long as Mario all of a sudden became very handsy. I don’t know what brought it on, the vibrations of the ship, the wine, maybe the skimpily dressed chorus girls, I have no idea, but I liked it, I liked it a lot.

He had his hands all over me and was kissing me like he used to do when we were young, whispering sweet nothings in my ears. As I was also very much in the mood for some hanky-panky, I pushed him away so he fell onto the sofa and I began to seduce him undressing very slowly, doing an almost professional striptease, combined with a lap dance, also something I hadn’t done for years.

After I unzipped, I pulled the dress forward over my shoulders revealing the sexy bra I was wearing, Mario began jumping up and down on the sofa, clapping his hands. When the dress was gone and I stood in my bra and panties, I moved forward and straddled him, took his head in my hands, and pushed it into my cleavage, his hands went automatically behind my back fumbling with the hooks…”

“Not so fast darling,” I said while I took his hands, pushed them down, and began to undo the buttons of his shirt opening it up completely, and sliding it over his shoulders. As I hadn’t undone the buttons of his sleeves he was sort of restricted in his movements, so I took advantage of that fact and let my hands wander over his chest, tickling his nipples.

While doing that I saw his cock grow, pushing hard against his pants, so sliding off of his lap I went on my knees and slowly and teasingly undid the button on his pants, to allow myself to slide the zipper down. Once that was done it was easy to grab them and pull them off; he helped me by lifting his butt off the sofa.

His hard cock was pushing hard against his briefs so I set it free by removing them also and resumed my position on his lap again, his dick pushing against my still clad pussy. He couldn’t remove any of my clothes, his arms and hands still restrained by the buttoned-up shirtsleeves, which frustrated him enormously as he wanted to undress me as well. I immediately thought of you.

This was completely the opposite of when I’m with you, this time the man was completely naked and I was still dressed.

I didn’t want to tease him any further. My boobs were still covered by my bra, so I pressed them against his face again and unfastened it, removing it by slipping the straps over my shoulders. I then put it on top of his head holding the cups over his ears like a pair of headphones, while wiggling my boobs in his face. He tried to grab a nipple with his mouth, but I was too fast for him.

After a lot of struggling, he finally managed to undo the buttons of his shirtsleeves and slide out of them. Now nothing was holding him back from grabbing my tits, but I evaded him again, slipping off his lap and dropping to my knees. That was a move he didn’t expect. Now I was in a perfect position to slide my lips over his man meat and take him deep into my mouth. His urge to grab any part of me was suddenly gone. On the contrary, he pushed his abdomen forward to bury his cock as deep as he could into my welcoming mouth, all the while uttering moans of pleasure.

Pulling my mouth off his dick I grabbed the shaft and began masturbating him, he groaned and moaned pushing my head in the direction of his rigid pole. I obliged by placing little kisses all over his glans, after which I gobbled him up again and began to seriously give him head. When I felt he was about to fire his shotgun in my mouth I pulled off.

This was going to be a two-way street, I wanted that big toy of his in my pussy, so I stood up despite his protest, which soon subsided when he saw that I was taking my panties off. I straddled him again, pointing his silky shaft at my entrance, and impaled myself on him.

I was so wet that his hard cock slid up into me like a fast train going into a tunnel. He put his arms behind me and pulled me closer to him, desperately searching for a nipple to latch onto. That didn’t take him too long to achieve, and his hot tongue felt divine on my nipples, which were hard as nails. I actually felt them grow even more in his hot mouth.

We were going at it as if we were possessed; every time I went down with my pussy he came up with his cock forcing it deeper than he’d ever gone before. We were both moaning and groaning like crazy, I couldn’t have cared less if the neighbors could hear us, I was so hot. It was so long ago since I had felt my Mario’s cock in my cunt that it didn’t take too long to for me to reach my peak and neither did it for him. It was so long ago that I couldn’t even remember the last time we orgasmed together.

Both totally spent, we collapsed on the sofa, panting and trying to catch our breaths. It took us the better part of 10 minutes to come down from the unbelievable high we had reached. I was the one to surface first, and while looking at him said, “Mi Amore, that was unbelievable.”

“Yes, it was wasn’t it? I had almost completely forgotten how good it is to have sex with you. I’m so happy we finally decided to take this long-overdue vacation, and I’m sorry I was so preoccupied with my restaurant all the time that I completely forgot how wonderful we had it when we were young. I promise you that I will do my utmost to bring that feeling back on this trip.”

What could I say, that was exactly what I had been hoping for, I took his head between my hands looking into the eyes of my bone-meltingly handsome Mario, and kissed him passionately on his lips. I was so happy that I could still bring him to ecstasy and he could do the same for me. We slept so well that night.

The next day was a day at sea before docking in Valencia the day after. While Mario was in the bathroom, I began to read the first book of the 50 Shades trilogy and I immediately understood why Gina had been so enthusiastic about this story.

After reading the first chapters I told Mario about it and although he had never been a reader, I convinced him to try his E-reader as well, hoping he might get some ideas from the Italian version of the stories I had loaded on the thing. At first, he was reluctant and I had no idea which story he was going to read but as he went on, and judging by his facial expression, he seemed quickly enthralled by what he was reading. I had to take the reader away from him almost forcefully to go to the restaurant.

After a mouthwatering breakfast, where we again ate far too much, we spent the day further exploring the ship and all it had to offer - there was a lot to experience. When Mario saw the skydiving wind tunnel, he wanted to go immediately. Parachute jumping was one of the things he most regretted never having tried, and this was the closest you could get to it without actually having to jump out of a plane. He registered immediately and was scheduled to fly at 4 p.m.

To while away the time, we settled down in one of the deck chairs around the pool and were both quickly reading again, me about the adventures of Anastasia with her Mister Grey, and Mario, I had no idea what he was reading, but when I saw his cock tenting in his shorts, I was sure it must be one of the sex stories. I could only hope it was something that would give him some nice ideas for tonight.

After a while, I looked his way again and could see from the corner of my eye that his cock was getting harder and harder in his shorts, so I guessed he was definitely reading one of the sex stories. I reminded him he needed to be at the flight station half an hour before, to put on the jumpsuit and helmet that would allow him to fly and get the instructions.

He was as nervous as an 18-year-old going on his first date or a kid in an amusement park going on his first adventure ride. The closer we got to his take-off time, the more nervous he became. I had to calm him down - I think he changed his mind about going or not going at least 50 times. In the end, he went. I saw him fly, at first very frightened but as it got better and better, I had never seen such a big smile on his face before.

When he came out he was over the moon and wanted to do it again. By the end of the cruise, he had gone 5 times and each time he could go higher and higher and even mimic some of the antics of the instructors. I can tell you that the night after that first flight he took me on another type of flight that left me panting. This was definitely a cruise of firsts.

In the evening we had dinner in Giovanni’s Italian Kitchen & Wine Bar after which we attended the daily show in the royal theatre, it was some sort of musical that night, again with the chorus girls showing lots of skin. I secretly hoped that it would inspire Mario to want more nooky and believe me I was not disappointed.

I had no idea why, but coming to the cabin he seemed rather nervous. I was soon to find out why. He began by taking me into his arms and kissing me tenderly while rubbing my back from top to bottom pinching my asscheeks when his hands were there, something Italian men just love to do. He then began to undress me and this time I didn’t stop him, I wanted to know what he was so nervous about.

When he had removed my dress he began to clumsily struggle with my bra and I let him, it took a long time before he managed to remove it. When he finally did, his mouth and hands were all over my tits, kissing them and squeezing them, while sucking on my nipples which pebbled up nicely until they were rock-hard.

His hands had descended to my panties, slipping his fingers under the elastic and pulling them down over my knees. He moved down with them, something he’d never done before, and I felt his hands tremble when he did. Once on his knees, he was facing my pussy, probably for the first time in his life. I saw him inspect it, he had probably never noticed that I shaved down there. I felt his finger brush over the little heart-shaped tuft of hair that I had trimmed. He was clearly intrigued but didn’t say a word.

After his initial inspection of my intimate area, he began to lightly blow on it. The feeling was divine, and I was anxiously waiting to see what his next move would be: he’d never gone down on me before in his life. Was it really for the first time going to happen tonight?

The next thing I felt was a hesitant little kiss on my mons just above the little hairy heart. I let out a tentative moan, hoping to entice him to continue his adventure. It seemed to help as I felt him go further south, though he moved slightly to the side to place kisses in the crease at the top of my thigh.

Nice Mario, I thought but I need you to move to the middle. To hopefully steer him in the right direction, I slightly moved my pelvis so that his mouth was now right on my pussy. I heard him sniff perhaps trying to make sure I didn’t smell awful. He clearly needed another hint or incentive to go for it, so I moaned some more and whispered,

“Yes Mario that feels so good, keep doing that, you’re making me feel so hot.”

That did the trick, as the next thing I felt was his horizontal lips ever so lightly touching my vertical ones, not giving him a chance to withdraw, I grabbed the back of his head and pushed my pelvis forward. I heard him sputter, but before he could utter a word I said,

“Oh yes Mario, please lick my pussy, I want you to lick my pussy!”

He began clumsily to lick along my slit, not really knowing where to go and exactly what to do, but even having him eat me in his clumsy, totally inexperienced way felt so good. I had been waiting for this ever since we got married so many years ago. I had no idea where he got the idea, I could only guess he read about it in one of the sex stories I put on his E-reader, the trick now was to find out how much he knew about going down on a woman.

The position he and I were in was not very good for these games, and a killer for his neck, so I suggested we adjourn to the bed. He gladly accepted, maybe to get out of continuing to eat me? If that was on his mind, I was not going to let him. Now that he had finally decided to go this way, I was determined to give him the full experience of pussy eating. I lay down on the bed with my legs wide open. I even pulled my knees up with my hands to give him a fully unrestricted view and access to my goodies. Mario followed me crawling on the bed but instead of stopping with his face over my cunt, he moved on, but I stopped him.

“Oh Mario, please continue what you were doing to me, I will be forever grateful if you do that.”

He stopped in his tracks, and looked up at me from between my legs, with big question marks in his eyes, not knowing what to do next. I decided to talk him down like they talk an inexperienced pilot down in an emergency.

“Kiss the outside of my pussy lips Mario and then lick my clit.”

“I read about that, but where exactly is your clit dear?” he asked.

Oh my God,” I thought “even after so many years he still doesn’t know where my clit is! No wonder I rarely came when we had sex.”

“My clit is at the top of my slit darling, you see it is hiding under a small hood like the nuns wear on their heads.”

“Oh is that where it is? I always thought it was somewhere inside.”

“No darling inside is my G-spot, that is a rough patch on the upper side of my vagina, you do know where my vagina is don’t you?”

“Yes, of course, that’s where I fuck you,” he said slightly annoyed, as if I dared to suggest he didn’t know anything about the female anatomy.

“Did you find it?”

“Oh yes, it looks like a little button, and what do you want me to do with it?”

“Lick it please darling, go over it with your tongue, but beware because it is very sensitive. And while you’re at it stick your finger in my vagina and make a come here movement with it so that you stimulate my G-spot at the same time.”

I felt him begin to lick my clit, sliding the hood backward with his tongue while his finger slid smoothly into my wet vagina. Fingering was something he had done before, many times when we were courting and not having full-blown sex, which in those days was not allowed outside wedlock.

I must say, with the proper instructions he was a quick learner, why hadn’t I taught him to do this before? Our trip was really an eye-opener for both of us. While Mario was eating me out, my mind drifted to the many times you did that to me Lew and now finally my very own husband was going down on me for the first time. Despite that he was still a bit clumsy I began to feel so good, I could only hope that he wasn’t going to stop or freak out when I came and maybe squirted all over his face, but I quickly dropped those thoughts when I felt an orgasm slowly but surely approaching.

While with one hand he was fingering my pussy the other was pawing at one of my tits. I was moaning and grunting like I never moaned or grunted before when having sex with him, and that was clearly stimulating him to lick and suck feverishly on my clit and cuntlips.

It seemed that his lifetime reluctance to taste pussy was finally gone. His pussy eating skills needed some serious fine-tuning, but for a first time, I enjoyed it tremendously. In the throes of passion, I grabbed his head and ground my pelvis into his face, cumming as I’d never cum before with my husband, and yes I squirted all over his face. I’m sure he thought I was peeing all over him, so I was going to have to explain to him what had happened.

“Oh Mario, ti amo,” I shouted, “I’M CUMMING, I’M CUUUUUUUMIIIIING.”

While I squirted all over him, he spluttered, flabbergasted, and not knowing what was happening to him. He pulled back quickly, confirming what I thought he was thinking.

“Why are you peeing all over me woman?”

I couldn’t reply immediately trying to catch my breath as I was coming down from the high he just gave me, so I put up my hands to indicate I needed a minute to respond. When my breathing had finally turned back to normal I couldn't stop laughing.

“Why are you laughing at me? When you just peed all over me?” Mario said slightly angry.

“I wasn’t peeing over you darling, I was squirting.”

“What the fuck is squirting?”

“It is like when you squirt your cum a woman can also squirt cum, only it is more liquid and is sometimes mistaken for pee, but it isn’t. Did you taste pee?”

‘Uh, no, I don’t think so,” he said licking around his mouth, “it tastes like your pussy.”

“You see, I told you it wasn’t pee, but ejaculate, to use a difficult word.”

“No, you’re right it doesn’t taste too bad, a bit tangy but also sweet, I think I could get to like it very quickly. Why didn’t you let me taste it before?”

“Mario! Who was the one that didn’t find it manly to go down on a woman?”

“Yes, you’re right, sorry darling for being such a macho, if I’d only known how much fun it is to lick pussy, I would have started doing it many years ago.”

“But why did you start doing it tonight?”

“I read about it in one of these stories you put on my E-reader…you did that on purpose didn’t you?”

“Yes,” I said timidly, “was I wrong to do it?”

“No, you were absolutely right, it really opened my eyes.”

“It did and it gave me the best orgasm I ever experienced with you.”

I saw him thinking, had I inadvertently given something away I didn’t want to give away?…

“The best orgasm with me…did you have orgasms with other men then?”

“Well Mario, I did have a life before I met you, I was not a virgin anymore, remember?”

“Yes, I suspect you had sex with Lew before we met…but after, did you have sex with him after we were married?”

He looked at me and saw my hesitation, I didn’t want to lie to him, but I had no idea how he would react if I confessed to having had sex with you after we were married.

“You did, didn’t you? I neglected you and you went back to him every time he visited, he did all those things that you crave, that I didn’t want or couldn’t give you. How could I have been so stupid and blind to not see I was shortchanging you, the few times when we had sex it was always about me, you made me cum and I never bothered to think of your feelings. I’m so sorry darling, I’m a stupid selfish bastard, can you ever forgive me?” He said while bursting into tears.

I took him in my arms and kissed his tears away. It was a relief to confess my dalliances with you and to see that he was not angry. On the contrary, he was understanding and forgiving, and it made me love him even more. He lay for a while, his head on my chest all balled up. I finally made him lie on his back and I started to undress him, placing little kisses all over each part of his body that I uncovered.

He calmed down and when I had removed his trousers and boxer shorts, his cock stirred to life. I took it in my mouth returning the oral pleasure he had given me earlier that evening. With my hands, I slowly pumped the base until he became fully erect licking the glans and drawing a moan from his lips. When he was at full mast I straddled him and impaled myself on his joystick; this was also something I’d never done before, our sex had always been missionary or doggy, always with Mario in control. He looked at me and I saw a big smile appear on his face.

“You are riding me,” he said.

“Yes darling I am riding you, I’m in control now.”

“I love it!” he exclaimed. “It feels fantastic, it’s just like they described it in the stories I read. Oh my God I love it, you are too good for me, giving me all these new experiences, now I begin to understand what we missed all these years and why…”

“Don’t mention it, I feel very guilty about it too.”

“You shouldn’t, in fact, I should be grateful to Lew for giving you what you needed which I was denying you with my stupid, out-of-date ideas. I only hope we can make up for all this lost time in the years we still have ahead of us.”

I couldn’t help myself saying that he would be totally blown away when he started to read the 50 shades stories.

I’ll write some more when I have the time, it could be a few days before you hear from me again. Hope you are doing well, and keeping the girls in your neighborhood happy.

With Love Catharina.

That was a seriously long message and she didn’t exaggerate when she warned me at the start it would be raunchy. I felt happy for her that she and her Mario had finally discovered the pleasures of sexplay, something they obviously had been missing out on for many years. How different could it have been for her if she had married me instead of him, but also for myself?

I probably would have missed out on all the gorgeous and generous women I met over the years, I could have been a dad that’s true but would we have been a happy couple? I don’t know, we were very much in love so many years ago, I’m sure of that, and she would have married me if I had asked her, but with my job, it was almost impossible and I wasn’t willing to give that up, and neither was she willing to give up her dream of becoming a sommelier.

At least I was sure I had been indispensable in her career move from working as a hostess in a Rome hotel to realizing her sommelier dream. Tough luck for me that she met this sexy Italian called Mario when I was absent for very long periods in her life and married him instead of me. Well, it’s all water under the bridge; she is happy now and who knows, I may still have the opportunity to make love to her sometime in the future. I can’t deny I was looking forward to the rest of the story. I sent her a quick reply to thank her for the mail.

Dear Catharina, thanks for the mail - quite an adventure. I’m very happy that you and Mario finally worked out your little problems and are seemingly again very much in love. You were absolutely right that your story was raunchy and yes, before you ask, I did masturbate to some of the scenes you described, imagining that it was me making love to you. I’m looking forward to the rest of your adventures. I presume you know that Gina and Victoria visited and as you can imagine we had a great time together as they also did with Grace and Nancy. I’m curious if Gina told you about their experiences in the cellar of my photo studio.

As it turned out I had to wait until the next Sunday morning to read the rest of their adventures.

“Hello Lew, I’ve finally found the time to continue the report of our America trip and I’m sure it will surprise you even more than the first part, but let me not get ahead of myself.”

“The next port we visited after Malaga was Madeira, Funchal, here again, I thank you for the pointer you gave me about the Monte Palace Tropical Gardens. We went straight for the cable car very early in the morning before the mass of tourists was clogging it up. The ride in itself was already spectacular, but when we started walking around the garden itself we were blown away by what we saw, the different themes they worked out, especially in the Chinese part with the statues and the giant ferns.

The indoor exhibitions with the African statues and the minerals and precious stones were breathtaking. We spent the whole day there and had to drag ourselves away from the hundreds of orchids at the end of our walk. You had warned us that the way back was going to be uphill and we realized that as we went along but it caught us anyway. Mario was panting when we got back to the cable car, though lucky for us we did make it back in time, but only just before our curfew to get back on board.

From here it was straight to Fort Lauderdale with 5 days at sea, plenty of time to read and play, and believe you me, play we did. By the time we got to Fort Lauderdale Mario began to experience difficulties getting it up, I think I wore him out completely with all the new things we tried out, but again I’m digressing. Let me take you back to our return on board after the Madeira garden tour.

We were bushed from all that walking when we got back to the ship, and although we were famished, as we had skipped lunch, a siesta was in order and it was not a siesta to play but to actually sleep.

We woke up just in time to get ready for dinner. When we got back to the cabin after the show we put our heads together to see what we would do during the 5 days at sea. Mario wanted a tour of the ship as he absolutely wanted to visit the ship’s galley to see how they prepared these thousands of dishes every day.

Most people prefer to visit the bridge, but that was the least of his worries, I wanted to have a peek behind the scenes in the theatre, we both wanted to ride the bumper cars and Mario wanted to fly a couple more times of course, but I told you all about that in my previous mail.

I also checked where he was in the fifty shades trilogy and it looked like we were both somewhere in the middle of book 2, Fifty Shades Darker. I wondered when I would see the first signs of Mario wanting to try out some of the stuff he was reading about, but I had to wait for that until we were in Florida - but again, don’t let me get ahead of myself.

That night we made tender love, though I did challenge him a little during the process. It began rather innocently when I asked Mario to rub my back and legs, as they were rather sore from all the walking we’d done that day. To keep my clothes from getting all oily with the massage oil I had brought on the trip, (you never know when something like that could come in handy, and it did now). I had stripped and was lying naked on my stomach on the bed when he began to rub my feet. No need to say he moved quickly to massaging my thighs and my ass instead of my sore legs and feet.

As you can imagine, one thing led to another as I felt his thumb touching my pussy every time he reached the top of my thighs. I must admit that it felt good and I couldn’t keep from uttering the occasional moan, that was his sign that he was on the right track. My ass and pussy got his undivided attention from then on.

After a while, he slapped my ass and said, “Turn around!” What could I do? After all, when I married him I had promised to obey him. I turned, but with the challenge I had in mind, I also changed my position so I was lying with my head at the foot of the bed. He looked at me with doubtful eyes but with the promised land now fully on display in front of him, he moved and went to town on my quivering body, starting with my shoulders and arms. From there it was only a slight detour to my boobs: soon they were glistening from the oil he had put on them.

His hands going over my tits and stomach felt so good, my nipples were like little pebbles in no time at all and when he squeezed them they grew to a little under 2 cm., I’d never seen them this big and neither had he, so he marveled over them taking them one after the other in his eager mouth, each time sucking a part of my boobs in as well. I could feel my pussy beginning to get seriously wet. I heard him breathe in my feminine aroma, arousing himself as well.

As he was only wearing his boxer shorts, trying to avoid getting oil on his clothes, I could see his cock tenting in them. Wanting to play as well, I couldn’t keep my hands next to my body anymore and grabbed his dick and began to massage it. I suggested he took his boxers off, which he gladly did, setting his gorgeous cock free.

The way he was perched over me was perfect for a 69 position, something he had never done before, but now that he had tasted my pussy juice I thought that would be the best next level I could take him to. I grabbed his hips and shoved him forward so that his face came over my pussy and his cock over mine. After I gobbled him up he immediately grasped what was expected of him and went to town on my muff. It was heavenly, me sucking on his dick while he ate my pussy, we were both moaning like crazy in no time.

As he was supporting his body with a knee on each side of me, it was easy for him to start fucking my face, now that was a novelty for me as well, a horizontal face fuck. With Mario not being that big there was little chance he would smother me - I could easily accommodate him without doing any deep throating. I could very easily work my tongue over the underside of his dick and, every time he pulled out a little further, stimulate the tender spot on the underside of his glans with the tip of my tongue. When I did that he grunted in pleasure.

He too had honed his skills in pussy eating, I didn’t have to tell him anymore where or how to lick me. I’m not going to claim that he was as good as you, his skills didn’t yet qualify him for a doctorate in pussy eating like you, but I could justify giving him a bachelor's.

My clit had his undivided attention, licking and sucking on it to his heart's content, even trying an occasional little bite with his teeth that sent electric jolts through my entire body. My moaning added extra stimulus to his cock so it became more and more difficult for him to keep from ejaculating. I could feel and hear it, the way he was grunting and moving his body, but through his skillful eating of my pussy I came just a few seconds before him.

While I was spraying his face and mouth with my juice he filled my mouth with his hotter-than-hot cum. He managed 5 powerful jets of sperm, something that he hadn’t been able to do for quite a while, I had to swallow fast to keep from drowning. This was the best proof our sex life had taken a serious turn for the better. He rolled off me and I turned so we could both lie with our heads on the pillows. Less than five minutes later we were both dreaming, I, of the fantastic gardens we had visited earlier that day, Mario may be more about the fantastic sex we’d just enjoyed.

When we woke up the next morning and looked out of our window, we saw nothing but sea: we were now truly in the middle of the Atlantic. We took a nice walk around deck 15 admiring nothing but the sea views all around us, it was breathtaking for us landlubbers. We went one deck down to the Windjammer café for another lavish breakfast.

At ten o’clock we had booked an all-access tour, which included a visit to the engine room and the bridge, but I had my doubts we would get there as Mario was very much looking forward to seeing how they managed all that food in one central kitchen. I was sure he was going to make sure we spent most of our time there.

We started in the main dining room where the chef was waiting for us and believe it or not he was Italian. So in no time at all, he and Mario were jabbering away in our language.

It didn’t take the chef long to understand that the kitchen was the only place of real interest to my Mario. As you can guess we didn’t make it to the engine room or the bridge and spent our two-hour tour in the kitchen. It did bring us a little perk though in the form of a special session the next day with Mario and one of the team leaders working together in the kitchen for the lunch serving in the Italian specialty restaurant.

Mario was over the moon, especially when he found out that the guy he was going to work together with was Angelo, the Italian chef of Giovanni’s Italian Kitchen and wine bar, not Giovanni himself of course as that was just a fictional name. I got drawn into this as well when Mario mentioned I was a certified sommelier. Given the busy day, we would be having to help in Angelo’s kitchen we hit the sack early just cuddling a bit. Mario’s next challenge would have to be postponed till the day after, and I can assure you I had a big challenge in mind for him.

The half-day in Angelo’s kitchen went by like a whirlwind. It was great fun, exchanging stories of our restaurant and what Angelo had done in his life. It turned out he had worked, as a youngster, in a restaurant in the same street as ours. He even knew our place, and claimed he had dinner there once, telling us he was duly impressed by Mario’s cuisine. Was he just buttering us up, or was it true? We’ll never know, but anyway, it warmed our hearts.

In the afternoon, after what was now almost becoming Mario’s daily flight, we went riding in the bumper cars. Dinner at Giovanni’s, upon invitation of Angelo, was fantastic of course, the things he served us were not even on the menu. We did get some envious looks from other patrons, but we couldn't have cared less: we felt like kings.

As it turned out it was also one of the formal nights of the cruise and I had visited the hair salon after our bumper car ride while Mario was reading in our cabin. I had put on one of my more revealing dresses showing ample cleavage and a split showing most of my right leg. Before dinner, we had our picture taken by one of the professional photographers onboard. We tried different backdrops and various poses. Finally, after the special show they’d put on for the formal night, we adjourned to our cabin, barely able to keep our eyes open after such a strenuous day.

The day after, we took it easy, going to a dance class together. Mario tried the FlowRider, but after going down several times he quickly found out it was not his cup of tea. For the remainder of the day we lounged in the solarium, reading, and swimming. Mario had no idea what I had in mind for him that evening, and I couldn’t wait to test him.

Finally, when we adjourned to our cabin after the show I made my move. He had barely closed the cabin door when I was all over him, ripping at his clothes, my hands roaming over his body, invading his mouth with hot kisses. He had no idea what hit him, but he quickly joined the party unzipping my dress and removing my bra. He had become quite adept at removing my bra by now; it took him less than two seconds to undo the hooks and pull it away from my body. Once my boobs were free he began suckling and pawing them, in that respect he is just like you, he just loves my boobs.

While he was occupied with my mammaries I undid his trousers and let them slip to the floor. Less than thirty seconds later we were both lying starkers on the bed. I took the lead sixty-nining him with me on top this time, giving him a front-seat view of my pussy and ass. His hands grabbed my asscheeks pulling me down over his mouth.

Since I introduced him to cunnilingus he couldn’t get enough of my pussy. I grabbed his semi-hard cock and sunk my mouth over it, taking him all the way in one swift movement, and began sucking and licking to get him hard. It didn’t take me very long to get him to full mast, but as I wanted him to last, I continued sucking him leisurely, keeping away from the sensitive areas.

I surprised him again by taking each of his balls, one after the other into my mouth. I’d never done that before with him, and he moaned and grunted like crazy. I kept control over his orgasm though as I wanted him to fill my pussy and not my mouth with his cum at the end of the session, so I could challenge him into something I doubted he would do, but I still wanted to see how far I could get him.

When he was as hard as a fence pole I stopped sucking him, resulting in some protest, especially when I lifted and took my pussy away from his eager mouth. I turned around and straddled him, my knees on each side of his hips, intending to ride his cock. That appeased him giving me a satisfied moan when I impaled myself on his pleasure stick and started riding him. While doing that I started playing with his nipples which aroused him even more. I didn’t have to ride him very long before I felt him getting close to his orgasm. His cock felt as if it was growing even more inside me than when I first impaled it, a sure sign of an approaching ejaculation.

To get him over the line I worked my pussy muscles, milking him. It made it difficult to keep my own orgasm at bay but I was determined not to cum so as to be able to put him to the ultimate test. I knew that if I tickled his balls he would cum quicker and although it wasn’t easy the way I was positioned, I managed to get at least one hand under his testes and massage them and that did the trick. Mario began to breathe hard and fast so with an extra effort of taking him as deep in me as I could manage I made him cum, squirting me full of his man juice.

Now came the ultimate test I wanted to subject him to. When he had finished filling me I rose so his cock flopped out of my pussy with a plop and started to move slowly forward. He didn’t immediately realize what I was doing, still in the throes of his orgasm up until he saw my dripping pussy approach his face, he reacted immediately.

“What are you doing, what is happening?”

“Oh my darling Mario, I haven’t cum yet and I so want you to make me cum with your mouth and tongue, can you please lick my pussy?”

“But it’s filled with my cum…”

“Yes, darling and I’d love for you to taste what I tasted for so many years when you came into my mouth, only now it will be mixed with my juices which you have come to like so very much…”


Before he could say more I lowered my cunt onto his mouth holding his head in place so he couldn’t escape. He sputtered a little more but in the end, a bit reluctant at first he began to eat my pussy. I gave him no choice. His reluctance gave way to his recently developed overwhelming desire to eat me. I didn’t want to test him very long so I helped with my fingers to make myself cum quickly. After I had washed his face and mouth with my profusely flowing juices I slid back to free him up. He looked up at me with a smile on his face.

“You tricked me!”

“Yes darling I tricked you, but it was for a good cause, I wanted to make you experience what I experienced for many years and now that you have taken to cunnilingus like a duck to water I wanted you to have the full experience, though a bit watered down with my juice. So now the ultimate question, was it as awful as you imagined?”

“At first I was disgusted, I must admit, but when I got into it and I was part tasting myself and part tasting you I must admit it was not too bad. I’m not yet an aficionado of male cum, but I guess it’s an acquired taste in the end.”

“Yes it is my love, I’ve grown accustomed to it and I’m not going to say I crave it but I do like it, I had to learn to get accustomed to my own taste as well when you started to request Felatio after you’d been in my pussy.”

“Yeah, I never thought about it in that way, you are absolutely right, I also sort of forced you to taste yourself, didn’t I? I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me next to expand my sexual experience. Why did we wait this long to start doing all these crazy fun things?”

“You tell me, Mario.”

“I need to know, did you do any of this stuff with Lew?”

“Yes and no, Lew is not a big fan of his own cum either, I guess not many men are, but we did other things. Lew is a very good lover, always very considerate and he can go on forever before cumming, something he learned when he lost his virginity. I always felt safe with him, he never made me do things I didn’t want to do, always making sure I had a good time and had enough orgasms.

When I met him, so many years ago, I was very much in love with him, and I’m sure he was in love with me and if the circumstances had been different I might even have married him, but his career didn’t allow him to. Besides, building a relationship when you can only see each other once every two or three years is not a very good base to become husband and wife. Anyway, I don’t think Lew is real husband material, he’s an inveterate bachelor, which he’s proved over the years, but he is and always will be great fun in the sack.”

“Sorry Lew I didn’t want to sing your praise, and tell Mario all about us but I had to tell him the truth about our relationship.”

“You see my darling Mario, you are the love of my life, and I will never leave you, and I hope you won’t leave me either, but Lew will always have a little special place in my heart as well.”

“I understand, he helped you to make your dream come true, and that way I met you and we fell in love, so in the end, I have to be grateful you met him else we wouldn’t have put two beautiful and successful children into this world.”

For the remainder of the cruise, we walked around like two teenagers in love for the first time and enjoyed great sex every evening, with Mario honing his skills in cunnilingus. I think he’d earned his Master’s degree by the end of the cruise, even not being too reluctant anymore to eat out my sperm-filled pussy.

When we finally landed in Fort Lauderdale, the weather was still rather nice, not extremely hot, and lucky for us no hurricanes either. We got our rental car and drove straight to Orlando. I was very curious to meet Rachel and Jeff. Your tip to see if they had a place available turned out to be on the money, but I’ll have to tell you all about that on a later date as it’s now already the early hours of the morning and I need to go to bed and get some sleep.

After this mail, I had to reply.

Dear Catharina, thanks again for your enlightening mail and I can already tell you that yes I was very much in love with you and if circumstances had been different I would have asked you to be my wife, but it was not too be I’m afraid. In the end, it turned out all for the best I think, Mario is the best husband you could get and from your e-mails, I see that you’re now experiencing your second honeymoon, rekindling your sex life. I can’t wait to read about your adventures at Rachel and Jeff’s estate.

It was again a week later I received the third email.

Hello Lew, it’s Saturday evening, Mario’s gone to bed and I have found time to write to you about our week in Florida.

When we arrived at Rachel’s estate, I mentioned that you had given me the directions and a strong recommendation that we went to see her about a place to stay for our week in Orlando. When we arrived we were greeted by Rachel at the reception, and we introduced ourselves and told her how and why we were at her place.

She said, with a big smile on her face, “I don’t know what it is with this guy, but I keep on bumping into acquaintances of his all over the place. We were fully booked, but I just got a last-minute cancellation of a couple, also recommended by Lew, Mel and Lori, so I have a vacancy for a week if you’re interested?”

“Oh yes we are very much interested, you see my daughter, Gina, was visiting with Lew and he gave your details to her and she passed them on to me.”

“I’ve heard about your daughter and her friend Victoria, from Grace whom we are supposed to visit sometime in January, and I think she mentioned that your daughter Gina might probably be there as well to discuss some business venture we want to start up together.

“I see, small world isn’t it? We also have a son, Marco, and two adorable grandchildren, for whom we will have to buy loads of stuff in Disneyworld.”

“I can imagine, so you would like to rent a villa for this week?”

“That would be perfect.”

“One thing, the one that became available is a ’Fifty Shades’ themed villa, is that a problem?”

“No, that’s absolutely wonderful, as it happens we just read the trilogy on board coming over.”

“Great, with the story fresh in your mind, you will definitely enjoy this place, allow me to show it to you.”

When Rachel showed us the famous red playroom, it was exactly like it was described in the books, but yeah you know that of course. Mario was over the moon as well and we could hardly wait to try some of this stuff out, so the deal was quickly concluded.

Rachel was very happy too, as she probably wouldn’t have been able to find other customers for the villa at such short notice and she gave us a good deal. The people who had canceled had to drop a portion of the fee so it was a win-win. On top, Rachel invited us for dinner on an evening of our choice during our stay.

Oh before I forget, she’s added an additional feature since you visited: they put the three DVDs of the films in the villas, so if you haven’t read the books you can watch the movies instead.

I’m not gonna bore you with details of our visits to the different theme parks - I’d rather spend time telling you about our adventures in the red playroom. It already started the first evening when we went exploring “The Room”. The collection of floggers and other sex toys was phenomenal. We even had no idea what to do with some of them. Well on the first evening, we binge-watched the three movies, and by the time we had finished, it was far too late to start playing in the room, especially as we wanted to go to our first theme park the next morning.

Rachel had advised us when we went to the parks, to come back just after lunch, take a rest and return later in the afternoon. The first afternoon we did come back but instead of resting, we spent our siesta time in the red room. We started to imitate some of the stories in the book almost immediately.

As, according to Mario, I should not be ashamed of my body he ordered me, upon entering the room, to get completely naked. That alone made me instantly wet my panties. As we were a bit tired anyway we took it easy. Mario made me lie on the bed, put cuffs on my wrists and ankles, and attached those to ropes going over the bed behind my head and over the foot end. This left me all tied up in a spread eagle position, able to wiggle and move a bit but for the rest immobilized. Then he put a blindfold over my eyes and began to tickle all over my naked body with what I could only guess to be some sort of feathers.

Later, when we had completely finished he showed me, they were indeed ostrich feathers. I can tell you they had an enormous arousing effect on me. I could feel my nipples get very stiff. I guess Mario also noticed, as he began to suck them shortly after. When they were nice and wet from his saliva he pinched them with his fingers. I gave a little yelp, not so much from the pain but more the surprise.

After the feathers, I felt a whole different sensation, it tickled but not as subtly as the feathers, it felt more as if he dragged little straps over my body. He began at my shoulders, then moved across my boobs and stomach to my mons, all the way down over my thighs and legs, and then up again. When he was at my stomach the feeling stopped and the thing was removed from my body. There was a very slight pause, then a swishing sound, followed by a sudden sharp and short pain on my stomach.

I realized he had been teasing me with a flogger and was now actually hitting me with it. It had a bit of a sting when it hit but it wasn’t too unpleasant, and after a few hits all over my upper body, especially on my tits, of course, I began to get seriously aroused, reassuring Mario with my moans that it was enjoyable.

Maybe I shouldn’t have done that as he increased his hits, making them harder as he went along. I lost count, but he must have hit me at least twenty times. On the one hand, I wanted him to stop, on the other, I was curious about what else he could come up with to torture me.

I didn't need to wait long before he began giving me a whole different sensation. I felt small sharp pricks starting at the side of my right boob coming closer to my nipple, going over it down the valley between my boobs up the other side over that nipple, and then down the underside towards my midriff and over it to my mons, ending just before they ran over my clit. It disappeared, but the feeling returned on the inside of my left thigh, slowly creeping up towards my pussy making a U-turn over my mons and back down my right inside thigh to my knee before disappearing again. I had absolutely no idea what contraption he was using on my naked body. Again it left me more aroused than before, and I felt my pussy juices flow down my asscrack and onto the bed.

“Mario, please fuck me!” I shouted.

He remained silent, I could only guess that he was playing out one of the stories he had read on the ship and I had to wait until he was ready to continue. The next thing I heard was a buzzing sound followed by a vibration as something hard pushed against my clit, sending waves of euphoric pleasure throughout my body.

The thing was moving up and down and the vibrations increased as I heard Mario push the button or buttons. I completely forgot to ask him to fuck me as my pleasure was rising at warp speed, an orgasm inching closer to the boiling point until after a few seconds the dam broke and I felt the most explosive orgasm wash over me in repeated tides.

They didn’t die away but kept going and going giving me tremendous pleasure, my back arching as high as the ropes holding me down allowed with all my muscles going taut. I wasn’t worried if anybody could hear me or not, but I was shouting and screaming at the top of my voice calling out perverse obscenities. Maybe good that it was in Italian and only Mario could understand it.

When after a few minutes, he removed the vibrating contraption from my pussy, the contractions of my cunt and body slowly wound down leaving me completely limp like a ragdoll, and panting like a steam engine. He kissed me tenderly on the lips and removed the blindfold. He had a huge smile on his face. I don’t think he ever saw me cum that hard in his whole life. Completely spent I only managed a weak smile. He disappeared and returned instantly with a big fluffy towel to dry me. I realized I had squirted like crazy, not only on myself and the bed but also all over Mario’s clothes.

He undid all the cuffs and ropes that had been holding me to the bed, picked me up and carried me to our bed in the bedroom where he laid me down tenderly and put a blanket over me. I instantly fell asleep; finally getting the siesta we came back to the villa for. I woke around five, Mario was lying next to me, supporting himself on his elbow and looking at me with mirth in his eyes, I looked up…


“You were completely gone, girl, I have no idea where you were, but I think it was seventh heaven or something, I’ve never seen you like that. For a few seconds I thought I’d gone too far and you’d had some sort of seizure but based on the language you uttered I concluded it was an immense pleasure you were experiencing.”

“Yes, now I finally understand why the French call an orgasm “La petite mort”. It is indeed just a little bit like dying, but dying in such a tremendously pleasurable way that it almost becomes physically unbearable, thank you for letting me experience it.”

“I too loved every second of it my darling.”

Mario then explained to me in detail what he had done to me while I was blindfolded, which contraptions he used and how he applied them, that’s when I found out about the ostrich feathers, the Wartenburg wheel, the flogger, and finally the Magic Wand that put me over the brink. I told him we should definitely buy some of those when we got back home.

We took a joint shower and headed back to the Magic Kingdom where we were in the morning, we absolutely wanted to see the “Paint the Night” electrical parade, and it was indeed spectacular.

When we returned later that evening we were so tired we could barely take off our clothes to fall into bed. We took it slightly easier the following days visiting a theme park in the morning and spending some time at our pool or in the hot tub in the afternoon just cuddling a bit. One night we returned to Epcot to see the laser show in the evening.

We had informed Rachel we would love to have dinner with them on Thursday. Now that was a dinner I will always remember. I had no idea they were swingers until they told us and I was a bit afraid that Mario would just not be ready to take the risk. I didn’t need to be concerned; they were absolutely not pushy or anything. Even with his poor understanding of English, they managed to convince Mario that swinging was the thing to do to improve one's sex life… as it’s getting very late, or maybe better early in the morning, I’m afraid I need to stop here again and tell you all about that dinner some other time.

With love and kisses, Catharina.

Dear Catharina, I was quite surprised and rather intrigued to read your story. I’d never figured you for a BDSM aficionado, but I had heard that lots of women have discovered that side of sex after reading the Grey trilogy. People, especially women, wanting to expand their sex life by discovering new horizons was one of the reasons they became so popular. I’m glad Gina shared them with you.

I’m really looking forward to reading about your adventures with Rachel and Jeff. Grace and I had a smashing time with them and for your information, we also stayed in a Fifty Shades-themed villa of theirs.

It was again a week later that I received the next report of the America trip. With Rachel and Jeff involved, I knew it would be even steamier than the previous ones, for the simple reason I was fully aware of what had happened in Florida. What Catharina didn’t know was that before their arrival I had been e-mailing Rachel, setting the whole thing up.

The late cancellation from Mel and Lori was a cock and bull story I had suggested to Rachel to use as a cover-up for the availability of the villa, she’d never even met Mel and Lori. That way, I’d made sure that a Fifty-Shades-themed villa would be available for them upon their arrival. I had told Rachel about most of my adventures with Catarina and what she could expect and how far she and Jeff could lead them in the swingers and BDSM world.

She had even sent me pictures of the outfit she planned to wear for their dinner appointment and what the best strategy would be to convince Mario to participate. You can imagine I was very curious about what Catharina was going to tell me and if she was going to share the whole story as I’d read it in Rachel’s e-mails. It was again Sunday morning when the e-mail arrived.

Hi Lew, here I am again with the next episode of the adventures of Catharina and Mario in the Americas, it’s starting to look more and more like a book now. The dinner with Jeff and Rachel was not the last sexy adventure we had during our stay but it was by far the most enlightening, both for Mario and myself.

As I told you before, Mario was rather nervous when we went for dinner as his English is very poor and he was afraid that he was going to be bored, not understanding anything they would talk about. Of course, I couldn’t begin to translate everything for him, that would kill the atmosphere and be a bit demeaning. As it turned out, the saying “pictures speak louder than words” was very appropriate here, well not exactly pictures but the “examples” might be a better way to describe it.

It started as soon as we arrived. Rachel was wearing an extremely revealing outfit, Mario’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she opened the door to welcome us. I’m not bashful, but I wouldn’t dare to wear what she wore meeting relative strangers, let me try to describe it to you.

The first thing that hit me was that it was very colorful, and there wasn’t a lot of material in it. Starting from the top she had some sort of collar around her neck in red material, attached to it were strips of material about an inch wide in all colors you can imagine, when she moved, her nipples were clearly visible and the strips stopped a few inches above her navel, leaving her midriff completely bare.

When she turned around, her back was completely bare as well, with no strips at all, so when she turned around to lead us inside Mario had a clear view of side boob. A similar red strip, like the one that she had around her neck, adorned her waist but just above where her hips began to flare out, well below her belly button. Attached to the waistband, as I would describe it, were similar strips of colorful material flowing freely around her hips and legs, all the way to the floor.

When she walked you could clearly see her pussy and ass. I’d compare the outfit to the kind of dresses the movie stars wear at film festivals, though most of the time when they move or their skirts are blown by some wind you can sometimes even see their intimate parts as well. To finish the look she wore strappy sandals with 5-inch heels, her toenails painted in the same bright red color as her fingernails.

Jeff was slightly more conventional with a T-shirt and swimming shorts to his knees, his feet encased in open slip-ons. They led us through the living room to the deck with the pool and jacuzzi. A nicely decorated table was set for four.

“Spumante everybody?” Jeff asked, they had clearly selected this for our benefit as Italy has Spumante, like France has Champaign and the Spaniards have their Cava. Of course, Mario was curious which Spumante they served and he was not disappointed: it was one of the better ones available on the international market. Locally in Italy, if you knew your winegrowers, there was even better stuff available but it was impossible to get it in the States unless you had direct connections or you were family.

Rachel served hors d’oeuvres made from lobster with cute little tomatoes and a very tasty, homemade, cocktail sauce. They tried to speak slowly, without making it too obvious, so that Mario could follow a big part of the conversation. I only had to translate a word or an expression here and there. Because it was still warm, they’d chosen a cold soup, served in a small espresso cup. The main course was the best rib-eye steak you can imagine: it melted in your mouth and was accompanied by, of course, a very nice Montepulciano. After the third bottle, Mario was completely relaxed and babbling away in his Italian/English.

I felt the conversation slowly turning towards swinging; if we had ever experienced it, if we knew people who experienced it, were we open to it, had we ever watched people having sex, would we be interested in watching people having sex… It came as a total surprise to me that Mario replied positively to the last question.

Had we seen the Fifty Shades movies in our villa? Of course, we had and we enjoyed them tremendously. The next question was crucial to how the remainder of the evening would develop; would we care to see scenes from the movie reenacted live? Mario was shaking his head vigorously yes. I had never seen him like this in my life. Was it the wine? Was it the atmosphere? Was it Rachel and her revealing outfit?

I’ll never know, but before we realized it we were in Jeff and Rachel’s red playroom watching them reenact one of the milder scenes from the first movie, where Christian Grey undresses Anastasia for the first time and makes tender love to her. Rachel is beautiful, but I don’t think I have to tell you that - you’ve seen her naked I guess when you’ve been there with Grace. One day you must tell me all about your adventures with Rachel and Jeff.

Anyway, I’m digressing, when Jeff had removed the few rags that Rachel was wearing he laid her on her back on the big bed, boobs sticking out with already rock-hard nipples, and kissed her tenderly on her waiting slightly opened lips. Sliding down, he kissed his way down her body inch by inch till his lips made contact with her yearning sex.

We had front-row seats for this show and Mario was mesmerized by Rachel’s gorgeous naked body. Jeff went to town on Rachel’s cunt as if he was famished. The effect quickly showed as Rachel’s breathing increased and she began to squirm, pulling her stomach in and pushing her boobs out, I could almost see her nipples increase in size as her arousal mounted. All of a sudden Jeff stopped, got up, and took off his T-shirt. Rachel followed suit and began to remove his shorts setting his cock free, letting it jump up pointing straight at her mouth.

She eagerly took his manhood in her open mouth and began bobbing on it, making it nice and slippery with her saliva, preparing it for its next target, her already wet pussy. But all of a sudden the scene took a completely different turn when Jeff picked up a flogger. Rachel lay down again with her arms stretched high above her head her legs slightly spread, giving us an amazing view of her pussy and making her body totally available for whatever Jeff had in mind.

He began teasing her with the flogger, letting the thongs glide over her boobs, stomach, and between her legs almost like he wanted to tickle her with it, but then he lifted it and swatted her tits hard, drawing a sharp moan from her lips. He kept going for at least ten swats across her body, alternating between her boobs, stomach, and thighs and ending with a resonating swat on her exposed clit. She yelled out, “More, more!”

Jeff’s response was “Turn around bitch!” which she immediately did, presenting her back and firm butt for further play by her husband. He continued swatting her with more force across her back, buttocks, and thighs. I counted silently the number of swats he gave her, I got to twenty-five. Rachel was moaning and grunting all the time, sometimes alternating with a yelp when Jeff hit her extra hard across her bum. Although the lighting in the room was low, I could clearly see her back and butt turning from her olive-brown suntan to pink, dark pink, and red.

Jeff put the flogger down, grabbed her ankles, and turned her again on her back. While he had her legs he opened them wide and lifted her ankles up to her head, almost folding her double. Her cunt was now in full view, and we could clearly see how wet she was. Jeff bent forward and with one swift movement, shoved his hard cock to the hilt into her very wet muff, drawing high-pitched noises of exultation and pleasure from her upper lips. He began pumping away at warp speed, her arousal inching closer and closer to the ultimate pleasure point.

I saw him do things with his cock in her cunt that I’d never seen before and could only imagine how they felt to her. At a certain point, he pulled his cock out of her just leaving just the glans inside and began rapidly fucking her with just that part of it, later I learned that was called piston fucking. You see not only did Mario and I learn a bunch of new techniques, but we also learned a lot of new words and expressions in English.

Rachel’s moans and grunts became louder and more frequent, telling us her orgasm was rapidly approaching. It was clear from Jeff’s actions and reactions that he knew his Rachel very well, as without her uttering one word he changed his pace and began fucking her very deeply, grabbing her tits to pinch her nipps with his fingers while still holding her legs next to her head with his forearms.

That did the trick as we saw the tension inside her building until she was frantically reaching for her orgasm. Suddenly we saw her arch her back, sticking her breasts out, and tightening her stomach, her body tensing up completely as she orgasmed. You could almost see every muscle in her gorgeous body tense and release in sexual bliss. Jeff kept pumping until her orgasm had run its course.

He looked at us with a big smile and said, “It’s good to give a woman the kind of orgasm she appreciates so much.”

Rachel lay panting, looking at us, trying to catch her breath, with a huge smile on her face. After a while, she sat up and asked us if we liked the show. That much Mario had understood as he started clapping. He told me that this was the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his life.

“Care to join the party?” Jeff asked me his cock still rock hard. I looked at Mario and translated, but before he could answer, Rachel had come up from the bed and had taken his hand. He stood up and followed her willingly, something I had never, ever expected Mario to do. Jeff reached out his hand to me and believe it or not I took it; it was as if they had hypnotized us. Jeff took me to one corner of the room and placed me in front of a big mirror.

“This is the mirror from the fairy tale of Snow White,” he said. “When you reveal yourself to it, it will tell you that you are the fairest in the land, shall I help you reveal yourself?” Before I could answer he was already unzipping my dress, slipping the straps over my shoulders so it dropped to the floor, leaving me in my bra and panties. He grabbed my hands and placed them over my tits and began massaging them; my nipples instantly became rock hard. He let go of my hands and with no problem whatsoever, undid my bra at the back.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, topless, my panties already showing a wet spot. From the corner of my eye, I saw Mario, on the other side of the room being kissed by Rachel, close to an X-shaped frame, though I had no idea what it was for. There was a similar X in our red playroom, in fact, the room in our villa was a carbon copy of this one.

Through my panties, I felt Jeff’s hard cock nestle against my ass, while his hands roamed over my naked upper body. When he had explored my tits and ribcage, tickling it so that my nipples became even harder, I felt his hands move towards the elastic of my panties. He slipped his thumbs inside and pulled them down to my knees, from where gravity took over so that they pooled around my feet on top of my dress which was already there. I was now completely naked in front of a large, so-called magical mirror, with a naked man whom I’d met only a few days ago behind me, sporting a huge, hard cock. I was enjoying it tremendously, how weird is that I ask you?

In the background, I heard Mario moan and grunt and when I turned to look at him I saw him standing with Rachel’s mouth attached to his rock hard cock, sucking at it as if it was a lollypop. I heard him mumbling sweet nothings, in Italian, at her, which she obviously did not understand but seemed to appreciate anyway.

Jeff grabbed my shoulders, turned me around, and kissed me full on the mouth, his tongue prying open my lips. To be honest I didn’t put up much of a fight and let him explore my mouth and lips, engaging him in a bit of a tongue fight myself. I even boldly grabbed his butt with both of my hands, pulling him towards me. His ass was rock-hard, probably from all the exercise he got fucking his beloved Rachel and who knows, being a fervent swinger, with other women.

I have no idea how he did it, but all of a sudden I felt some sort of cuffs on my wrists. Before I could react he had taken me to where Rachel and Mario were making out and attached me to the X-shaped contraption with my hands high above my head. My ankles were quickly subjected to the same treatment. Belatedly I realized what this thing was for once I felt I was completely restrained and spread-eagled unable to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to me.

Mario looked on with big eyes, while Rachel rose and whispered something in his ear, which to my surprise he seemed to immediately understand, certainly, after Jeff pressed a flogger in his hand. I looked at him and said, “Don’t you dare use that thing on me again.”

“Mia Cara, I only want to give you pleasure,” he replied, “and if that requires a tiny bit of pain, allow me to give it to you.” He gave me the first swat across my thighs - many were to follow, all over my body, but as you can imagine my tits were his favorite target.

To my side, I saw Rachel standing again with her arms high up over her head being subjected to the same treatment, but not with a flogger but with a riding crop, which put nasty red patches all over her body wherever the leather tab of the riding crop came in contact with her skin.

After a while, when I guessed I had received at least thirty or forty swats like Rachel, Jeff motioned to Mario to stop and follow him. They disappeared out of sight. Rachel looked at me and asked if I was OK. When I replied positively she also asked if I was enjoying it. After another yes from my side, she said that Jeff was probably going to take it a bit further, to see how much pain I could endure and still enjoy it.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “he’ll test it first on me and I can take a lot, just listen to him and trust him when he gives advice. He knows what he’s doing, you will never be in any danger of being permanently marked or injured.”

When they both approached again, Mario was giving me an evil smile, probably just to scare me, although the next thing he did was more painful. As Rachel had said Jeff approached her first holding something metallic in his hand. He stood between me and her, blocking my view. Mario was on his other side watching intently. I heard Rachel give a high-pitched yelp followed by a grunt, then a few seconds later another.

I saw Mario shake his head in understanding, then Jeff turned towards me, still blocking my view of Rachel, while Mario came round to my other side. I felt him hold my right boob and then all of a sudden there was a searing pain in my nipple. I had no idea what he’d done but I felt as if he had stuck a big needle through it. I yelled at him to stop it and take it away, but he shushed me, while Jeff was telling me that the sharp pain would go away. It did, and in its place came more of a throbbing pain, increasing my arousal. When I felt him grab my other tit, I braced myself and yes the same thing happened.

I yelled at him that I wanted to see what he’d done to my tits. As that was impossible the way I was restrained, he explained that he had put some sort of nipple clamps on them connected with a small chain. Later I learned that they were Japanese nipple clamps. I now also know what it means when they say they’ll yank your chain, well when they did that it got more painful, pinching my nipples harder. Now that Mario and Jeff had reached some sort of understanding, they really went to work on us. Rachel was used to all this stuff and didn’t need to be restrained. Later I learned that this was the ultimate surrender of your body to your Master. I remained shackled to, what I found out later, was a St. Andrew’s cross, and why it had that name.

Anyway, the next thing they came up with was a metal stand to which they attached a magic wand. I’d experienced and enjoyed one of those before and was looking forward to it being pushed against my pussy. What I didn’t know was it could also be used as an instrument of torture, but that’s what the bastards did, under Jeff’s instruction. When Mario pushed it against my clit and switched it on I very quickly began to feel heavenly as I felt an orgasm approach.

I was already very stimulated by the flogging and the, at first rather painful nipple clamps, however, when the orgasm hit me, leaving me panting, Mario didn’t take the wand away but left it pressing firmly against my very sensitive clit so that it began to hurt. I shouted at the top of my voice that he needed to take that thing away but I didn’t get any reply. Rachel, who was still standing next to me, was subjected to the same torture, but remained voluntarily in her spot, told me the boys had left to have a drink.

“Don’t worry Catharina,” she said,” they’ll be back, but in the meantime try to enjoy the sensation. It will feel painful at first, like so many of these things they do to you, but in the end, you’ll orgasm as you’ve never orgasmed before.”

I had my doubts, but in the end, I had to admit she was right it was painful at first, very painful, but slowly my clit started to adapt and give me pleasure again and again and again. I squirted all over the floor, and when they finally returned almost a half-hour later I was like a wet rag, totally spent.

Rachel, stood her ground, although she too had a puddle of girl juice on the floor between her feet. When Mario detached the nipple clamps it felt like he had put an electric charge through my tits and body. Jeff had instructed him when he removed the clamp, to immediately put his mouth to my sore nipple and suck on it. That took some of the sting out of the pain, then he repeated the procedure on the other nipple. Jeff removed all the restraints and I dropped to my knees, like a ragdoll, totally spent, Rachel followed suit.

“While you’re down there on your knees ladies, you can perform the final task for this evening, suck our cocks till we cum, and enjoy your well-earned dessert.”

I looked at Rachel, she looked at me and we both took the cock of the man standing in front of us in our mouth. While they were away, the buggers had agreed that Rachel took Mario’s, while I took Jeff’s; I was surprised that Mario agreed to that, but yeah which man wouldn’t want a much younger woman to suck his dick when he had the opportunity. I didn’t mind either as I had the chance to suck a young dick and, on top, a much larger one than my husband’s.

I vaguely wondered if American sperm would taste differently from Italian and believe it or not it did. I guess it may be due to the fact that American men eat far less garlic than Italian men. I could be mistaken though, as when I suck yours it doesn’t taste that much different from my Mario’s and as far as I know, you don’t eat that much garlic either.

You can imagine we will remember that dinner for a very long time. The rest of the evening we remained naked, had a wonderful homemade tiramisu as our real dessert, went skinny dipping in the pool, and ended up in the hot tub playing with each other. This resulted in a few more orgasms for both Rachel and myself, who had either man at our disposal and, tit for tat, playing with or sucking on their dicks.

It was around 3 am when we returned to our villa, not even bothering to dress; everybody else in the estate was asleep anyway. Once there, we dropped in the bed and were asleep before our heads hit the pillows. When I talked to Rachel the next morning, she confided in me that they had still been so aroused they had another full hour session in the red playroom using hot wax and floggers, suction cups on her nipples, an inflating buttplug, and multiple other contraptions I had never heard of before. She had to show me what some of them looked like. I am now, I guess, a well-educated BDSM aficionado. I hope one day to come to your place and visit that famous cellar you have been bragging about.

Well, that’s the whole story my friend, I hope you enjoyed it. I’m already looking forward to Jeff and Rachel’s visit to Gina and Victoria early next year when they check out their estate in view of doing some business together. I guess though you’ll see them before me when they visit Grace and Nancy.

Oh my God, it’s 3 am again, I must hit the sack or Mario will be wondering why I’m walking around with sleepy eyes all day, but now you know all about our adventures in the States. Cheers Catharina.

My dear Catharina had not been totally honest with me, because I knew that this was not the whole story. I don’t know why but she completely left out her next morning session with Rachel . It was lucky I had other sources to give me the whole picture. As mentioned before, Rachel had been e-mailing me, and she took my breath away with a detailed report of her lesbian session with Catharina after their nighttime dinner event.

Catharina had indeed visited Rachel to discuss the previous evening’s events and the conversation had turned to the subject of lesbianism. Catharina had told Rachel that her daughter Gina was in a lesbian relationship with Victoria and then of course the next logical question was if she had ever experienced sex with a woman herself. She hadn’t, well not as far as I knew anyway. Rachel had suggested seeing if she would like it.

According to Rachel, she was reluctant at first, but when Rache took her tenderly in her arms and kissed her she thawed a bit and responded to Rache’s exploration of her mouth. One thing led to another and very quickly they were removing each other’s clothes. Rache told me she could feel that Catharina was a novice in girl play but that she also turned out to be a fast learner.

After the mouth-to-mouth, Rache began to play with Catharina’s tits, quickly making her nipples pebble, after which she returned the favor by sucking on Rache’s nubs, drawing moans from her lips. From there on the ice was really broken and before each of them knew what was happening they were eating each other’s pussies out. Catharina began moaning and grunting having an orgasm in no time at all.

Rache then introduced her to scissoring, resulting in both of them reaching the ultimate pleasure, squirting all over the place. The whole session lasted close to two hours according to Rachel and left them both panting and completely satisfied. Rache wouldn’t have minded a repeat session if it weren’t for the fact that they had to leave the next day. They promised each other to find an opportunity to have another session together when Rachel and Jeff visited Rome in January.

I will definitely confront Catharina with her little secret dalliance when I see her next, maybe in the Spring of next year, when I plan to go to Rome to congratulate them on their silver anniversary. I now needed to get started arranging the promised trip to London with Grace, but unfortunately something totally unexpected came up.