Playing With Bhabhi


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Pages: 12

Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description

Rohit went to meet his Cousin and met her Bhabhi Deepali and her elder sister Renuka, instead of his cousin. To kill the time they all decided to play some intimate games. His Bhabhi and her elder sister intentionally turned the game into a kinky play. In lust of sex they all forgot about their family relationships. An Erotic short Romantic Love Story.This is a Sensual and Romantic Story of a Boy searching for intimate relation and found it in her Bhabhi.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Brian
    11 Apr 2023
    George Elliot is the pen name for the woman author. My motivation for reading was its recommendation as a book one must read being a classic. I could only stand to read about 100 pages and got disgusted. Way too many words to say simple things. Seems to attempt philosophical analysis of families and civilization in a roundabout way that serves better to confuse the reader. Basically, sounds like a romance novel relating the perceived foibles and anxiety of over-rich post-teen girls who have nothing else to do but express their marriage options and enjoy the life of today's billionaire heiresses.
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Naris Jaris