Lew's Photo Studio - Book 5 by Lew Pit - HTML preview

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Chapter 43

Hellen’s surprise


I had been so enthralled by Catharina’s stories of their cruise and Florida visit that I had neglected to take care of the trip to London I promised Grace. So I’d better do something about it quickly. It’s usually pretty busy in London during the Christmas season, but I hoped to still be able to book the train and a hotel room. Eurostar proved to be no problem, I got us two seats in the business premier class.

The Hilton Metropole was slightly more difficult, especially since I wanted to book with HHonors points, but in the end, they gave me a nice room when I additionally booked a few vouchers for dinner. It was just a question of fair give and take. I had just finished everything when I heard the shop’s doorbell. When I got to the front a pleasant surprise awaited me.

“Hellen, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Everything’s OK with Dave or his camera I hope?”

“Hi Lew, don’t worry everything is OK with Dave and his camera, he barely puts it down. Not that the quality of his photos has much improved, but he is happy as a lark shooting away at me. No, the reason I’m here is to ask you, maybe, a favor?”

“My dear Hellen, you know I can’t refuse you anything. Tell me what can I do to make you happy?”

“It might be more a question of making Dave happy, well at least I hope it will make him happy, it will definitely be a surprise for him.”

“Making Dave happy and giving him a surprise? Now you make me curious, what do you have on your mind? I thought he was happily taking all kinds of nude pictures of you, or is he looking for nude pictures of you on horseback again?”

“No, horses will not be involved this time, but it could be more of a technical problem.”

“I love technical problems, please don’t keep me in suspense anymore, just spit it out. What is it you’re looking for.”

“I want to have my photo in Playboy or any other men’s magazine you can imagine.”

“I guess you came to the wrong address dear, as far as I remember their headquarters are in the States.”

“I know that silly, what I want you to do is produce a fake men’s magazine, similar to Playboy or Men Only or whichever, with my photos in it for Dave, and I was wondering if you could make that happen for me?”

“Wow, that’s a tall order, and something I’ve never done before. So what you want basically is a photobook that looks like a men's magazine?”

“YES PLEASE! Do you think you can do that?”

“I need to think a little. I can take the photos; I can print anything I want on glossy paper similar to what the magazines use; stapling shouldn’t be a problem… But to really make it look like a magazine, you would need more than photos of naked women alone, you’d need articles, letters from readers, and the like because that’s why men always say they buy Playboy, ’for the articles’ don’t they?”

“Yeah…but articles are no problem, I can write them, and as Dave is a car dealer I can get my hands on photos of fancy cars because that’s usually another one of the major topics in these publications isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is, finding ads is not going to be a problem either, nobody really cares if you copy them, on the contrary, they would love it I guess, but you’ll need some other articles besides about cars. Where are you going to get them?”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem either, I’m sure when Dave gets this magazine, he won’t bother to read the so-called articles anyway, like all other men, he’ll be far too busy ogling the pictures.”

“You might be right there, but one other thing, in these magazines there is always more than one girl in the nude; how are you going to fix that?”

“I don’t think that Dawn would have a problem with appearing in my private men’s magazine and I intend to appear more than once, wearing a wig and looking totally different. Bethany convinced me that she can make me up so I look completely different; makeup can do that for you.”

“So, you’ve already secured the services of Bethany for your scheme?”

“Yes, when I told her about it and that you would most probably be the photographer she was even eager to help me, so do you think you can handle it?”

“Give me a few days to figure out the technical aspects of the thing: how to put the magazine together and how to produce it. Would you need one copy or more?”

“If it is possible I would also like to give a copy to Dawn, especially if she agrees to appear in it, and one to Bethany, and maybe you’d like one for yourself?”

“Of course, I’d like one for myself, you know me so well. I have to warn you though it will cost a few bob, is that a problem?”

“No, if Dave can spend a load of dosh on a camera I can spend some on something like this, after all, it’s for his present.”

“OK, I’ll give you a cost estimate in a few days after I figure everything out, besides, you probably need time to prepare for this shoot anyway.”

“Yes, I will need a full beauty treatment at Bethany’s and I will need to go shopping at Astrid’s in her lingerie department, I will need different sets for the different parts in the magazine. Oh yeah and before I forget you will also need to include the photos you took of me on horseback.”

“But they’re on Dave’s camera.”

“Come on Lew, you can convince me of just about anything, but not that you didn’t keep copies for your private collection!”

“OK - guilty as charged.”

“Now I recognize you again! So how much time do I have before the actual shoot?”

“Let’s see, today’s Tuesday, how about Friday?”

“Sounds good, when should I be here?”

“Well we will need to take a lot of photos and Beth will need time in between to change your appearance… We’d better start at 10 am, and count on it taking the rest of the day and even early evening, so you should make sure Dave won’t wonder where you are.”

“Friday is no problem, he usually gets together with his buddies to play poker, and as long as the fridge is filled with beer and the bar with booze and ice he won’t even notice I’m not there. I’ll tell him I’m going shopping with the girls and will have dinner with them afterwards. As Beth is one of them, even if he did check, which I’m sure he won’t, I’ll be OK.”

“Excellent, Friday it is. I’ll let Jada know she will have to run the shop on her own and nobody is allowed in the studio, not even her.”

“Why? Does she sometimes come into the studio unannounced?”

“She did once when I was photographing my favorite Thai masseuse Mila. In the end, it turned out OK, I’d even say for the better, but both girls were stunned when she walked in, not expecting anybody to still be there. Since that incident, I put a red light above the door and when it’s on she’s not allowed in or to let anybody else in. So see you Friday, unless I can’t solve the technical side. To help me with that, how soon can you send me the fake articles?”

“I’ll work on that tomorrow. By the end of the day, you’ll have already a number, I’ll use large fonts, especially on the titles, and some nice big pictures of cars.”

“Excellent I’ll get Jada to start on the mockup so that maybe we can already show you something on-screen by Friday.”

Hellen walked out of the shop with a huge smile on her face, while my face showed some wrinkles on my forehead as I wondered how I was going to make this happen practically - I’d never done anything like it before.

I have some skills doing drawings, and I’d spent a part of my career drawing statistics graphs to be photographed or put in books by our in-plant printing department, but doing all of that by myself was going to prove a big challenge. It was a tiring and also exciting week, trying out different new processes and techniques but also looking forward to what, most probably, would be a very long photo session with a gorgeous enticing woman. It could even be several, who knows spread over multiple days, as she intended to look completely different for each shoot.

So in a way, I couldn't wait till it was Friday but found myself almost running out of time with the publishing stuff. It was a good thing that Jada had learned about printing, mounting texts, and those kinds of things in school: she proved to be invaluable for this whole process. I ended up promising her a little extra for her paycheck, which she appreciated.

Finally, Friday had arrived, I hadn’t slept very well, so I was up at 6 instead of my usual 7. I just had some tea, as I couldn’t eat a bite, purely because of my nerves. I hadn’t been this nervous since I was in Bangkok so many years ago and went to one of the massage parlors. I did get a fantastic blowjob, but on returning to the hotel I realized what a risk I had taken having that unprotected.

When I returned from that trip I went straight to my GP, luckily the test for HIV was negative just the same as the one I took 6 months later, but those days between the sex and the return home cost me a couple of nights of sleep. There was only one good thing about it: I had eaten so little during that time, because my stomach was completely cramped by the stress, that I lost a few kilos.

That was a good lesson for me to always use protection when having sex with someone I don’t know! Anyway, I’m digressing, 10 o’clock sharp, both Hellen and Bethany walked into the shop. Each of them was carrying a small roller suitcase, the first I guessed with clothes, or lingerie, the second with her magical paints and brushes.

“Good morning ladies, are we ready for a fun-filled day?”

“Yes, we are!” they replied almost in unison.

“Hey, Beth you forgot your canvas.”

“Today I do strictly face and body painting Lew, my canvas for today just walked past you.”

“Have you been able to sort out the technical piece Lew?” Hellen immediately wanted to know, because if I hadn’t been able to, the whole thing would not even happen.”

I gave her a big smile, “Come and see for yourself dear,” I replied and took her to the computer room where Jada was patiently waiting, with an even bigger smile on her face than mine.

She had worked some miracle that little one, she was a true genius. She had turned the texts and car photos that Hellen had sent into genuine-looking articles to fill up the pages between the photo coverages of the nude girls. She had also made up a mock cover page and the list of all the contributors to the articles and photos as you would find in a real magazine. There were even short paragraphs to accompany the photo sets.

“Lew, before I forget, I have one special request for the photos, I want the centerfold to be like the one of Marilyn Monroe from the very first issue of Playboy. I brought you a copy I found on the internet.”

“That’s fine dear, but believe me, I won’t be needing the copy; that photo is like burned on my retina.”

“…Oh yes…I can imagine, that must be one if not, the most iconic photo in nude photography.”

“Yes it is, everybody working in that field knows that particular photograph. OK, let’s do this, follow me to the studio girls, and you Jada, you guard the fort please.”

“Yes, Master Lew!”

When we walked through, Hellen shot me a strange look, “…Master Lew?”

“You don’t know? She made me her Master and she is my sub, normally only when we go to the club, but she insists on always calling me that. I tried to convince her not to do it when we're in public, to avoid reactions like yours, but she won’t stop. In the end, I gave up, trying to convince her.”

“I see, do I conclude that you’re a member of a BDSM club then?”

Before I could answer Bethany interrupted, “Can we set up in one of the dressing rooms Lew?” she asked.

“Yes dear, take the left one, the right one was used earlier this week and hasn’t been cleaned yet.”

I sort of had hoped that Hellen would forget about her question, but no such luck, “Coming back to my question about that BDSM club, Lew…”

“Euh yes I am a member, and before you hear about it somewhere else, the club is in the cellar under this studio.”

“What, you run a BDSM club in the cellar of your studio?”

“No dear, I don’t run a BDSM or any other club in the cellar under my studio, I only rent the premises to the operator of the local BDSM club. Though I must admit, being the house photographer, I do visit regularly and that’s how I ended up being Jada’s Master.”

“Can you show me around the club one day? I presume, as the landlord, you have a spare key?”

“If you’re interested, you should bring Dave on the first Saturday of the month. They have some sort of open house promotional thing going on then, and you can pay a one-time entrance fee or even become a member.”

“Uhmm…that might be an idea, I’ve seen Dave occasionally watch porn movies with a kinky streak, you know, floggings, spanking, light torture of nipples, and things like that. So yes maybe he would be interested to see those things live for a change. It would also be very enlightening for me and we wouldn’t have to travel halfway around Belgium to find such a place.”

“OK, enough chit-chat, let’s get to work, we have a lot to do, I suggest that we start slow. I hope you brought some sexy outfits other than just lingerie?”

“Yes I did, I have a very clinging dress with a plunging neckline and a similar plunge in the back, shall I start with that?”

“OK, I know exactly what backdrop I want to use with that, go get dressed and painted. You’ve got 15 minutes.”

“Hey stop it will you, you sound like those guys in the Great British Bake-off.”

I gave her a playful pat on her bottom, enticing a small surprised squeak from her.

“That is sexual harassment, sir!” she shouted with a big smile on her face, but nevertheless, quickly made her way to the dressing room where Bethany was awaiting her patiently.

I heard her say...” What was that all about the cellar…” but the rest got lost when they closed the door. What they didn’t know was that I had video recording equipment in those dressing rooms. It was on but not recording, nevertheless, I could follow their conversation perfectly over the speakers in the studio.

“Lew was telling me he has a BDSM club in his cellar, did you know that?” I heard Hellen say to Beth.

“Of course I know, I made a bunch of paintings for them to display on the walls. We had a session with Lew’s cleaning lady because she had lost a bet with him. She modeled for the paintings while being manhandled by Lew, it was great, although, according to the president of the club he still needs to learn a lot to become a real Master.

From what I heard he became Jada’s Master for the inauguration earlier this year as she wanted to be one of the exhibits during that event like her sister. She needed a Master to look out for her and she convinced Lew to do it, seeing she is also his apprentice. A bit like Jack, who is her older sister Elisa’s Master, she also started with Jack as an apprentice electrician, and like Jada, she is very skilled and dedicated in what she does. Elisa designed and built a big chunk of Lew’s light and sound system.”

Then everything went silent as I guess Bethany went to work with her paints and brushes turning Hellen into a sex goddess. I had lowered a red backdrop similar to the ones they use at film festivals to photograph the stars, and in front of it I’d put the obligatory red carpet, it looked a bit like hell if you ask me, but yeah if it does the trick for festivals, it would do the trick for me. 14 minutes after she went in Hellen came out, well I presumed it was Hellen as I barely recognized her.

She looked like a movie star, one could feel the sexual tension building in the room. The mint green dress she wore looked as if it was painted onto her lithe body, with a plunging neckline showing the enticing valley between her boobs all the way to her belly button at the bottom. Her nipples were hard showing clearly through the tight fabric. Her lush brown curls were bunched on top of her head, with a small tiara in front to more or less control them.

The top part of the dress was also completely open at the sides, showing her conical boobs almost completely as she walked. When she turned I could see her completely nude back to just where her asscrack started. The bottom part of the dress consisted of just a wide strip of fabric in front and a similar one at the back. The sides were completely open from just below her waist, so again when she walked, you could see all of her long legs from her hips down, and with a bit of luck even her pubic area.

Her mound was clearly visible if she bent a leg or cocked her hip. Her feet were encased in “fuck me” heels, at least 6 inches high. She knew how to pose and draw all attention to her gorgeous body. I noticed she had no tan lines whatsoever, so either she sunbathed in the nude or stayed out of the sun completely.

I was clicking away like the best of the paparazzi. After a while, we jointly decided we had enough, after all the purpose was to get nude men’s magazine-type pictures. This was almost nude but not completely, this was what you could see at any film or music award festival.

“Do we go for lingerie now?” I asked so I could prepare the appropriate backdrop.

“Yes we do,” she replied as she walked away again showing her body most enticingly. When you come to think of it, a woman looks far more alluring when she is partly covered with material, even if it’s a piece of burlap. As a backdrop for the next shoot, I went for the lady's boudoir, the one with the chaise longue. In my mind, I was picturing the paintings of reclining women in their underwear by Pino Daeni.

When she came out again, she took my breath away.

This time she wore a long flowing blond wig with very long hair, not as long as Dawn’s but not much shorter either. But it was the lingerie outfit she wore that was stunning. I had to command the beast back to its cage, unfortunately without much success. The ensemble was black with just a few white highlights. The lacy bra, slightly see-through, was hugging her tits as if it was custom-made for her, but what really threw me was the sheer black stockings to mid-thigh held up by a tiny black garter belt with an almost invisible coordinated black thong over it.

When she turned I could only see the tiny string around her waist. The one at the back, going between her thighs to the tiny little triangle of material in front, had almost disappeared completely in her asscrack. The shoes were the same as she wore with the dress before.

I have no idea why but most men go absolutely crazy when a woman wears stockings and a garter belt. I remember when I was young and sitting in the office at my desk over lunchtime and one of the girls in the office was standing two rows away in front of my desk. She was bent over talking to one of my colleagues and I could just see the top of her stockings held up by a garter belt and the oh-so-enticing strip of white flesh just above them. I almost creamed my pants, that vision too was burned on my retina for the rest of my life.

Hellen walked towards me with a smoldering look in her eyes, turned, put one hand behind her head, gave me a wink over her shoulder, and sat down on the chaise longue facing me. I gave her a hand mirror and a hairbrush and took a position so I had a perfect view of her side and part of her back.

“Pretend you are in your boudoir and you are preparing for a night out, looking in your handheld mirror as you are brushing your hair. I want to see your face in the mirror, so please turn it slowly until I have that view and I’ll let you know.”

Hellen began to slowly turn the mirror until it reached the desired position when I shouted “Stop!” before starting again clicking away. When I had the required shots I took the mirror and brush back and instructed her to lie down on the sofa, with one hand behind her head in the style of the paintings depicting barely clad women.

“OK Hellen, time to show a bit more skin, after all, we want nude pictures for the magazine, so, please stand up again, your back to me, and unclasp your bra. When you’ve done that, turn to me again, remove it, and display those fantastic boobs. Then spread your arms and let the bra dangle from the index finger of your right hand.”

“Perfect. OK, next, lose the bra, let me put it safely away for you, sit on the floor in front of the sofa with your back to it, put your elbows on the seat, stomach in and boobs out, legs closed and straight out.”

After taking various shots from different angles, it was time to take things a touch further, so I asked her to remove her thong and expose her pussy. I knew she had a gorgeous cunt, but the last time I saw it in the woods, she still had a small patch of heart-shaped pubic hair; that was now completely removed.

“Ah, had a wax treatment at Beth’s have you?”

“Yes, I thought that for this photo shoot it was better completely hairless.”

“I love it! OK now we are going for the real sexy look, stay where and as you are but bend your knees and open your legs, begin slowly, and increase as we go.”

I must say I was fascinated by her gorgeous mound. I already knew that it was a textbook pussy but now completely hairless, I had to be careful not to start to drool.

“OK, to close this session, let’s have you again on the chaise longue, but this time with one arm outstretched behind your head, make yourself as long as possible and put the hand of your other arm on your cunt as if you are masturbating.”

“Do I have to pretend, or can I actually do it?”

“If you want to I have no problem, on the contrary, but I can’t vouch for my reaction of course,” I said with a wink.

I had already detected an aroma of arousal in the room and had seen a few tiny glistening drops on her pussy lips so if she wanted to go for it I certainly didn’t mind it would only make for more arousing photos.

She settled on the chaise and let her hand slide over her boobs and stomach towards her pubic area, beginning to make light slow circular movements over her cunt. Fairly quickly the movements increased in speed and I began hearing wet sloshing sounds when all of a sudden I saw her middle finger disappear between her pussylips, her thumb continuing the circular motion over her clit.

Her breathing became faster and she began to moan ever so lightly. The hand behind her head had already long moved to her boobs where she pinched her nipples one by one. The hand in her pussy changed position as she tried to reach deeper inside and upwards stroking her G-spot.

Within almost seconds I saw her tense up completely, arching her back, her stomach going quickly in and out, her breathing like a steam engine at full power, and her moaning reaching for higher decibels. Strangely I was thinking “there goes my beautiful chaise longue,” as she squirted all over it, her mouth wide open without any sound coming out when she reached her absolute high.

It took her several minutes to come down, but when she finally opened her eyes she looked flushed and a little guilty at me.

“I’m so sorry for ruining your beautiful chaise Longue, I’ll have it cleaned or refurbished, whatever is needed to make it beautiful again.”

“That’s OK Hellen, it was absolutely stunning to watch you, I rarely see a woman cum without having to help her to reach that height. I did take a lot of pictures, but I don’t think we’ll be able to use them for your magazine: they would turn it into a porn magazine I think. “

“OK when you’re good, let’s continue, go see Beth for your next act, but before can you tell me what other outfits you have in store for the other fictitious characters?”

“We have a very similar outfit to this one in white, but the bra and panties are open fronts. Then we have a sort of red corset which displays my boobs nicely on top, with stockings which I want to wear without panties with an oriental type wig and special make-up to make me look oriental and then, of course, complete nudity for the Marilyn pose.”

“Sounds great.”

“Maybe we do the oriental thing last as it requires full-body make-up.”

“Excellent, so now we go for the white open bra and open crotch outfit?”

“Yes, give me 20 minutes to put it on and change the make-up so that I look different again, at least as much as possible.”

“OK, I’ll have a cup of coffee while I ponder on what backdrop I want to use with that very revealing white outfit.”

“Yes, please bear in mind I’ll wear a red wig with it.”

“That’s good to know, I’ll have to go with something darker and greenish then maybe?”

“Sounds good, but hey you’re the photographer.”

Thinking of the white outfit, maybe I’d better choose the den backdrop with a desk, where I could display her beautifully. For the green touch, I added some potted plastic plants. When she came out again I was blown away once more, those conical tits were sticking through the bra, the erect nipples pointing directly at me. Her pussy, oh my God the way it was displayed, I had to restrain myself not to immediately attack it with my mouth.

“You’re here to photograph her Lew. Keep it together!”

The outfit was completed by a pair of white hold-ups with her feet in color-coordinated even higher heels than the black ones she wore with the first outfit.

“OK, Hellen, can you please take up a position just in front of the desk, your back to me, legs slightly spread then bend over and put your hands on it please.”

“Why was I making my life so difficult?” I wondered, getting even more aroused by the way her cunt and ass were displayed in this position, but hey if this gets me aroused, I’m certain that the pictures will have the same effect on whoever looks at them, and that was, in the end, the whole purpose of this exercise. When I’d taken all the shots I deemed necessary in this pose, I asked her to turn around and lean back with her hands behind her on the desk.”

“Wow, that’s difficult to keep my balance!”

“It is but you look absolutely stunning that way, oozing sex.”

After a number of shots from different angles, I asked her to remove the bra and panties, and just keep the stay-ups on, climb on top of the desk and take up a position on all fours, doggy style.

“That’s a position I’ve seen the models on Mormon Girlz adopt several times, now arch your back and stick out your bum, again legs slightly open, please.”

She looked ravishing that way, her tits hanging down nicely, making them look even bigger than they were, her arched back adding to the effect, while also bringing out the best of her glorious behind.

I couldn’t resist taking a few close-ups of her moist pussy with the outer lips slightly opened giving just a hint of the innies. After a few shots, I changed the focus point so that between her legs I had her boobs in focus with her pussy slightly blurred in the foreground. This was so alluring I couldn’t resist placing a kiss on her cunt. When I did, she gave a small surprised yelp and moaned.

“Oh yes, that feels good, can you keep doing that pleeeaaaase!”

“Maybe later, but for now we have to get through the photoshoot, so sorry.”

I let her take up any pose she wanted, one of which was her sitting at the corner of the desk, legs dangling down opening up her pussy lips with her fingers, diddling her clit. I got a vague suspicion that she had also seen some of the Mormon Girlz videos. God, she knew how to make a man crazy with desire.

Finally, I wanted her completely nude and told her to lose the stockings and lie flat on her back on the desk, stretch out completely, legs together, arms stretched as far as she could above her head, pulling in her stomach so it formed a hollow pit, pushing her ribcage and boobs out in the process.

I took loads of pictures from the side after which I moved to her feet and asked her to bring her legs straight up in the air, first tightly together and then to open them slowly, as wide as she could. This gave me ample time to take dozens of pictures as her pussy slowly revealed itself and became more and more visible ending with open cuntlips.

We decided that there wasn’t much else we could get out of this setting and she returned to the dressing room, but before she did I suggested we take a break for lunch.

“Excellent, I’m starving and parched from all these hot lights and the contortions you make me do, let me slip into a robe so that Beth and myself can join you.”

I had prepared a chef’s salad à la Lew, light and healthy, with various sorts of lettuce, chunks of lobster, a dash of cocktail sauce, and different snack tomatoes, all accompanied by a chilled white Meursault. For dessert my signature Dame Blanche, but minus the whipped cream, in deference to keeping the ladies’ figures in shape.

“So girls what do we have in mind for this afternoon’s session or sessions?”

“We have the red corset outfit, with my boobs uncovered and nicely pushed up, red stockings, held up by the straps on the corset, similar to a garter belt, and “fuck-me” red stiletto shoes. But first I would like to go for the center page Marilyn shoot as the corset thing would be worn by an oriental type girl and that requires full-body make-up, which the Marilyn shoot doesn’t,” Hellen replied.

Bethany completed by saying that it would take a bit longer to do the full make-up for what we now referred to as “The Oriental” shoot.

“Excellent, so two more outfits then?”

“I guess so unless you have something else in mind?”

“You mentioned Dave’s interest in more kinky stuff, how about we do a shoot involving some bondage?”

“Yes, that's an excellent idea, and do you think we can do it in your cellar?”

“It would make it look genuine of course, but I’ll need to ask permission from Tanja to do that.”

“Can you call her?”

“No need, she’s there, tonight is a big night for her, Fridays usually are and she’s always there well before opening to make sure everything is tip-top for her members; they pay enough to expect a top service at the clubhouse.”

“Oh yeah, how much is the membership fee?”

“I’m not sure exactly, but I’ve seen amounts of up to ten thousand Euro for a year.”

“Wow that’s steep, must be some kind of club though.”

“Yes it is, let me go down and check with her if it would be OK for us to come down later this afternoon, before opening time, and do a photoshoot of say half an hour tops.”

“Great, thanks Lew, I appreciate it. That would definitely make our issue extra special.”

I went down while the girls got ready for the Marilyn shoot to have a chat with Tanja. She had no problem with it, provided we were out of there at the latest 6 pm and she could have a copy of the magazine. Maybe I should bring this thing out in larger numbers, or even start my own men’s magazine. I sure hope that Jada has found a nice name for it, one that isn’t subject to copywriting.

When I got back up, Hellen was already waiting for me.

Of course, the next shoot was the Marilyn shoot and that was simply her, completely nude, on a red piece of cloth. I quickly pulled down a red backdrop to mimic the backdrop used by the photographer in 1953 for the world-famous nude photoshoot of “La Monroe” for the first issue of Playboy magazine.


The trick was now to get Hellen to take the exact pose Marilyn took. It was a good thing that in the original photo Marilyn’s pussy was not really visible, as in those days women still sported pubic hair, which had been expertly removed from Hellen’s pubes by Bethany and I bet Bethany hadn’t foreseen a cunt wig. For the shoot, Hellen had put on a blonde Marilyn wig. To make it easy I had dug up the original photo from 1953 or a copy anyway to show to Hellen. She immediately saw what pose she needed to take, but I needed to tweak it a little bit.

“When you put your right arm behind your head, you need to position it so that your right eye is almost completely covered. Push your boobs out as much as you can, the fingers of your left hand slightly spread, your legs tucked in as much as possible and I only want to see the toes of your left foot peek from under the right one. When you smile, only show your upper teeth. I need to see some of your blonde curls over your left shoulder and pull in your stomach a little, not too much, as a slight bulge is required to match the pose to a T.

Excellent hold that pose. “

She was s good she could easily have taken the place of Marilyn in that magazine.

“Now we move to the second pose, lie on your left side, stretched out completely, so your right leg, your body, and your left arm form almost one continuous line. Bend the knee of your left leg and tuck your foot under your right leg behind the knee. Bend your right arm so that your shoulder is partly hiding your chin and lift your hand into your hair. Your head needs to be bent backward, looking straight into the camera, and most important push out those tits.”

I had a small ladder close which I climbed to take the picture from above.

“One last pose and then we’ll stop with this, sit on your knees facing the wall, your upper body turned my way, legs bent, of course, feet next to each other, arms up with your hands behind your head, elbows out, your hair all to one side and…”

“Push out my boobs! Yes, I know by now Lew.”

“Good girl! I’ll make a real sex goddess out of you yet!”

With the three iconic poses of the late Marilyn Monroe, we had enough for the centerfold and accompanying pictures of our fake magazine. Hellen returned to the dressing room, but not before I stopped her to take a closer look at her nipples - they looked different somehow.

“Your nipples look different darling, what’s changed?”

“You only notice it now? Beth made them a shade darker, to match Marilyn’s more, mine are unfortunately rather pale.”

“That’s it, all the time I was thinking, what’s different about her and I couldn’t put my finger on it,” I said while I did put a finger on each of her delectable nipps, drawing a little gasp from her lips.

“Would you like to play some more? You know I just love it.”

“No darling we need to move on, when the whole shoot is over and you still feel like it, I’ll make sure you go home a happy woman. Now git, I’m looking forward to seeing that oriental look.”

“It’ll take a while, Beth said at least half an hour but she’ll come and tell you when I’m ready should you be somewhere else.”

“I won’t be far, just with Jada in the shop, computer, or print room to see if she needs assistance with anything.”

Beth found me 45 minutes later in the print room.

“OK let’s go see our oriental woman,” I said going back to the studio.

I was again blown away, I didn’t recognize Hellen anymore, she almost looked like a carbon copy of my favorite Thai masseuse Mila. Black half-long straight hair a slight tan, deep dark nipples, and what made her look so different was the make-up Beth had applied to her eyes, they really looked Oriental now.

She wore, as she had said, some sort of red corset with her boobs sticking out of the top - that’s how I could immediately see the different color of her nipps. The corset stopped just above her pussy, leaving it free to be admired, with no panties whatsoever, so direct access was encouraged. The red stockings going to her upper thigh were held up by the built-in garter straps of the corset. Finally, her feet in red stilettos with 6-inch heels obliging her to thrust her pelvis forward to maintain her balance.

I made her take the most alluring poses I could think of in front of a mockup oriental garden. I’m sure that Dave would never recognize his wife in these photos, Christ I barely recognized her, and I saw her live. In tribute to the amount of time and effort Beth had put in turning Hellen into an oriental woman, I took my time to take hundreds of photos, some of which I’m sure will end up on the walls of her beauty parlor, face only, of course, we wouldn’t want to create the idea that Beth was running a brothel.

When we came to a close, Hellen needed to take a shower to return to her Caucasian self again, before we descended to the dungeon. I was very curious how Hellen would react when Tanja put her through some “light” BDSM play. That was one of the conditions I had to agree to for the use of the facility, though I sort of ‘inadvertently’ forgot to mention that to Hellen.

Showered and with all make-up removed, Hellen came down with me in a robe wearing a black mask, one of her conditions for not wanting to be recognizable in the pictures we were about to take.

Beth joined us like she did when we were doing the thing with Petra. She was curious to see how Hellen would react to some BDSM play. I asked Jada to join us and bring her camera too. It’s always useful to have different angles of a scene to work with, and it would be a good learning experience for her.

We took the inside route, which was another surprise for Hellen.

“I had no idea you had direct access to this club, do you go down often?”

“No, not really, only if I meet a novice who wants to be introduced to the kinky world of BDSM like yourself, or if Tanja asks me to take pictures or shoot some video.”

Coming in, Tanja quickly joined us.

“Is this the person who wants to experience what it’s like to achieve pleasure through pain?”

“Yes Tanja, meet Hellen, and Hellen, meet Tanja, Mistress extra-ordinaire.”

“Pleased to meet you, Tanja.”

“From now on you will address me as Mistress and lose the robe., I want to look at that beautiful body of yours and see for myself if I can still trust Lew’s judgment concerning female beauty.”

I had warned Hellen she’d be better to follow Tanja’s orders and follow them without question and fast, so she took off the robe and handed it to me, and took the slave wait position, not uttering one word.

“I see someone already gave you some training, excellent; I guess it was Lew?” she said looking directly at Hellen.

“Yes, Mistress,” Hellen replied.

“Did he tell you about a safeword?”

“Yes Mistress, my safeword is Uriel.”


“Yeah, that’s the name of her horse,” I clarified.

“I see,” she replied, when all of a sudden out of the blue, she barked, “Inspection!”

Hellen jumped to the inspection position, legs slightly spread, hands behind her head, boobs out, stomach in.

“I’m impressed Lew, you trained her well,” she said looking at me, maybe to check if I was taking photos? I was fervently doing just that, starting from the moment we had walked in.

Beth stood very close beside me looking on, not uttering a sound, and looking a bit frightened. Tanja let her hands slide over Hellen’s upper arms moving toward her upper body. When she came to Hellen’s boobs, she let her thumb go over the nipple, which immediately became erect.

“Excellent, good reaction as well, I like it. Let’s see how this sub reacts to pain.”

Tanja pinched Hellen’s erect nipple with her thumb and index finger causing a sharp intake of breath, then she used it to pull out her boob and finally twisted it viciously around. This resulted in a high-pitched yelp, but without uttering a word. Tanja looked her straight in the eyes, but Hellen kept on looking directly ahead.

“Nice, I’m curious how much she can take Lew,” she said to me, “let’s begin by collaring her,” which she immediately did; I hadn’t even noticed she had a collar in her hand. When it was in place, she attached a leash and pulled Hellen towards the St. Andrews Cross and attached her to it.

“Do you have sensitive nipples, Hellen?” Tanja asked nicely, totally out of character of the role she had assumed, so I expected Hellen to be in for a surprise whatever answer she gave.

Thrown a bit by the friendly way Tanja asked her the question, she replied, “Uh, yes Tanja.”

“MISTRESS!” Tanja barked, “you’ve earned yourself fifteen lashes for insubordination sub, your nipples will feel very sensitive when I’m done with them.”

Hellen looked flabbergasted not immediately grasping what was happening to her and why she had earned herself fifteen lashes, and fifteen lashes with what?

“You count them and thank me every time I hit you, slave!”

“Yes Mistress,” Hellen whispered.

Tanja showed five different types of floggers, “as you are new I’ll give you the privilege of choosing your instrument of punishment, choose wisely because the intensity of the pain you will feel depends largely on the one you chose.”

Hellen was presented with a small collection of instruments of discipline, she had the choice of a cane, very painful as far as I knew, a 1.5 m horsewhip, a riding crop with a fairly large leather tab at the end, a fearful-looking flogger with multiple leather very colorful narrow thongs, and the last one with just two thin black leather thongs.

I think she had watched some BDSM porn movies herself and chose wisely, the one I knew would be the least painful, the flogger with the narrow colorful thongs. Nevertheless, applied continuously to the same spot with reasonable force, it could still be very painful indeed, but Tanja knew she was dealing with a novice and would only try to scare her.

Over time I got to know Tanja pretty well and she loved to inflict pain but she was not a sadist, who inflicted pain just to hurt, Tanja always had the pleasure aspect of this BDSM art very much at the top of her mind. She gave me a knowing look that spoke louder than words,

“This girl clearly knows what’ll cause the least pain to her gorgeous body, she might not be a complete novice after all.” she thought.

“You ready slave?” Hellen wisely just nodded, while Tanja began swishing the flogger in the air, already creating an atmosphere of fear, and then when least expected, she hit Hellen with the tips right on her boobs.

After a second’s hesitation, Hellen shouted, “1…thank you, Mistress!” Looking me in the eye as if asking if she’d done well. I nodded almost imperceptibly, giving her courage. The first one was followed by a series of 4 strokes directly on her tits, each with a few seconds pause in between.

Hellen counted nicely to 5 and thanked Tanja each time. After those, Tanja approached Hellen and let her free hand glide over Hellen’s boobs, to make sure there was no broken skin anywhere. Hellen gave a moan of pleasure when Tana did this, always a good sign that the pain/pleasure approach was working.

The next four lashes were directed at her upper thighs. Again Hellen followed nicely with the counting and thanking her Mistress, who, at the end of this series of lashes, checked again if Hellen’s skin was in order before continuing.

Tanja’s final target was Hellen’s abdomen and pussy, which could well be a bit more painful as I knew Tanja was a master at hitting a woman’s clit with just the tips of the flogger. That would definitely be more painful than when she would hit with the full bundle of the straps, particularly on such a sensitive part, but from experience, I knew that the reward would also be a lot bigger in the end, usually giving the floggee an orgasm.

To prepare Hellen better for the reward at the end, Tanja first put her hand between Hellen’s legs and gave her a nice enticing rub, parting her pussylips with her middle finger to draw out some of the juices that were already flowing freely and spread them a bit wider.

The first hit was across her abdomen, well above her pussy, tickling her cute navel.

Hellen said demurely, “10, thank you, Mistress.” I could see from her reaction that she was becoming seriously aroused. Her nipples had almost doubled in size since the beginning of the flogging. Her body was pinking up nicely, not only from the flogging but also because of her blood racing through it.

Tanja continued in the same rhythm she had adopted from the beginning.

“11, thank you, Mistress.” Swish, “12, thank you, Mistress.” Then I saw Tanja change her position and I knew what was coming. When it came, it completely surprised Hellen as she was hit directly between her legs on her cunt. I heard a sharp intake of breath before she continued with her counting.

“13, thank you, Mistress!” A bit louder this time. Now it became interesting as I was indeed expecting Tanja’s signature hit. I saw her concentrating, swirling the flogger close to Helen’s cunt but just not touching it yet. I heard Hellen take a breath to say the number, but she stopped just in time, realizing Tanja was toying with her, preparing her for the final two hits she was certain were going to fall directly on her pussy and maybe even her clit. She was right.

Tanja swirled and I could almost see the tips of the flogger kiss Helen’s clit resulting in a loud yelp, followed by an even louder moan, but she kept her wits about her and shouted “14, thank you, Mistress!” The last one followed extremely quickly putting her over the line. I saw her body tense up in orgasm, not an earth-shattering one at first, but still, I would give it an eight.

It was a good thing that Hellen didn’t have to count or thank her Mistress because she was out of this world for at least 10 to 15 seconds enjoying the orgasmic convulsions her body was experiencing. Within that short period, Tanja approached Hellen inserting a couple of fingers in her pussy followed by some rapid in and out movements, making the orgasm last just that bit longer and maybe even bringing it up to a nine on the orgasmic scale after all.

I’d shot dozens of photos throughout the flogging, especially towards the end when she had orgasmed most expressively. I’m sure these would look astonishing in the magazine, and would certainly give Dave an orgasm as well when he looked at them.

Tanja detached Hellen from the cross and dragged her to the center of the room and attached her wrists to the winch, after which she activated it pulling her up until she was dangling about a foot and a half above the ground. Hellen looked astounding, stretched to the maximum, lean, her tits and ribcage sticking out, with her stomach completely hollow when she breathed in, seemingly completely surprised with what was happening to her.

She didn’t have to wait very long to find out what was to follow. Tanja first took her left ankle, attached a cuff and cord to it, and pulled as far as it would go to the side attaching it to a ring in the floor. The right ankle quickly followed. Hellen was now suspended in mid-air in the form of an inverted Y, her pussy again very available for some more play.

Jada had been shooting away as I had, but now I wanted to continue on my own and have her man, or better yet woman the shop again, so I sent her back up. At first, she looked a bit disappointed but understood that we couldn’t leave the shop closed for too long. She thanked me for the opportunity, and I promised her to try to incorporate at least one of her photos in the magazine.

I was curious about what Tanja would be coming up with next. I didn’t have to wait very long. She dragged this strange contraption in front of Hellen. It seemed to be a pole, adjustable both for height and angle, mounted on a heavy base with a Magic wand attached to the top of it. It most closely resembled a microphone stand, and I immediately got the picture: Hellen was in for some serious edging. She adjusted the pole so that the round head of the magic wand was nicely pressed against her pussy, parting her moist lips, and rested the bulbous end against her nubbin, which was already very sensitive from the flogging. She switched it on to low.

Very quickly, Hellen began to moan, trying to move away from the tormenting vibrations insofar as it was possible in the position she was in. The only thing she could do was try to pull herself up slightly higher, but that put a tremendous strain on her already stretched arms and was almost impossible due to her legs being attached to the floor. When Tanja saw her futile squirming she switched the wand to high and left Hellen hanging. She walked over to Beth and took her on a tour of the room as if they were wandering around a gallery looking at the paintings on the walls.

“What do you think Beth, have we done justice to your lovely paintings?”

“Yes you have, I like the way they are displayed, next to the contraption they’re depicting,” Beth replied looking over her shoulder at how Hellen was doing, “ can we leave her hanging like that?”

“Sure, she can take it, she’ll have a couple of orgasms before starting to complain, don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

“If you’re sure, but I can hear her breathing very heavily. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.”

“Lew’s looking after her, he’ll make sure she’s OK. I’m sure he’s having a ball taking all those pictures of her face and body, now she’s agreed to remove the facemask. Her face will look superb as she orgasms and I asked him to warn us if something goes wrong or if she can’t take it anymore; he’s not her Master so she can speak freely with him.”

Hellen was sweating profusely, squirming like crazy, her pussy gushing fluids. I’d never seen a woman cum so many times in a row and even so when I asked her if she was OK she nodded her head.

“It’s…” gasp, “unbelievable…” gasp, “it hurts and feels so good…at the same time,” gasp, “I don’t know…” gasp, “how much more…” gasp, “I can take…” gasp, gasp, “Oh God, I’m coming again…”

Her face looked as if she was suffering tremendously but she kept going. All she had to do was say her safeword and I would switch the damn thing off and release her, but her need to cum was clearly greater than her need to stop.

When Tanja and Beth returned from their little walk Tanja said, while letting her hand slide over Hellen’s butt, “So how’s our cute little slave doing here?“ “I think she may need some extra stimulation on her backside, don’t you think Lew?” she said looking in my direction with an evil smile on her face while she picked up the flogger again making circular movements with it and beginning to hit Hellen’s back and butt. After a couple of hits, it brought on yet another orgasm for the tormented girl.

I saw that her juices kept dripping along her thighs, legs, and feet puddling on the floor, creating a small wet patch under each of them and in the middle under the wand. Hellen was breathing hard and fast trying to keep up with all the feelings her body was experiencing. I didn’t think she could hold on much longer - I’d lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had hanging there.

“Shall we call it a day slave or do you want to continue for a little bit more?” Tanja asked.

“No Mistress.”

“Ah, you want to go on, great!”

“No Mistress, please I can’t take it anymore.”

“What do we say when we want to stop slave?”

“Uriel, URIEL!” Hellen shouted at the top of her voice.

Tanja immediately switched the wand off and took it away from Helen’s red hot overstimulated pussy, uncuffed her feet, and lowered her to the floor. When Tanja then finally detached her hands, Hellen slumped down and curled up in a fetal position, a few remaining orgasmic spasms shooting through her naked body. I quickly put the robe over her so she wouldn’t get too cold on the concrete floor. After a good ten minutes, she looked up and gave me a smile.

“You OK?” I asked.

“Yes I’m fine, but it was intense; I never orgasmed so many times in such a short time.”

“I can imagine but was it OK for you?”

“Yes it was, my pussy hurts and I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck but it’s a good feeling, but I would like a nice hot shower now if you don’t mind?”

‘No, of course not, I can imagine you do, let’s get you upstairs.”

Hellen turned to Tanja, bowed her head, and said, “Thank you Mistress for giving me that experience.”

Tanja gave her a nice smile, “the pleasure was all mine slave you’re welcome to return any time you like.”

When we got back to the studio, Beth packed her stuff and Hellen hit the shower in the dressing room. I stayed around to make sure she was OK. All of a sudden she opened the shower door just a fraction and asked, “ Lew are you still there?”

“Yes dear I’m here is everything OK? Do you need anything?”

“Yes, you!”

“I’m here and I'm not going anywhere.”

“I need you to come in here!”

“In the shower you mean?”

”Yes, I want you to hold me in your arms.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes please hold me!”

What could I do, it was after all I who’d suggested the BDSM photoshoot, so I’d better make sure she was OK. I undressed quickly and joined her in the shower. She moved her back to me so I could fold my arms around her naked body and hold her tenderly. All I wanted to do was comfort her but I’ve got this treacherous organ between my legs I have no control over and as you can imagine it deceived me in a very embarrassing way settling in her asscrack.

“Wow Lew, your appendage seems to be happy to not only see but also feel me.”

“Yes I’m sorry about that but after all that posing and seducing the camera you did today, and now actually feeling your hot body against mine, I’m afraid I fail to keep the thing under control.”

“Don't fret, it feels good, after all, it’s been quite a while since I felt it and this time there aren’t even any horses around, besides you can do me a favor while you’re back there, my pussy is a bit overworked after Tanja’s games, but my backdoor was largely neglected. First, let me make sure your cock is really up to the task.”

She turned abruptly and squatted coming face to face with my already fairly hard cock and gave the head a tantalizing lick with her agile tongue. I knew from our previous encounters this girl was a master at cock sucking, so I braced myself to keep any orgasm at bay bearing in mind she wanted me to sodomize her, which in itself was extremely stimulating, so I quickly reverted to my lessons from Alicia to keep hard but not to cum.

Although she had said she wanted me to fuck her ass, she really went to work on my dick with her mouth, using every trick of the book to destabilize me. She licked around the rim just under the glans giving the very sensitive patch on the underside special attention.

Then she sucked the head into her mouth taking more and more of my penis further in until she reached my mons with her lips, my balls resting against her chin. On the way down, her tongue had performed every imaginable trick on the underside with finally a lick around the balls.

After she slid up again and let it pop out of her mouth, she went properly to work on my balls, first taking each separately in her mouth and tea bagging them. When both had had their separate dunking, she tried to get both of them together in her mouth, and she succeeded, something no other woman had ever achieved in my lifetime, well not with my balls that is.

She then grabbed the shaft in one hand and the balls in the other lifted everything and began licking my perineum she even made an excursion to my little brown star and although I’m pretty scared of someone entering my backdoor it did feel extremely stimulating. It was hard, extremely hard not to let go and orgasm there and then but I sort of had committed to the task of pleasuring her anal passage, so I slowly but carefully took her by the arms and lifted her up.

When she was again standing I kissed her mouth that had been pleasuring my already hot genitals. The whole thing had also had a clear effect on her body as I felt her rock-hard nipples poke into my chest when I put my arms around her and drew her against my chest.

Now came the hard part, I grabbed her hips, turned her around, and bent her forward, not easy in a wet and slippery shower, even a fairly sizable one. She cooperated to the full sticking her ass out to me and holding her buttocks open with both hands.

I grabbed my cock and brought it in position at her puckered asshole and pushed, gently at first but when I didn’t make any progress I pushed harder and felt her sphincter give way and the head slipped in. Once that part was in I grabbed both her hips with my hands and pushed forward sliding all the way in.

I heard her moan over the noise of the rushing water. She grabbed the back of my thighs to try to pull me in even further, which also helped her to keep her balance. That position proved to be a bit too strenuous so she quickly reverted to supporting herself against the wall of the shower cabin, allowing me to start fucking her ass at full speed. She moaned and her breath came in small gasps.

Now that she had her hands on the wall I could easily grab a hold of her tits, which due to my pounding, were swinging nicely back and forth. When I pinched the hard nipples she cried out in pleasure and I felt the muscles of her backchannel convulsing and contracting down on my shaft, again making it extremely difficult for me to keep my orgasm under control. But I wanted to make her cum with my dick in her ass and then cum myself in her mouth, something I knew she loved to do. After another ten strokes deep in her dark passage, she went rigid, arching her back even more and shouting at the top of her voice.

“Yes, yes keep going, I’m cumming, give it to me, aaaahhhwrrr fuck FUCK!

When she stopped shaking, I pulled out and while turning her around rinsed my cock under the streaming water. By the time she’d squatted again in front of me, it was squeaky clean and ready to invade her mouth, ready to fill it with hot sticky sperm.

I saw her cheeks hollow when she sucked me with all her might taking me in deep, to the base, the head grazing her throat. When she made that magical move with her tongue I couldn't hold it back anymore and squirted rope after rope of cum deep into her throat and filling up her mouth. She was struggling with the amount of fluid I produced, swallowing fast and hard. When it finally subsided, she looked up at me with a big smile on her face and let my cock plop out of her mouth.

“That was awesome, you always know exactly what a girl needs.”

“The pleasure was all mine dear, I’m happy when you are happy.”

“I appreciated the touch of cleaning your cock before sticking it down my throat, it's the little things that always make it a pleasure to play with you.”

“I cannot imagine that any woman would like to suck a dick that comes straight out of her ass, especially when it was unexpected and she hadn’t had time to clean herself beforehand, I wouldn’t like it, not that I would like to suck dick in the first place."

“No, I gathered that you’re strictly hetero, but now for something entirely different, when do you think the magazine will be ready?”

While I handed Hellen a bathrobe and donned one myself, I started calculating in my head, going over the different phases of the process we needed to go through to make it happen.

“I’ll have to check with Jada when she will be available because she will be the one doing most of the work and there are always days she needs to go to school. Once the base file is made, the printing won’t take all that much time, you wanted it for Christmas didn’t you?”

“Yes, it will be Dave’s Christmas present.”

“It will be ready by then, but only just, one question about the name we can’t use a name already used by an existing publication like Playboy or Men Only or Penthouse, or even Lui, a French men’s magazine so Jada did a lot of research and came up with “The Gentleman”, there is a film with that name and the only publication Jada could find was The Gentleman’s Journal, so how does that strike you as a name?”

“Sounds great, sophisticated, not a name you would immediately associate with pictures of nude women, so yes, excellent. Dave won’t know what’s hit him when he opens it and sees all the photographs of nude women, I can’t wait to see his face when he then recognizes the models.”

“I think it would be best to start with Dawn as the first girl featured, followed by your photos on horseback, to get him in the mood for the more explicit stuff, building up to the centerfold ending with the BDSM section.”

“I bet you he’ll be creaming his pants by the time he gets to that part.”

“You might well be right about that part! You remember I’ll be expecting some texts from you to accompany the different photos?”

“Yes I know, I’ve been working on them, but can you please send me some of the pictures you will be using asap to inspire me?”

“OK I’ll be checking and sorting them out over the weekend so I could have them for you on Monday. Will you pick them up? You know my policy about sending pictures of nude women over the internet.”

“Yes I know, and we definitely don’t want these to end up in the wrong hands now do we?”

“Absolutely not, shall we say you can pick 'em up Monday around ten?”


“Now get dressed before I’m tempted to ravish you again.”

Hellen looked at me with smoldering eyes, while opening her bathrobe, “would you dare to do that to a vulnerable, innocent little girl like me…pleeeaaase?”

“Get out of here hussy and go tempt your husband.”

She burst out laughing, got dressed, packed the whole wardrobe she had brought with her for the photo shoot back in the suitcase, and walked out shaking her tantalizing ass provocatively. I already knew I was going to jerk off going over those photos.